It's Complicated

News #157News Commentary #37

Join former federal prosecutor and CNN Legal Analyst Renato Mariotti and former Special Agent at the FBI and Legal Analyst Asha Rangappa as they dive deeper into complicated issues in the news with a blatant pro-democracy bias.

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  • Auron Renouille
    Why did this become the Crypto BroCast?
    We went from talking about the law and the Dept. of Justice to claiming that crypto bros are being “persecuted” and “censored?” These crypto bros just bought themselves a presidency; that is about as far from “persecuted” as it gets. I’m deeply disappointed at Mariotti taking these factually challenged positions; he alludes to the fact that he represents a series of crypto financial interests and it feels like that representation extends to this podcast. I didn’t sign up for this podcast in order to be preached at by crypto evangelists. So, I’m out. Good luck, y’all.
  • JR - CA
    It’s complicated
    Content great but the mid sentence ads are super annoying
  • CooperLogan
    Asha can’t collect her thoughts
    Another listener here who frequently has to bail on episodes because it’s so hard to listen to Asha. I know she’s an intelligent woman and successful in her career. But she alternates between taking forever to spit out words while she flounders for what the words might be, then speed talking the next 10 words in the sentence as if she’s trying to make up for lost time. That agonizingly slow then super fast pattern is agonizing to listen to and it is so prevalent in virtually every episode. She really needs to take the time to jot down her major points ahead of time instead of floundering once she gets behind the microphone.
  • saddest dog
    I really like Renato. I think Asha is quite smart, but she has no business being on a podcast. It takes foreeeeeevvvvver for her to spit out a thought. She seems to just have landed on Earth and is trying to figure out the language. It also sounds like she's done no preparation and is just trying to keep up. I still listen, but it's getting harder and harder. Asha ... PREPARE!!
  • OU812666
    Renato is a bonehead
    Awe did Renato get neg feedback on YouTube? Maybe its because you're an idiot. The reason were doing this in the middle of an election is because trump has pushed it to the middle of an election. Haven’t listened to this pod in a while and Renato’s moronic commentary is reminding me why.
  • tmccaffr
    Great podcast today. Love Norm with your discussion today.
  • Warmie
    Repeating ads
    Three, long, repeated Noom ads in one episode? That’s ridiculous. Otherwise, valuable legal analysis.
  • makeupmyname
    At least on this day’s episode, Mariotti’s audio was not good. Like he was on a speakerphone or something. You could still (for the most part) understand what he was saying, but, with so many high-quality similar podcasts, if a voice on a podcast is kind of technologically painful to hear, that’s enough to unfollow it. Also, both hosts speak sort of slowly — like it’s hard for them to get the thoughts and words out. I’m all for being mostly interested in the knowledge and ideas, but delivery is important too. Pick up the pace a bit, in other words — or maybe have your presentations better researched, written and overall prepared.
  • Agrovater
    It’s really not that complicated…
    The show is mostly the guy mansplaining, and Asha retorting like a child begging for attention. Smart people like this should be able to put in a better show but after 3 weeks of giving it a shot… I finish every episode no wiser than I began because this show is mostly opinions about facts and very little explanation. It’s not complicated. The show isn’t actually good. They’re just well networked with other better, more informative shows.
  • Patrick2 you.
    Very annoying
    Caution. Unsolicited promotion of podcast. Very annoying.
  • sfncar
    Dangerous misinformation
    Yo!! Please do some research before you spread trash about the NY trial. If you don’t know what was said or what happened don’t comment! That seems elementary! How can you talk about the judge clearing the court when you don’t know exactly what happened? The transcripts are all out there and lots of careful folks have been sitting in the room tweeting everything out — what’s the matter with you two? Too lazy to do some basic research before you sit down to mouth off?
  • JazzBass13
    Awesome Analysis!💖
    I just found out about this podcast from an ad on another podcast (Jack), so the first episode I'm hearing is Ep. 37 about Ken Chesebro's memo. I listened to this episode after reading articles, watching news, and listening to several other podcasts concerning the very same Chesebro memo (about fake electors, Dec 4, 2020). The analysis and deconstruction of the information, legal ramifications, lies and misdirection is head and shoulders above all the rest combined. This will probably become my favorite new podcast!!💖 💖 💖 💖 💖 ☕️ ☕️ ☕️ Aaaand - I absolutely 💖LOVE💖 the ringing vibraphone opening!!!!
  • mary margaret rachael
    Confusing audio
    This would’ve been a 5⭐️but the audio was confusing when both people were talking at the same time. I hope that tech glitch can be corrected. Otherwise great content!
  • lightinaugust
    Valuable, measured analysis
    Asha tees the issues up for Renato, whose analysis is realistic and an excellent antidote to the drumbeat of wishcasting one hears on so many broadcasts. Things are more complicated than we may want them to be.
  • PodFanTiff
    Love These Two, Such Intriguing Takes!
    I listen to too many podcasts, but this is one I don’t put off because I usually always learn something and they are so fun to listen to. I vary from week to week on who has my favorite take or story either Asha or Renato with whatever they’re discussing but they never fail in my view. I also love that after they have a couple of segments strictly discussing the legal matters of the topic of the week, there is a fun short personal segment where they talk about something going on in their life. Those have actually become my favorite parts. Keep up the great work, and thank you!
  • Kimcork
    Great discussions
    Very enjoyable and detailed discussions that include disagreement sometimes. Ads are way too long and poorly read.
  • goodvsevil
    Do people confuse you with Mathew Fox (Jack Shephard)? "If we can't live together, we're gonna die alone."
  • Bfreie
    Ep. 58
    The answer of "what to do": Treat donald exactly the same as a poor othered race that would be charged with the same exact crimes: jail time and contempt of court(more jail time) and No, getting honest media coverage is not proving anything other than he is a liar and a danger to society. His lies are irrelevant. A rose is still a rose whatever name you call it. Crimes are crimes. Assault is assault and fraud is fraud and so on..
  • BunisellaWrites
    Better than some - still not great
    I followed this podcast for many years - like an on-and-off again relationship. Even though, it got a lot better since Asha joined, Renato just rambles too much and cannot help himself. Asha tries to keep the analyses on track but there we go again, and he his rambling. I broke it off again - and will follow Asha on Cafe.
  • Treebyleaf
    This podcast has become one of my very favorites. It’s like if your best friends happened to be top legal experts and they’re over at your house drinking coffee with you. I always feel more informed AND more calm after listening. Have recommended it to everyone I know!
  • JennyMdUsa
    OK show
    This podcast is OK but there are much better legal shows available like LegalAF, Jack, Sisters in Law, or various Lawfare episodes. I usually skip the last section about non-legal issues which is boring.
  • JohnAlpine
    Episode 45
    The Appeals Court in the Trump financial civil case maintained the trial but apparently “stopped” or delayed the dissolution of Trump’s major biz holdings…in NY anyway. So what happens with the ‘Receiver” Judge Engoran appointed? Is he/she stopped from overseeing the Trump biz for now? Can the receiver still monitor and freeze any biz transactions that might be attempts to move money overseas to locations where authorities might not be able get to them? If so, sounds like a major potential downside to this entire case. Thoughts?
  • Salgen2359
    Once a week is not enough
    Can’t wait for the newest podcast every Friday morning. These two actually know what they’re talking about. Love to hear their insights. Wish they could have at least two episodes a week!
  • Raiderreign
    Smart and provoking
    A somewhat new listener, loved catching these two on their different TV hits… good stuff. Always feel like I learned something! Love it
  • history_of_hip_hop
    Renato’s Pessimism
    Renato’s pessimism is far and away the most predictable characteristic of his analysis. I think it is such a deep attitude that it clouds his objectivity and often prevents him from appreciating hopeful signs.
  • mr.duchamp
    Is it possible that either host could make it through an entire podcast without mentioning Yale? Like, how many years ago did you go to law school?
  • kimlwilken
    An analyst who doesn’t think anyone will flip.
    I’ve heard a lot of analysis and this is the only one I’ve heard who thinks none of the Georgia defendants will plead or flip. I was interested to hear the gentleman’s thoughts about how all 19 will be tried at the same time. He is an outlier of the lawyers I’ve heard
  • Dave & Jane in N America
    Great Convo
    These two smarties do a great job of explaining these issues to a non-specialist.
  • Christ___
    A true power couple of legal analysis & snark. This is in my must have podcasts.
  • MikeGillespie55
    The hosts have great chemistry. It’s just a fun legal podcast to listen to. I listen to a number of legal podcasts even though I am not a lawyer, but these hosts make things relevant and do so in a very concise way. Definitely worth your while and nothing in the weeds.
  • Loganfool
    First time listening
    Are you always this far behind the rest of the world?
  • Kalfisher
    Got their footing!
    As with any show, the very very first episode or two was sort of getting a sense of it’s pace —a wee scatter-shot — but the hosts have def evolved and found their groove. The result is a well-informed, succinctly organized legal analysis and legal framework packaged for the legal and non legal listeners alike. If your idea of a well spent 45 mins involves digging beneath the legalese and getting insights into the saga that is prosecutions against corrupt politicians, and perhaps wow your pals at dinner parties with your takes; this is the podcast for you. It’s the amicus (slates constitutional law deep dive) version of the criminal side of all things trump & co.
  • 90abcghi
    No one has mentioned the possibility that Trump supporting sycophants actually encourage this women to speak knowing the consequences .. not outlandish considering who we are dealing with . Thoughts?
  • ProgressiveHarry
    Annoying use of annoying
    Have tried to listen to several of these podcasts all the way through. Was looking for smart, experienced legal analysis and thought these two could provide it. But the hosts allow their negative opinions about things people say (dumb or not) to occupy too much of their time. In the latest episode I counted at least a dozen times they used the word annoyed or annoying when describing the public’s desire to see crimes brought to Justice. That’s when I bailed.
  • biasedbutnot
    Two great minds. You both ROCK!
  • Funnygirlnyc
    I LOVE this podcast!
    They are SO good together, with their clear explanations on the most pressing issues. And fun at the end with Pancake, Henry & Dolly. Thank you!
  • Milbo11
    Great to have you back! Need more Henry and Pancake content.
    What a treat!
    So glad you are back, bonus to learn you are animal lovers, especially the rescuer breed.
  • pacamama2
    Great source
    Love the pets also.
  • Gailerrrrrr
    Can you please
    Address how you prove a criminal case when everyone pleads the Fifth? Thanks!
  • smsren
    Michael Cohen
    I hate MC as much as the next person. But this episode was phenomenal. MC is ridiculous and irreverent and actually funny. I appreciated the “salty language” as Renato called it. Really interesting to hear his side of things, being what they are. He doesn’t and shouldn’t get a pass on what he did and he is somewhat remorseful about it. Interesting guy. I’m putting his book on hold at the library (Still not giving him my $$$).
  • midwestBlue
    9.3 pod
    I am as angry as Patti. majority are men and in some legislative houses 100% men talking and about how many weeks a woman should know when she is pg when in fact none of them have ever nor will ever be pg. this is outrageous and completely wreaks of handmaids tale that men are telling us when we ought to know when we are pg. they are clueless and i want to choke them and a certain judge stating that. men, and no i am not a man hater, should not have any/zero input or creating laws on this. it is infuriating!
  • Pattcee
    Great podcast!
    Welcome back! Congratulations! You were missed!
  • Deanmc430
    I tried listening to this podcast in my car today. It is recorded at such a LOW volume I could not hear it at all while driving because ordinary road/engine noise drowned out the audio even with the volume all the way up. Ridiculous
  • Rdswinford
    Vances pass on Trump's children
    Why did he pass on their prosecution? The money that was given to his campaign? You left out this part of story.
  • no-lea
    Excellent podcast
    Your interview about post vaccine epidemic was extremely helpful. I’m recommending your show to my family and friends. Thanks
  • juleswood
    Great Podcast
    I always love listening to your podcast. Today with Miles Taylor was a great one! The legal questions that you answer are easy to understand.
  • SMLindenbaum
    A Different Take on Hot Topics
    Renato, Patti, and their guests examine current topics through a legal lens, which isn’t a take that you get every day. The guests are well-chosen and always insightful. Highly enjoy!
  • Toque Consulting
    How to get smarter about the latest hot topics
    Every single time I listen to On Topic, I learn something new. It helps me be vastly better educated about the hot topics of the day. I highly recommend a listen!
  • furnmtz
    One of the best!
    There are several, if not many, podcasts that attempt to sort out and explain the many legal issues surrounding the current administration. This one always leaves me feeling that I learn a lot over the length of the podcast, and I always go away feeling reassured that there are still competent people in the legal profession. Issues and terminology such as impeachment and subpoena are explained carefully when necessary, and the host and guests neither dumb down the material OR talk over anyone’s head. Thank you Renato Marriotti for presenting such a classy, informative podcast each week.
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