Screen Drafts


Experts and enthusiasts competitively collaborate in the creation of screen-centric "best of" lists. Hosted by draft commissioners Clay Keller and Ryan Marker. "Most impeccable taste in guests." - Entertainment Weekly

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Recent Reviews
  • Fairy1Hairy
    Good concept bad execution
    Concept is very clever and has a lot of potential . The far left virtue signaling takes away from what would be a great show .
  • Vghjdsjjgsgsadfss
    GOAT movie podcast
    Funny yet Beautiful convos re: cinema. If you enjoy ppl talking about movies SCREEN DRAFTS is a must-listen
  • Davehatesreno
    Ben Mankiewicz
    Ben should lose his job at TCM for his slander of “The Adventures of Robin Hood” (1938) in the Hitchcock draft.
  • Charlotte Liz
    Can’t stop listening and don’t know why.
  • kristi history
    The most addictive movies podcast
    My fav gm is Brian Cogman from got. He’s so obviously a cinephile and erudite. Darren is knowledgeable and hilarious. Dwight(?) mcsweeny is amazing and some others are just the best. A few I try to avoid. But the positive far outweigh the negative. Love this show
  • Jill Lloyd Flanagan
    Very enjoyable movie game podcast
    Screendrafts can vary a bit in quality depending on the guest and there can at times be a bit too much table setting. But at the same time the hosts excel at the gamesmanship which make what is essentially a tabletop game feel like an exciting event each time.
  • iKlungar
    Probably the best podcast ever?
    Endlessly grateful for the vast amount of content, and for finally convincing me to watch a lot of blind spots.
  • shubb1
  • Milwaukee Ryan
    Jerry Maguire is not a sports movie
    Jerry Maguire is not a sports movie. Could map exactly onto an entertainment agent with an actor client. Guy who said otherwise is bad and wrong.
  • Natesgrate
    Great topical movie rankings podcast!
    Clay and Ryan are great commishes! Very entertaining guest GM’s and fun topics. Come to Screen Drafts for the definitive top movies lists for any given topic!
  • RiverviewLagoonMain
    My favorite film podcast
    This podcast has gotten me through endless commutes and long walks. The show introduction, banter, and rules recitations are usually just long enough for me to get to work so I can savor the actual game play on my commute home (I’m usually shouting the trivia answers to myself as I get to my office). It is the perfect way to discover films I’ve never heard of while also feeling the thrill of listening to people celebrate some of my familiar favorites. It’s a great release valve for high stress days, as you listen to people talking about art with such joy, insight, and humor while they take so seriously something that is fundamentally unserious.
  • Josh from St Aug
    I loved the episode, but you can’t leave out Sudden Death if you wanna talk JCVD No argument that Bloodsport is his best
  • Joojieface
    A rollercoaster of a podcast
    There’s really nothing out there like Screen Drafts. That being said, like a rollercoaster it can be really great or really bad, and sometimes in the same show. Then, on certain episodes, you just want to get off the ride already, but you can’t. There are a few contrarian guests on Screen Drafts that make it almost unlistenable (BRB). You’ll know when you come across them. Aside from those episodes, this is a very fun, in-depth, silly, maddening, and at times insanely long (you can probably fast forward the first 20-25 minutes) podcast. I’m adding making this podcast a drinking game. Every time the hosts Clay or Ryan say they haven’t seen a movie, take a drink. Actually, maybe don’t, you’ll be drunk pretty quick.
  • DanDadRock
    I have to skip ahead 20 mins every time
    Most shows have a preamble but this one really irks me. Instead of just launching into the game, we have to indulge in a lot of pre show “entertainment” that adds little to nothing. If this podcast just started the game right at the top, it would be a vast improvement. The game itself, been done before like on The Big Picture and Filmspotting but this one allows for guests to go on extended rants. Love the idea but sometimes the execution is sloppy depending on who is on and what the subject is. Has potential to be great but comes up short.
  • scarhead101
    Come join us in Draftland, we have a monorail!
    Screen Drafts proves again and again to be an excellent source of film analysis and banter. I’ve always been a lover of cinema, and Screen Drafts has alerted me to films I might never have found otherwise. I appreciate a long-form podcast, and oh boy, can some of these episodes go on and on. You won’t even realize you’ve been listening for 5 hours and there’s still 90 minutes to go in the Planet Hollywood Mega Draft! The guest GMs are diverse, often hilarious, and many have their own film podcasts as well. You are equally likely to be appalled at a hot take #ghostrider and thrilled when your #1 makes it to the top of a list. #2023mega
  • Susanrhill
    Do you like listening to tiresome people talk over each other in terrible zoom audio? Then this is the show for you!
  • williamteacher
    Great format, serves little purpose
    The format of the serpentine-style drafting “game” is excellent. I love rules and there are plenty of them here. I’ve listened to some good episodes (Pixar, Best Actress films, Spielberg, etc.) and don’t mind the length. Ultimately, this podcast exists to affirm or challenge ones own opinions on films because the final list doesn’t really matter (Billy Wilder, Audrey Hepburn). The format of this game is excellent and should be lauded—what a great premise. Clay is the stronger commissioner because he has seen more films. Ryan has never seen anything but will promise to consider watching them maybe sure okay; his form of commentary is also just saying semi-big words that, together, mean absolutely nothing. Some GMs are charming (Drea Clark, Chris Feil, Wesley Morris, etc.) and some—most—are really obnoxious. I’ve decided to unsubscribe after the 2023 Mega Draft because the tension between GMs who take the draft seriously and the ones who don’t really highlighted how pointless the lists actually are. Also, I’m not too keen on how often the drafters skew white, male, and film bro. Basically, I’ve had enough.
  • wavedarlingwave
    Beware of Billy Ray
    If he’s listed in the show notes as a GM, save yourself 3 hours and just skip to the end— you’re guaranteed to find a list that makes absolutely no sense.
  • CliffBoothGoestotheMovies
    Frustrating but fantastic
    Like any good movie podcast this show will leave you inspired to watch/rewatch so many movies! It’s format is quite engaging and the constant carousel of GMs keeps things fresh and fun. Also, the shows approach to topics is great because they space out obvious great topics and sprinkle in some pretty niche topics as well to keep the show fun much longer. My only complaint with the podcast is the excessive judgments of yesterday’s films by todays societal standards. Change is good and acknowledgment is fine but the majority of listeners already know the context for when films were made. It’s frustrating when people deemed knowledgable enough to be a guest GM for a topic don’t seem to be able to discuss a movie with out bravely dunking on it for aging. Less retroactive indictments would be nice but overall it’s all coming from a good place and the show is always worth a listen. Quite fun for movie lovers!
  • Dustyfingers79
    Got lost first episode I listened to…
    Way too confusing.
  • hairoftheshrimp
    5 stars but enough
    There was a recent episode where Clay tried to move people along as if he isn’t the reason for the every episode’s bloat. Stop giving Adam B Vary 45 uninterrupted minutes to talk about a movie. Enough.
  • Bob Shower
    Draft movies
    Jumped the shark with the Scorsese podcast. They get people to make controversial opinions for the sake of it and chose some people to speak on movies who clearly didn’t like them. Disappinting.
  • ublaga
    I love the podcast!
    It really is great, lots of variety with guests and movies! I would just like to get into it before 30 minutes in almost every time.
  • Otto Ceballos
    The most fun you will ever have being infuriated.
    A great movie podcast, even if they did leave Return of the Living Dead off the Zombies draft. And seriously, when are we going to see the play at home version at Targetmart?
  • puliceman
    A Rollercoaster for the Ages
    Come for the discussion of interesting movies and personalities, stay for genuine concern about Clay Keller’s wellbeing.
  • Vance 3
    A film lover’s dream!
    Love this podcast! It’s so fun and frustrating at the same time! A great sign for a successful podcast is how much you talk to it as it streams… and I talk to this one all the time!😉
  • Anthony the 4th
    And I’m straight edge. The podcast is great thought. Love the debates and insights.
  • petsch6787
    Must listen for any movie fan
    Love this podcast, just got into it a couple months ago, starting at the beginning. The episodes look long but once you start listening, you’ll relish when you see a long one coming because it’s all good content.
  • dmuma22
    Awesome Podcast
    Don’t balk at the length, every episode is great. Pick something you’re interested in and then widen the aperture and before long you’ll be a regular listener!
  • jscottamy
    Always fun. Even when it’s crazy
    Who knew drafting could be such a blast.
  • Clapperific33
    Fantastic for Film Fans
    I love this pod because it introduces me to new films while stoking my nostalgia for old favorites I haven’t seen in awhile. You definitely don’t need to have seen the movies to enjoy; super drafts of favorite franchises are just as great as niche topics. Don’t be intimidated by long run times and please give it a shot!!
  • fiberglass420
    Best movie podcast
    If you love movies this is the best podcast!
  • The Silent Cody
    The excitement of sports without the sweat
    Loooove this podcast. It took awhile to understand the gameplay, but once I did I was fully on board. It is so exciting to see which films get left behind as each contestant sends in curveball after curveball. Each episode has a unique theme that helps limit recurring films. Honestly, themes where I tell myself “this list won’t have too much verity since it’ll have A, B, and C,” don’t have the usual suspects so I’m always on my toes. Wonderful game.
  • Scott Kilkenny
    For movie lovers
    Of all the podcasts where one of the hosts has a trailer full of muscle builders, this one is the best
  • Coop_Cooper
    Veto on 5 Stars Due to Certain Drafter (BRB)
    The concept is pretty clever until you run into those episodes where someone is dead set on showing how pretentious they can be by selecting some random deep cut at the cost of more obvious choices. Equally bad are the drafters who think they are clever by trying to sabotage the game for their own jollies. You just have to let some of it go for the fun trivia, solid movie reviews and the fun banter between Ryan and Clay. Lastly, just skip any draft with BRB as a drafter - you’ll thank me immensely for sparing you from an infinite amount of irritability.
  • BPatrickT
    My favorite of my many movie pods
    The episodes are long, but the format is very engaging and they bring in great guests. The hosts (Clay & Ryan) and the more frequent guests have fun running bits, and I’m obsessed with the game itself. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
  • sjosborne122
    It’s Crackerjack!
    Copacetic Cinematic Collection Of Competitive Collaboration With Colorful Commentary!
  • Tripwreck
    A must-listen
    I was instantly hooked on this show and will be very disappointed when I finally catch up on the backlog. I’m often frustrated by the rules and choices — only to realize I wouldn’t be so hooked if that wasn’t the case. But it makes it all the better when the drafters agree with my tastes!
  • Matt O’B
    Everything I like in one Podcast
    Screen Drafts has everything I love in one podcast. Movies, ranking movies and making lists, games with understandable rules and competition. It’s so much fun to listen to and this has been the only podcast that I’ve bought a Patreon subscription to. Great job Clay and Ryan!
  • Stonehenge3
    Love this!
    This is def the podcast I didn’t know that I needed. Great hosts and panels! Very funny and informative with just the right amount of banter 😀 Highly recommended! Scroll through and pick something that grabs your interest and you’ll find yourself hooked!
  • Pmharrell
    Movie Drafts
    The most fun you can have being furious.
  • Jdaugherty1213
    This has become my favorite film podcast. It spends much more time exalting the films people love than slagging on the stuff they don’t like. And when there is a disagreement, it’s almost always fascinating to hear people hash it out.
  • StevennnnnB
    Great Movie Podcast
    Clay and Ryan are fantastic hosts. Love the show and look forward to it every week.
  • mezzojan
    An Essential Film Podcast
    Screen Drafts is the absolute best. It’s like hanging out with your friends talking about movies, except your friends are some of the smartest, most passionate film experts on the planet. I started listening in summer 2022 and have been bingeing obsessively ever since. It’s become one of my top 3 podcasts, along with Blank Check and This Had Oscar Buzz. I even joined the Patreon! I’ve been exposed to so many new voices in filmmaking and film criticism thanks to this podcast. (New to me, at least). Drea Clark is a brilliant force of nature and I will listen to her talk about any topic. Thank you to everyone who dedicates their time and effort to making this engaging, creative, unpredictable show. It is a blessing.
  • Nperr27
    4hr+ episodes are my bread and butter
    Any podcast that delivers an entire month of Spielberg-centric content deserves at least 5 stars. Thank you, Clay and Ryan and your wonderful guest GMs!
  • mike14
    An absolute must listen
    One of the best podcasts out there. The chemistry between hosts and guests is impeccable leading to some really fun and interesting comments on film. Check it out for yourself! (If you aren’t already!)
  • cb2step
    Incredible guests
    The guests on this show are amazing and the drafts competitive and hysterical. A must for film lovers who also enjoy drafts and list making
  • SpiritedWords
    The ultimate movie podcast
    I love Screen Drafts. It’s so much fun to listen to, even if i don’t now anything about the movies they talk about, i learn something every single episode. I feel like I’m listening to friends chat and recommend me movies to see! Clay also is a great commissioner, keeps things moving like a well-oiled machine no matter how chaotic it gets, and keeps me engaged. 10/10
  • JeroldW
    Good Vibes
    The vibe here is good. Fan of the vibe.
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