The Michael Steele Podcast

News #151Politics #54

The Michael Steele Podcast is a podcast hosted by former Republican National Committee Chairman and Maryland Lt. Governor Michael Steele. Each week, Michael moderates a barbershop style discussion about the key political and cultural issues of the day. Michael brings his experience as an MSNBC political analyst and from a lifetime in politics to a podcast which transcends traditional political boundaries in order to dig deep and find real solutions.

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Recent Reviews
  • Rmn44
    More Michael and Rick!
    I loved the conversation between Michael and Rick Unger. The two complement each other so well and always engage in such lively discussion on so many topics. Look forward to listening to Michael and April Ryan. RMN
  • Educator C
    Dr. Carol Anderson
    I believe it’s time to bring back guest favorite, Dr. Carol Anderson, author of White Rage. In your last conversation with Dr. Anderson, she introduced, what Trump was, fortunately, not able to completely pull off in his first four years as president. As we see, the plans are moving forward! This is an excerpt from the transcript of the conversation yiu and Dr. Anderson had, released January 6, 2022. Practically EVERYTHING you discussed, regarding suppression, education, the collect lack of reaction to efforts to suppress black and brown (the poor and women’s) rights and votes, is laid bare here. In other words, she nailed it! “White supremacy through voting, through guns. And at the intersection of all of that, black folks. So think about Reuters just did an analysis or published the calls to the threats to election members, election board members, election officials. And in there, you keep seeing, we're going to handle this via our Second Amendment. And so looking at who voted, we're going to deal with this via guns. That's the connection. It is about how do we ensure that black folks don't have a say in this society? How do we erase the role of black people in this society? One of the things that I talked about in white rage was that what Trump wanted to create was a neo-apartheid society where you had a vast, rightless labor pool composed of black folk and brown folk, just vast and rightless, creating enormous resources that would then go up and the con man sold it that whites would get those resources. But it wasn't about whites getting those resources, it was about a small strata of whites getting those resources. That's what he wanted to create. And so Make America Great Again was how do we create this society[…]” *** Dr. Anderson speaks to us all in a way that makes it clear we must get onboard and get involved, now! Or, soon, there may be no one left to act for us. Thanks!
  • Maul Rat
    A former republican
    One of my favorite podcasts. 10 stars. Now I have to look for the Doris Kearns Goodwin interview—missed that one…
  • AllRise777
    Sane Voice in the Midst of Polarized, Manipulated Insanity
    Appreciate the *measured approach* to understanding what’s going on this year and how to step into the leadership gap ♥️
  • FrankieBlu
    Too bad “Republicans” have no idea what it is to be a Republican anymore. Michael is hanging in there and is one of the very very few who understand and vocalize what is happening to the party and how Trump and his “Loyalists” will destroy our democracy given the chance. Vote BLUE
  • page two
    Real language
    Love Michael’s authenticity in both electoral politics and especially race. He is straightforward in showing the emotional as well as practical in his opinions! His ability to succinctly explain political strategy AND use the vernacular to bring his points and opinions home are the best!
  • Becnb264
    Real Talk
    Steele tells it like it is…love his honesty. Great guests! More barbershop!
  • ltd252
    Great podcast
    Adam Kinsinger is the best. And so is Micheal Steele. Love it! Michael Steele is the best—& I always love Dr. Phil. Just listened to Micheal’s interview with Doris Kearns Goodwin for the 3rd time! Amazing.
  • Loops511
    Chris Vance is dreaming. He was stretching it till he came to crime, then he lost me. There isn't an increase in crime. The numbers show that. So please Mr. Vance get to the truth.. we are fed up of Repubs lying.
  • javs123123
    Always Interesting!
    I am a fairly liberal individual who has been interested in politics forever. I am a big Fan of Michael Steel! I’m glad you have a voice here and find your discussions enlightening!! Highly Recommend!!
  • NellieinTx
    The Roland Martin Episode
    This episode was insightful, and informative. I like Roland’s straight no chaser way of speaking.
  • Melanie from Georgia
    Chris Vance Podcast
    Your conversation with Chris was intelligently detailed and very uplifting. What I would have added to the chat was the dangers ahead if we continue to allow religious extremists to rule the Party. An important lesson from history is that religious believes and politics should never mix. It has brought nothing but bloodshed throughout the ages. It’s time we all paid more attention to what history can teach us.
  • Ms.Angel_M
    Great one
    Love his podcast
  • go stillerz
    Former Marylander
    You remind me of what the party stood for; now its just a cult headed by a golden calf (oops, I meant cow).
  • ca_boh
    Incredible podcast, insanely loud ads
    Just make ad volume the same as volume of podcast content. Then I’ll give it 5 stars. Incredibly annoying otherwise.
  • neverbroke69
    I like listening to everything you say on MSNBC and your Pod cast. Because it’s true and educational. Michael keep speaking the truth.
  • Jennaboa
    Michael Steele gives me some hope for Republicans
    Michael Steele gives me some hope for Republicans, though I live in a state so gerrymandered and hateful it sure isn’t my batch of elephants. I will say though people like Dr Phil don’t see they are part of the problem with politics and religion. So sure of they are right and everyone else is morally wrong as a result, so dang judgmental — yes, religion can instill morality. It can also be used to control the well-meaning masses. Why are Americans disillusioned by religion? The grift. Prosperity gospel. Let’s all read Dr Phil’s newest book on it and see, right? I don’t need Dr Phil’s no-doubt pricey and overwritten book to tell me what I can see with my own eyes that all the so-called authorities on religion today are actively doing the exact opposite of what Jesus preached. (I was raised in an area with Phil’s folksy ways, it always hits me as inauthentic and to snake oil to be real, even if he is. But I’m not an Evangelical and that style of talking does not appeal to me.) Still, thank you, Michael, for everything you do and the people you bring on. I may not always agree with them, but it always leaves me thinking. And I think between you and John Fuselang’s Tell Me Everything segments with religious leaders, there might be some hope Christianity can come back from the cliff’s edge it is staring down — but it might be after the lemmings follow their golden idol jump off with their freedom bibles, grievance hatred and Golden shoes. Cheers and love.
  • camithepanda
    LiquidoO o
  • CowgirlBootz
    What a great break from politics today! Love Michael’s informative, direct political commentary but today was an absolute treat for the soul. Can’t wait for the next interview with Terry Virts!
  • ImeverywhereintheUS
    Great show!
    Love his wholistic view and ability to pull expert opinion from ALL angles.
  • LenoChall
    Long time listener
    I was an avid listener of Steele and Ungar. Having Rick Ungar as a guest are my favorite episodes of this pod! As a former (black) Republican, I see myself now as a conservative Democrat. However, I appreciate hearing sane and reasonable folks on both sides. Your show is a great listen.
  • chisoxct
    Good show
    I enjoy Micheal’s perspective and how his life experiences have impacted his views. A good listen. Thanks Mike!
  • ajk16##
    Native Land
    I am a faithful listener. Michael, your Fire Nancy program started the movement that resulted in “Where’s Nancy” January 6.
  • JJ62sadface
    The Road to Building…..
    I really appreciated Angela’s challenge. I have wondered so often about ‘the House Steele built’ that 2010 ads turned on ugly Pelosi ads. I remember those ads. You didn’t need to start a hate ad program that set an awful new bar. Those ads that have continued ugly against Pelosi and put her at the forefront in 2010. Don’t you think that all was too ugly?
  • Jostrope
    Michael is great.
    Thank you for such a significant podcast..
  • Jess from L.A.
    Bad guest
    Michael is great, Dr. Phil is a hack
  • pepperjack 42
    New Testament
    Hey Michael thanks for reminding us Christians that Jesus came along and changed those dreadful rites of the Old Testament. I went to Catholic school as did most of my friends and they conveniently forget. No 5 stars for this guy. Dr Phil is certainly twisting the facts. Why is he on your show?
  • Mom Arin
    Love this podcast!
    I love Michael Steele, but I no longer have any respect for Dr Phil. He’s clearly a quack.
  • Cool_d
    Excellent Podcast
    I admire Michael Steele’s adeptness at maintaining steadfast adherence to core conservative principles, all the while fostering enriching political discourse with guests spanning the ideological spectrum on his exceptional podcast.
  • Ofwaih48
    One of my go-to’s
    Over my morning coffee. I never miss an episode. Great topics and conversations!
  • Gram super fan
    Great shows
    Always inspiring informative and important. Wish the Dems would listen and hire you!! Thank you 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
  • CatherinefromNorCal
    Great session with Tavis Smiley!
    This conversation with Tavis was so wonderful. Made me realize how much I’ve missed hearing Tavis on the radio. Thank you Michael for always providing worthwhile content on your podcast. I’m a liberal Democrat who loves listening to you, following you on X, and seeing you on TV, Bulwark & LP. We all have to pull together during these outrageous times! Thank you for everything you do - your podcasts are always worth my time.
  • MamaNews
    Spot on
    I always welcome Michael’s take on the political Zeitgeist. Fresh, in depth and insightful. I’m a fan.
  • DaveJB ATL
    Needs help of guest.
    Michael is not talented enough to carry the conversation. However, there are some guests that can make it worth while.
  • mikewjaaxfl1 904
    Michael steel Tim Alberta podcast date December 21, 2023
    Excellent podcast with Michael @ Tim I listened to what a couple of time since air date, I will probably listen to it again a couple more times. It was an excellent podcast. What a Michael’s best podcast. Thank you very much.
  • 80221
    Some folks…
    …have no idea of, interest in, exposure to or understanding of the actual working class in this country. If they did, they would not identify with or support Republicans or Libertarians whose ideas & policies only hurt the majority of Americans.
  • TV Anne
    Sometimes uncomfortable, always interesting.
    I don’t always agree with Michael or his guests, and sometimes I bristle at the assumptions, but I really appreciate the sensible discussions he facilitates. The show tries to represent a mix of points of views. And when those views are foreign to mine, at least the conversation is defined by reality. It’s a place for common sense and common ground.
  • Andmorri
    Hit and Miss
    I admire some of Mr. Steele’s efforts and viewpoints as a fact based republican, but the show varies wildly depends on the strength of the guest.
  • Prometheus---
    Great Steve Schmidt interview
    I recently heard your interview with Steve Schmidt. One of the best interviews/analysis on our current Trump catastrophe I’ve heard to date. Schmidt is the greatest Trump critic around. He gets it. Unfortunately, every cell in body tells me Trump will win. I had the exact same feeling very early on in 2016. My only point of contention with your and Schmidt’s legitimate criticism of Biden running again is that any Dem primary would be a 3-ring circus and produce an even bigger loser. Dean Phillips will not be able to win said primary. The Bernie Bro and AOC wing of the Dem party will crash the plane with their nonsense. The end is nigh . We are the Weimar Republic. Have a plan. Trump will win.
  • AZariesfire
    I love the MS podcast
    We need this. It should be required listening. Our democracy is about to go off a cliff, hijacked by Donald Trump and Stephen Miller. The podcast today with Steve Schmidt was the best ever. I wish both Steve and Michael would join the Biden campaign.
  • JLC5270
    Steve Rocks
    Love Steve Schmidt! Love Michael Steele! The show with Michael Hayes was fantastic. How lucky we are to have men like him in our military! Update: I wish you would run again. I’m a democrat and would vote for you. You have your finger on the pulse of democracy. The second part of Steve Schmidt nails it. The Republican Party exists no more. The crazy people will run the country into the ground just as Steve Bannon the Leninist’s wants. Tom Nichols scared me. Millions of citizens are willing to trash our country. Trump has destroyed America. Steve Schmidt should have joined Biden’s campaign. No one knows Dean Phillips.
  • longgonesam
    All In
    faux evangelicals indeed. Michael Flynn So, Michael, in your office, the photo above your right shoulder? Is that Ali? Great podcast. Your voice is important
    Evangelicals in the Age of Political Extremism
    This is such an important topic. Religion is a dangerous way to control people by nurturing fear and hatred of all who are different from them. It’s like the bullies and mean girls from junior high grew up and now bully and ostracize those have different beliefs, values or color of skin because it is now acceptable in our society… along with lying about almost everything and assault weapons becoming our golden calf.
  • Ranger John
    Used to LOATHE Michael Steele . . .
    . . . but it's nice to see him swing back to the center(ish) part of the political spectrum, recognizing our modern problems for what they are and speaking courageously and truthfully to them.
  • Happy healthy fit me
    Not Buying It
    I appreciated the conversation with Adam K. I admire and am grateful for both of you. However… the conversation early on about the R party and Trump’s impact, it’s not all Republicans, etc, got me talking out loud to you two. Admit it please: The Republicans mistakenly thought they could and would control him. They were wrong. They lost any and all control by kowtowing and placating and allowing every aberrant comment made by Trump before, during and after his election. This is only a surprise to people who are non-issue lead partisans, people who live outside of any mainstream media or people who have been in a coma. This is his lifetime MO. He didn’t change. He trumped all. And they can’t admit it.
  • GaMtnGrl
    With Tim Miller
    I am enjoying these podcasts so much. Great job, Michael Steele.
  • All my nicknames were taken!
    Great Podcast
    A beverage, a book, and an episode of Michael Steele…great end of a day!
  • rebecca in d.c.
    Loved the thanksgiving show
    It is always a pleasure to hear your insightful and unique analysis. I also love your sense of humor.
  • Nutcase like no other
    Really enjoy your podcast Michael! Absolutely loved the Thanksgiving Barbershop episode with Tom Nichols, Elie Mystal and Glenn Kirschner!!!
  • APSkis
    Keepin it Real!
    I love Michael’s pod. He has a way of adding just enough humor along with humility and has engaging conversations with his guests. The episode with Rachel Maddow is one of his best IMO. Keep it up, Mr. Steele! We need your voice!
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