Garagehammer – A Warhammer Age of Sigmar Podcast


Garagehammer – A Warhammer: Age of Sigmar podcast featuring news, reviews, rumors and updates about Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, brought to you twice a month by David Witek. We will often delve into other games systems and various fandoms depending on the whims of the host.

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Recent Reviews
  • Hive Scum
    Keep it up
    Thank you Dave and Chris
  • C_L_H_8
    Great AoS podcast
    I only recently stumbled on this podcast and it has quickly become my favorite. These guys are amazing storytellers and really know their stuff to provide great depth and background for Sigmar game and lore. Highly recommend!!
  • Jake-ill
    A voice made for radio
    The main guy who does this actually sounds like a real radio DJ rather than a little wimpy nerdy Brit like all of the other GW podcasts. They are funny and really know their stuff. I really like these guys.
  • Jedril@
    Love the podcast. I really learn a lot about the lore and the hobby and could listen all day.
  • TheCrankyLawyer
    What’s with all the CHRIS-ES???
    Why? Why are all your co-hosts (of any length) Chris-es? Do you have some merch’ with “Dave and Chris” that you still haven’t moved? I mean, I like many of your Chris-es. A majority even. However, it is statistically unlikely. Even taking 1978 when Christopher was the #3 name for boys in the US, beating out #4 David, it was only 2.77% of the names. There is only a .0021253933% chance that (assuming all co-hosts were birthed in a similarly Chris heavy year) that your 3 longest running co-hosts would all be a Chirs. What gives? Was there a Christine in your past that scorned you? Your adoring public wants to know! - The Cranky Lawyer
  • JMpics
    Come For The Lore, Stay For The Vibe
    These guys love the lore and share it in a way that's fun and easy to soak up. Perfect for chilling out and painting your undead minis.
  • Statman2596
    This show is dangerous…
    …For your wallet! I’m new to Warhammer and Age of Sigmar, and every show they cover something that excites me about the game and hobby in general. It’s dangerous for my wallet and time. There’s a deep love of lore and hobby present in every episode and it makes listening enjoyable. So, shut it! I’m listening’ to me show!
  • Memnochas
    Great for all
    First, I do not play Warhammer or AoS. I found Garagehammer because of chance listen to the End Times Glottkin episode. I enjoyed it so much that I got into Warhammer lore. The readings and insight/opinions of David and company are so much fun and entertaining. If you want to listen to passionate fans with amazing content give this a listen. Also, the Gotreck episode was amazing. It felt and sounded like an episode of After Ullanor, another amazing podcast by David.
  • EladrithYnneas
    There are other Age of Sigmar podcasts?
    I’ve never really gone looking for them because this one is just that satisfying. You can tell that David Witek is literally one of the nicest guys you could meet, and I know I wouldn’t hold anything other than mild curiosity for Age of Sigmar if it weren’t for his podcast. Thank you.
  • charlimagne
    Great show!
    It’s free! You learn a ton! And the guy has passion for an awesome hobby give it a listen!
  • peace30507090
    My favorite AoS podcast
    I miss Alex aka Teclis Jr., but Dave is da bomb! Show is truly awesome with both Lore & War! Thanks!!
  • Minokozu
    For new and old alike
    A great family friendly show that with a perfect combination of David’s enthusiasm and Alex’s knowledge drags you in and leaves you completely engrossed in whatever they’re talking about be it a new book, an old faction or just whatever they’ve been doing for the past week or two. Whether you’re a new player or an old pro this is the show for you
  • S. Kallery
    Whole lot of words
    I just listened to the how to choose an army episode, number 250, and I was really interested to hear what they had to say and get some good info from people passionate about the game. What I got instead was two hours of talking about almost everything other than how to choose and army. Save yourself two hours. Consider whether you want to play a super overpowered army and chase the meta, whether you want to play models you want, and consider whether the army will match your desired play style. Consider those factors, how important each is to you, and then use the two hours you just saved to do something else. Whole lot of words used, but very little actually said. That being said, these guys clearly love the game and what it has to offer. Listening for fun, thumbs up. Listening for info? Listen to something else.
  • mmfrankford
    Love this show! Except bored cohost!
    I really appreciate the energy and love for the material that comes across from the host. However I would love to give this five stars, however the cohost doesn’t add to the show. He seems to show a lack of interest in anything, apathetic and barely adding to the conversation. Love the lore!!
  • O.S.P.O.D.
    Don’t Waste Your Time
    This is easily the worst Age of Sigmar podcast available. It’s mostly just a series of cringeworthy dad jokes from one host, and arrogant, douchy comments spoken in monotone from the co-host. I’d rather listen to a shrieking toddler on an airplane than this disaster of a podcast.
  • thewalkingdeadph1
    Wonderful podcast
    If you are remotely interested in warhammer this is the podcast for you! I am new myself to age of sigmar and I absolutely love listening to this show. It has helped me chose an army and made me a better player. Thank you for what you do and I am now hooked into this hobby!!!
  • Bdhuss2k2
    Excellent content every episode
    Dave and Alex deliver quality content during every episode. Their enthusiasm and knowledge of all things Warhammer continues to inspire me in this grand hobby.
  • Rob125
    Really great to learn about AOS
    The podcast is sometimes stupid, often intelligent but always entertaining. If you want to get into AOS, this is the place to start. Dave and Alex teach you the lore (enriched by their knowledge of old world stories) and the game. The mixture makes the armies take on a life. I eagerly await each release of Garagehammer.
  • saltyslacker
    This is a great show to listen to. The hosts have a great chemistry which really helps the entertainment and energy level of the show. The shows mix of lore and rules keeps you engrossed on whichever subject is being discussed.
  • KaylaJean519
    Loved it....More Chris Yu Please
    They always have good stuff to impart. The lost art...of conversion...Great Job guys!
  • albinosnowflake
    The best AoS podcast anywhere!
    This podcast has increased my enthusiasm for the AoS hobby. The commentary is top notch and the battle tome reviews are fantastic.
  • Splonkerton
    Amazing Podcast
    Started listening when I got into Age of Sigmar. Their lore episodes are without a doubt some of the best episodes I’ve listened to of any podcast. Highly recommend for anyone interested in AOS.
  • AtcRomans116
    Go to podcast
    This is my go to podcast for AOS. The perfect place to lay the blame for my plastic addiction. Keep up the great work.
  • chaossaurus
    A show like no other
    Not many shows have lasted through the turbulence of games workshop these last many years but garagehammer has been bringing the quality content through several editions and planes of reality. With a solid mix of fluff and tactics it has something to cater to any warhammer or AoS player. Check our the off topic garagegamers too.
  • JediMasta B
    The BEST AoS podcast, hands down.
    I’ve been listening for at least a couple years now, since right before AoS added points. Dave (and Alex now too!) produce a fun, enthusiastic show mixing the games lore and rules into an entertaining and informative couple hours. If you play Age of Sigmar (or are considering) or simply want to keep up with Warhammer, this is a must listen. Keep up the great show guys, thanks for doing what you do!! PS- Sorry Alex but Jack Burton rules!!
    Great, when they are only talking about Warhammer.
    Great Warhammer content, but the cohost hates everything, including Big Trouble In Little China, Elf (and Will Ferrell), and Christmas. Who hates Christmas? How is that even possible? I know, it’s such a weird thing, but he’s so vocal and vehement about what he hates that I find myself getting really irritated. It’s like going to the game store and playing that guy that spends his entire time ragging on your T-shirt. Other than being irritating 40% of the time, it’s really good. Which bums me out.
  • Ctrathen
    New Subscriber
    Alex and Dave are very informative and funny. Haven’t played Warhammer in a long while. Listened to the Khorne episodes and now I want to buy a starter pack(s) My wife is gonna want to kill me.
  • Hauntedpants
    alwasy a great listen
    If your looking for a AOS podcast that covers the lore and gives soild ideas for play look no further. the banter between Dave and Alex is great. I alwasy look forword to the next show keep up the good work boys
  • Firedan X
    I'm Listening To Me Show!
    This Podcast is amazing! David Witek and Alex Gonzalez create a funny, entertaining and engaging show that makes you feel like part of the Age of Sigmar hobby community even if you don't play the game itself. One of my absolute favorites to listen to while working on my own models or while on the road to work! "Now SHUT IT! I'm listening to me show!"
  • Rugern
    What can you say about the original?
    It’s the original, I guess? They cover things Age Of Sigmar, and occasionally their 40K and other gaming digressions.
  • Jofus2004
    Great podcast
    Garagehammer is a great positive podcast for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Warning listening to the podcast may cause urges to buy new armies.
  • BossGoretoof
    Great Show That Covers It All
    Absolutely great show. I don’t typically play any fantasy related games, but this is the one show I listen to that makes me want to deep dive into AoS. Been listening consistently for several years, and have even introduced two of my three kids to it. My boys still talk about the Boys’ Trip we took a couple years back, and listened to Nurgle coverage during the End Times. If you’re a gamer that’s looking for a podcast that covers all the bases (lore, tactics, gaming, model quality, and more) then this is the show for you.
  • Skaln1
    Keep it up!
    Found this podcast as I was getting into AoS right before 2.0 dropped. Love it. Reminds me a lot of the Independent Characters which I have listened to for years. I look forward to each new episode that drops and I've downloaded many of the older ones because these guys do a great job of diving into the lore whether it's from the World that Was or the now Age of Sigmar. Keept it up guys!
  • Cartographer09
    Auto include...
    Garagehammer is a must have in any Podcast library. The show represents the spirit of any Games Workshop game; friends sitting around nerding out about Warhammer and discussing this hobby we all love. Great reviews of books, lore and the latest releases. If you’re looking for a laugh or two and enjoy all things war gaming, you’ll love this podcast.
  • Battle Gnome 30
    Would like to say that Garagehammer is one of the most enjoyable podcasts out there. How Dave and Alex continually put out quality content is insane. I mean the depth they go into lore and strategy is truly staggering. As a person who loves the lore from both the works that was and the mortal realms that can’t afford to purchase all these books it keeps me going!I know I always get hyped up after listening to the show!
  • Drumhell3r
    Great show
    Love the show but when are you doing a seraphon review?
  • Patrick Kallas
    Best Warhammer Fantasy Podcast Out There
    This podcast presents the best and most comprhensive content on all things Warhammer Fantasy (and some other games occasionally). From Battletome reviews to book reviews you can find pretty much anything you would want in this podcast. Additionally, episodes include hobby progress and a really down to earth and relatable cast. If you are at all interested in starting Warhammer Age of Sigmar or just want to become immersed in the world and lore of the game I highly recommend this podcast.
  • RTGamerUSA
    Probably the best AoS podcast...
    Great from a background and gaming point of view. Excellent work.
  • Sinnon_xerud
    Fantastic podcast
    I've been listening for a few years and this is one of the few podcasts I have to listen to the day it enters my feed. The humor, positivity and enthusiasm is genuine and quality is superb. I can't recommend this show enough.
  • Dave Nordstrom
    Fantastic show!
    If you love the lore and stories of Age of Sigmar, this is the show for you! No one does it better than Dave and Alex! But never fear, there's plenty for competitive AoS players as well. So from noobs to neck beards, if you love Age of Sigmar, this is the show for you! Do yourself a favor and subscribe.
  • LordPestilus
    A great, positive podcast.
    Garage hammer is without a doubt one of my favorite podcasts. Their positive focus on the lore is great and the hosts’ enthusiasm shines through in every episode. It’s a good thing.
  • Foldsj
    Excellent show
    I stopped playing 40K awhile back and jumped into AOS and this is the ultimate podcast for it. Great content for my commute or when I’m painting my Deepkin Army. Great work guys
  • AdeptJimbo
    Super positive!
    I've been listening to Garage Hammer since episode four! I don't play fantasy or AOS (Starting an army soon),but I absolutely love this podcast. David and his three co-hosts are and have always been super hobby positive. This is definitely not a podcast for hobby haters and trolls! I find my self going back and listening to old episodes like the "End Times" every chance I get. David also gives great suggestions for finding other podcasts, books, movies and general geek culture. Alex, David's current co-host, is a tournament running machine! And he is really good with rules to boot. In all,these guys put in a Herculean effort to put out an excellent and FREE podcast! If you love fantasy table top war gaming (AOS) and other GW and some not GW related hobby stuff, you really need to give Garage Hammer a try!
  • Moosecapades
    As good as great gets!
    A must listen! This podcast got me into the hobby, keeps me motivated when I’m struggling through hobby lulls, and most importantly is hosted by two awesome, entertaining, class act individuals.
  • Cladmir
    Simply Awesome
    Started listening to this podcast during the End Times and have been hooked ever since! As an eternal fantasy/AoS curious gamer who lacks the fund or time, this is podcast is wonderful as it allows me to keep up with a dream hobby that I am not able to in real life. Keep rocking!
  • Strandhammer
    They will talk you into a new army...
    Fantastic podcast with even better hosts. I could not reccomend this podcast more for anyone who has played warhammer fantasy, AoS, or 40k. I came in just for the lore and ended up with a new army. Keep up the great work!
  • Emsgamer2010
    The best
    Alex and David I look forward to listening to your podcast every month. Thank you both for all you do and for the hobby
  • Sir appalotz
    Amazing show
    These guys do an amazing job. The break the lore down for you and give advice/strategy on the gaming part. Top notch for anyone interested in the hobby especially Age of Sigmar
  • Shgbed
    The greats of all time. If you love Age if Sigmar this is the podcast for you.
  • SidPikes
    200 Strong!
    Starting to listen after AoS 2 was gearing up to launch and the passion and love for the game shines in this show. David and Alex complement each other well and really dive deep into not only the current events but also the lore and why behind the mortal realms.
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