The Naked Marriage with Dave & Ashley Willis


A podcast dedicated to undressing the truth about sex, intimacy and lifelong love. The concerns and questions most couples have in marriage often go unspoken, until now. Hosts Dave and Ashley Willis bring wisdom, vulnerability, and humor to even the toughest marriage topics. Together, they reach millions of couples through their social media, books, videos, articles, and XO live events. They have four sons and live in Evans, GA.

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Recent Reviews
  • jwatson07
    Too many ads
    In less than 8 minutes of a 16 minute podcast, I’ve already heard 3 ads. I know they have incredible things to say, but the ads are just too much.
  • Lexxiu
    Looking for more quality..
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for many years now, and I feel like the quality of the podcasts have gone downhill a bit.. More often than not, the podcast is an interview with someone or a couple and, in that, the majority of the time is spent just getting to know them and only a brief time spent on the topic and I end up feeling shortchanged. The ads are POORLY placed and really interrupt the flow of the podcast. I miss the way they used to do podcasts and feel like the quality has really gone down
  • cJ6736
    Educate people, don’t advertise more products
    Mediocre education and advice. Promotes services instead of giving people the mindset to take control of their decisions. Example, they promote a ridiculous service called rocket money to identify excess subscriptions people have and claim save them hundreds of dollars. Teach people to review their services and subscriptions and be financially responsible. Teach habits and mindset. Teach where to get free content and alternatives, there’s so many resources. Wake people up to the fact they shouldn’t even need a service like rocket money instead of promoting it.
  • Voice fan.
    Best podcast ever
    You guys are amazing. The advice and how you present it is so thought provoking. You have such a keen insight into things and you’re lessons and stories are inspiring. I love how authentic you are. You’ve been there and aren’t afraid to let us know and share the deep stuff. I’ve been listening for about a month now. I binge listen every day. I get so much of your episodes. I truly feel they help me strive to be a better husband and Christian. I find your words of wisdom invaluable.
  • Kelly Petrohovich
    Authentic and practical
    I love this podcast- I try to listen to every one. It has been such an encouragement and inspiration for my marriage. I recommend it to every married couple. Although I fully believe in counseling, this is like free counseling in your ear buds. Thank you guys for all that you do!
  • GuidoTew
    A Must-Listen for Every Couple
    I am a new subscriber to your podcast, and I thank you already for the changes you’ve made in our marriage. Thank you for the frankness in which you address all topics, and thank you for reminding us that the Lord is THE center and bedrock of our marriage. I have already recommended your podcast to at least 5 friends in the last month since I started to listen to y’all, and I think every couple - whether considering marriage or celebrating decades together years - can learn & be reminded of inalienable truths about what marriage is and what it means. Thank you!
  • kinneyg
    Love this pod cast
    I am sooo enjoying this pod cast. I am learning so many things about myself and marriage that I never even considered. My marriage is becoming stronger through the advice from this podcast
  • rickibobbi24
    Great podcast
    Love listening and recommending this podcast to anyone who is married
  • 1TrueLove2911
    Blessed Beyond Measure
    Thank you for all you do for God and this ministry! This podcast has helped me in so many ways! God is bringing healing and restoration into my my life and my marriage! I even listen with my 18 and 20 year old in our car. I want them too; to know God’s way is always best!
  • Lady Tasha88
    Love this podcast
    I love this podcast ! May God Jesus bless them in everything they go to do in life!✝️💜👏🏾👏🏾
  • 2much Caffeine
    Great Christ-centered insights
    Helping me in multiple aspects of my marriage -thank you. Love the transparency, humor and humility.
  • Smokin' Fox
    #1 Recommendation!
    I listen to a lot of podcasts. Whenever people ask for recommendations, this one is always at the top of my list! Dave and Ashley consistently bring humor, wisdom, and practicality to a variety of topics. I love their Biblical focus for talking all things marriage. The tidbits they’ve shared about parenting make me mega excited for their coming-soon parenting podcast! Keep the great content coming, XO! Thank you Dave and Ashley for your sage advice, humility, and willingness to tackle tough topics. You are both so tactful and relatable!
  • Better than a postcard!
    The Summer of Scripture Rocks!
    My wife and I are really enjoying the Summer of Scripture episodes. Bite sized chunks of wisdom from each book of the Bible. Worth checking out!
  • Trisha5150
    Love this podcast!!
    The 66 days of Marriage has been AWESOME!! Can’t wait to hear what’s next!!
  • Jett'sMum
    Great series!
    I hope this summer in the Scripture is repeated next year!
  • SingLOUDPlayLOUD
    Everything boomerangs back to sex
    Sex is a big important issue for marriage. No doubt. But even when the subject matter is about something else, the hosts always bring it back to sex. Scripture is clear that husbands and wives have sexual needs, but it’s infuriating to have an abuse problem in your marriage and for most of the content of that episode to be about sex. You thought the universal church is quiet about sex, you should hear it whisper about abuse. Abusive people love to hear about sex and how they can get more of it and it will solve the marriage problems if they can balance the desires. Loving God above all and your neighbor as yourself is how to do that, but even then, it doesn’t guarantee your spouse will reciprocate godly, safe love.
  • B calvert
    Love it!
    I love this podcast so much. It helps me go threw issues and also how to be a better husband and father. Thank you very much for this gem of a podcast.
  • wrdnrd7
    Summer covered :)
    Thank you, Dave and Ashley, for everything you do in building, strengthening, and blessing marriages the world over! Ours is just one of them, yet your real-ness and “nakedness” can make us feel like we’re the one you do it for! We’re loving the Summer of Scripture series, especially since so many of our other favorite marriage podcasters are taking much deserved summer breaks; you’re keeping us filled in, filled up, and encouraged! Thank you! We love you guys!
  • 669Franklin
    Just in time!
    I found this podcast just in time- my husband and I were just struggling so much and I wanted to make some changes in myself, which your podcast help facilitate. Thank you for having a podcast to help all of us who are trying to navigate marriage in the world we live in as we try to stay true to Jesus Christ and His Gospel. It’s refreshing to hear the encouragement to stay true to the covenant of marriage. Since listening to some of your podcasts on marital sex- I have enjoyed being with my husband and just enjoying each other more than ever. We are coming up on 30 years of marriage- and I’m so grateful for the positive outlook I have by just hearing your suggestions to work together as a couple. I can truly say - you’ve helped strengthen my marriage and devotion to marriage and the power it brings to families.
  • Taeboguy
    One of my favorites!!!
    I have benefited so much from this podcast in topics of marriage and intimacy, physical, spiritual, and emotional. Timeless content that you can take and apply. My one hope is that they remove the ads that just start playing out of the blue with no warning.
  • Netty102216
    Blessed by the summer series!!
    So challenged and encouraged by this series. The reminders of the wisdom found in God’s precious word is great! Your podcast is so helpful in our marriage in giving us great biblical advice and help! Please keep up the great content!
  • Nerd king
    Great marriage advice
    We have gotten so much great, practical advice for improving our marriage. Our marriage is better because if this podcast. One piece of constructive criticism. Make a smooth transition into and out of the ad breaks rather than cutting right in the middle of the conversation. It can be jarring. Something easy like “and when we get back from the break, we’ll talk about the second point” Thanks for the great advice and podcast!
  • sbooren
    All about timing
    Ashley and Dave provide great content, no question about it. However, the mid-sentence advertisements interrupt the flow and connection that I have in listening to what they are sharing. I know that ads are important and necessary, but be intentional about where they enter the podcast. Interrupting mid-sentence totally breaks the flow of the conversation and is really distracting. Outside of this, keep up the great work! The Summer of Scripture is awesome!
  • Katiecolet16
    Great Christian Based Advice!
    Thank y’all so much for this podcast! Everyone always laughs bc I reference myself as Mamaw Katie even though I’m in my early 30s. I was not really sure what podcasts were and finally decided to explore the podcast world. I was not super impressed with any I explored until I came across The Naked Marriage Podcast! I am obsessed! Not only is it full of great relationship/marriage advice but it is Christian based. In this day and age it is so refreshing to have a source like The Naked Marriage Podcast that is open (but not pushy to nonbelievers) about what a marriage should look like and how God intends for it to be and how to work towards having the marriage God wants us to have. I have an hour and 10 minute commute to work (one way) and I binge this podcast! I love my job but was dreading the drive when I first took this position. Now I can’t wait to get in the car so I can listen to this podcast on my commute! Thank y’all again and keep shining your light for others as you always do!
  • Valleym9
    I love this podcast and Dave and Ashley. Great perspective. However, the commercials in this podcast are the worst! They interrupt a sentence. The timing is poor. Do them at the beginning or the end if you need them but right in the middle is such a turnoff and they get skipped anyhow so not doing you any good!
  • Kyle K_82
    Informative and Insightful
    Very informative and insightful. Just recently discovered this podcast, but loving it already. Keep up the great work.
  • Lash_joy
    Not Betrayal Trauma Informed
    I was very disappointed with their lack of being Betrayal Trauma Informed and then trying to educate about Porn, Infidelity, and Sexual Topics in marriage. It’s like they are trying to give directions in which they always are missing that vital piece of information which throws couples way off target. I’m sure they mean well and are doing the best with the knowledge they have but it’s severely lacking in depth and awareness of the deeper issues and sometimes even harmful advice.
  • Nikki Luby
    From a single 33 year old woman…two words, THANK YOU!
    Dave and Ashley, a lot of people ask me why I listen to a marriage Christian podcast at this stage of my life and my answer, you two truly paint a picture of what a healthy and successful faith-based marriage is. I am so grateful to have found you two and look forward to sharing what I’ve learned with my future husband some day. I know he’s out there and I know I will be an incredible wife and a lot of it has to do with you, so thank you again!
  • StephLC86
    Toxicity tied together with a pretty bow
    When I initially discovered this podcast, I found out my husband had been using porn behind my back for nearly the entire decade we had been married. I found a couple of the episodes helpful in the very beginning of my healing process, but the more I learned about how hidden porn use is psychological abuse in and of itself due to the manipulation, deception, etc that comes into play as a means to cover up the infidelity, I began to realize how toxic some of the messages are here. Sexual betrayal is not a “forgive and forget” type of situation. A victim/survivor of betrayal trauma needs immense support. Infidelity of any sort causes legitimate trauma that the betrayed spouse should seek a trauma informed therapist’s help. Some of the content here is probably helpful for an otherwise healthy marriage, but I can only bring myself to give 1 star due to the serious danger that the episodes on intimate betrayal (this includes porn use) can cause.
  • LLFoolJ
    Thank you Dave and Ashley for this podcast. Every episode I listen to releases me from another lie about sex and intimacy in my marriage. My husband and I found ourselves loosing the war on marriage this past winter. While praying and seeking Gods help to recover what is lost, my husband found this podcast. We now listen to an episode everyday and once a week we walk in the morning and listen to one as well. We have had the most fun conversations after we laugh at some of the topics and address in our marriage what is missing or what truth needs to be believed. We have 5 children ranging from 19 to 6 and our legacy is to teach them what a real marriage should look like. Thank you for restating over and over that sex is a gift from God. This wisdom has gotten so lost in our world as “everything” is pulling for our attention and the distractions are real and damaging to the most valuable relationship on the planet, our spouse. Thank you both from the bottom our my heart. And thank you for saving our Marriage with simple and easy ways to make our relationship a priority once again! Love always, the Swifts
  • Sarita7981
    I like listening to this. Especially the short Wednesday episodes. They are shorter and easier to listen to
  • Julie E Martin
    New Listener in PA!
    My best friend actually went to a Marriage conference and when she was sharing with me what she learned your podcast was on the list of resources. So glad the Title of the podcast didn’t scare me off haha!! My kids will give me the awkward look if they find it. But thank you for your biblical perspective in marriage and sex and all things relationship. This has been so needed in my life and marriage. Love listening to your easy going communications and playfulness alongside serious and deeply thought provoking topics. Love love love!
  • res67
    Mostly great!
    I love how this couple listens and responds to (not over) each other. Their content is varied, and I enjoy their guests! However, here is some constructive criticism: I think the content is simply too short. I like their humpday q&a, and then their normal podcast, but it leaves me wishing they had spent more time in their discussion. And while they speak biblically, I would ask that they use scripture in their episodes more often. It’s great to talk about biblical ways of living, but I want to know exactly what scriptures lead them to this life and way! All in all, I 100% recommend this podcast.
  • Emily from MS
    Love this!
    I’ve never listened to pod casts until my husband found this one. It’s been awesome and I can’t stop listening to it. Y’all are amazing.
  • Living for eternity
    Love this podcast!
    I believe I first saw you guys on Facebook and then found your amazing podcast! You guys are so fun to listen to! I think I’ve listed to all your episodes! I’ve even gone back and re-listened to some of them too! :) I tell others about your amazing podcast and share the link for them to listen to! Keep up the great work you guys!
  • Libis89
    Best marriage podcast!
    This podcast has been so helpful to our marriage! Always practical, fun conversations, great advice, open/honest dialogue and biblical foundations. Favorite podcast for marriage!
  • LaAsWil
    Love this duo!
    What I LOVE about these people is that they are a team for this podcast. So many podcasts about marriage the man typically talks so much more than the woman. With Dave and Ashley, it is equal! They both talk about each topic and both have passion when it comes to marriage! I feel like they are my friends after listening to all of their podcast episodes over the years! Mondays are a great day!
  • L.Cogs1
    New Listener
    I absolutely love your podcasts! My fiancé and I are getting married July of this year which we both cannot wait! He’s actually the one that introduced me to your podcasts when he came across them himself and thought they’d be beneficial for us both. We have been listening for over a month now. I can’t tell you how inspirational they are! You both are amazing. Looking forward to hearing more episode.
  • 72bank
    New listener
    Thank you for this podcast. I listen when driving to patients homes. Married for 25 years this coming October and your podcast helps to get through challenges I have and find comfort in knowing other Christians also have and have overcomed. Thank you again, God bless you all Candy
  • Klspires
    Breath of Fresh Air for Our Marriage
    I love this podcast. Dave and Ashley have such open and honest conversations about the topics that are so important for marriage. They are funny and relatable and easy to listen to. The amount of FREEDOM we have found in our sex lives since listening to the podcast has breathed new life into our marriage.
  • JFiano
    One of my favorites!
    I wish we had you guys here in our home town to do classes in person. SO much good information!
  • LagunaGirl78
    Very real!
    Dave & Ashley are very real about their struggles, and offer great encouragement for marriages.
  • BJGrand78
    Love this
    I love that they work together as a husband/wife team to encourage other husband/wife teams. I hope they aren’t done and that more is coming in 2023!
  • haley ricks
    Life changing!
    This podcast has seriously changed my marriage. We have been married 8 years and just recently came to an understanding about how unhealthy our sexual relationship had become over the years. This podcast has been so eye opening and has taught me and my husband a lot about our relationship and how important true and honest intimacy is within our marriage. Thank you for being open and sharing Gods truth about sex, intimacy, and life long love!
  • SmashAsh585
    Amazing podcasts
    I love listening to these podcasts. I’ve been married for 17 years and I listen to all of the even though I don’t feel like the title always relates to my marriage specifically. In every episode, there is AT LEAST one item I can take from from their wisdom and advice to put towards my marriage or gain understanding from a different point of view. And best of all, their humor….thank you guys for always being open and sharing your hearts.
  • Calysurfer
    Breaking barriers in more ways then one
    Thank you for breaking the barrier of communication between my husband and I. For breaking the barrier of what is looked at as “proper and prude” and allowing a freedom to enjoy SEX with my husband. Thank you for being willing to lay it all out there and have those open, naked conversations and talk and answer questions we all are asking in our private thoughts. Your talks have had a huge impact to bringing my marriage back from the dead.
  • madisonhollabaugh
    Life changing
    Dave and Ashley are incredible! They speak truth and wisdom into marriage and they are such a joy to listen to every week. They have practical tips on how to improve so many areas of your marriage while being honest and vulnerable with a sense of humor which is exactly what every marriage needs!
  • c.fles
    I love listening to this podcast! It has a little bit of everything for every situation in real life struggles and triumphs and makes you feel “normal”. Some episodes are so thought provoking for me without me even realizing it that I know that is Gods way of reaching me through this podcast. Thank you for your ministry and creating an open mind in everyone that listens in and reads your resources.
  • eyemxtinct
    Renewed Hope & Purpose
    What a breath of fresh air to hear a couple speak that has lived life and came out better than before. You have given me a renewed hope and purpose to continue to fight for my marriage even after 20 years of being married to the same women and my past porn addiction and the wilderness times. Thank you and blessings.
  • Kobe/justin
    Love you guys!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
    Praise God I’ve come across you Guys!!!! I always share this stuff with my Wife!!!! We are thank for you Dave & Ash!!!! Keep up the awesome work!!!!!
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