Crystal Paine Show


The Crystal Paine Show is dedicated to helping you embrace life right where you are and take practical steps to get where you want to go.

Crystal says, "My hope is that this podcast will serve as an inspiration to your week, a pause in your day to slow down and reflect a little, a looked-forward-to part of your weekly routine, a place where we can connect on a deeper level… and ultimately, my desire is that you come away from listening to each episode feeling motivated to bloom where you are planted and take intentional steps to move in the direction you are longing to go."

Crystal is a wife, mom of 3, speaker, author, and online entrepreneur, best known for founding as well as

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Recent Reviews
  • Dangersgma
    Episode 230
    I loved the episode on Just saying no. There are definitely things in my life that I need to give up. I’m going to try the method that she talked about. I get so many good ideas and tools from this podcast.
  • CiaDia70
    Great encouragement and practical wisdom
    Crystal’s podcasts leave me feeling encouraged, and I also often learn new things as well. I also often get new book recommendations from either Crystal or her guests. I appreciate that she is down to earth, sharing her mistakes and learning experiences, and that she points us to God in everything. She’s like the big sister I didn’t have (even though she’s younger than me, lol.)
  • MommaCha
    Inspiring and practical
    This podcast truly has it all. It will lift you up as a mother or caretaker, give you incredibly practical takeaways, make you giggle, and confidence knowing everything comes from a sound Biblical background. Crystal and her family are wonderful role models.
  • Melissa Sneed
    Such a relatable podcast!
    Crystal is my favourite person to follow online. She’s so relatable and offers real life tips to help us live more authentically and more present for our families. Highly recommend her podcast if you want some encouragement! You won’t be disappointed.
  • l like this
    Solid podcast
    Loved the slacker parenting episode about empowering our children to be independent, confident, and problem solvers.
  • mvelasco07
    Love this show!
    The Crystal Paine Show has quickly become a favorite in my feed! Crystal's warmth and positivity shine through every episode as she provides valuable insights that you can apply to your life right away. The guests she brings on the show are also fantastic, and I always learn something new from their experiences and expertise. Highly recommend tuning in!
  • Amanda Haley
    Such a Fun Listen!
    Crystal has such an inviting and comforting personality and I could listen to her talk about anything. I recently listened to Episode 203 where Crystal interviews her daughters about their recent trip abroad. You can tell that she's raised great kids and that she wants to provide value as well as fun to her listeners.
  • Abundant MomLife Melodie
    Authenticity and Practicality
    Thank you for being real and authentic as you share practical tips and resources to help women design a purpose driven life of abundance. Keep encouraging and inspiring! Blessings, The Stefanie Gass Show Team
  • ShepherdsLamb
    Inspiring and practical
    Episode 195, A Faith That Will Not Fail, was especially inspiring and encouraging!
  • Libis89
    Practical and life-giving!!
    Love the down to earth, simple and so practical (and fun!!) content Crystal gives every week!!
  • doc_Lana
    So relevant, inspiring and makes me want to be better!
    Today marks the day I have finished listening to every single episode of the Crystal Paine show! It is so odd having no Episodes left in the “unplayed” folder and I cannot wait for next week’s episode! This show has truly been so inspiring and I can even say life changing for me. I have used the wisdom I have gained here in every aspect of my life- time management in my role as a Physician, communication in my role as a Wife and patience in my role as a Mom. I enjoy the setup of the episodes and have many times find myself googling products they review and read books that have been recommended. The topics covered here are so relevant and applicable. I also have truly enjoyed being on the sidelines of God’s beautiful story playing out in your family. May God bless you all and thank you for creating this impactful podcast for us!
  • Random funny girl
    It’s a C for me
    I really like Crystal on Instagram and her blog. The podcast is just so-so for me. Jesse is mean to her and clearly thinks he’s much smarter than she is, plus I find his voice very grating. I listen occasionally but can’t handle every episode. (Also, she needs to update her intro…she has 5 kids now, soon to be 6.)
  • Chef Kibby
    Honest, relevant, and actionable parenting advice
    I just happened upon your show, and as a fellow bio/foster parent I was so encouraged by the honest and open sharing of your lived experience. Thank you for being vulnerable and showing actionable ways to deal with relevant issues.
  • wkemamaa
    I’m sorry but this podcast is boring. Like get to the point to what you want to talk about. I clicked on a couple podcasts cause the title drew me in but when listening to it, they just dragged it on and really never got to the point.
  • Cdukerunner
    Consistency and Practicality
    I have been following Crystal via her blog since my daughter was born in 2008. Two words that continually come to mind when speaking of her blog and podcast are consistency and practicality. This is the ONLY podcast that I truly miss when they (Crystal and Jesse) take a week off. My favorite segments are “what’s saving our life” and what books they are reading. Thank you for always being consistent and practical…oh and quite funny at times too!
  • vkadylak
    Just great practical advice
    I love all the different things that are discussed and the husband wife combo. Really enjoy this podcast.
  • Eli8840754679
    Great topics very relational
    As a mom of 4 boys I love the honest practical topics and discussions! It’s a lot like listening to a friend with similar struggles and working through them! Totally recommend!
  • shamshimmy
    Forgiving what you can’t forget
    I am in tears after listening to this episode as I am in same circumstance. Everything you said hit me so hard and I just sat and cried. Thank you for sharing your story.
  • Rmc009
    Love Crystal
    I’ve been following Crystal’s blog and money saving tips for about 10 years now. She’s smart and savvy and it’s been fun to see her personality come out more on Instagram. I always look forward to her posts and these episodes!
  • ablueday2
    I love everything Crystal!
    This podcast is so much fun to me because she and her family talk about real life situations. Like marriage, teenagers, fostering, great books, living a life without debt or credit cards, and so on. She is honest, she’ll tell you she is not perfect (but she’s pretty close in my book), and something in her podcast is going to make you laugh, going to resonate with you, and going to cause you to want to follow her on Instagram (where she is even more hilarious), Facebook, her deals email list, etc. because listening to her feels like listening to a friend. She’s just a warm, caring person and that comes across no matter the platform. I highly recommend you give this podcast a listen and prepare to get hooked!
  • GoPack1977
    The husband is a turn-off
    Love Crystal on Instagram but her husband is insufferable at times on the podcast. He clearly feels he is the smarter one and the head of the household. He constantly interrupts Crystal and often takes a belittling tone with her. I know they started out as a very fundamentalist Christian family, and I think may he hold on to some of those beliefs that wives are subservient to husbands. It’s difficult to listen to especially in this day and age.
  • Stacey Shapiro
    Inspirng, informative and awesome all around podcast!
    I am loving this podcast! Crystal packs every episode with tons of amazing content, guests, and interviews that will motivate, uplift and inspire you. I highly recommend!
  • It'sMeY'all
    Crystal Paine
    I love her Content! Her and her husband are so entertaining!
  • Smcdoo
    I can’t get past it.
    I tried. I’ve followed Crystal on her blogs for years (maybe 12 years?!) and I enjoy her content and her personality. With all due respect, I don’t enjoy the way her husband talks in these podcasts. He corrects and interrupts her at times, and other times he awkwardly tries to ask her questions like in an interview, but he clearly already knows the answers because they’re married. I can’t get past it. I’ll stick to Instagram, where I can really enjoy the content.
  • mnell17
    Christian based podcast
    Love her frugal ideas and work ethic and Jesse. Love their love of God!
  • Joy Light & Love
    Episode 86 was Fantastic!!! Thank you!!!
    I have really enjoyed your podcast especially this episode. Please continue to provide us with insight and guidance like was provided in this episode. Thank you!
  • IHaveAPodcastAddiction
    A Refreshing Weekly Dose of Encouragment
    Crystal and Jesse bring light and encouragment to my week through this podcast. My only complaint is the episodes are shorter than I'd prefer.
  • PBJFraley
    Fun, interesting and relevant
    I love and appreciate how much Jesse and Crystal have grown as a couple with this podcast. They’ve learned to have a “conversation” without talking over one another, which makes the podcast SO much more enjoyable than at the beginning. Their stories are hilarious and thoughtful, I am so glad they’ve gracefully accepted criticism and refined their technique. This has become such an enjoyable part of my morning routine, Thank you!
  • Lyns031
    Place for Encouragement
    I love Crystal’s podcast. This is an excellent place to receive encouragement. She is authentic, positive, and one of my favorite accounts to follow on Instagram. I love everything she shares and how she always points to God and faith. So, I am very excited that she has a podcast to get more of her content!
  • cjeanneb
    Wonderful dose of weekly encouragement!
    Thank you Jessie & Crystal for your much needed weekly hugs and wisdom! I’ve been listening to this podcast since its launch was announced and I couldn’t be happier with the hope, help and real life tips you generously share. I really appreciate all of the thoughtful conversations with guests, as well. I truly look forward to every segment (what’s saving your life is my favorite!). Thanks for shining a joyful light on topics that are applicable and meaningful.
  • Samantha Day Sleep Consulting
    Truly enjoying this podcast
    Hi! My name is Samantha Day. I have been following Crystal on IG for awhile and found her podcast. I am truly enjoying her episodes and content!! A must listen.
  • Lisa podcast
    A breath of fresh air
    I have been following crystal’s blog for almost 10 years. She has always inspired me with her cooking and family management strategies. However her podcast has been inspiring. She is very authentic, sharing her struggles, but also inspires you to stop, and rest in life (with your family, with your faith, etc). I look forward to it every week.
  • Deborah S. from Atlanta
    Crystal has changed my life
    I’ve been following moneysavingmom for over a decade. I’m old enough to be Crystal’s mom and have 6 children of my own. It’s been a joy and privilege these 10 plus years to watch Crystal share her transformational journey from homeschool girl to world changing business owning, author, speaker, wife and mom. It’s been quite a journey of suffering, growing, changing and doing so much heart work for her. Her podcast is the icing on the cake of her journey. I’ve learned so much from her. Through Crystal, I’ve been challenged to press in and engage in my own transformational heart work and to grow and change too. You too will glean so much from Crystal and Jesse’s podcast. The banter between the two is lively and fun. Set aside a half hour a week to lean in an learn and it will change your life too.
  • SarahAnneCarter
    Open and honest
    Crystal opens her door and heart every week to share what's going on in her family's life. Always enjoy listening!
  • Be Me 1975
    I tried
    I gave this a try with only vague understanding of who Crystal is. I wanted to like it. I tried a few episodes that seemed interesting. I didn’t make it completely through any episode. For me voice is as important as content on a podcast and she doesn’t have the voice to pull off a podcast. If the voice is meh and the content is meh I can’t subscribe. Also, I often enjoy a husband/ wife duo but this also seemed incompatible and almost had a competitive trying to one up each other vibe.
  • Brooke Craven
    Awesome Podcast!!
  • kencarfagno
    Great Resource for Stressed Out Moms!
    My wife Teresa has been a follower of Crystal since her Money Saving Moms blog. She has her book and has listened to this show. I just checked it out for myself and have to say that this show and Crystal in general is a great resource for stressed out moms. We have 5 kids, run a business, and homeschool, so we totally relate to the Paine's message. Great work Crystal & Jesse! Keep it up!
  • Good awesome cool great
    The Sunday Podcast Inspirational
    I have followed your blog for years. There has been plenty of topics that have been inspirational to my life. I always have tried not to work on Sundays. For the most part, I really try. I work at a school 4 days per week and also have a blog to hopefully earn an income one day. I have Wednesday’s off from regular work, but do a lot of housework and blogging on that day. I really need to make Sunday’s a reality that there will be no work at all on Sunday which includes housework, blogging, social media, etc. I really needed to hear this podcast. Thanks!
  • Anna Mice
    Interruption is a turn-off
    Jesse, please stop interrupting/correcting Crystal!
  • Nordakota
    Overall Good Content
    Overall, the content is pretty good. There are a variety of topics and I like the book highlights. It can get a bit promotional at times. I really gravitate to podcasts 30 minutes and under... longer and the chit chat drags on for me. I listen to a few different Christian women podcasts and one of my faves is Jen Hatmaker. It seems weird to me that this one seems to hijack her flavor a bit. Pushing the enneagram stuff, some of her same quips, and mostly the “what is saving you life question.” Just odd and not so authentic. But like I said, there is a variety of topics —especially for moms.
  • jtscmiller
    Finding Good Friends
    Such a good episode! I appreciate the strong woman who wrote in about her struggles with friendship. I am right with you sister! I struggle too. I think many of us put on a brave face, but don’t have many(or any) friends. Thank you for the real solutions you offered Crystal. I am going to listen again and take notes for myself. Would love if you did more episodes on this subject. 😊
  • Asconway
    Feels like hearing from a friend
    I never miss an episode of this show. It’s truly like listening to couple friends chat about life. Jesse and Crystal are kind, down-to-earth, relatable people. I appreciate their hearts and desire to grow in all areas of life and them sharing their journeys with us.
  • ckpeterson77
    So relatable and inspiring
    I’ve been following Crystal via her blog for years and so many suggestions she’s given have transformed my life or at least bettered it. My morning routine, trying weight lifting, my enneagram, the hormone app she suggests, and yummy recipes are a few things off the top of my head. Her podcast is so engaging and I appreciate her authenticity and encouragement. She’s real, quirky, and someone I truly understand and relate to. My workout always flies by when I listen to her in the morning. Thank you for blessing us with yourself, Crystal!
  • erinkjones512
    Love your authenticity!
    My husband and I actually enjoy listening to your podcast together!
  • danserval1982
    Fine to pass some time
    I am a long time reader/follower of Money Saving Mom, so generally a fan. I find this podcast to be similar to others I’ve listened to that involve a husband and wife or two close friends, where they take awhile to get to the content while they chat and banter. (I think for the hosts, they are just chatting and enjoying themselves, but as a listener not participating in banter it can make the podcast feel thin on content or just slow moving. Maybe a little akin to stream of consciousness writing vs an edited blog post.) I of course like some personality and back and forth but at the end of the day podcasts that are more to the point I end up listening to more. That said, some of the episodes I’ve enjoyed a lot, and I do generally like Jesse cohosting. I’ll probably keep listening occasionally.
  • dutchmammaofboys
    Love them!
    Crystal and Jessie are so open and honest. I love hearing them discuss the things that are so relatable to me. They are funny and sweet and their faith is very apparent in every situation they discuss! Always excited for the next episode!
  • tmilli4077
    Gave it a shot
    Listening to this podcast for the first time & was excited to hear episode 41 about building trust with your kids. 23 minutes in & they were still just talking about vacation, books they'd read, playing ads, etc.😒😒 the entire podcast is less than 45 minutes & I'm going to bet a good portion of the last half is ads, credits, music, etc. Please respect your listeners' time & appropriately title episodes.
  • Seh62894
    Great Show...For The Most Part
    I do look forward to this show weekly. Down to earth and very personable. The only annoying part is that the hosts are married and do the little bickering back and forth trying to be right. “It was 30 minutes we were there.” Other host: “No it was 40 minutes.” (Not an actual example) They tend to have a few of these each episode that really it does not matter what day it was or what the exact ages were and it can muddle the message and distract a bit.
  • Angelcat09
    Authentic and great advice!
    I love the authenticity of Crystal and her family and friends. The conversations are so clear and truthful. It’s nice to hear a podcast where the hosts are so down to earth and personable.
  • Jangood
    So thankful!
    My husband and I were blessed by the recent podcast about conflict! So encouraging in building healthy relationships 💜💜💜 Thank you! God bless you and your marriage. Romans 15:5 “Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:”
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