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Tlyn49Room for improvementI like her message/topics, but the host yells too much that it makes me lose focus and kind of takes away from the experience.
Simply Cute DPreparing you for marriageThank you for this podcast . It brings me so much wisdom learning many new things about God and his son Jesus. Because of this podcast I have accomplished graduating college , lost over 50 pounds and I’ve been celibate for 9 months . “ I am officially almost Ruth . Or Esten . Thank you
cvknjToo aggressiveI want to listen unbiased, but it’s so hard when I feel like I’m being yelled/fussed at. It truly seems like a good word, but I’m having a hard time receiving it. Relax a little. 🙏🏽
blesses my soulGod Use Me Too!!!!The Christian Bae is everything!!! She is truly anointed and inspires me to build my relationship with the Lord even more. I pray God can use me to be a light like ya girl Bae as well. Thank you for all the encouragement, truth, youthfulness, love and kindness you continue to spread through Gods word. Keep going and may God keep doing his big one through you!!!! God bless 🙏🏾
BrokenbutundefeatedFULLI have no words for the anointing on you!!!! Thanks for walking in your purpose and making things simple for us ! I really don’t listen to podcasts but I absolutely love yours ! EVERY podcast you post, you leave a gem that I take with me and share. Thank you !!!!!!! May God continue to bless you and use you! I get “full” listening to you.
Ashley DockeryI needed YOUI spent so many days looking for podcasters who I feel align with my way of learning and understand their way of teaching. I love the way you break things down, you have checked me so many times and being a woman who desires a husband and child. I feel that God lead me here. I’ve been watching you for like 3 months and the fact that you are now speaking on marriage etc is crazy because that’s my daily heart desire. Thank you for being obedient to God word. God is creating me to be a proverbs 31 type of woman. I love this for me! God bless you
annshadeleLove it !!I absolutely love this podcast! It has been such a good addition as I’m building my relationship with God. Thank you so much! 🩷
nsnnsndoene d 1237$You will feel the presents of God when listening to this podcastChristian Bae is truly anointed, and it’s clear that God is using her to fulfill His purpose. This podcast is sure to uplift your spirit and inspire a positive shift in your mindset and perspective.
marsh'aSooo Good!!Girl these episodes are so good! They are short, sweet, and straight to the point and I fill a sense of healing every time I listen. Thank you 🤍
ChynaDollKirooGod is USING YOUWhew chile. The things that I have been struggling with? You are speaking on. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾. Everything relatable and on time.
Nique D🥰I AM RUTH🧎🏽♀️➡️🙏🏽❤️
Emani..tRuth activated👰🏾♀️👰🏾♀️📝
_inad_16The Perfect Podcast🏆🏆🏆🏆
JulannaJThis podcast is a blessing!I stumbled upon this podcast a couple months ago and I've listened to every episode since! The host is annointed and her message blesses me everytime. I'm loving the daily Godmas episodes! This show is definitey in my top 5 right now!
TeeMarie2.0Sheeeeeesh!Girrrl!!! Let me tell you how you were alllll in my business 🥴 so I been asking God to change my appetite….well last Tuesday I ate Burger King, the same thing I always get, tell me why I was sick I mean sick sick 🤦🏽♀️ Thursday I try Dairy Queen….same thing as usual, here I am sick again 🙄 (yeah I know my own fault, right?!) well I came to the realization that fast food is just not for me! Let me tell you how this podcast came right on time!!! Thank you for your obedience because when God speaks and we don’t listen baybeeee does He come for us 😂😂 love you sis keep on pushing for God 🙌🏽
Baddgirl LisaEvery dayI tune in as I drive to work or when I get home and cook dinner. Love what God is doing with you and through you CB!🙏🏾❤️ Stay blessed
Sushi8o8God, why me? “Gripped by God”This episode spoke to me on so many levels. Thank you for being faithful to this podcast and your listeners!
Ciara-ChyanneAmazing!This podcast is sooo amazing. Love the faith talks
FitgirilYou’re so awesomeI’m so grateful that I come across your podcast. You’re definitely God’s vessel. So glad cross paths. Keep doing the Lord’s work 🙌🏾🙏🏽❤️
Grace I LYou are amazingI genuinely like I don’t even know how put into words, it’s just the way God uses you. Just know that Gods glory shows through you. You have done some amazing work so far. I hope you reach even more people who NEED to hear what God has placed on your heart like I did. I came to your episodes during crazy seasons and you reminded me why Jesus is who He is. You always pointed me back to that God that died for me you are truly a servant of Christ.
JoyGodsTrueLove!🤩🙏🏾👑Heyyy Christian Bae, it’s Jammie CHSis you really doing your big one with your podcast! Thank you for your obedience to God! Girl you doing your big one on your podcast! You really helped me with your podcast! The first one I heard was Generational Curse Breakers and it really relates to me. Not only healed me but got me back to myself again! Thank you sis it’s your winning season!!!!!!!🙏🏾😇🤩💖
🩷Lexie88My fav podcastI started listening to this podcast last year and it has really changed my life and has helped me on my journey with connecting with God 🙏🏽
SavanMa blessingThis has helped me in a way I cannot adequately describe. Thank you. A thousand times.
DajaavaEyeopeningListening to this podcast has opened my eyes to see how God is literally everywhere! From the simplest story times to more serious matters, the Christian Bae is able to articulate that God is always working. She relies heavily on SCRIPTURE in every episode, and it’s perfect for someone who struggles to apply scripture in their day to day life, or if you find it difficult to find meanings in the Bible. Each episode I thank God for the wisdom he’s blessed the Christian Bae with and her platform so she can spread his word and glorify his name.
TiawianneMy weekly pick me up!!I’m always anticipating the release of the upcoming episode. She allows me to see scripture from a different but relatable perspective. She’s powerful and short. I can listen to her everyday and I’m always sharing her episodes with friends via my social platforms. Girl…KEEP BRINGING THE WORD!!
MaraD@23Uncut Spiritual SisterhoodThis podcast is a God sent. If you are looking for someone who gives the uncut adulterated truth and breaks down scripture to reach all age groups she is the one. The episodes are short and spirit filled. A must listen!
Jannic26Amazing PodcastI first heard about the Christian Bae podcast on TikTok. I now listen every morning before work. God is truly speaking through her ♥️
BennyRay84Awesome breakdown!!I’m so glad that I came across this podcast. I listen to them at work. These get me through my night shifts. I’ve been praying for my love for the Word to grow, so this was a God send. If you want that for yourself, listen to this and get your notebook, pen and highlighter for your Bible!!
_____Kay1Anointed!God has been calling me to draw near to him. So I have been on a journey to improve my relationship with God and he led me to this podcast! I am so blessed and grateful for being led here. Every episode I click on is anointed and God is able to reveal, confirm, and provide clarity for my walk with him. I love the power and truth in your delivery and how relatable every message is. You are truly a blessing!
Boymom3923Absolutely amazing thank you!Absolutely love. Easy understanding and the message is powerful everytime! I have grown deeper in love with the Lord through your podcasts. Thank you! Every episode you have released has spoke to me loud and clear. The Vessel you are!
Marisha S10/10I ABSOLUTELY LOVE this podcast! It is very raw and relatable while still being biblical. Every episode I’ve watched so far has fed me and I am so eager to keep listening. Continue to do God’s work! You are touching lives! 🫶🏾
nguminajI love this podcastShe always gets to the point and every word is so helpful 🩷
Dee🤞🏾Growing faithRecently restarted my walk with him and this podcast just touches me every time
HeartShapedLifeAlways relatable and insightfulHave been listening for over a year— I enjoy every episode and your ability to apply your life circumstances and observations to scripture and Biblical teachings. I know this is a lot of work. It’s so good that some of us wish your episodes were daily. Thank you for sharing rich content and faith journey with us!
Colourism LLCTop Fav!!Definitely one of my top fav podcast! Love seeing a new episode show up in my line up🤍
K_CLinton12Love it❤️Your message touch my soul
Zyn (zen)LOVE !!!I can listen to her preach every day when i’m upset or when i’m busy working on my self care !!! If your looking for a good christian podcast THIS IS IT ! DEF 10/10 Listen
iwantmymoneyubereatsBest Podcaster!I remember I came across Christian Bae in 2022 when God first called me, I immediately fell inlove (not like that lol). I started following her on ig and when I would listen to her she said she is called to the Christian’s who feels trap/box in. As a Christian the world has a way for us to look like and Christian bae just brings out a light. Her words are always on point, she a full of wisdom! I love how she put God first in EVERYTHING! you can tell she has a heart after God. She is a blessing thank you God for her🙌🏾
KyrhaLynnAlways on pointTruly a light that shines in a dark world. Keep doing the Lords work my girl!
Tstackzz0She Doesn’t Miss!! 😮💨😮💨I’ve been following her since my junior year of college when she was doing bae bible study on instagram. No matter when I click on here, everything always resonates and gives me the confirmation that I need from our Father! 🙌🙌
EvTBrown11A GiftYou are truly a gift from God. I stumbled here by accident- on purpose by God lol. I was actually looking for something in particular and God set me up good. THIS-your teaching is what I needed. Thank you for allowing God to use you. I agree with the other person who commented…You are doing what God has called you to do. Again, Thank you.
itsmeRag that guyA spirit-filled woman of GodWhat a blessing this woman of God has been for my walk with Christ. I randomly stumbled upon this podcast channel about 2 months ago and I’ve been locked in ever since. I can tell her targeted audience is women, but as a man of God I also have been blessed by many of these messages. May God continue to expand your podcast and reach many more ppl around the world 🙏🏽
AislynnswaggerTeachingsYou are teaching me things about God that I didn’t know. I just started listening and you definitely encourage me to be better than I was yesterday. Keep going because you are definitely doing what you are meant to do. I hope you continue to be blessed as you bless others.
kenasia bThank You!You just don’t know you’re changing lives! I love your break down and I’m so happy to have more understanding of gain wisdoms and knowledge! You’re absolutely phenomenal! I even have my mama listening to you! lol
yagirldunnoWhew ChildSuch a perfectly imperfect Woman of God. I love how this podcast makes me think I’m talking with a friend. Not only does this podcast embody God, it also relates to the real world. I could say more, but check it out for yourself!
DevonnJanGodly RemindersI absolutely love this podcast. I thank God for people like her who aren’t afraid to spread the word and uplift her brothers and sisters with the word.
DDS loadingWhat I’ve been missing!Currently going through a season in my life, a tremendous transition and there’s so much uncertainty I feel though I pray to God and speak to him often. This is only my second day of listening to these podcasts and I already feel God speaking to me directly through these. This podcast is the thing I didn’t know I needed and that I feel like I’ve been missing to hear God send the message to let him work and rest.
feelingfaithyGRATITUDEI am so grateful to God for you and this podcast. You are most definitely anointed and I thank God for your obedience. Thank you. I’m locked in 🔒.
BigDaddyEmoneyTrying to Find God AgainI found you on tik tok, you were on live one day and i instantly followed you. I hope everyone gives your podcast a chance. 4 episodes in and i realize you were exactly what i needed. thank you for being apart of my journey
Mrs. CMJWhat I Needed!The Christian Bae Podcast was introduced to me through a friend. We were talking bout our lives and what God is doing and what we want to do. We are always encouraging one another because we are both in transformational seasons. One particular subject we were discussing was our careers and our current jobs. I was telling her how I took my current job out of fear and I know that’s not what God told me to do. My friend said, wait I listened to this podcast that talks about what you’re saying and the episode was called “Wasting Bullets.” She said I’m going to share it with you. When I say from that episode I cannot get enough of The Christian Bae. I love how God uses her through real life scenarios to gives us a Word. There is nothing like making a connection. Listening to the podcast is now part of my daily routine along with getting back in line with God’s Word and building that intimate relationship that He wants to have with his children. Not to mention learning to be obedient and doing what He’s is telling me to do. Fear is not my portion. Thank you Christian Bae and I pray God continue to use and bless you and your works because it is helping 🫶🏾.
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