
Education #134Courses #1

EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious is an award-winning weekly podcast hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution. The eclectic guest list includes authors, doctors, psychologists, historians, philosophers, economists, and more. Learn how the health care system really works, the serenity that comes from humility, the challenge of interpreting data, how potato chips are made, what it's like to run an upscale Manhattan restaurant, what caused the 2008 financial crisis, the nature of consciousness, and more. EconTalk has been taking the Monday out of Mondays since 2006. All 900+ episodes are available in the archive. Go to for transcripts, related resources, and comments.

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Recent Reviews
  • KGNicho
    Interview with Nicholas Bostrom
    I love Russ’s podcast generally but oh my word was this one a stinker. I forced myself to listen to the whole thing because, after all, Russ was recommending this man’s book as “thought provoking” and I respect Russ a lot. I found Dr. Bostrom’s vision of a future run completely by “mature technology”— AI of course— to be bizarre, arrogant, anti-human, naive, inconsistent and, ultimately, incoherent. Good grief. Russ kept saying, it gets more hopeful! but not for me.
  • A Wyoming Friend
    Glenn Loury Tells All
    Thanks for this podcast, Russ. I could have listened for another hour. As a Christian, in my 70s, I especially wanted to hear about Glenn’s struggles as a Christian now, at age 75. I only really fully understood the gospel about 15 years ago (30 years into my walk, knowing Christ— been a Christian 45 years now). The gospel, the good news is, we are lousy at best. We look to Christ for our perfection and rest in His righteousness, by our faith in Him. So glad to hear about your life, Glenn. I looked: your book is available today!! From a Wyoming listener 😉
  • jdubinMKE
    Smarter with Age
    Regarding April 1 episode. Yes you are! Young people as a group are dumb and wrong. Ask any insurer.
  • dennis.karpf
    Dennis Karpf
    Superb, deep, analytical and moral discussion with leading thinkers on all social, scientific and human interactions in the economy and marketplace. In short, great meta thinking with Russ as wonderful interlocutor.
  • Leahbird77
    Role model for America
    Russ is such a thoughtful, humorous and self deprecating host. Able to disagree with his guests in a way that models respect and fosters curiosity. Such a breath of fresh air and sea of Talking Heads..
  • gwebb730
    Podcast with Michael Duhigg
    Russ, thank you for your excellent podcast with Charles Duhigg about Supercommunicators today. I learned something and look forward to reading his book. Greg
  • FireShield95
    Not living up to its name anymore
    There's too much non-econ talk for a show called EconTalk. I've listed to every episode of the show, and it was much better when it was a weekly show about economics. If you want to talk about other things, you should make a separate podcast feed for that. There's no shortage of economic topics to talk about.
  • the burning inch
    More Econ, Less Zion
    I don’t listen to hear your hot takes on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I’m here for econ talk.
  • Al012334567899013456790
    The best podcast
    This is the best podcast. Many are good. Some are great. This is the best one.
  • Vance Ginn
    If you’re not listening to EconTalk then you’re not learning key economic lessons. Don’t miss an episode!
  • jjiusbbbdhag
    In terms of quantity and quality the single best podcast yet created. If I had one podcast on a deserted island this would def be it.
  • DanO 2001
    Easily the best interviewer in the podcast world
    Regardless of the topic I come away feeling that I learned something valuable. Differing options are handled with a clear desire to search for the truth and not just be proven right.
  • PaintbrushDivide
    Look elsewhere for informative economics discussions
    What once was a great economics podcast is now dedicated to addressing the personal interests of Russ Roberts. With all the current and approaching economic problems, one would think this podcast would be exploring them in depth. Very disappointing to see this podcast decay into a stream of non-economics drivel.
  • jonathanmichael12
    Must Listen
    Of all the people I’ve never met, Russ Roberts has taught me more than anyone else.
  • SF@123
    Excellent Podcast
    I’ve listened to EconTalk regularly since 2013 and I’ve really enjoyed the journey. Russ is an incredible interviewer, is always fair to guests, and keeps the conversation engaging. I’ve especially enjoyed the more recent episodes which have focused on topics outside the traditional Econ sphere.
  • Kleegrubaugh
    Lydia Dugdale - Wow!
    Thoroughly fascinating podcast. I have survived my original prognosis by more than 10 years. I have also studied dying from a Christian’s perspective a great deal. Lydia”s information and discussion was very welcome. Thank you.
  • mylesXmendoza
    Life Lessons
    No source of media has made a bigger impact in my life than this podcast. Russ takes listeners on a journey to understand. There are no solutions only trade-offs, and that not everything should be viewed purely from one lens, but from multiple dimensions. Highly recommended.
  • TomB333@
    Outstanding interviews with critical thinking
    Russ is brilliant and he asks great questions. His guests are fascinating and provocative and this has become one of my favorite podcasts. Well done!
  • cf reads
    Always awesome
    Love Russ’s show.
  • Nickname1792804
    I enjoy Russ’ thought process even if I don’t agree with his conclusions.
  • Albanycat
    Russ has a truly enquiring mind. The best of his podcasts bring the listener on a journey to a new place. Erudite and thought provoking.
  • rabidmoderate
    Paul Bloom
    National treasure. Scholar. Mensch
  • umterps94
    Required listening
    EconTalk would probably be on the Mt. Rushmore of podcasts if one were to exist. My only request would be to include a summary of books, websites, etc. that are discussed during the episode in the show notes. When the host or a guest mentions a great book, I’d love to be able to check it out but am often not able to note it while listening.
  • Life Is Wonderful Love
    Economic Intelligence
    I throughly enjoy the Economic podcast on a variety of subjects relating to money, economics and markets. Keep up the good work.
  • JenDevilKitty
    I can’t put into words how much I love these interviews!
    So I’ll try. Interviews and discussions on fascinating topics and aspects of the broader econ world (which pretty much covers everything). Fascinating & learning about our economy, the world, broader and interconnecting themes and impacts
  • thicks51
    Look forward to every new episode
    Enjoy the host and his guests having an easy to digest conversation. The topics are varied and interesting.
  • Cool jey
    Don’t know how I’ve missed this one
    I don’t know how I’ve missed this podcast for so long as it has a bunch of guests I like and have listened to elsewhere. I’m not very familiar with Russ, but I like him and have a good sense of his worldview since I’ve been bingeing. The *very best* part of this podcast is it actually starts within 30 seconds. Overly produced, filler content (not ads) in podcasting needs to die; the kind that tends to be self absorbed, irrelevant information that has nothing to do with the content.
  • egfuzz
    This podcast is full of thoughtful conversations. It’s an antidote to typical anger media. You can definitely learn something here, but—what’s more—listening to this podcast might induce little spurts of emotional growth. Such great work.
  • MBsciencegeek
    Intellectually stimulating
    As a life long biology learner, I am newcomer to economics and it’s jargon. I greatly enjoy the new approach to viewing the world and how economics can maximize utility. The first podcast in 2006 was a great intro in how to think like an economist. Looking forward to listening to all episodes (eventually) and how the new knowledge will stimulate new ideas and understanding.
  • Michael D. McAuley
    My Favorite Podcast
    Russ is an unabashed free marketeer but is always fair and polite to his wide variety of guests. He covers a wide range of interesting topics in addition to pure economics, but he brings a more nuanced approach to the “economic way of thinking” to so many topics. He often has topics that don’t look interesting to me at first, but I always listen to them as they are often end up as some of my favorite episodes.
  • Brent Econ
    Russ the GOAT
    No one can touch the insight and thoughtfulness of the GOAT, Russ Roberts. Listen!
  • SleepyCho
    Episode… 851? With John List
    John’s voice is best at about 35:30, just after Russ asks a question or makes a statement. Before that, and almost exclusively, John’s voice is very difficult to listen to. I recommend voice coaching. (I am not in that business.) A secondary suggestion: John, focus on speaking in a lower register while using vocal variation while speaking. This is a type of thing that people who know is well are too “caring” and too polite to suggest, but it will improve: 1.) your desirability as a speaker 2.) your persuasiveness 3.) the general joy with which others engage with you, regardless of whether you are paying them to so engage Good luck, and may you find increasing success and happiness
  • fdnunez
    New perspectives
    This podcast has brought new perspectives on topics that have shaped my thinking permanently. One unexpected example was the podcast where he discussed Kenny G with documentarian Penny Lane. What actually made the podcast fascinating was way they approached the question “What is beautiful?” It made me re-think my scorn for art forms that I find boring or mundane in a way that I hadn’t before. I still don’t like a Kenny G, but I don’t let it annoy me. His interview on healthcare with Keith Smith was also epic.
  • Ben Connelly
    I Freaking Love EconTalk
    I’ve learned so much from this podcast! And I still have almost 700 episodes left in the archive! As a self-described “free market fundamentalist,” I find myself agreeing with Russ all the time. Free market healthcare! Hayek! Free trade!
  • RPMRob
    Excellent discussions
    Always a thought-provoking discussion.
  • Beatpulsing
    Excellent conversations
    This is the way we should tackle complex issues. Excellent idea sharing and shaking out conversations. This podcast always makes me think, evaluate and reevaluate my thoughts and assumptions.
  • Dkl3in10
    Great Pod
    Russ is a fantastic interviewer. He is thoughtful and open minded. Love this podcast and his wife variety of topics.
  • DrBrett47
    I listen to every episode
    Love it every week. I’ve been listening since 2009 and I’ve learned so much. Thank you for your dedication, Russ. And for those that say he talks too much, they must have never listened to any other interviewers. I often wish he’d talk more. He’s a national treasure.
  • WCH___
    Ep 823
    We’ll see how this one ages. I wonder how much Russ would have paid for that booster as he was frantically googling? He should ask Tyler next time he’s on what an alpha booster should cost in an omicron world, on the margin of course, in a world with $1 ivermectin? Maybe a deep dive on the skyrocketing cost of $1 ivermectin. Maybe EconTalk, in the future. Pretty sad to see what covid has done to Russ. Five years from now, Will Russ be selling vaccines or will he be talking about his concerns with this time like 2008? He’ll have time to decide.
  • botesazan
    Wonderful podcast
    Russ Roberts is a wonderful conversationalist. This is economics in the broadest sense, and the interplay between economics and so many human activities. The variety of fields discussed is really amazing. I appreciate Russ’ free market perspective combined with his willingness to let his guests expand upon their views. Thank you so much for a very lovely (in Smith’s sense of the word) podcast.
  • Bwv878
    Michael Munger and More
    Russ is great. He’s a born teacher, intellectually honest, endlessly curious, opinionated, but able to challenge guests respectfully without attacking them. He has a broad spectrum of guests, and of course lots of Michael Munger.
  • Review Master 3001
    I am currently an economics undergrad and started listening to this podcast last summer in the middle of my major. After six months of listening, I’m over 100 episodes in and look forward to listening to a new episode every day. This podcast has opened me up to many topics outside of just economics that I didn’t know I was interested in, but now have a backlog of books to read for a deeper dive of each. Russ has a great interview style and I love his interjections and lengthy questions. He has a gift for clarifying points and helping the listener understand complex topics. I could write a lengthy review of all of the reasons I appreciate this podcast but I will just say thanks to Russ for broadening my scope and making me a more thoughtful and educated person!
  • BGfam
    That will never be the future of Earth!
    I am sure you’ll like the amount of engagements of this particular podcast. It is very concerning that we have people not considering any other option. Why am I saying that, the tone of this “person” was such as she is speaking from a higher place. We are not part of the convo because we are not intelligent enough to understand that we don’t understand. All those thrive in the era of zoom meetings. They will never talk this way in person.
  • Gus McCrae
    Bad interviewer
    Not a good interviewer. He brings on interesting guests but he interrupts them frequently. His questions often seem wooden and not really thought through. I tried several episodes and couldn’t make it through a single one.
  • notanazi
    Russ Roberts is kind of an ahole
    Interesting podcast but have to take it with a grain of salt because the host will frequently question facts that disalign with his worldview (which is insulting to his guests, who are experts) and kind of talks down about certain groups in his pursuit of promoting purely neoclassical economics.
  • Mrs Ippi
    I was irked
    I found you via another podcast and have subscribed and been listening for the past few months. In this particular episode, Jennifer Frey irked me. Her definition of flourishing is arbitrary. Therefore an objective review of arbitrary data is useless. Despite this, it is good to get other perspectives. Thanks for keeping me on my toes!
  • macneilmacneil
    Interesting Far Out of Proportion to the Title of the Podcast
    Excellent podcast. Great selection of guests talking about their area of expertise with a thoughtful and interesting host who asks great questions and loves to challenge his guests position.
  • jordanmacneil.....
    An exceptional interviewer with great guests.
  • tivenner1
    Roberts does not listen
    Russ Roberts talks nonstop and never lets guest make a point. Removing app
  • MAMCG53
    Jonathan Rauch
    Thirteen years would appear to be an appropriate interval for Mr. Rauch’s next invitation to EconTalk… Would love to be able to get that hour of my life back.
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