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RahwoodMarianne Magin connection with dogs through artThis podcast spoke to me. I am still having a hard time over losing one of my beloved dogs to hemangiosarcoma unexpectedly. He was a big personality knew the word play and was a jokester! He went with me so many places on most every vacation and was my favorite ride or die companion and he was always there for me. Marianne described the experience and grief almost exactly how it felt losing a dog to this disease. He was too far gone with too many tumors to remove his spleen by the time it was diagnosed. He passed at home with assistance of hospice vet service. He passed with his head in my lap I’ll love him forever!
pjs and 3 dogsLife with DogsLove this podcast. Real heartfelt communication with your dogs. Loving the life you live with your dog by your side. Oct 17 2022 - Just Perfect. Thank you, Kathy. 💚
Momo'22Love Kathy KawalecKathy is the best. I always have a take away and a new mindset when I listen to her podcast! I'm a Brilliant Partners Academy member and have been transformed by her. I am looking at life and life with my dogs through new lenses. I know better so I will do better by my dogs and to myself. Thank you Kathy!
LucymacLove this podcast!I have learned so much from this podcast! It truly has changed my mindset and my relationship with my dog. When I start falling into old habits this quickly gives me a reset and I get curious about what I can do different to make things easier for my dog. Our love has only grown stronger and we have more joy in our lives. Thanks Kathy.
chickadee1379Absolutely enlighteningI find myself applying Kathy’s teaching to all aspects of my life, not just my dogs. I am a better listener which leads to less acting out. She has given me the tools to cope with the tough days which make the good days that much better.
CodybearandpicklesGreat dog mom podcast!The insights in this podcast help you love and understand your dog even more. We all think we are best friends with our dogs, but Kathy helps you be an even better best friend.
K8eC10Life changing words of wisdomMy Australian puppy and I struggled for over a year and a half to understand each other. Listening to “enlightened by dogs“ helps give me a reframe and new vocabulary when interacting with my pup. We now have a loving and collaborative relationship and a huge part goes to this podcast.
Tam and RenEnlightened by DogsI started listening from the very beginning and somewhere along the way I realized that belonging to and joining her Brilliant Partners Academy was what me and my dogs needed. It feels so much better to develop a relationship of congruency and common goals that respects both species. Through connection and love without treats!
my3stoogesMost helpful!!!Kathy is a huge help in changing your mindset. Started listening in February and just a small change has made a big difference in my life with my dogs. So I am going to keep following and listening because my friends have noticed a change!!
Penelope (Penny)Enlightened by dogsI love all of Kathy’s episodes, but one that stuck out is Episode 150- Loving your “Difficult” dog. I began to see my dogs in a different way, as I learned to use Kathy’s saying - “Your dog’s not giving you a hard time, she’s having a hard time.” (I have females, so I put in “she”. I began to stay calmer and understand their behavior better. It’s all about changing our mindset and becoming a partner with our dog.
Pat & LinusEnlightened byDogs PodcastaAnyone on the planet that lives with a dog will discover the magic to be found when you’ve learned how to live in partnership with your dog(s). Kathy’s podcasts are the roadmap to experiencing the joy that’s possible when you discover how to nurture your partnership with your dog. Even though I’ve been a member of Kathy’s BrilliantPartners Academy for years I’m still having lightbulb moments and new realizations through listening to these podcasts. Thanks Kathy 🥰
abmartin2501Life with DogsI love Kathy’s Podcasts! I’ve been listening to them for over 2 years and look forward to it each week! Learning all the amazing intricacies of living in relationship with our dogs. It has brought so much depth and joy to our lives! Thank you Kathy for sharing your passion!
AngogwanonLove Kathy's TeachingThe teachings Kathy provides are valuable. They have helped me so much to understand my dog and how my behavior affects her behavior. The old style of training didn't work for my dog, but these teachings have made a huge difference in her behavior and our connection. These podcasts are priceless!
Willa and BasilMindset change!There is so much more to dogs and living harmoniously with them than positive dog training. Kathy has open my mind to believing that my dogs want to be heard, contribute, and belong within a social group as a family, my family. Each episode dives deep into ways to enhance your relationship with your dog on such a personal level. Thought provoking ways to find that heart connection we all look for in lasting relationships.
malfoxleyGreat show!Kathy, host of the Enlightened by Dogs podcast, highlights all aspects of pet health and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
leemarreeEnlightened By DogsThank you so much for the podcast, facebook and resources. It is good to think about living and being with my dogs. Not just training...
OnapawHeart opening truth and hope!Thank you, thank you!!!These podcasts have answered so many questions for my husband and I. We have been so hyper focused on training we forgot to stop and just be with our wonderful dog...we forgot to just breath and be a family. We can’t wait to learn more from Kathy and our pup!
rlh543Brilliant AdviceKathy breaks down the old system for dog and puppy training and discusses how bad these techniques were for our dogs. She provides humane ways to bring out the best in our dogs. Respecting your dog feelings and personality develops a lasting bond.
Golden Boy 747Just breathe!What an easy way to calm myself and my sweet boy. I’ve been practicing breathing, only for a couple of breaths. After listening to Kathy, I understand how important it is to do this more intentionally. My pup has been very reactive to basically EVERY single thing that moves. I said ‘has’ because after 4 months of making sure he’s calm, safe and happy, he can finally watch a dog walk by our house without going ballistic. We’ve started neighborhood walks again ,and of course! have had situations that used to amp him up. He is still on alert, but isn’t lunging and barking. I know it’s all about how I react, and that MY anxiety goes right down the leash to him. Remembering to BREATHE is my new take away from this podcast. Thank you! Murphy thanks you, too:)
Happy it's above freezing!EnlightenedI’m loving this podcast which is less discipline specific and more about being a good partner to our dogs. I finally figured out what BP means and I cannot wait to get more information about being in partnership with my canines.
Janes MomInspirationalI love this podcast. Kathy is inspirational and informative on our relationships with dogs. She always makes me think. I only wish I had found her sooner. If you have dogs - give her a listen. Especially if you have reactive dogs! You won’t be disappointed.
PatG ohioLove it.Kathy’s pod cast is the best and episode 55 is amazing! Her ideas on relationship with our canine companions are really supported by great results and now also by developing science! Kathy and Sue make a winning combination for an informative and fascinating program.
KellieskidsGreat analogy of your stress bucket...I just love podcast #48-AStress Reset I love Kathy’s analogy about the stress and the cup Runneth over. I had breast cancer and have done a lot of research and they say the same things regarding stress and your cup runneth over and getting cancer so I can relate. All her podcast and class are so helpful in trying to help my barking lunging fearful Autumn. We are taking baby steps to keep her SCH with her cup low. Thanks Kathy
StevieB..Amazing!I just found this podcast and listened to my first episode. I am so glad to hear about ways to form strong partnerships with dogs that don’t rely on treats all the time. I can’t wait to learn more. This is going to be a podcast that is on my “bing list” until I get caught up!
ReelwomenWinter Dog ConnetionsWe’ve received 30 inches of snow in the last 4 days. My dog and I are stuck inside more than usual. This podcast and her training gives me ideas and tools to deepen my relationship with my dog, a 16 month Mini-Aussie, and makes use of a snow day. I love her approach to building a partnership with my dog.
Jacks56WonderfulI love Kathy’s loving, nonjudgmental approach to building a relationship with your dog. It’s not so much about training, but about how to best relate to our furry family members. Definitely worth a listen!
CarolC64One of my favesThis is one of my favorite podcasts. I always learn so much from Kathy. Her empathetic approach to life with dogs makes sense and helps me open my heart to all that is between my dogs and me.
heymo2632Thanks and Amenthis is the training approach you’ve had rolling around in your mind for years, but couldn’t or haven’t got around to, putting into words.
H.DebMy Dog, My PartnerKathy’s insights are amazing. I love her programs. Having a partnership with my dog is so much more rewarding than looking at my dog as just a pet.
Tribe-of-sixGreat PodcastIf you are looking for a different perspective and approach to your relationship with your dog then Kathy has the knowledge and wisdom to help you understand your dog and teach you how to love building a great partnership with your dog.
highlandannieBringing awarenessI loved this podcast as an awareness and reminder. I do not have children but immediately connected the attitude of "no pressure" with support and appreciation of simply who you/they are. Loved it. Thank you . I clearly remember pulling my car over in Laconia NH as the dog sled races began and a team was travelling alongside the road. Tears came to my eyes just to see the joy of dogs doing what what they were bred to do. It was incredibly moving. I LOVE to see them run! This podcast brought this memory back and I still have tears to think of it...and many more.
SueMMcGreat Analogy!Will definitely be looking at situations with my dog through different eyes.❤️
WngdRoseWorking with my dogsWhat a relief to know I am on the right track to not destroying my relationships with my dogs. With all the stress we have been through I have felt like a failure. But I now have my faith restored in myself not only as a person but as a Pet owner. Having health problems come around when my dogs were young put a damper on things and then it was one stressor after another that I saw really affect my female dog. We are slowly recuperating after that. I just knew before I even started Dancing Hearts how scary it seemed to feel but after listening to the first 2 podcasts I feel more at peace with this journey. My dogs are just companions,..they know basic commands and so-called tricks but they are basically friends. I can’t wait to have them teach me as I share with them things I would like them to do such as stay by my side and not run after a squirrel or a cat, I have had the blinders removed as to some of the things I have so called dog people tell me that are like myths. This is really exciting!
AussieLover!Loved the messageThank you, Kathy for doing this!
Mom of 3 ACDsRecallLove Kathy’s style and simple breakdowns she provides of her methods. Very useable and easy to understand by humans.
OMGOMOMThank YouKathy you made the recall so easy. I never realized how stiff and frazzled I was to get my dog to come. And to think my dog would come without a bag full of treats. Thank you, Thank you.
FjordhopperGreat Podcast!Kathy Kawalec is a teacher, who with her loving and supportive words & methods invites us to be enlightened by our dogs! If you are listening to learn about traditional “dog training” you may be confused, but relax, open your mind and stay to listen! Because Kathy’s methods are life-changing! and not just for our dogs but for ourselves as well. That’s what this is all about…changing lives, enriching relationship, creating partnership and us becoming that person our dogs think we are. This is deep healing work, if you chose to go there with it. Kathy sheds light on the places where our relationships are strained with our dogs, and guides us on a journey of self-awareness, with our dogs as mirrors, teachers and partners. The coolest thing is how all of this, can be applied to all of our relationships, not just with dogs but also with our families, in the workplace, with friends, animal friends & etc. But it is done through the context of dogs and our relationships with them, which makes this teaching so accessible to those of us who have a passion for dogs! So listen! Take it in! And be prepared to learn new things about your dogs and yourself!
TheRedWolfWalksMore please!I love this podcast - I just want MORE of it! Longer episodes, more tips, and getting more specific and in-depth with stories and descriptions of dog behaviors. It’s a great podcast that will give you hope - which is so important when you might be struggling with unwanted behaviors. This podcast makes me wish I could drive to Illinois and get private sessions with Kathy. I could use the help! I’ve listened to every episode and can’t wait for the next one💛
partdobeIncredibly movingPart of this could have been me telling my own story: the crappy childhood, a lifelong connection with dogs, training for years in a specific dog sport, and ultimately letting my goals and my competitiveness steal the joy from my relationships with these amazing creatures. I had no idea there was another “me” out there, but apparently there are many of them! Mind officially blown. Absolutely can’t wait to learn more...
BrendacarolbrownNew Relationship with my doUsing this to improve my relationship with my dog and getting some very good information. Lots to think about so over all I like the podcast.
Go Dog NashvilleWhen You Love Your Dog...I know most of us who have a dog in our lives dream of having this perfect, almost symbiotic relationship with our canine partner. It's more than just behaviors that have been trained or obedience skills that have been worked on. It's a true partnership we dream based on mutual respect, trust, communication and love. I've been a member of Kathy's Brilliant Partners Academy for only a short while - but in that time, her insights and intuitive understanding of how to nurture this type of relationship with your dog has made seemingly unbelievable changes in how my dog and I interact with each other. It sounds like magic and it certainly feels that way, but it is based on simple, pure and heart-centered connection. These podcasts will help you will find answers you've been searching for... and maybe even uncover some questions you didn't even know you had! Within each of us, dog and human alike, is the desire to be heard and understood and to trust and love. Kathy's brilliant teachings will help both you and your dog to live a life together full of joy, fun, adventure and love.
JulieAnn614Looking forward to more!I have known and worked with Kathy for 10 years, and the reason(s) shine through in this podcast! Kathy has devoted her life in the pursuit of really looking and feeling into the heart and soul of what walking through life with a beloved dog companion is all about. Her passion of making that partnership the best it can possibly be shows in the programs she has created. She has teased apart what a relationship is all about, which turns out to be SO helpful when dealing with a dog who is sensitive. What we call behavior problems are really misunderstandings. A side benefit? It will make your human relationships better as well.
flamaciousLife changingKathy has the truest, deep heart connection to help all beings become brilliant partners. I have had the pleasure and blessing of being mentored by Kathy's wealth of wisdom. She has a true deep understanding of knowledge of how to get to the heart of the matter and help you connect on a true soul level with your dogs ( horses, cats, other humans, actually any being :-) She is a brilliant teacher and a wonderful soul. Eveyone will benifit from the message she brings! So blessed to be apart of the dancing heart community! Kathy ROCKS!!!! Mystic Dee
Cinjo and JakeyA New, Much-Needed PerspectiveKathy provides a perspective I have not heard from others, a focus on our relationships with our dogs. I have just started working with Kathy in her online Brilliant Partners course and am finally, after 8 hopeless and difficult years, feeling positive about my relationship with my dog. Her podcasts are heart-felt, honest, helpful and practical.
Spruce Avenue K9'sEnlightened By DogsIf you are looking for the tools to help you find a deeper more personally rewarding relationship with your dog search no more! Kathy Kawalec’s “Enlightened By Dogs” podcasts will truly touch your heart and inspire you to work towards a more enriching partnership with your best canine friends! Truly a 5 Star Rated gift to give to yourself!!!
TervMomSo glad these are here!!Started listening to, and learning from, Kathy Kawalec almost two years ago in online courses. She has changed how my dogs and I communicate. My dogs were reactive to many things in their environment and her lessons helped settle them by helping me understand and communicate with them better. So glad to have her podcasts available with her pieces of wisdom.
two hearts are oneFixing the relationshipI started taking online classes from Kathy three years ago with the goal of fixing my dog-reactive dog. I quickly learned that he did not need fixing, but our relationship did. It is not about training but rather about communicating on a deep level, and Kathy shows us how to take the steps that will help us to create a happier life for us and our dogs.
Jen's PenBroken Hearts to Dancing HeartsThis is so true! Kathy is incredibly gifted. Dogs do teach us about what is most important in life, if only we are open to learning. Kathy is the perfect guide on this quest to learn with our dogs.
CindyLyricWonderful!I have been one of Kathy’s students for several years. She is incredibly insightful and compassionate. These podcasts will help so many to see their dogs and themselves in a new way. Deepening relationships and partnerships!
Badgerboyee'sMomHeart~centered fan🐾I’m a huge fan of Kathy’s~ whether you’re a serious competitor with your dog or just a serious dog lover, her heart centered and compassionate teachings bring a better understanding to dog/human relationships!
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