Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey

News #53News Commentary #11

Upbeat and in-depth, Relatable with Allie Beth Stuckey breaks down the latest in culture, news, theology & politics from a Christian, conservative perspective. Allie’s fresh analysis of the most important issues provides an entertaining and effective way to stay in the know.

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Recent Reviews
  • kristi miller
    Episode 1026
    I am appalled!!!!!!
  • Ellie😍😍😍😍😍
    A Quick Complaint
    In interviews, she will either: a. Cut them off and will go on some random, pointless tangent b. Mention some weird personal thing that nobody cares about (particularly in the “health” episodes) right in the middle of the other person speaking Or c. She’ll go “yeah” or “right” or “mmmm” while the other person speaks, which is EXCRUCIATING to listen to! Please, Allie (or whichever member of her team reads this), PLEASE just let your interviewees FREAKING TALK! Why have them on if you won’t?
  • Apoteck
    Casey Means
    Please address Casey Means’ unbiblical “spirituality.”
  • cheburashka98765
    Do I agree with everything Allie says no, but do I think she is an intelligent, open minded , articulate host , YES. Some of the negative comments I read don’t really represent reality.
  • arieljanho
    My Go to Podcast
    Been listening since I believe 2019. Allie is a reliable place to go when you want to understand how the gospel applies to the topics we wrestle with as Christian's in 2024. Thorough, gentle, bold, honest. I really enjoy this podcast.
  • Jess Lane
    Life Changing
    I am so grateful to have found this podcast. Allie's ability to speak truth in love is so inspiring to me in the midst of the changing world around us. She has a gift at articulating important topics as well as the gospel and theology. Love her and he courage so much!
  • Mssknight
    The souls crushing feeling of someone you trusted to cross the line is faith shaking for real. I was a new baby Christian when I was 19 and trusted my pastor. I grew up without a dad and was different to have my Pastor come and visit and help me out. One time he sat next to me and tried to kiss me… nothing happened I said no and he immediately knew he crossed the line. I debated ever going back but how could I not tell anyone why I wouldn’t….it was one of hardest things I went through as a Christian. Looking back I seen how God carried me and healed me through it from laughter. Today I don’t go to church regularly and I don’t trust easy I don’t hold on to it but I do feel the devastation any victim has especially from ones in a church. Because it suppose to be a safe place.
  • 60 year old wife and mom
    Favorite podcast
    Allie Beth Stuckey is wise beyond her years! Relatable is my favorite podcast!
  • maman abeille
    Christian persecution complex personified
    Christians represent almost 90% of our government, 66% of our Supreme Court, 63% of our society. But sure rich, white, Christian lady, YOU’RE SO PERSECUTED. Another right wing “religious” grifter. Why do people fall for this hateful garbage?
  • ListenerKim
    Episode 1020
    🤯great conversation!
  • flynnem
    Top Notch
    I love Allie Beth and her take on being a Christian conservative in todays world!
  • lesliehale5
    Such a gift
    I love Allie! Her zeal for the Lord and seeking truth is infectious! She has great guests and sound commentary!
  • Taylorrr_MD
    Thank you Allie for standing what’s right and bold in these days! So encouraging and biblical.
  • Debby Carter
    Not for Trump
    As a Christian, I complete disagree with how you feel about Trump. I think he is an evil malignant narcissist who will do great harm to our country. His character is reprehensible and Christian church should not be following along step behind him. It reminds me of the support that the Christian church in Germany gave to Hitler.
  • TheyLieAboutNamesTaken
    Great show!! The choice not to have children?
    I’m a new listener and I’m so glad I found your podcast! Your topics are interesting, “relatable”, and I appreciate your Biblical worldview. I listened to episode 895 where you spoke about motherhood as God’s plan in terms of the inability to have children and believing certain measure in attempts to have children might be biblically sound. I’m curious what you believe the Bible says about a married woman who chooses not to have children? I’ve seen mixed perspectives regardless of the measures taken to not have children.
  • Joypoy51
    Great podcast
    I love listening to Allie. I appreciate her ability to articulate the the gospel and cultural and political issues .
  • Mjennine13
    Bigotry hidden behind a good Christian woman.
    I thought I had found a good relatable Podcast.i had heard a few and the last few popped up on my feed. I literally wanted to throw up. Hearing the idea that celebrating Pride is against Christianity and Jesus. The fact that you would use God and call others depraved due to being gay is sickening. I literally was sick to my stomach hearing you try and preach your bigotry. Unfollowed. I hope one day Jesus is able to open your eyes to love. Maybe read his words.
  • K8 world
    Thanks Allie
    Thank you for helping me think through difficult topics step by step and really speaking the truth even if it might sting a bit.
  • joanna4bull
    I look forward to every episode!
    I will be forever grateful for how God has used Allie’s voice and platform to assist me in understanding so much of His truth. Thank you Allie for your bravery, courageous boldness and dedication to standing firm on the Word of God amidst the worldly chaos and backlash. Thank you for using your gift of communication to help teach and encourage others in the ways of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Through that God given gift and the passion you have to use it righteously, my mind and heart have opened and changed in the most sanctifying of ways. Praying for you and your family❤️
  • Butterflyguns
    Love Allie’s show!
    I have listened/watched Allie’s show for years. She is my favorite go to for Christian theology. She really helped me to open my Bible and see scripture for what it really is. The conservative Christian political commentary is a bonus, because there were so many questions she answered for me as I figured out where I stood. Can’t thank her enough!
  • NoImTheOtherOne
    Unsubscribed. Christianity and partisanship should t be bedfellows
    Christianity should be focused on Jesus, with right and wrong through His lens. Partisanship makes a mockery of this, and your podcast (and Instagram etc) is currently simply another outlet to try to show Trump as something he is not: a victimized, truth telling man of the people. He is a villain, and you are enabling someone who treats others with contempt, and uses power to abuse. You and others that willingly peddle his lies have helped destroy the Grand Ol Party. Shame on you.
  • Janice Fahy
    If Allie cared one single whit about abortion
    Or wanted to help there be less elective abortion, she would use her platform to encourage people to vote for Democrats because abortions go down every time we have a Democratic president and they go up every time we have a Republican president. Democrat policies make it easier for frightened pregnant women to ‘choose life’ as Ally claims she wants all women to do. Allie knows Democrats lead to less elective abortions, but she doesn’t really care about that. She only cares about getting Republicans elected regardless of what they do or say about abortion; this is why it’s SO easy for her to shill for pro-choice Trump. She’s helping Trump escort the prolife movement straight OUT of American politics, which is likely what she wants. The atheism is strong in her and we should pray for her that she might come to know God.
  • lleitzke
    So informative and accurate!
    Love this podcast!
  • reesie20876
    Thoughtful, Biblical, and Enticing
    My absolute favorite podcast. Allie uses biblical truth and theology to dissect the meaningful and controversial issues of our culture in a way like no other. I genuinely cannot recommend this podcast enough!
  • not fun enogh for me
    Thank you Allie Beth!!
    As an introverted mom of 7 kids, I only listen to a select few podcasts because I like silence 😂 but Relatable is one I listen to regularly. Allie Beth is biblically sound and able to take real life issues and bring them back to God’s Word. I have learned so much from her, she helps me to know what I think about controversial topics and to stand on it. The Lord is using her so much!
  • BritDP
    Over it
    Been listening for about 2 years now and recently this podcast has become a constant war against IVF. Which yes, great take on IVF, but do we need 50++ episodes saying the exact same thing in the exact same condescending tone? I wish she would go back to covering a variety of topics like it was a couple years ago. It’s like she latches onto a “hot topic” of the day and exhausts it completely and utterly. Also, her podcast would be way shorter if she just stopped repeating herself over and over. But I gave 3 stars because I truly appreciate the biblical approach to most of her rants. I am going to start picking and choosing the episodes I listen to now rather than just being a devoted daily listener. Finally, too many ads. Like woah. It’s gotten so worse. Probably the worse out of any podcast I listen too. We cannot go more than 5-10 minutes without her throwing in a sponsor! I thought America television was bad with ads—this podcast wins hands down for the most frequently ad break.
  • kylogin
    Thank you Allie Beth!
  • MrsSaye
    Honest and True
    I have enjoyed this podcast because Allie tries her best to bring the most accurate news/relevant topics with the truth of God’s word throughout for encouragement. No one is perfect and she states that, which is a attribute you would want the person you’re listening to, to have. There are so many people out there that claim that they know every single thing about every single category or subject in life and the fact that Alli claims to not know everything is refreshing, but also super cool that she brings experts in on areas that are not her expertise. I can’t say enough great things about this podcast but here are a few things that come to mind; truthful, godly, wholesome, great for women of ALL ages, great for Christian’s to listen to, funny, entertaining, and I’m always learning something new.
  • Illinois reg descendants
    This podcast lifts my spirit, thank you Lord
  • kajshsndlel
    Love this podcast!
    I love hearing Allie’s boldness and courage when talking about difficult but necessary issues we face in this fallen world but remembering the hope and the importance to share the gospel because we are not of this world! By the way, PLEASE contact Heidi St. John (another favorite podcaster of mine as a fellow warrior for speaking the truth with love) and get her on your show and possibly to the Arrow’s women’s event you are doing! She would be a great guest speaker for that as well and I’d love to hear you both on the same podcast episode! :)
  • Lizzy5886
    I never miss an episode
    Allie is articulate, direct and biblically rooted in her delivery on various topics. She doesn’t shy away from hard topics and is clear in her stance. I appreciate this podcast so much!!
  • D'sbook
    Thank you Allie Beth Stuckey
    This is a terrific podcast. Covers lots of things from a Christian perspective. I heard Allie speak at a conference once. Reaches women of all ages with this podcast. Thanks & keep speaking on so many need to know topics and articles.
  • nbkkd
    So talented with words, she’s found her gift
    And she’s blessing us with it! So grateful for this platform
  • iDeere
    Politics with a touch of theology!
    It’s great hearing a genuine Christian perspective on political issues. Allie is kind, compassionate and honest.
  • Lannylou14
    This Show 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
    So thankful for Allie sharing truth!
  • lesphillips
    Okay. I would do my own research
    I’ve listened to this podcast on and off for years. She comes off as arrogant often. She quotes the early church father's, but clearly hasn’t read them or she wouldn’t be so anti catholic. She lacks truth in a lot of areas. Overall decent podcast. Information isn’t thoroughly researched though.
  • Jessinneedofgrace
    Favorite podcast!
    Relatable is my favorite podcast hands down. Allie does a phenomenal job in her interviews and commentary. I praise God for the gift she has of speaking, encouragement and always pointing people to their need for Christ. I appreciate the topics, guests and hard truths she speaks on.
  • Shawna1002
    Excellent show with thought provoking content
    This podcast is outstanding. Allie Beth Stuckey is a knowledgeable and thoughtful interviewer. She is always informed and well prepared. I love the interesting variety of the content.
  • Dunamis Power ER
    Excellent Podcast
    I am a fairly recent listener, been watching on youtube. Love the information, appreciate your critical thinking with a Christian perspective. Helping me grow further in the Lord. Thank you Allie for what you are doing for the faith!
  • Juli Bdlp
    Teaches me to defend my faith
    This podcast articulates the biblical, capital T Truth and provides me with the right arguments and datapoints to argue on its behalf. I started listening during the repeal of Roe v Wade when my entire social media “environment” went “up in arms” and I felt so alone in my feelings in favor of the decision. A friend recommended that I started to listen, and it has meant so much to me to know I wasn’t alone!
  • NikkiN2018
    Completely Exhorted
    I am weekly exhorted by this podcast to stand up for righteousness and am so blessed to be able to glean wisdom from Allie’s words each week. My favorite podcast right now for sure. ❤️‍🔥
  • blakie56
    Allie has an inquisitive mind that helps all of us understand the WHY’S. It seems like she asks just the questions I am thinking when interviewing her host of guests. She is clear, articulate, and has helped me learn so much. Her interview with Ken Ham was awesome! Everyone should take a listen.
  • Goooo Gators
    Great Podcast
    I’ve been listening to ABS for a few years. I’ve been enlightened on so many subjects related to cultural issues and have changed my opinions because of it. Abortions. Surrogacy. ‘Trans’. I love how she looks at the issues with a biblical lens. She has great guests. A lot of them aren’t necessarily Christian. I recommend her podcast to all my friends.
  • barrreeeee
    Must listen for every Christian!
    I absolutely love this podcast. Allie shares the gospel in every episode and so eloquently explains current world events from a Biblical perspective.
  • Wendy Ely
    Best podcast
    Allie has truly made me rethink a lot of things I used it believe in , and has helped me solidify my arguments and beliefs.
  • EvieSchultz0711
    Amazing podcast!
    I love that Allie Beth is not afraid to share the gospel. I appreciate and resonate with her perspective in politics. Love love love this show!
  • Nan26272627
    Christian worldview
    I appreciate your take on so many current issues!
    Best Christian Podcast
    Allie has undoubtedly been an instrument that the Lord has used in my life to educate me on applying His word and being an advocate for good. Listening to her has given me boldness to step into hard conversations and to be willing to think about the hard things on my own instead of just relying on commentary. I love this podcast!
  • #1Nicki
    A multitude of opinions
    multitude of opinions I really enjoy listening to Allie. While I don't always agree with her or her guests, I do enjoy that she shows the other view of things that aren't clearly immoral. One thing that I am so glad that she speaks for is the defense of children. She clearly aligns herself with the pro-life movement. This greatly encourages me. Allie, if you or one of your staff members reads this, I am interesting in hearing your thoughts on the adoption of embryos who have been frozen for an indefinite amount of time. My idea is that it is better for them to be adopted than destroyed.
  • Ashleeyeddy
    I used to agree with Allie a lot. She seems to have been shifting in the last year where I can no longer listen and support her though. If you disagree nicely she can be rude at times. She’s become very arrogant sounding. Her views on socials and podcasts are definitely becoming more important than anything else to her. The more far right and “shocking” her clips are the better, even if she holds a more “moderate”view (like a lot of normal Christian’s hold) than a lot of her super reformed listeners hold in DMs.
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