Joel Osteen Podcast


Welcome to the Joel Osteen Daily Podcast. 
Joel & Victoria Osteen inspire people to reach their dreams, find fresh beginnings and live their best life.
Both he and Victoria live in Houston, TX.
Visit Joel’s website at

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Recent Reviews
  • Ashley Charlier
    Very Inspiring
    Great Messages from Victoria and Joel😊.Their words helps me gets closer to God, faith, to be inspired every day. Thank you.
  • Ms Kels1978
    Thank you for sharing with us. You are a true inspirational speaker. I love listening to your podcast.
  • GOCD!
    Can you guys put 30 minutes on Victoria Osteen too? It’s not fair to hear just 13 minutes of Victoria and 30 of Joel.
  • Benjimus Maximus
    Solid, biblical inspiration for your life. Thanks Joel!
    Solid, biblical inspiration for your life. Thanks Joel!
  • Kay Zay
    Bad theology
    This man is tickling people’s hears, by giving them what they want to hear. Prosperity Gospel is NOT the real Gospel! Please, do not take these teaching to hearts!
  • Kwelliott
    Thank you
    These Podcasts really help when you’re going through hard times. Times when you need to redirect your way of thinking. I could listen to them all day. ❤️
  • TJackinonyoufools
    I love this and rely on this, BUT…
    I wish we knew the original date of the message being presented. So often on a Sunday I am hoping that the morning message of worship has been added or that we could at least get it on Monday. On Monday morning, I have no idea when the message I am listening to was delivered. It would really be nice to know on Mondays that we are 100% getting the message from Sunday service the day before. ♥️♥️♥️
  • Holiday Darling
    Walk the Walk
    This guy sure can talk, but seems insincere.
  • Alice Marie s
    Uplifting and inspiring
    Joel’s messages are so uplifting and inspiring. I just love the positivity and the confidence he brings. His words are energy to my soul.
    Joel speaks life into my soul preaching biblical truths. I thank you Lord for using him, I’m better to myself and my family. I feel restored.
  • Mcabee. Steven
    Good Medicine
    I’ll listen to Joel every day and I’ll listened to Joel every day I think God for him
  • KevT302
    God Bless
    He helped me open my mind and see the world differently how God plays apart in every little thing. I love how he breaks everything down so that everyone can understand what the Bible is trying to interpret. He’s the GOAT in my eyes in the pastor world. He’s the best, i don’t care what people say.
  • CatLoverVee
    Restoration & Reset
    I love listening to this podcast! I feel renewed and reset after hearing Pastor Joel’s message about God’s Words and applying it to my own life. If you’re looking for something to listen to that will leave you feeling inspired, it’s this.
  • Akera Miles
    Joel is the MAN
    I was diagnosed with Schizophrenia Bi Polar Disease and he helped me. I love to hear him preach the word of God. I’ve been watching Joel everyday for 2 years . It’s like hearing him speak the word of God helped put me back together and helped me breathe again. He’s the best preacher in the WORLD. Joel Osteen saves lives!!!
  • Abishe Defa
    Thank God.
    I started listening Pastor Joel podcast on seriusXM around 2016. His message heal and repair broken hopeless heart. I believe God purposely ordained to speak message of hope through him to pick up the fallen, to redeem, seek, and find the lost sheep. His message always helps me to better understand unconditional love of God when he preach there is still hope even when it looks like not according to human judgment and common sense. The same as Prophet Isaiah, in chapter 61, God also anointed Pastor Joel to proclaim good news to the poor, heal the broken hearted.
  • nurse_amy1012
    God sent…
    I felt led to start listening to Joel’s podcast about 8-9 months ago and I have missed very few since that time. I take 30mins every day, usually at night, to listen to the podcast. It has been the inspiration I’ve needed to keep putting one foot in front of the other during this time in my life where I feel like everything is being shaken and rearranged. It’s been exciting, and scary, all at once - this podcast has been exactly what I’ve needed to help keep me grounded in the word of God, as well as a daily reminder that God is in control.
  • Grace & Favor Daily
    Joel and Victoria Osteen-
    Our family enjoys listening to the podcast. They have uplifted us in the times we mostly needed them and as daily encouragement. I love the nuggets that I get out out of them. Victoria, she’s a ball of fire!!! It’s like she’s saying GET-UP, move those feet and be about God’s will. I love them. My only issue is, the commercials are coming on back to back which breaks up the message. His messages are the only ones that have seem like a million commercial breaks. I allow the messages to pile up so they just keep going.
  • Gus Angulo
    Exactly what you’d expect…
    Watered down truths(and sometimes flat out lies) fed to you by a man who intends to lead you after the god of self and worldly gain. Christ is Lord, listen to a real podcast like the Kings Hall, Theology Applied, It’s Good To Be A Man, Bright Hearth or from a Reformed source who is faithful to the text of scripture and will tell you the hard truth you need to hear.
  • Gbvvj
    Great Pastor
    I Love Him&His Family his birthday is March the 5 and mines is the 4th we are alike very emotional.♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏
  • KatibirdLA
    Inspiration and motivation at your fingertips
    Every time I listen to Joel Osteen I feel better. He manages to talk in a way that encourages regardless of your state of mind. I love all of the examples from life stories and his way of presenting and explaining the Bible. I learn something new every time but most importantly I feel hopeful. I am so grateful for this podcast as I can listen to it every day ( and I do! ) and constantly feed my mind and soul with inspiring and healing thoughts.
  • b3xz
    I was disheartened to hear the same story of councilng of an older couple also repeated on the village podcast. it on Joel O’s program. Each speaker professes it was one of the greatest moment of his. This does not change the message following but is disappointing nonetheless.
  • tr akkaka
    I can serve as a testimonial
    Really enjoy his messages they got me through very tough times. I would even love to serve as a testimonial. Personally with all respect I don’t care for Victorias messages. I know she does good and touches others hearts. I’m just use to Joel.
  • lrlinklater
    My first steps in my journey ..
    I was not a big church goer as an adult. I believed in God but my take away from my childhood church didn’t suit me, it turned me off on learning more. It’s been at least 15 years ago on a Sunday when I was walking across the room to get the TV remote to change the channel from the Sunday TV program that had come on when I left the room. By the time I found the remote, the words had filtered in and I sat down and watched my first Joel Osteen service. That was my first step in getting back in with God. It wasn’t overnight, it took me years of growing to learn more and more. I’m still learning! Every morning over coffee, I read a bible plan from my bible app. It took me hitting a wall and asking myself repeatedly, “is this it?, to dive deeper into the Bible verses. I don’t have all the answers but I can honestly say, I see there is a purpose for me being here and I listen and look for God to guide me down the path he has chosen for me. Joel Osteen re-introduced me to God. I hope he does the same for you. Lori
  • xo.lauren
    I listen to Joel Olsteen EVERY morning! He makes my days soooo much better and easier because he is always so positive and very PASSIONATE about our god. Couldn’t be more thankful for him and God he has helped me get through some VERY hard times in my life .
  • o the Owl
    Every time I have to sleep this helps me and when am driving in the car.
  • Evie hihi
    Love this!
  • jjaaxxeenn11133335
    Please read this
    I saw how many people left a one star on Joel’s podcast that is crazy because if any thing this should be a 5 star podcast because this about god and Jesus and if you don’t like it don’t leave a bad review and it effect Joel to so if you do not like it don’t leave a bad review.
  • mackidscr
    Love this podcast
    Joel is amazing
  • The Baroness Of Bling
    Joel Is A Positive Force In My Life: A Great Motivator!
    Even before this contentious divorce I’m going through, I would listen to Joel. At times I didn’t listen, but always came back to his sermons and found them to be uplifting, honest and yes, motivational. I try to “saturate my mind” daily by listening to him and several others, as well as reading my Bible. I thank God for the positive I’m finding in my life daily, despite the possibility of losing my home,& not being able to see my dogs now going on 5 months; I still believe God wants to give me the desires of my heart and he will restore what’s been stolen from me. If you’ve never listened to Joel, give him a try, preferable before you “need to.” He’s a blessing to my life.
  • susieboy
    I am not interested in hearing or seeing Joel
    Osteen do not send me anymore messages Unsubscribe
  • pegb53
    Joel is positive!
    Joel Osteen might not set his sermon on just scripture and that’s fine. In this day and age we need someone to give us encouragement in a positive message. I say thank you Jesus for Joel. Also, people need to stop focusing on how much $$ Joel has, God blesses those who share his word. I love this man!!
  • kettlemann
    🤜🏿 🤛🏼
    I love U and I thank You. Jesus wasn’t the only 1 that saves.
  • got uuuui
    The power of the words he speaks only gives me emanation and firepower to continue to stand on God‘s word and speak boldly about God.
  • tpeacock330
  • K1y2l3e
    It’s fine.
  • granizo719
    Living a breakthrough minded
    I truly enjoyed listening to this sermon. I even went to YouTube and saw you father’s sermon on Win the Battle of the mind. He is fantastic. I Thank God that he served the Lord as well as you. Thank you Victoria and Joel for all you do!
  • WVProud1996
    No time for Negativity
    Joel is the only worship I enjoy to watch, listen, and follow! Though I don’t agree with everything, I feel as if Joel would listen and still give encouragement. The only criticism I have is Joel needs to add to his joke arsenal (I can almost recite his jokes word for word). Thank you Joel for being you! Mr WV Proud
  • Dede196969
    Amazing Worship
    Pastor Joel has given me so much hope, everything morning I look forward to hit play before hitting the road. Thank your for words and encouragement.
  • Bible✝️👼🏻⛪️🪨
    Joel Olsteen is a one of the Great Good Shepherds in the spot light 💡 reaching all of us lost Christian’s . When ever I get a opportunity to back Joel Olsteen or any other Pastor in the spot light 💡 I certainly do. (Imagine how much they are attacked) God never gave up on Joel Olsteen and Joel Olsteen never gives up on Him! I believe that Joel Olsteen was precisely made just for us Christian in our Great Country (USA) Along with all the Greatest like Billy Gram, even thou they reach people world wide. There here so we do not give up! There here for us to inspire us to do more with our life , by giving it over to God for something great! Do some of you know that if God wanted to give Joel Olsteen more foundation for a deeper part of the Great Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ He would. He speaks directly to us , we already all know the Great Gospel! Imagine how many spells get broke every message, and how many curses get destroyed, and chains being loosened ! A lot of TRUTH, INSPIRATION, AND ALOT OF GOOD COMING FROM AN INSPIRED MAN OF GOD! ✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️✝️
  • mthomason0425
    Change it up
    Love Joel, but these pods are very repetitive... They keep getting recycled, so we hear the same jokes and same stories, over and over. It would really be great if they could be replaced with some new, fresh ones, new jokes, and new stories, other than about the Compact Center, etc. Thanks
  • Paul-Millions
    YAWEH Is The Greatest
    Pastor Joel is the people’s restorer in faith. Listen to the message and be healed again, restored again, loved again, and much more. God bless you in Yahshuah’s name.
  • good game for sure
    Good for the soul
    Call it what you want , Joel Osteen gives a positive message in an anecdotal / relatable to life type of way week after week. He has inspired me to get others to listen to his message for years , and I will always continue to support his message. Nobody is perfect. Not even Joel Osteen. But these messages are perfect for people in need of hope , love , and support. Joel Osteen saved me from wanting something more from religion and spirituality. He allowed me to find my own version of happiness and strength and to inspire others to find the same. He is my hero. And I cannot thank him enough.
  • EthanC78
    Prosperity Gospel Warning
    Please do your research on the prosperity gospel. Even warns about this guy specifically. These podcasts are deceptive, as they twist the message of the Bible to make it seem like Christianity is all about riches on earth, which is wrong. The Bible clearly warns us to stay away from such false teachers. Christianity is about eternal significance, no matter what we experience in this world. The messages told in these podcast take our focus off of the eternal and place it on the world. Now, God has the ability to give us blessings, which we should be grateful for. However, receiving those blessings are not the final goal of Christianity. Rather, they should only propel us to move forward in the direction God is showing us to be His will. For Joel Osteen, prosperity and the receiving of blessings is what he believes to be the final goal of Christianity, which is evident in how he lives his life and what he teaches. His messages are geared towards deceiving people to believe that Christianity should be about earthly riches, and that living a Christian life is easy and that all your problems will vanish. This is not true, as Jesus clearly taught otherwise. Of course, the messages in these podcasts are more appealing to people, which is why Joel Osteen has had great success. His messages leave out all the harder facts about Christianity that we don’t like to hear but are necessary for living a life fully dedicated to the Lord. This is exactly the intention of the prosperity gospel movement. Christianity is about living the life God has purposely planned for you, and to grow the kingdom of God. However, to do so, we must fill our minds with sound teaching, which is not found in this podcast
  • Majamase
    A blessing for your life
    God utilizes people to communicate his word. Pastor Joel and his church are being utilized to pass the great message of hope and blessings to all of us we want to exceed our lives spiritually, mentally, and physically. Do not miss this heart opportunity to see have our relationship with God
  • Kristel980
    Love your messages!
    Thankful for such inspirational and Godly messages. This is what the world needs.
  • BelleCougarita
    Strengthened & Encouraged
    This ministry, inspired by The Word of God, helped to strengthen and encouraged me for several years now. Jesus, through this ministry has Helped me out of a very low, dark time. I hope to be able to in-turn be an encourager to others, like I received through this ministry. I can see Jesus in this family as they share Gods love with all whom they encounter. In Proverbs, there’s a scripture that says iron sharpens iron. Osteen Ministries absolutely does that, sharpens and encourages! It’s obvious to me that God gives some a tremendous gift of encouraging others, Osteen and His family do that. This is much needed In times today, in a critical world, we should all learn to champion one another as Jesus did. You can do all things through Christ, who gives you strength. In following Christ Jesus, our perfection is not required, but Christ perfection is- & we have His perfect in His Word and by the testimony of how he lives. When we deposit His Word in our hearts and minds, we are strengthening and encouraging our being! All Glory to God!
  • Kristysol25
    Always inspiring
    Wonderful and blessed is how I feel after I hear any message from Joel or Victoria. It’s a few minutes in the day to connect with god!
  • Cynterria
    Joel and Victoria have really been a comfort to me. Each time I listen to a podcast almost every time it’s like the message was just for me. Someday I’ll get to visit Lakewood 🙏🏾
  • advrtizr
    If it opens your heart to God…
    …then it’s a good podcast in my book. I enjoy Joel and he’s helped stir my interest in The Bible and building a relationship with God.
  • Finally ABC newbie
    Joel I can’t thank you enough!
    I have been listening to you and your wife on my podcast for over 2years now, every single morning! If I miss a morning for some odd reason, I don’t function right without hearing your words about positive encouragement and recognizing what our Lord God and our Savior has done for us! You encourage me and inspire me every day to remember the almighty blessings that have been provided. I’m awaiting patiently for the many gifts God has in store for us! You help me with my Faith to be stronger during our troubles and to make me see how Blessed we really are ! I can’t thank you enough and God Bless you even more for the outreach you do to so many! One of my dreams … that will happen is for me my husband and my three children to come to your service there in Texas! We are in the Bible Belt of Tennessee, but you are the belt that wraps my heart around the word of our Heavenly Father all the way from Texas! Thank you so much!
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