Fixing Healthcare Podcast

Medicine #84

“A podcast with a plan to fix healthcare” featuring Dr. Robert Pearl, Jeremy Corr and Guests

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Recent Reviews
  • Veysnx
    It sounds like a teacher reading to the class🥴
    The content and topics are on point, but its so clear they’re reading from scripts. Hard to listen to. Totally ruins it for me
  • zt2022
    Too scripted
    This is painful to listen to, they sound so scripted! It doesn’t sound like a real conversation. Also it wouldn’t hurt them to find women to be on the show!
  • Surgonc
    Fools Erand
    Interesting discussions of the current problems with the USA healthcare system. However, as a retired physician with 30 years experience, I don’t believe there is a solution. There are too many stakeholders with their own self serving agendas. Any attempts will be sabotaged.
  • ArlieLP
    Good stuff! 🩺🥼
    Such a thorough and well-researched listen! Jeremy and Dr. Pearl offer key perspectives on the flaws of our current healthcare system and the opportunities we have to enact positive changes. It’s a healthy addition to your podcast diet - definitely recommend tuning in!
  • Heath Olsen
    Promotional scripting basically
    After listening to an “interview “ that was really a scripted set of questions and answers that amounted to nothing more than an hour of promotional material for Kaiser permanente medical Group. None of this is a honest, or critical look at the current healthcare in the US, just a scripted reading of promotional material by whoever is pushing it. No thanks!
  • 11Marigold
    This is an interesting podcast and has potential. However, it sounds like they write up their comments then just read it. It would be far better for him to just have a monologue with the audience using notes, not a script, and speaking freely.
  • love the order ahead feature
    Good content: difficult listen
    I love the topics covered and Dr. Pearl seems extremely qualified to have these big conversations. But this show is SO hard to listen to. Seems so scripted.
  • center street tie makers
    Drunk doctor
    Episode #25…I believe that the doctor interviewed is very inebriated..I stopped listening after all the slurring.
  • Sizrah24
    Good information but lacking in delivery
    I’ve listened to a few podcasts and frequently find myself drifting off. It often sounds like the hosts are reading from a script rather than having a natural conversation.
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Robert and Jeremy, hosts of the Fixing Healthcare podcast, highlight all aspects of healthcare and more in this can’t miss podcast! The hosts and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • WarrenMacG
    Thank you Dr. Pearl and Mr. Corr
    This podcast has been a wonderful source of factual, straightforward information about COVID-19 over the months of this pandemic. I have listened and shared what I’ve heard with friends and family members benefiting us all and increasing peace of mind.
  • obacker19
    Illuminating, insightful and actionable! 🙌
    Whether you’re well established as a healthcare innovator, or just getting started as a catalyst for changing the status quo - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Jeremy and Dr. Pearl do an incredible job leading conversations that cover a huge breadth of topics related to the ins and outs of building a thriving healthcare ecosystem - from leaders who’ve actually led successful innovation and outcomes themselves. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • Sacfriend
    Fixing Healthcare
    How refreshing and enlightening it was to listen to a podcast on the Covid-19 outbreak filled with such honesty and clarity. As a retired surgeon who worked under Robbie Pearl at Kaiser Permanente, I know for a fact he has an immense ability to communicate, innovate and face challenges head on. Applause to my healthcare colleagues on the front lines. They are the true heros. Also, I applaud those politicians who are working in a totally nonpartisan way, working tirelessly to help and protect their vulnerable constituents. To all those politicians and media who are wasting all of our time and precious resources playing partisan politics; just stop! As Dr. Pearl said, ‘We are at war with this virus!’ Nobody wins except the virus if we become more divided as a nation. Per usual, Dr. Pearl is discussing all the relevant topics and encouraging the right conversation going forward.
  • safiaansari
    just more conservative talking points
    this podcast is so incredibly biased and I learned absolutely nothing. the host doesnt even attempt to hide his political leanings
  • Vishv19
    Fantastic insights and perspective
    This is the most insightful perspective I have come across on the US healthcare system. Robert and team convey the right combination of critique and cause for optimism around the US health system. Also love that international perspectives are regularly integrated, which is refreshingly unusual when people talk about the US system. Highly recommend.
  • Jadams2212
    Constructive Suggestion
    I love this podcast. My wife is a retired KP/SFO physician and she introduced it to me. I’ve learned just enough about the practices and procedures and how hard it is to change them, which adds to my appreciation. One suggestion, from my occasional role as a presentation coach to executives—don’t read your boiler plate remarks! Write them out then read them several times, but DON’T read. Make a list of key words if necessary and converse with your guests and the audience naturally. It will improve the listenability significantly.
  • AHM MD
    Episode 1
    What happened to ZDogg’s podcast?
  • BL6720
    Unlike any other healthcare podcast
    Unique format: A monthly podcast that gives one prominent guest 10 minutes to present a plan to fix American healthcare (across 5 specific improvement areas that include quality, life expectancy, cost, and patient and doctor satisfaction). Then another 40-50 minutes defending the plan and answering tough questions. Love this show. Nothing else like it.
  • Beej
    Insightful, practical, forward thinking
    Absolutely wonderful group of doctors who can reshape our health and healthcare system. Let’s stop denying that there is anything wrong with our system and stop fighting real change. Forget what the politicians have to say, listen to these experts and follow them to a better healthcare future!
  • PetShopDancer
    Real solutions from mission-driven leaders
    Not only can Dr. Pearl draw from his own deep reservoir of experience, he’s done a fantastic job choosing the “walkers” over the “talkers” of healthcare. Guests like Zubin Damania and David Feinberg have been in the trenches, warts and all, yet have strong visions based on real world experience. Unfortunately, most podcasts have people who talk a good game but haven’t made tough choices to go against the grain to produce real results. This podcast has been a breath of fresh air so far. Start with the first episode and go from there. You don’t want to miss Damania’s take which sets a nice foundation for follow-on episodes.
  • AnDizle
    Definitely worth a listen!!!
    Wow! Cutting edge format. Great content. Great hosts. Great guest. I have a feeling big things will come from this show. I can’t wait to hear the next one! Good work guys!
  • adubclub
    Love the Format
    I like that guests can offer their opinion how to fix healthcare without the mind numbing politics.
  • wvume92
    Love the format! 10 minutes to fix our system
    Look forward to future episodes!!
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