The Happy Sober Podcast (The Stop Drinking Expert)

Nutrition #124

Ready to quit drinking? Or perhaps you are already sober but need a few pointers to help you stay on the wagon. Join The Stop Drinking Expert Craig Beck for a live support and coaching session. Discover how to stop drinking without AA, rehab, medication or silly gimmicks.

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  • stumpyrn
    Thank you!!
    I’ve been a nurse for 35 years and find this podcast has very sound information. I am learning so much. I started listening because I changed my specialty to cancer (Oncology) one year ago and am seeing so much cancer related to alcohol consumption- I never knew this….. mind blowing Plus! You make me laugh! ( I have 50 days today).
  • Chitown Jamie
    Beck is the Man!
    I’m sober curious and have an extensive collection of sober audio and text books, including several from Craig. It’s great he is doing a free regular podcast helping out real people like me and pointing out truths to combat big alcohols ads and the social stigma of not drinking. Thanks Craig!
  • Bob Abouie
    Do you really wanna stop??
    Forget about what it cost for his program. You’ll spend it on booze anyway. I have tried AA , NA, will power. Just didn’t work. This podcast is such a breath of fresh air AFTER… you do the course. This guy saved my life. Do you…. Good luck!!! Thanks Craig!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • ASD42709
    Again back on my first day
    I liked how you said try a different method but don’t give up I think I’m going no wait I’m going to follow your course. Thank you
  • never153323
    Get to the point
    Rambled on about alcoholism or problem drinking and never explain how to quit.
  • Kfran112
    1 year anniversary
    Yep more than a year without alcohol. This podcast was one of tools I used to get me here. I’m very grateful for Craig and his coaching through this podcast. I feel so much better, sleep better, think better and certainly act better. I’m a better husband and father. I drank alone most of the time boy because that’s when I really craved it. Thank you Craig.
  • 40ish mom
    Tough Love
    Your approach speaks to me. Your tough love is exactly how I needed to hear the message. I’ve stopped making excuses and see alcohol for what it really is, attractively packaged poison (love that). I consider myself a fairly clean eating individual. I would NEVER go to a fast food restaurant and eat a bacon cheese burger, french fries and a milkshake, EVER!! However, I would go home every evening and at 5o’clock enjoy my red wine and end up polishing off at least a half bottle if not an entire bottle or more in an evening, everyday for longer than i can remember (I’m 60) I would also use all the excuses I heard you use, I never drink during the day, I would quit drinking for a few weeks just to prove that I could, and I drank alone, A LOT!! I even convinced myself that since I am such a clean eater, any bad effects from the alcohol would be wiped away. I’m a month sober and listen to you and other podcasts CONSTANTLY, just to keep the message in my head and not let my ego conscience get a word in edge wise. I purchased your book, “Alcohol Lied To Me” (perfect title) it sickens me that we have let marketing brainwash us. Even though I am not far in to my sobriety, with so many feelings of freedom and empowerment, I am NOT naive to the fact that this is only going to get harder before it gets easier. Doing great so far, thanks to you and many others out there with so much great information. Information IS power and I intend to use it!! Thank you , thank you, thank you!!!
  • Sam Clemons MT
    Happy sober
    Podcasts are nothing more than advertisements for his pay for seminars.
  • Rerrrroo
    Good knowledge, great perspective. Short and to the point each time.
  • Bnpointer94
    Getting me through!
    I love these so much! He speaks the truth. Sometimes the truth is hard to face but it is needed. He speaks nothing but the truth with help behind it!
  • Sally749
    Thank you for everything you do!!!
    You are saving my life. I’m in love with what you do I love your sense of humor. I find myself at times laughing out loud while listening to you My Mom was full Brit so I do relate to your sense of humor. Words can’t express what you are bringing to my life Sally
  • kolp9000
    This podcast launched my sobriety
    I am someone who was drinking 4 vodka sodas at the bar w friends then two bottles of wine at home every night. Sometimes it was just one bottle. ( by myself) I knew something had to change. Nothing was working. I somehow came across this podcast and started and continued to through out my journey. I am now on day 75 of no alcohol or cigarettes or anything. Just coffee. I did no AA I just quit. Not saying those organizations don’t help people they just don’t work for me. But how Greg talks and discusses big alcohol really resonates w me.
  • cmnmn
    You need to do more research before speaking on this topic.
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