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bruhsDream Job in a podcastI could not love TJs any more, but thanks to Tara and Matt, well, now I love it even more. I listen, laugh and salivate! What a dream job both of these two have. Their banter is playful and they’re simply wonderful. Great job.
MP3535DisappointedI’ve been listening to this podcast since the start but now I can’t due to the company’s decision to go against the NLRP. Claims to support their workers but actively works to take away their rights. Do better
NefrettInside the mouths of Trader Joe’sThis is a great podcast if you enjoy the sounds of people chewing and talking with their mouths full. Disgusting
King bod loverI love Trader Joe’sI I love Trader Joe’s
cdechilloLighthearted, Great BanterI’m new to podcast listening and I love Trader Joe’s, so this has been a fun show to discover out of the gates. The hosts are fun and you can tell that they love working at Trader Joe’s! Also I read the book “Becoming Trader Joe” and it is fabulous!
Beez789Educational and InterestingI’ve love the Trader Joe’s podcast. I learn so much about the products and the work environment.
clamoutGross… informercial and propagandaThis podcast singlehandedly turned a TJs fan into a skeptic. They don’t even try to mask that they’re simply pushing their products and storyline to create a synthetic narrative. Every episode is just a long commercial. What a missed opportunity. Also, am I the only one who wants to barf every time the hosts introduce themselves and mention their titles? I think they’re trying to be fun and relatable, but it’s grating … hearing “word and phrases and clauses” and “culture and innovation guy” are supremely annoying. I can’t imagine working in the same office with these people and taking them seriously. It just seems so pretentious.
Cy katIt’s all my questions answered…Entertaining podcast that’s very informative about a place I watched go from wine, cheese, chocolate, nuts to the place it is today! You can step into any TJ and feel like you are home.
Mystery BagsWhere Did The Mystery Bags GoHello. I absolutely love this podcast. I am a single mother to twin 16yr olds as well as a professional chef and I shop at Trader Joe’s for both home and work. Prior to the pandemic our local Trader Joe’s had this wonderful mystery bags. They were filled with a four course meal of goodies, all with a theme, and at a reasonable price. We were always excited to get home and open the bag! Plus each bag had a small summary of the type of foods as well as allergens. What happened to those amazing mystery bags?!?
ethen gamer TV fanSeriously?There’s nothing in it.There’s no action.So it’s not for me.But…if you put some action in It I will like it.This is how much I like it🫤😑😤😠😡🤬👎👎🏻👎🏼👎🏽👎🏾👎🏿🙎🏻♂️
t78tt.rNot a fan of destroying the NLRBSorry but Trader Joe's has entered the anti-union side of the equation. As such I'll not listen nor buy from them again.
S_B_B________________________Won’t support an anti-union company pretending to careI’ve enjoyed shopping at Trader Joe’s but the warm vibe of this podcast does NOT match all the Union busting the company is doing. Very disappointed in this company, the hosts who are high up members of the TJ’s team, and all involved. Bummed I’ll have to stop shopping at a store I love until they support their worker’s right to unionize.
GorpDadTrader Joe’s is anti-workerTrader Joe’s is trying to destroy the NLRB, which makes this show anti-worker propaganda. Sad.
RoryAndreaThis podcast survives my annual new year cleanseEvery year I review all the podcasts I follow and unfollow the ones that are not relevant to my season in life. Various faith, homeschool, gardening, writing, health podcasts might come and go for me, but Trader Joe’s still remains!!!
BombshellBarbieWe’re getting a TJ soon..Roumor is we’re getting a TJ soon here in Coeur d’Alene, weather we do or not I love this! It’s quick & keeps me updated! I hope this podcast keeps going! 😻
JCdoodzSuch a cool podcast!I already loved Trader Joe’s and have been a loyal shopper for about 5 years, but this podcast just makes me love them even more! I love learning more about the products and how they are created and sourced. It’s also really great to hear from all of the Trader Joe’s employees in various positions. The culture Trader Joe’s has created is truly unmatched. Thank you for making such a wonderful impact on our world!
Dab McTi NailBelgian Chocolate puddingTrader Joe’s in the name of all that’s holy bring back the Belgian chocolate pudding!!!! You’re killing me! Nothing comes close and I need a fix. I’m not kidding.
elikqitieAbsolutely love this podcast!If you love shopping at Trader Joe’s (especially their gluten free products) this show is for you! I like that the hosts share their opinion on products and also talk about how TJ’s sources their foods.
More low sodium foods pleaseLove TJ, but..I love TJ and this podcast, but the most recent ICYMI episode where you discussed salt in your products was slightly irritating. The “salt was one of the first preservatives” line felt like a cop out. It’s not a secret that salt makes things taste better, but it’s also not a secret that a diet high in sodium can be detrimental to your health. A lot of the frozen and canned food items at your store would be very difficult to fit into a low sodium or heart healthy diet. As a dieitian, and someone on a low sodium diet, I find myself frustrated reading labels at your stores and being unable to purchase many things. It leads me to shop at other stores, and spending significantly more money on brands that do have more low sodium options.
J00l33bugNo new episodes for meI haven’t seen a new episode in months eve though i see an appearance of a new post it’s always the same one. It’s also not user friendly because I haven’t been able to find actual new episodes in a past episode listing. I loved the content but never finding the new episodes is annoying
taikyupandaLove the showI look forward to every episode! One thing - episode 65 S13 (the Q&A with the CEO and president) looks like it got cut off (it’s only 4 minutes long)
C. WellerStop the use of single use plasticI have been a fan of TJ’s except for the use of plastic. I’ve always been VERY confused as to why a company that began in Pasadena, California uses such a disgusting, toxic to our bodies, our oceans, our animals and planet: PLASTIC. There are so many other options that are much less expensive and not harmful. Please, please realize every day is earth day. Once we know better we must do better.
Lolo13419Trader Joe’s greeting cards 🩵🩵🩵🩵 $1.00 cards 💖💖💖I heard from an employee at TJ when I was shopping one day that every TJ greeting card artist, who has their cards for sale in the stores, gets to keep EVERY penny from their greeting cards sales!! I loved that so much! The thought that TJs cares enough to work with artists like that, giving them that exposure AND that the artists actually benefit, is amazing! It is the ONLY place I buy greeting cards! I love them, they are unique and $1.00 per card is bananas!! I probably have 30 cards on hand at any given moment. I have framed some of the cards too. The art is beautiful. If I lived closer than 100 miles to a Trader Joe’s, I’d volunteer to work there. I’ve never had anything but a beautiful and uplifting shopping experience in the store.
David SouthardOrange ChickenWent by Trader Joe’s and picked up the Orange Chicken. My wife made some wonderful fried rice to go with it. The only thing missing was the egg roll. This may have been the best I have had. I’ll be back for more.
Chesca7LOVE TJs but COME ON with the Single Use Plastics!!!!!MAJOR Trader Joes fangirl over here (like it might be my ideal date spot? Idk call me crazy!) but what’s up with the amount of single use plastics?! It’s so harmful and unnecessary. Would be cool to see some sort of change!
dropseydooOmgThese two have as much personality as a cardboard box
aewfan1027Orange chicken!!!I just tried their orange chicken tonight for dinner and I Have to say they’re Absolutely Legit!!!. I love it!!. If I had to rate it from 1 to 10 I would rate it a 12!!. Chef’s kiss!. I also tried their Aussie chocolate creme sandwich cookies which are also awesome and I’m looking forward to trying the maple pancake flavored cookies which I’m sure will be Great if not Amazing!!
LoganMasonLove the stores for 26 years and now the podcast!Wait, my favorite grocery store has an amazing podcast that’s cozy, funny and addictive?! My whole family now loves listening to the “TJ report”, as we call it. They are gitty when I bring home treats covered in the show and then give their own personal review. We really took for granted where all of our delicious food was sourced from that we get from TJs until this podcast. Also how much they give back to our food banks and save in landfill waste. Thank you TJs! I was truly clueless and I’ve been shopping with you for over 25years. I love every episode but the Spice one is one of my favorites. ❤️ Please, don’t stop!
KateteodoroLove the store but…..Please get synthetic and fake fragrances out of your beauty products. We want to be able to shop in ALL section of the store but the fragrance loophole in beauty products stops me. Thanks
clyde crazyTara Miller - SHUT UPAlways shutting guests down- Clock Watcher Where are you going???? Especially the “crew” Matt is great - cool calm collected - voice & manner is fantastic - he explains- sku - ubc - vertical purple people movers - thank you Tara move on - give it a break - count to ten - Matt keep it going your demeanor and caring voice says it all !!!!!!
DCDreaDing Ding Ding!Tremendously informative podcast that highlights Trader Joe’s culture, mission, and products. Tara and Matt are engaging and share the stage with TJ employees, suppliers l, and (less frequently) customers. It’s a good day when a new episode drops.
Mariacc2Trader Joe’s podcast is quality listeningUpdating my review with a suggestion =) How about opening “Trader Joey’s!” I live 40 minutes from Trader Joe’s and it would be great for Trader Joe’s to take over some small empty businesses with an even smaller store with local favorite Trader Joe’s products… Oh please do! =) I really enjoy the conversations between Matt and Tara. Thanks for keeping it real… like when you zipped open the container of Maple Walnut biscotti. And, OMGoodness! Are they truly the best! Thanks for the great infant entertainment.
Deborah 5-14-60Awesome podcast and amazing storeTara and Matt are perfect hosts! I absolutely love your podcast and always look forward to listening to them. They are enjoyable, educational and helpful in experimenting and trying new foods. I love your Trader Joe’s flyer with the grocery list, such a great idea! I’m constantly amazed at the products that you offer in your boutique size stores. I look forward to shopping at Trader Joe’s which is quite different than the drudgery of grocery shopping at a large store. Tallahassee, Florida is thrilled you are in our area!
koukla923Please never end podcast.You are both wonderful, as are the products, your teams, and essentially the entire Trader Joe’s vibe. Thank you for this gift of a podcast!
BergieVailGreat, fun, informative and entertainingThis podcast is free and worth every penny! As a Trader Joe's fan, I’m truly enjoying every minute of these podcasts. It's fun to hear the enthusiasm of everyone who works at TJ's both in the stores and corporate. If I had a TJ's nearby, I would want to work there as a retirement job. This is one of the best produced podcasts I listen to. Production quality right up there with NPR!
jjschimpfLove itI travel an hour to get to a Trader Joe’s, this podcast helps me know what to get and they don’t disappoint. If I could make a suggestion, please, please stop chewing into the microphone.
Point?Great store, too bad about all the plastic.It is time for Trader Joe’s to take the plastic crisis seriously and reduce the single-use plastic in their stores.
Bretton LittlePlease decrease single-use plastic packagingTrader Joe’s can take meaningful steps right now to decrease single-use plastic packaging, including: -Selling fruits and vegetables without plastic clamshells, bags, wrappers, and trays. -Offering dry goods like beans, rice, flour, pasta, cereal, coffee, tea, spices, salt, sugar, and more in bulk and allowing customers to bring their own reusable containers to fill. -Offering personal care and cleaning items like shampoo, moisturizer, laundry powder, and dish soap in bulk and allowing customers to bring their own reusable containers to fill. -Switching all storebrand product packaging to cardboard, paper, glass, and aluminum where offering items in bulk is not an option; and selecting namebrand products that are packaged in non-plastic alternatives. Progress is possible. Please reduce your use of single-use plastics packaging.
Benny34512222UPTOWN NEW ORLEANS STOREI love listening to Matt and Tara! As an avid TJ’s fan and shopper, it’s fun hearing the inside scoop on products and stores. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE BRING UPTOWN NEW ORLEANS A STORE!!!!!!
TKHOGWe’re FINALLY Living close a Trader Joe’s WOOHOO!!I really enjoyed hearing about what it takes to open one of your stores. I’ve been in love with Trader Joe’s since 1999 when my future wife introduced me to them in Southern California. Biggest problem was I was in Eastern Washington state at the time. Over the last 23 years, we’ve gone from none close by until they opened in St Louis, MO, but still a 30 minute drive, to a 3-4 hour drive up to Albuquerque. We’ve just moved into the Parker area and we so ecstatic to hear about that one opening soon! Fortunately we were both off for your GRAND OPENING, we could’ve been first in line, we were there so early. Ps. I’m hoping you can get the Trader Joe’s Sweet Chili Sauce! We just used up the last bottle we bought at one of your stores in Albuquerque on some chicken potstickers we bought at this store. It’s GREAT for these and egg rolls! I’ll bring the empty bottle by so you can get the Code
bonnski9Please stop selling so much unnecessary single-use plasticI am a loyal Trader Joe's customer but I'm fed up with the huge amount of single-use plastic packaging waste I end up with every time I shop at one of your stores. I really hope TJ’s shifts away from single-use plastic packaging to a system of bulk products, plastic-free produce, reusables, and, where necessary, products packaged in single-use containers made from glass, metal or paper, all of which can be recycled successfully for multiple reuses. I am one of many concerned customers, and although I appreciate that you have started taking some steps to reduce plastic pollution, outlined on your sustainability page, these are just incremental steps and fall far short of the measures required to tackle the plastic pollution crisis. For all of multiple reasons, I believe that doing business as usual is no longer acceptable. As a leading retailer, Trader Joe’s has a responsibility to STOP carrying products packaged in single-use plastic. Alternatives exist. Please embrace them.
wenwendlesLove them but not all the packagingHave always been a fan and appreciate the reasonable prices, unique products and that their produce has gotten better over the years but really hoped they’d shift away from all the plastic by now. SO much of their stuff is packaged that way - all the yummy dips, sweets, etc., and all wrapped fruits and veggies. Makes me not want to shop there when I looks at their shelves and makes even the stuff that’s not “processed”, look like it is. Please do better TJ’s. I’m Asian and tried to overlook the offensive cultural appropriation that was used on product labeling in the past but can’t overlook the harmful effects on our health and the environment. And people - don’t be fooled. Less than 10% of the plastic we use gets recycled and that number will likely decrease. One of those dip containers takes nearly 500 years to degrade. Just for a few days (if that) of yum.
12FnjWhat’s with your plastic footprint?Love your store and your vibe but seriously—what are you doing to evolve beyond wrapping everything in plastic? It’s corporate infrastructure that is at odds with your hip, healthy ethos. Thanks for taking this important problem seriously. Claire
Todd's kidsWowI can't believe this actually exists!
KLBT129Absolutely Love It - with a side noteI love it, but could do without the food chewing and talking while chewing on a hot mic.
RaquelinmaineResearchI just started listening to this podcast and love the whole idea of it! The closest Trader Joe’s is an hour away so I’m doing all my research before making the trip…. Btw I plan on making a trip very soon. I work at a grocery store and only have a few option where I live to buy groceries and I’m excited to branch off and find a new place to buy quality foods at affordable prices!
eyepertureI love Trader Joe’sI am a loyal customer to Trader Joe’s, and glad they had opened a new location at my neighborhood. I love the company’s philosophy, value of the products, mostly the friendly staffs. I also think the Podcast is the great fun way to keep customers well informed with the company culture, and keep the crew members proud of themselves, without them it is ALDI
Miss GoatHold the coneJust as I was listening to this pod, I was eating my nightly ratio of cones…they were meant o be my favorite!!!!
Dickwad22Ugh. The TJ plant expert mispronounced “foliage”Great hosts, but they need to talk to their plant expert about this gaffe. It happened almost a dozen times! It was cringy.
chrismissionsI love this witty, real, hilarious podcastI’ve loved TJs for a while. This podcast makes me a more informed customer and a cheerleader for the store. Thanks team (those behind and not near the mic) for your excellent work on the podcast.
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