The Zelda Cast

Leisure #148Video Games #30

Andy and Al bring you the latest Zelda news, theories, reactions, analysis, and shenanigans in The Zelda Cast, the internet’s best weekly Legend of Zelda podcast!

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Recent Reviews
  • JohtoChamp20
    Tri Force Hero’s
    I love it but I have never played multi-player🥹🥹🥹
  • Jen052
    Only gets better
    I found this podcast and listened to a couple of newer episodes. It was really good so I went back and started from the beginning. Man! Andy and Allison make this podcast. They’re so much better than the old hosts. I disagree on some of their points (TP is NOT ugly!) but they explain their reasoning so well. They also come across as genuinely good people. If I wasn’t poor, I’d subscribe to their patreon to get more episodes.
  • billy bob_joe
    Best podcast ever
    I became a Zelda fan by getting totk and then botw. I am now getting skyward sword remake on the switch and this has brought me to your podcast. I listen to you guys every day and it has been awesome. I completely understand why you beat up on totk because you waited so long for it. There is not a lot of games that can live up to a 6 year wait and tears of the kingdom was close. People just don’t seem to understand that and I hope you talk about this review on the podcast
  • icampbellc
    Not worth your time
    There are much better Nintendo / Zelda podcasts out there don't waste your time with this one.
  • Bloons game rocks
    Hilarious Hosts, Crushing Critiques and Lots of Love
    I’ve been listening to the podcast for about four and a 1/2 years now and absolutely love it. You guys are funny and informative, you go into so many in-depth discussions that I find interesting about certain topics with Zelda and the lead up to TOTK was really fun to experience with you all. I will say, I unfortunately have to take a break from listening until some of the discourse around TOTK settles because it’s hard to listen to so much criticism and negativity about my favorite game. There’s certainly valid criticisms, but I just think the game is unfairly judged by a lot of the hardcore Zelda community including you guys. I was along for the ride with you guys with the hype and community discourse surrounding the game, so it’s a little disheartening to hear you guys not have the same reaction as me but that’s okay! That’s the beauty of art in a way. Anyways, opinions aside… you guys are still awesome and don’t let any negative reviews or opinions of the show get you down. You guys still make an amazing podcast despite difference of opinions. Keep going strong❤️
  • OreoSyrup
    Stop hating
    Look stop acting like your opinion is valid if you keep ragging on totk. It’s one of the best games ever made and if you can’t realize that then stop talking. It just feels like you’re hating just to be that person. Totk is awesome so stop hating on it.
  • BaconZL
    Jumped the shark about TOTK
    You’ve had a fantastic podcast, but guys, the dislike of Tears of The Kingdom is just depressing and uncomfortable. Maybe it’s time to move on and either not talk about it, or bring on a guest who enjoyed the game and has positive things to say. Your personal opinions are totally valid, but you’re also creating an entertaining podcast for everyone, right??? A lot of us loved TOTK. Personally I didn’t love Majora’s Mask, but I also wouldn’t want to listen to an hour of Majora’s Mask bashing because that’s no fun at all, and misses the point of this amazing game series which has something for everyone.
  • Jw8105
    What crappy takes on TOTK
    Seems like the hosts have lost all reason with their analysis and expectations. Trashing the best Zelda game ever made repeatedly and calling yourself a Zelda podcast is ridiculous. You lost one listener for good with the one year look back on TOTK. It’s fair to criticize, but try showing some balance and perspective. Nitpicking over such small personal gripes when you both expressed how much FUN you were having when the game came out and for weeks afterward is just ridiculous.
  • Muggins666
    Tough to Listen to
    I listened to this podcast randomly (ep 282) because I finally finished TotK and was seeking out all the spoiler content I’d been avoiding. These two both drove me nuts, but especially Andy. He walked all over Al during their conversation. I only listened to about 75% of the episode before I’d had my fill, but there were several times were he cut her off, or responded to her point with “I’m glad you said THAT so I could say THIS!” What really drove me crazy was how obtuse their criticisms of the game were. Like, I have certain things I wish the game did differently, but their complaints seemed to boil down to “I wish they had spelled things out more and used less artful storytelling.” And “I wasn’t paying enough attention to certain plot elements and don’t remember them well now, and that’s the game’s fault, I guess.” I don’t need people to have the same opinions as me. I appreciate the discourse, but they seemed so caught up on small details that they allowed it to not let them see the forest for the trees. It’s boggling to me that Andy is apparently a Metroid fan if he can’t handle stories that don’t fill in every blank for the player. If you’re looking for intelligent or funny conversation on the Zelda franchise because you like things Triple Click or the Besties, this is not going to scratch that itch.
  • guy who has a small complaint
    Can we have a short (or long I just think it would be hard to do long) episode dedicated to beedle
  • Cold Blooded Lord
    Guest/episode suggestion
    Hey could you get Jermey from Chat of the Wild on for a farewell episode? He’s leaving and it would be nice to see. Thanks 🥲
  • Yallupsjr1910 Cool Cats😸😺
    Top Zelda Podcast
    I’ve been playing the Legend of Zelda since I was 3. We lived at our grandpas house and out grandpa and a N64 which had games like Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, Starfox, and Wave Race 64. I’m 14 but I started with the N64. I loved Ocarina of Time. I am 14 now and I am just realizing that when I was playing an N64, my friends were probably playing the DS or the Wii. After we moved out of my grandparents house, we got a Wii U. I got the special addition Wind Waker HD Wii U. Eventually I got a Nintendo Switch and got Breath of the Wild. I really liked how the Nintendo switch brought games from the previous generation of consoles (such as NES, SNES, N64, etc) and I got to play the games I missed on. The only game I haven’t played is Four swords and Twilight princess. I really enjoy this podcast and I wished it would post more often. Keep up the good work! PS, can someone explain to me how Fado from Wind Waker is a Kokiri but was never in Ocarina of Time? How do the kokiri reproduce?!?! Anyway, keep up the great work. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Harjo86
    Keep up the great work!!!
    I am a 14 year old boy who loves Zelda, every time that I am passing somebody I don’t like I just pretend that I am talking to you guys! You guys have saved my butt so many times! My favorite episode of the series is “307 Every Twilight Princess Mini-Boss Ranked.” These podcasts have changed my perspective on The Legend of Zelda (some of my opinions are still the same). I read someone’s review and it was like “ThEsE gUyS nEeD tO sToP wHiNiNg!” I don’t believe in those types of reviews, ESPECIALLY when it comes to “The Zelda Cast” you guys are THE BEST!! Keep up the great work!
  • Hero_of_Hyrule
    Awesome podcast!! but....
    I cannot fathom why Andy does not like the final ToTK trailer theme. He likes the final BoTW trailer theme more than it! What is he actually yapping about??!! Andy, it seems, has no taste and is very uncultured. The final ToTK trailer theme is the BEST sounding piece of music to ever grace tLoZ. You have the saxophone part, the zelda's lullaby part, the main theme part, and even the title theme of tLoZ. In all seriousness, this is a great podcast, even if Andy has some terrible opinions sometimes.
  • Mrsblks
    Awesome podcast
    You guys definitely need to do some more randomizer eps
  • zelda fan1171
    Amazing pod :)
    Love it! Andy and Al you guys make my Mondays so awesome! I would love to hear more OoT randomizer and guess that Zelda ___. Those have not happened for about 20 episodes now. Keep it up!
  • hehhziz
    Do ocarina randomizer
    Please do more randomizer episodes
  • Scottiie D
    You guys are the best and this latest episodes proves that. Reboot was my favorite show growing up. I recorded every episode on vhs at the time and I own all the dvds and the movie. I had no idea it was Canadian. I watched it in Massachusetts every Saturday morning. Love it. Keep up the great work!!
  • $htgbuy
  • Lewis Patzner
    An improbable inevitability
    How does one create a compelling podcast about The Legend of Zelda and do 300 episodes? I would’ve told you it can’t be done, yet, the fine folks at Zelda Dungeon have done it. It’s dangerous to go alone. Take this podcast with you!
  • aboulet
    Welcome to the Zelda Whinecast!
    If you want to listen to two people constantly whining about a video game, then this podcast is for you! The hosts can’t seem to say anything good about Zelda games without adding negative caveats or just flat out complaining. Ain’t nobody got time for that!
  • Paxton e
    Good content vary funny
  • Poobah71
    Beautiful Podcast
    This is a great podcast!
  • Carl 👩🏻‍🎨
    I am in the new generation of Zelda fans (my first game was botw) but so far I have played ocarina of time, Majoras mask, Skyward sword, mimish cap, the og Zelda, oracle of seasons so yeah. My favorite game is Majoras mask. My fav character is Malon and Tatl. What about you. Also Andy TIM HORTONS IS LIFE! Anyway, sorry this was so long it’s dangerous to go alone, take this. (It’s coffee)
  • string bean animations
    the koroks are bad
  • Wolf13554675489
    Zelda Podcast !!!
    🔺 🔺🔺
  • Link man😎
    Pod pod pod
    Podcast is good😎Love it!!!
  • Lemur Memer
    Good podcast.
    I can’t believe Andy thinks Minish Cap is the best top down Zelda game. The only correct best top down Zelda game is Link’s Awakening.
  • NicknameMan222
    The legend of link
    First off, love the show. Next I wanted to pitch a Zelda game I would love to see. The legend of link- an experience set during of ocarina of time where you play the game as sheik and explore everything they were doing to help link along the way from Zelda/sheiks perspective. Keep up the good work love the podcast so much.
  • LoZFanatic
    Beedle is the 4th part of the triforce. He is in the middle triangle, there is Ganondorf, Zelda, Link, and Beedle. Beedle in the middle. 🔺 🔺🔺
  • Link x Mipha
    Great podcast, but…
    Ok great schedule, funny hosts/topics, but very negative about TOTK.
  • Luke Asthelton
    Best Zelda Podcast
    I love Zelda Ocarina of time is my 2nd fav game FF7 taking the top but I absolutely love the hosts and how funny they are keep making and I will keep listening (maybe do a episode of ranking all dungeons in Zelda)
  • A-dawg08
    Love it.
    I love this podcast i love Zelda. But I have to disagree with Andy on one point. You say that a woman having an abortion is a right? Well what about the baby? Is it’s right to be murdered?
  • huomon
    Good podcast
    Botw was my first Zelda game but this podcast got me more interested in the series
  • Toothlesslink Mario
    Yore awesome
    Love your botw and totk podcasts (Especially the one where you ate wings)
  • Totk god
    Whenever I’m on a road trip I beg my mom to listen and when we do I browse the new episodes and pick the coolest one!
  • svhjdvmk
    Good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pod
  • S’mores for Link
    Super Negative
    Long-term listener, but very disappointed recently about their mostly negative takes on Tears of the Kingdom. I feel like they claim to enjoy the game but from what I hear, the majority of stuff Andy says about TotK is negative and critical. Al became obsessed with getting all the Korok seeds so now she complains about korok seeds returning each episode. Then they made a whole episode about it. They have a hard time appreciating the game for what it is, they mostly focus on comparing it to old Zelda games and the normal game components of Zelda games. Overall it’s become kind of a drag to listen to The Zelda Cast recently, where other podcasts present a better and more enjoyable experience in talking about TotK and the Zelda series now. It makes me sad cause I used to really look forward to listening to this podcast :(
  • StandAloneDieAlone
    Wanted to love this but didn’t
    I came to this podcast after beating TotK. I’m not the biggest Zelda fan. I loved OoT back when I was a kid and got back in for BotW, and loved it. But enough about me… This podcast didn’t feel like the podcasters had fun playing the game. I don’t know, it just felt full of minor complaints and less about the awesome attention to detail. For example, the side adventures podcast. You basically didn’t like bringing the band back together? That was seriously one of my favorite Zelda side adventures ever… didn’t even mention the fairies, seemed like they didn’t even remember the quests. The music, the joy of having finally brought them all together, the complexity of the music as you added more members… I didn’t come here for all kinds of little critiques of the game. I came here to hear Zelda fans talk about the great parts of the game. It just felt soooo focused on the retractions and not really about celebrating what I consider one of the best single player game experiences of my almost forty year old gamer life. I think I listened to five or six episodes before I bailed. Have a critique episode or something, but more positivity and a LOT less knit-picking would have kept me around. This just didn’t do it for me. I appreciate the effort, but can’t stick around for more if it’s just gonna be more of this.
  • JDamicoam
    Come back later :)
    Loving listening to these TotK podcasts after beating the game while playing through my second time. P.S. Twilight Princess rules
  • Sido1234
    This is awesome
    It is funny
  • Sirocdude
    Love this podcast and, I HAVE MADE RAURU IN DND
    Hello zelda cast! I have recently made RAURU (sorcerer half elf) #tearsgiveaway
  • The Legend Of Lonk
    Absolutely LOVE This Podcast
    This podcast is my number 1 favorite thing to listen to and pass time. I have been a Zelda fan since I was 4 and I love to just hear Andy dump on twilight princess (even though it’s a great game). If you like anything to do with the Zelda series, from the original to TOTK, I highly recommend this podcast to you.
  • meganigator
    Brightens my commute
    It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this podcast with you.
  • Notsorry154
    Love it
    Really love listening to tears of the kingdom episodes you should talk about locations of armor and weapons and tips
  • Ashleyx98
    good but annoying
    i wish i loved this podcast all of the time but the absolute negativity is just so annoying always finding little tiny things that really don’t matter or things we’ve never questioned in previous games to complain about. talking about how ugly games are for a game that is supposed to be stylized vs realistic, complaining about how boring sub characters are, complaining about repetitive dungeon items when the staple of the series is to get these classic items back. it seems as if the game they’re talking about isn’t OOT/MM or BOTW the negativity gets amped up to 100% like you have this whole podcast about loving this series but it sounds like you actually just hate it when it doesn’t tailor to your tastes. also monk maz koshia isn’t the best boss battle in the entire series, he’s just a phantom of what master kohga was
  • Hero chosen by the gods
    I absolutely love this podcast
  • Isaac54321$
    Great game
    I really love Tears of the Kingdom and Breath of the Wild.
  • Mantis.man24!
    I’m amazing
    I have all koroks full stamina and hearts all shrines all temples all batteries beat demon king and all armor
  • 3forBRI
    Family Tradition
    My very first Zelda game was A Link to the Past when I used to watch my Dad play and continued to watch him play Ocarina of Time & Majora’s Mask. Zelda has such fond memories for me and my childhood, I have loved the series and I am always willing to chat with people about the games. I’m so excited that I found this podcast & people who are excited about the Zelda series. Thanks for sharing your Zelda enthusiasm with me & now I can continue to share the games with my nephews who are just now getting into BOTW & TOTK and keep the family tradition going! Thank you for all the hard work & excitement, I’m glad I found you guys! #TOTKgiveaway
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