Remember The Game? Retro Gaming Podcast

Leisure #162Video Games #34

Comedian Adam Blank hosts "Remember The Game?", a retro gaming podcast. Each week, Adam and his guest will select a video game that they grew up playing, and spend time reminiscing about what they loved (or hated) about it. Not intended to be a history lesson, "Remember The Game?" is more like a conversation you'd overhear on the playground as a kid. The discussions are all over the place, and are guaranteed to fill you with that warm, nostalgic feeling. (Or rage, like you felt with the underwater level in the original Ninja Turtles game). Either way, it's gonna be fun! New episodes every Wednesday!

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Recent Reviews
  • Tyriless
    Some of the most obnoxious ad reads
    I love retro gaming as a podcast subject, and while this one has potential, it's runtime is bloated with 3 ad reads in the first 15 minutes. There might be more, but by the last one, I had to turn off. There are other issues as well, namely the guy sounds like a knock-off 2008 YouTuber with these repetitive and inane rants, immaturity, and a nasally voice that grates my nerves. The one plus is that the host makes decent arguement, and if his delivery wasn't so poor I might have listed to more.
  • foolfromqueens
    Retro gaming is my thing & this podcast keeps it real. I’ve been binging it the past few days & I’m hooked.
  • Taddude
    I Love This Podcast
    I recommend starting with Episode 85. That, I believe, is the introduction to “Angry Adam”! You will be laughing your butt off while you listen to his memories of Ecco The Dolphin. Great podcast! Keep up the good work, and the weekly voice-cracks! -Tad in Colorado
  • B4gheera
    What a great stupid podcast!
    Thanks for puking up all the content every week!
  • Mr.L Ludwig
    I have a request
    In your last podcast episode you said you needed five star reviews no matter what I’m willing to give you five star reviews every Wednesday is you do a legend of Zelda majora’s mask conversation after Castlevania
  • JoshCase84
    Very fun
    This podcast is a big pile of stinking trash and I’m the Grouch from Sesame Street, in other words I love it. Keep up the great work
  • van alstyen
    Why is my favorite part not you talking about video games but you just rambling around?no offense. By the way
  • Dredajamaican
    New to me favorite
    I usually listen to automotive and hip hop based pods, but i found this pod recently and it’s phenomenal. I started from episode 1 and have been picking thru episodes of games i played myself as im in the same age group as the host so the experiences are very similar. I hope this keeps going by the time i catch up haha!
  • SuperJES11524
    Top Tier, Grade A content!
    This is buy and large my favorite podcast I’ve ever listened to. This dude might be one of the hardest working individuals in this industry I’ve ever seen and just nonstop churns out content for his community. $5 a month literally gets you FIVE incredible podcasts every week of top tier quality entertainment. Adam Blank is an absolute superstar.
  • Marielasotohn
    I loved listening to this podcast, I almost forgot about it when I took a break, and I feel like it just got better and I love the topics and the way he explains things.(he also funi)
  • Stan Stanley 1221
    Best Retro pod for a laugh
    First off, born with a sega Genesis in the household. Secondly, the greatest system of all time the N64 was the first system I (not my brother) got for Christmas. Thirdly, I don’t own a Nintendo switch, don’t really intend too. I collect and play the retro games how they’re intended to be played in my 80’s game cave I constructed. Fourthteen, HUGE resident evil fan All that aside. Blank puts together a great podcast. He’s hilarious and states the games how they are, it’s well laid out, easy listening. For whomever is looking for a retro gaming podcast, Remember the game and Worth it or Worthless are the best.
  • Marshall Gustin Kasse
    Amazing podcast
    Very well put together podcast. Nice to listen to someone who is just genuinely passionate about video games just ramble about the good times they had playing these games. Also, it is especially interesting for me to listen to a Nintendo Fan, as I have almost exclusively played Xbox (only every owned a Wii, and I still have it and never a Play Station). Thanks for giving me y’all’s fond memories and honest opinions on games, consoles, and companies, “with a little profanity sprinkled in”. And thanks for giving me the option to check where to skip to so I can just listen to the interview without the ADS! Holy cow! It’s genius! (I still listen to them, looking for that voice-crack and they’re amusing.) P.S. Your KOTOR recommendation got me back on and I’m very glad I did. Enjoying the game so much more now that I’m off of the first planet. (Even though I spoiled the game for myself, I don’t care and will still finish the game, it’s awesome.) P.S.S. Will be purchasing a Nintendo Switch or Switch Pro/2 just because one can play all of those amazing Retro Games like Super Mario Bros. 3 and Super Mario World, just like my folks did back in the day. I have been exposed to those games a little on the Wii, but would love to play the full versions. P.S.S.S. Yes, this is a Cars 2 reference and yes I am not old enough to have purchased any Nintendo console with my own money before the Wii U (horrible console from what I played at friend’s houses).
    Kind of good
    It’s kind of good. I’m not a fan of “adults” with limited vocabularies. Try a dictionary it will at least make you sound smarter than you are.
  • 123the. club i will swing
    Cozy nostalgia at its finest
    Just recently turning 40 years old definitely qualify as me as a retro gamer. I remember as early as my late teens, early 20s, knowing in the back of my head that one day retro games would be celebrated like people at the time we’re collecting vinyl. This podcast is absolutely wonderful for all things Retrogaming, and just remembering childhood in general. Adam mentions about growing up in the greatest era of gaming and he is 100% correct on that. I have been listening to this podcast for the last few months about eight hours a day at work. I just can’t get enough and I love that the music is a point of focus as well!!! This is a very well laid out and professionally done Retrogaming podcast I would give six stars if I could!
  • AceofSpades2324
    I ‘membah!!
    Great mix of humor and nostalgia! If you grew up with any of these games, you will definitely relate.
  • Shafted Chicagoan
    Rambles for 45 mins and then… *fart noise*
    This dude hasn’t even played half the games he’s so opinionated about. Also I think “comedian” is a stretch.
  • factsthethruthteller
    Wanted to scratch an inch…
    This did it. Intro was long.
  • Dacoda Guy
    Love this podcast!
    I found this show at episode #212 “Silent Hill 3” and by #215 (Mega Man X) I decided to support the show on Patreon. I have since worked my way from episode #1 all the way through the backlog and have enjoyed every minute of it. I’m glad I stumbled on to this podcast and I’m proud to be a hot dog! Keep up the great work Adam!
  • Codopt
    Love this show, thank you for doing this! Takes me back to childhood. I would love to see Dream Master: Little Nemo discussed. Thanks so much!
  • Left running Mario.
    Perfect retro game podcast.
    Great discussion about games that take me back to the good old days.
  • Dylthehuman
    It’s like talking to an old friend
    Found the show about two weeks ago and made it through almost 30 ep. Listening to Adam talk to his friends and actually just be himself is what makes this show great. Him and the hosts genuinely love games as much as I do. They don’t just read a Wiki page on the topic and ramble off facts, instead it’s purely their memories which brings more nostalgic feeling than many podcasts. The sprinkling in of controversial opinions, along with jokes and gags makes it feel like your just hanging out with an old friend.
  • Santiago ram
    Love the podcast
    I love listening to the podcast instead of doing my schoolwork
  • Zachash31
    Amazing Podcast
    I’ve been going through this podcast for a few weeks now. I’ve started at episode 1 and now I’m at episode 50. I’ve listened to every episode (1-50) and this podcast is so amazing. I wanted to wait until I hit at least 50 to get a good feel if I liked it or not. However, I knew from episode 1 that I loved this show. I really hope you’re still reading reviews on the show. It would be really cool if when I eventually catch up, that I hear you read my review. Anyways, keep the episodes coming! You’re funny, charismatic, and it seems like you genuinely care about video games. This podcast is so refreshing. Continue being awesome!
  • Omne Frustum
    Never even heard of most of these…
    …but it doesn’t matter to me! I freaking love this podcast, and, if you can deal with the profanity, you will too. Even though I’m a PC master racer myself, even though I was born after nearly every game discussed came out, even though the host makes fun of people for platforming with a keyboard, I still love this show. 10/10, would recommend.
  • A disappointment app
    I ‘member!!
    This show is amazing. 10 out of 10
  • Wintercrocs
    It really works!
    This show helped me remember the games Also I see people knocking the long intros but that’s actually my favorite part lol…
    My Christmas Present to Adam
    I have only listened to this podcast for a few months now, but already love it. I didn’t know but I apparently have listened to more of this podcast in that few months than I did with any of my other podcasts I listen to for a whole year! I enjoy this podcast so much that I went out of my way to leave a review on a platform I don’t listen on because you can’t write reviews on Spotify. I absolutely love video games and have been playing them all my life. I however did not grow up with any Nintendo systems until I could buy the Switch. I have played a couple games here and there with friends that did own Nintendo consoles and it’s great going back and hearing these games through the perspective of a Nintendo kid, completely unfiltered. It allows me to appreciate these games in a way I never could. It’s not a professional podcast but that makes me enjoy it that much more. It’s the real actual thoughts and takes that Adam has, that I appreciate the most. If you see this Adam, thank you for being awesome and taking the time to reach but to the listeners but that’s not all. I’ll also be surprising you with a Patreon subscription. Merry Christmas, Adam!
  • JohnRedcorn97
    Hilarious cast and INTROS
    I just recently stumbled across your podcast and I gotta say it’s one of my favorites! 🔥 I’m a 25 year old gamer who grew up playing retro games so it’s awesome to hear you guys talk about guys I have vague childhood memories of! I started listening all the way back at episode 1 and am gonna listen all the way through until I’m all caught up. This makes me think of Link to the Past and like I’m reviewing from the past lol it’s always good to see how far you’ve grown! I’m at about ep. 60ish and hey I enjoy hearing you rant every week about nintendos business practices! Lol! And it’s cool to see how right and or wrong you are about certain gaming rumors and ideas now that I can see it RETROactively (see what I did there?) enough rambling though I hope to hear you read this review on a current episode when I finally get caught up!
  • VanillaGorillaAk
    The good podcasts have these
    So I’ll do it
  • FracturedKoi
    Let’s prattle for 45 minutes before getting on with it.
    This is a great podcast when they’re actually talking about the subject matter. The host insists on spending 14-30 minutes rambling about nonsense that has nothing to do with the actual subject matter…and he’s aware of this problem too! So, how does he address it? Does he edit things so the podcast is more topical? Nope. He gives you a timestamp so you can manually skip his nonsense. Heck, in his episode about Skyrim, you had to slog through FORTY-FIVE minutes JUST to get to the damned game! That’s the episode that finally made me gave up on this dumpster fire of a podcast. I don’t know if this show ever gets better after Skyrim and I really don’t care. When they’re actually talking about the game, they do a great job and it’s clear they enjoy the subject matter. But, dang man, get on with it!
  • soggyunagi
    Love it
    Adam! My man! Love the podcast, I work ten hour shifts so going through your catalog helps a lot! I’m an aging dude just like yourself, diggin’ the nostalgia, keep up the good work!
  • Fdsgucrfytfderrd
    Love the show
    Hey Adam I found you’re podcast about a week ago and I can’t get enough of it. I started on episode 1 and I’m at episode 47 right now. I’m a truck driver and you make the long days not as bad as you stroll me down memory lane. I was alittle sad when you said final fantasy 10 sucked but fair enough you love some games that I don’t care for. Thanks for the gaming community you have started here, and also I’m not caught up yet but have you thought about starting a discord where all of us old gamers can post our collection or show off achievements and hang out in posting memes and what not. Anyways sorry not sorry for the long review you rock and so do your cohost. If you could do me a solid and give a shot out to my friends podcast I would love it and I’m sure they would to. It’s “snipe hunt podcast.” They cover all types of folklore around the world and have some scary stories to go with it
  • BryceHagman
    The best podcast ever
    Listen to it every day at work. Gets me through the day. I even listen to the episodes of games i never heard of and then look them up and try to play them afterwards if they sound fun! Lots of good games I’ve discovered through this. Some fun games I would definitely recommend for Adam to check out and possibly review are Pacman World 2, Super Paper Mario, both Fairly Odd Parents console games, some of the Spongebob games, and both Family Guy console games. Keep up the great work!
  • oantera man
    Just a fun listen!
    Just found this podcast, it just rules! It got me back into playing the old stuff again! Give it a listen!
  • Zencherry4980
    This podcast is as rational as the car homer designed and I love it. I’ve been listening for years and am addicted can’t wait for a new episode also make an episode about Sonic 3D blast or I nuke Ohio.
  • adam Ezekiel kulper
    Adam Kulper
    Twisted Metal I love twisted metal I Love twisted metal I love twisted metal.
  • Batman_1982
    Great Show
    Just found this podcast listened to the Goldeneye episode as my first absolutely loved it definitely listening to all of them. I’m happy my N64 still works & have all my original games. Keep ‘em coming!!!!
  • Davey Wins
    Excellent retro podcast from a normal dude
    My favorite part of this podcast is the banter and the non-technical talk. I’m well versed in games and the technical detailed aspects of them but it’s nice to just listen to normal people talk about games they loved. Keep it up.
  • original Xbox collector
    Amazing podcast
    Listen to this podcast all the time while I am taking care of horses. Very entertaining!
  • Grummulk
    Simple fun
    Listening to this podcast is just like talking about video games with your friends, except you don’t need to have friends. Sometimes Adam and friends might say something thought provoking about game design, most of the time it’s just fun. Isn’t that what games are about?
  • Gothscribe
    I finally found my perfect podcast!
    This podcast is my holy grail! I had the unfortunate disease of growing up in the 80s/90s as a kid who freaking loved video games while being a girl. This podcast provides me with all the cool discussions, rants and community hype that I missed out on but always wanted. Adam’s sarcastic brazen humor and honest, fair reviews make this podcast incredibly perfect for me. As an added bonus, I finally found a person who curses as much as I do! Thank you so much for making this absolute gem of a show!
  • Terry Dowdy
    Most hilarious video game podcast there is. Many trips down memory lane with countless laughs along the way.
  • HiPNoTiKz
    Very nostalgic
    Awesome content, can’t stop listening. Started with the games I knew, now I’m just starting from the bottom listening to everything. Even games I don’t know or like, are still a good listen.
  • stiffjab
    A Link to the Past.
    Take a trip down memory lane and listen to this. Great podcast that has me reliving my childhood.
  • sluggaboyjr
    This podcast is so good
    Adam dug his nails in and won’t let up.. I’m simply enthralled. Great gaming podcast
  • CalebFox15
    Amazing podcast
    This podcast at first I didn’t know if it would be up my alley, but only after just the first episode even I fell in love. I love all games old and new, and this covers all bases. I can reminisce about the games I’ve played and share the memories while listening to this podcast. I highly recommended this to any game lover out there. Keep the greats alive💯
  • Woodlandwalker
    Great retro game nostalgia!
    I was very late to find this podcast but not I have tons of episodes to binge. Love listening to episodes about games I played throughout my childhood but also discovering possible games to play for the first time. I have found myself only listening to half an episode on games I haven’t played because now I want to play them but without the spoilers haha. Glad to see this is still going strong!
  • CraveThatMinerals
    Hotdogs Anonymous
    Through two different jobs and a handful of complications, this has been a rock to lean on. Great community full of raw and burnt hotdogs. I like my beer cold, my TV loud and podcaster flaming.
  • Ian!!!!!!!
    Great Podcast
    Best podcast to listen to while doing other things! Adam is great and the podcast reminds me of a more nostalgic time! Love it!
  • TeamJesus01
    Congrats on the 200 episodes Adam
    To all retro gamers, who also like trailer park boys. This is the one for you. What a salty Canadian. To Adam, congrats man keep it up, I listen to this like 3 hours everyday at work and it makes my day go by so much faster. You have so many more retro games to dive into man so I’m looking forward to the next 200. Consider getting a mister FPGA, they are THE retro gaming device and the PSX core is finally complete thanks to Robert P. So there’s that entire library to dive into. Seriously dude check it out!!!
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