Unexplained Mysteries

History #71

Life can take unexpected turns. Some are easily defined. Others… require further investigation. Every Tuesday, collect the pieces of a seemingly unsolvable puzzle — events in history which have eluded so many for so long, but deserve a deeper look. Unexplained Mysteries is a Spotify Original.

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Recent Reviews
  • Foflappy
    Better than many but no longer listen…
    I listened to the podcast from the start. Overall pretty entertaining. Pretty formulaic and sometimes frustratingly slow at getting to the point. The voice actors clearly have no idea what they are reading in their scripts because often the script contains contradictions and or things that the actors would know is false based on their background. The sound design is just bad with poorly eq’d background music and cheap sound effects. I had to stop listening sometime early in the latest season because the factual errors were just to much to deal with. The newer scripts are either entirely or partially written by AI and contain mixed up locations and timelines. No human researcher would make the blatant mistakes these later scripts contain.
  • SooBeeW
    Honesty mid ahhh. meow.
  • dusty oldbones
    So glad they’re not Qanon whackjobs
    I’ve been a huge fan of mysterious topics or “Fortean events” since growing up watching the 90’s Robert Stack show “Unsolved Mysteries”. This podcast reminds me of that show—a straightforward journalistic presentation, with empathy, that discusses possible explanations but doesn’t venture into unhinged ancient aliens territory. I’m here for it!
  • CH00bee
    100% Agree with StarSharon’s review
    Love the soothing voices. Good to listen to to fall asleep. I love mysteries. Please leave up as I didn’t find until after they’ve stopped making new episodes. Love the straightforward clear simple explanations of the mysteries. Thorough coverage. So enjoying these mysteries. Thank You. Smiley face emoji.
  • Rit2407
    so far so good
    strange stories and events easy to listen to and narrated in a simple way. listened to some episodes only
  • Cindayyy764
    Good context, strange delivery
    The stories this team picks are good, the content and production are also good. However, the male and female hosts go back and forth reading once sentence at a time. Its tremendously off-putting and annoying. Feedback for the hosts - please stop this back and forth delivery!! At least keep it to a paragraph/subject at a time before the other person starts talking.
  • HatschepsutPharaoh
    I love the show topics
    But can NOT get past their left wing agenda.. It’s sickening.
  • qwartin5
    I loved this!
    This has been a fun and interesting podcast for me to listen to! I’m sad that it’s coming to an end
  • Zombie Jo3
    Could not get into it
    I tried. I really did. But I just couldn’t get into this podcast. Which stinks as it has subject matter I enjoy. But the first episode turned me off hard. The hosts had no chemistry with each other what so ever. The way they read the scripts came off so very dry. I’ve listened to other podcasts that are of a similar format and they don’t sound like discount Discovery Show episode narrators. And that’s not to ray on them mind you. I feel like they probably can narrate well. Just not together and maybe with better vocal direction. The script wasn’t very good either. There was a ton of fluff in between subjects that are being talked about. It sounded nice, but you didn’t need 30 words to describe things we already knew about once part of the painting. Normally I give shows like these a shot and listen to a few episodes before passing judgement, but this one was just so, average and nothing that I bounced off it extremely soon.
  • StarSharon
    Glad you're back. Good stories.
    I had given this podcast a five star rating because I love to listen to this and other Parcast podcasts. This one has interesting content and soothing voices from hosts Molly and Richard and here on Apple podcasts it is not interrupted by commercials. It even helps me sleep. So glad you're back from Spotify. Please leave the episodes up even if you will not be making new ones. Many of us here missed some while you were away.
  • BlameShame
    Love it!
    Hands down my favorite podcast!
  • this show used to be good
    Irreversible climate change lol. Liberal B.S alert
    I decided to give this podcast one more shot. Haha jokes on me it just gets dumber and dumber. “Climate change” is nothing new you morons the climate has been changing forever and man is not the cause you liberal dipwads.
  • dtsbraun
    Great job
  • Theresa Diana Collins
    Very well done!
    I really enjoy this podcast. Soothing voices, informative, and interesting!
  • HappyCamperer
    The Hum episode
    Never even mentioned EMF as cause for the hum 2% of the world's population hear. Negligent research for this episode. Shameful. And won't do Spotify.
  • Jeeziseverynicknametaken?
    Loved the show but I won’t get Spotify just to hear it. Always provided logic in debunking and explaining conspiracy theories but this is a terrible decision, gonna alienate and lose them a lot of fans who’ve been listening since they covered Princess Diana.
  • Thang8787
    Not conspiracy theorists and informative
    I really enjoy this podcast! It is very well done and very informative. A ton of research seems to go into each episode because I listen to some of the same stories on other podcasts and none of them have near the amount of info as this one does. This podcast does a fantastic job of giving facts and debunking a lot of things that seem hard to explain. I like that the hosts seem fairly impartial to the stories, I feel it makes it easier to present things at face value rather then all of these topics being presented as matter of opinion. I highly recommend this podcast if you want a more or less answer to some of the strange things that happen in the world.
  • kjanson02
    Love the Podcast, but sorry no Spotify.
  • Birchleaf2001
    Love the podcast
    But goodbye can’t do Spotify 😔😖🙁
  • Sep76
    Don’t bother
    They are moving to Spotify only. I will not be following them after their move. If I wanted the Spotify app, I would be using it.
  • SHoskins
    I won’t do Spotify
    I’ve really enjoyed this show, especially Molly, but I’m not downloading Spotify just to hear it. This seems like a big mistake.
  • lyokolover
    I found this podcast a few months ago and have really enjoyed the topics. The episodes seem well researched and presented since there is no official conclusion. I won’t be moving to Spotify though. I have enough apps.
  • Codeslavious
    No to spotify
    Hopefully youll come to your senses. I will never inatall apotify or liaten to any “exclusive” podcast. Have fun loaing audience.
  • Harambe The Hutt
    They’re Moving
    Honestly, I love this podcast but I’m tired of people going exclusive. I’m not going to download Spotify because you left Apple. You just lost somebody who really enjoys many of your programs. I know it was worth that Spotify-money to you, but come on guys, that is not a very consumer-friendly move.
  • Loyal Podfan
    Nope to Spotify
    Love the Parcast podcasts—Spotify not so much. Won’t be following.
  • DallasDuo13
    I guess it’s goodbye!
    As much as I love Parcast shows I regretfully must find other shows to listen to. I have no interest in downloading Spotify or any other app when I already have at least 2 others that serves the exact same purpose that I’m happy with. Thanks for the entertainment that kept me going for my 12 hr. shifts while at work. I do hope at some point to find Parcast on other platforms once again. All the best!
  • Du4357
    Will not be listening to anymore Parcast properties. Hope the paycheck was worth it, because you’re losing your audience.
  • Txtornados
    Moving to Spotify? Bad. Episode - Good.
    I just came across the podcast. I like the episodes, but since you are moving to Spotify, I am saying “Goodbye”. I am not moving with you. Why can’t you just stay so I can hear you on my Mac under Podcasts? Later dude.
  • DaveC304
    Great show
    If you like commercials every 2.5 minutes. Gotta love it!
  • nazdrik22
    Nice but Spotify
    Too bad you moved exclusively to Spotify. Unfortunately I cannot continue to listen to it there as podcasts are not available through the Spotify in my country...which will lead to losing foreign listeners all over the world...
  • pckles12
    Pulling a Rogan
    I have loved these shows from the get go. Very disappointed to see another good show take the money and run. Good luck but I won’t be contributing to Spotify.
  • Valmet81
    Could be better
    Seems overproduced and the voices/inflections of the narrators takes away from the eeriness of the topics.
  • slloyd155
    A show made purely for pushing advertisements with content as an afterthought
    I can’t even believe how many ads this show squeezes into each episode. It’s beyond ridiculous and there’s way too many quality shows out there that aren’t inspired by pure greed.
  • equal parent
    Poorly explained mysteries
    The producers seem to go out of their way to make the explanation for their topics either ghosts or aliens. Its too bad, the actual explanations are far more interesting.
  • Hadmattr03
    Very much enjoy this podcast. But alas I’m not a fan of Spotify. Far winds a following seas.
  • DLR85
    Its odd to me that y’all are just shoving off over to spotify and dropping, most likely, an Arks worth of listeners. Its been fun, and I have enjoyed your show from the beginning, but I won’t be following you to an exclusive platform. Best of luck to y’all.
  • amace159
    Love the show but..
    I love this show, but I hate they are moving just to Spotify. I maybe the minority but I really can’t stand the Spotify app.
  • Beedubz76
    You will be missed🍀
    Feels like you’re encouraging & supporting monopolies. I really am sorry to see you go. You will be missed . Best o luck🍀
  • thatoneplace
    Will not be following to Spotify. I wondered when this would happen and it is finally here. Thanks for the heads up to find something else to listen to.
  • WilsonUnderwood
    Good show but..
    Love this podcast but moving to Spotify? Doubt I’ll follow them to it.
  • Xactoblade
    Spotify Exclusive - Goodbye!
    It is so sad that one of my favorite podcast is moving to Spotify only. Great way to leave your loyal customers in the dark. You could have chosen to keep the podcast in both places - but chose exclusively for cash. Good for you, but I am out!
  • japago4
    I listened for as long as a could, but...
    I listened for as long as I could, but the woman’s affectation is unbearable. The stories are well written and presented, but the artificial manner in which Molly speaks is not for everyone.
  • Anax Aetos
    Subjective rhetoric
    With big sponsors comes big propaganda, or; he who pays the piper calls the tune. This is some classic big Corp sponsored sleek American swill packaged up sweetly with top notch sound production. I’ll pass.
  • ajt0804
    Moving to Spotify??
    Every other podcast I listen to is available on both. Exclusivity is dumb. I’m not switching to Spotify for this mediocre podcast.
  • Beans1809
    I absolutely love this podcast so good and very interesting. Always hooks me in!
  • franfider13
    My hubby and I are obsessed
    This podcast is so well done and really entertaining. We can hardly wait for the episodes to release every week!
  • Sleep489415
    Molly’s Voice is Amazing - Big fan!
    I really love Molly’s voice, and it’s the main reason I listen to this and the Conspiracy show in a regular basis. She really adds something that I can’t quite explain. I tried listening to the earlier episodes of this show but it’s just not the same without her. I can both fall asleep to her and be totally engaged in listening depending on the time of day. I’m hooked on Parcast shows because of her. If I can throw in one critique, it’s that she can sometimes come off condescending and seems to think that anyone who believes in out-there theories or conspiratorial explanations of events are complete morons. I think that is what triggers some of the anti-Molly reviews. Maybe try and be a little nicer to the whackos who are paying the bills. If not for people who thought outside of the box and challenged the status quo, we would all still believe the world was flat.
  • ladyanafire
    Fantastic content
    Great show about real life events supported with historical content, which is able to entertain and educate at the same time. Molly’s voice is absolutely perfect for an audio theater with drama and mystery, I love how the story is read with an element of suspense. Great job!
  • Caitlinf87
    Molly has a soothing voice…
    I just want to say- kindness goes a long way and those of you who have complaints about Molly’s voice, should keep your opinions to yourselves. Imagine reading reviews and seeing people are rating your show based on the sound of your voice, not the of the content. I imagine it would be hurtful. Personally, I really like both of their voices and I find Molly’s tone soothing when I’m trying to relax and take a minute. My only complaint is the increase in ads recently. I wish that they could at least be at the beginning and end or at the very least all in one longer clump in the middle… the interruptions sort of break that relaxing minute I’m trying to squeeze in. I much prefer the history/mysterious happenings/unexpected/mystical more than the violent crime mysteries…aka who done it. There are plenty of true crime type podcasts and I like learning something new and random more than hearing the nitty gritty of unsolved crimes.
  • sul sul bummed
    Isn’t it time to question why a woman’s voice bothers you??
    Seriously, don’t even give a podcast a review if your rating is based on your personal perception of the podcasters voice. This isn’t an ASMR podcast, as much as people may want one of those, this isn’t that. These narrators are a little old school in their stage voices, get over it. The subjects are interesting and well researched. I can fall asleep to it, or listen alertly and stay engaged without getting tired. If you’re purely looking for a woman’s voice that is in no way annoying to you personally, and also adheres to your notions of a non abrasive and soothing female voice, go pay an actual ASMR creator, they deserve it.
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