Six Minutes

Fiction #8

Discover the most downloaded family audio drama in history. Eleven-year-old Holiday is pulled from the icy waters of Alaska with no memory of who she is or where she comes from. And when she begins to develop incredible abilities, she’ll soon learn she’s not alone in the world.

From Peabody Award-winning Gen-Z Media, creators of The Unexplainable Disappearance of Mars Patel and The Big Fib, Six Minutes is a thrilling adventure for the whole family. New episodes of Season 3, Six Minutes: Out of Time release every Tuesday and Thursday.

Produced by Gen-Z Media. For more great Gen-Z shows visit

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  • Moooooooooooooo2.0
    I can’t find the last five episodes of season two and it’s KILLING me! Can someone help me? Please? It says there are 105 episodes but I can only see 100. HELP
  • *skull emoji*
    THIS IS FIRE!!!!!!!!!!
    WHAT IS THIS?! THIS IS AMAZING!!!! It’s like going through a whole new world! The sound effects are phenomenal! Whoever made this should get a raise!
  • Broadwaygirliefurlife
    Love Love Love
    We had to listen to one every day day at school in my ELA class, and I fell in love with this podcast
  • yes swim my children
    Good podcast just make the episodes longer
  • Swifty. No. More
    I have read so many books, listened to lot of music, and watched a lot of movies and shows but NOTHING is as good as 6 Minutes!! 😍 I LOVE 6 MINUTES!! :) Never in my life did I think I would be so addicted to a podcast but OMG was I wrong.
  • Ice wolf 🐺
    Fan number one
    Love it
  • Maeflowerz
    It’s alright🤔
    Just kidding with the title! It’s amazing!🤩 Season 3 is different but it’s still great.👍 HOLIDAY IS A MYSTERY. Hope she comes back this season (Season 3) (I think (spoiler) is her.
  • rgytv
    Hey! You asked what was my favorite ship, and it’s definitely Magnus and Adam. If you think about it, they could work. You can hear my Magnus and Adam mailbag in episode seven of Cupid and The reaper, they read it. But Birdie and Badger are my second favorite. But I have some more questions. 1: Who is your favorite character and why? 2: Who is your favorite villain and why? And 3: Who is your favorite member of The Four and why? My answers: 1: My favorite is character is super hard for me, but I think I would go with Casey. Adam and Magnus are close to her, but I think Casey slays. 2: My favorite villain is Magnus. I think he is hilarious and hope that he comes back in season four. And 3: This is an unpopular opinion, but my favorite member of the Four is Cam. I think she’s so cool and a fun character. I hope to hear your answers soon! You slay! (P.s, if you want me to post about the episode of the Cyrus the lost tapes that comes out early for me, just say in a review.)
    Farfetched theory (or maybe not): Brynleigh’s dad said bryn’s mother was “full of secrets,” not only that, but she was a wit kid (or bot, for that matter.) the helicopters were Whittier. The truck was Whittier. When Kadence found out the truth about Whittier, she turned on them. Under the cover of night, she ran away. Years later Whittier caught her and took away her memory. And her gen a. To this day, she never remembered when she had the powers. Until Cyrus came along. He came back with Kadence’s portal, along with changing the timeline in the process.
  • #1 Weirdo
    Rated #1
  • williamslulu46
    OMG so good (+ mailbags)(spoilers in the mailbags)
    Season 3!!!! I love this podcast sooooooo much. I’m really happy season 3 came out. I listened to it and then made my sister listen after I finished so I could talk to someone about it. We thought it was done forever then my sister saw that there were like 5 new episodes and we were so excited! We caught up super fast. It was torture having to wait for the next episode to come out every week.(We listened to the first two seasons after they were all out) Overall, I love the podcast and can’t wait for season 4 to come out. I have a few mailbags for rewind. “This is for people who have listened to all of Six Minutes.There will be spoilers”😂 1. I’ve been shipping Birdie and Badger since the first time they me ton the hospital lobby. Can they pretty please like each other??🥺🥺I know it would be kinda weird bc Badger is a robot but he’s practically human, all but his brain sooooo his heart is human and it should love Birdie as more than just friends.🫶🏾🫶🏾 I love their friendship btw🫶🏾. 2. When Casey had to give Cyrus’ blood to wittier corp it came back as not a Mach to the 4 but in season 2 we find out that Cyrus and Holliday have the same blood so would Holliday’s blood come back negative too or was it just a mistake? Thx for reading this and I hope u read it on rewind 🫶🏾🫶🏾
  • Cybot lover🤖
    Best podcast
    This podcast is sweet! cybot from out of time is my favorite😁🤗🙂! My favorite part is (unable to say. Don’t wanna spoil)
  • Dinogal12345
    please help
    what episode do they kiss are guys will you me ☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️☺️💋also i am holidays birthday buddy
  • solvable_cactus
    I’m a brinster. is that how it’s spelled 😕
    I'm a science nerd too Cyrus is my favorite carecter
  • Prodigy girl legend
    Best podcast ever!!!😍
    My third grade teacher showed my class this podcast and I’ve been listening ever since!
  • Glace cakes
    Spot the rainbow hart
  • dmsphoto
    SLAY KING/QUEEN I LOVE this so much Ps give me season 4 please
  • I❤️horror
    #1 fan! Of Brynleigh Pasternak and Casey Dupris best characters ever!
    Nobody loves this podcast more than me! I listen all the time!! It’s driving my parents crazy lol! I hope you make season 4 soon so I don’t have to wait so long…🤪🤪I’ve already listened to all of the season 6 times!!!! MAKE SEASON 4 OR ELSE I WILL LOSE MY MIND!!!😁😁😁😁
  • Linemen:best
    6 minutes is awesome!
    I love it. It’s epic. I love how it ends on cliffhangers. You don’t have to wait long to find out. Also my transition to season three was a bit hectic. AND EPISODE 95 WAS 100% ADS! And this is 4 all you UConn fans: GO PURDUE YOU GUYS ARE TRASH P.S 🎷 is not an oboe. How about this? 🎼 If ur racist ur worse than Angelica and Magnus put together
  • AJBXZ99
    Peace, love, and oboes!
    Six minutes has a different series called remy's life interrupted and that it is about remy before six minutes out of time. Six minutes continues (the season 4 name) is coming out in 2024
  • Awesome!!!! sue
    Love it 🥰
    Best podcast ever!!! I love it so much ❤️ so exiting! TYSM!
  • 😒sassy queen😒
    ☮️❤️🪈 mailbag at the end ps minor spoilers
    I love this show!!! But I have been wondering, when season four is coming out I have been waiting for it!!! I have a bunch of whit kid/bot ideas if y’all are interested! - 😏sassy queen😏 Ps brainy is spelled with a gh like braineigh (I think) Also Sweetbecca the lost tapes talk about stuff that happens in season 3 so listen to those first. Also whoever talked about the plot holes (sorry I forgot your username) you are so right I never noticed those.
  • ThatonegirlGigi!🤪
    Love it
    I love this podcast if I could I’d give it a 1 billion star rating this show is sooo adventrous and I literally went through like 19 episodes in one sitting! I really enjoy this show and also I think that Casey and Syrus need to start dating lol and also THIS SHOW IS GREAT HIGHLY RECOMMEND 😃😃😃😃😃😃
  • Twinklefairy777!!!
    I love this pod SO MUCH I really hope you give it a try. I LOVE all of the cliff hangers. The character building is just incredible and thought out. There’s absolutely nothing I would want to change. If your in to mystery, or science fiction this is the podcast for you! I hope you enjoy it!!
  • Nightingale_lover
    Six min is awesome!
    So good! I can’t keep listening! 😱😍
  • Dissapointed and Upset.
    It’s awesome!
    Am I the only one who likes WhittierCorp better than HolidayCorp?
  • bg super poop fart face guppy
    Out of sync
    The girl in out of sync is Casey because the nervous system uses electricity and Casey uses electricity so she could have messed with his nervous system to make him turn it off,and crash the helicopter 🤯 mind blown
  • Kenna Lu
    Six minutes out of time is my favorite podcast of all time it’s just so Interesting and love listening
  • ❤️💜🧡🖤💛💔💚❣️💖💗💓💞💘💕💙
    Mailbag question
    Do Adam and cam have hoverboards? If not how do they travel?
  • musicfreak2010
    Six minutes is amazing 🤩
    Hi my name is Greta and I love I mean love your podcast it’s it’s I have no words 😶 I just 😍 love it whoever created this podcast is amazing
  • I love your show!!!
    Why 6 minutes
    Give them 10 minutes
  • gimmesomebooks
    You guys and gzm take audio drama to the NEXT LEVEL! thanks for the content and keep creating!
  • hhhh(hhhhhhhnhhujhuil,uy
    Can you add a new bot that is Dr.whittier’s last one before he died and what happened to Monica after the child catchers kid napped her I also think you should make a bunch of time paradox that holiday has to fix.
  • sixs min fan
    Hi fans!
    Six min is the best pod ever but it is a little cringe but oh well! I💗sixmin
  • catz 3610
    The best
    I’m actually learning the oboe and I told my teacher about season three she can’t wait to listen to it!
  • Iamannoyedwiththeworld
  • taylorynorris
    Love it
    Six minutes it’s like one of the best story in the whole world/universe because it’s mysterious ferocious and creep
  • #biggestbestestfaneverr
    I think that girl is Adelaide also did she “kill” doctor Whittier and why does she know his name and if she is not Adelaide who is she also I am going to name my daughter Adelaide when I am older😁
  • Zoo zotdghfghvdjbvu
    Love it
    It’s so cool are class is watching it but I can’t help watching it on my phone and now I watch it every day drama !
  • JonahGames
    Season 3 Review
    Should’ve written this after it ended, but kinda forgot about it. Anyways, I’m here to give my overall thoughts on Season 3 of this podcast, which has received some mixed discourse since it wrapped up. So what did I think of Season 3? Well, it’s interesting, to stay the least. I’m at least glad that this series came back after three years, get to see the characters and settings I’ve grown to love over the years, except for one, Holiday. This is where I start getting into my problems, Holiday is completely absent from Season 3 until the finale which I will get to soon. I get the actress has some other roles to attend to, which is understandable, but you could’ve at least had her have a more significant role in the show rather than just “being on a mission” or being blocked or whatever. I love Holiday, it’s a shame she wasn’t brought back for this season, but I understand why. My second issue is how confusing it is. Confusing stories to the average viewer can be understood if given critical thought into the story, but that can’t really be said here. I’m just so confused at where the story goes. I can’t even break it down because it’s consulted, or maybe I’m just being lazy, idk. Still, I wish the story was easier to understand rather than having 10 plots going on at once. My third problem is Brynleigh. Now, Brynleigh isn’t my favorite character here, but I at least sympathized with her in Seasons 1 & 2. Especially since her mom left her and her dad is busy 24/7. She even developed over Season 2 and became Cyrus’ love interest. Now, in Season 3, it’s revealed off the bat that they broke up and Brynleigh is back to herself in her first appearance in the show. Why? Why did you have to completely undo everything that made her a relatable character? You could’ve at least tried to make her develop that way during her time at Elixir, not just immediately rush it. But it has been 3 years, so maybe she reverted back to that way overtime. Unfortunately, that’s still too vague, and doesn’t justify her character development being completely undone. My fourth gripe is the finale. Now, the finale in Season 1 was a bit unconventional, but that pales in comparison to the finale in Season 3. It’s just so baffling, the island crumbles, Cryus, Brynleigh, James, and Monica are all sucked into a portal, apparently a cliffhanger reveals that Brynleigh and KC are stuck in 1987, CyBot, the Cam Clones, and Holiday come in, just, one step at a time! Six Minutes doesn’t need to have an Avengers: Endgame finale! And my fifth problem is its existence. I did praise it for coming back earlier, but that was just biased. Objectively, I don’t think this season was necessary at all. Season 2 ended perfectly, Holiday found her family that was with her the entire time. Adding this season is just risking the characters and wordbuilding’s consistency, especially how convoluted the story is. Stories don’t need to be dragged out until the end of time, they need to stop at some point. I originally gave Season 3 a 6/10. There are still good things in here outside of superficial elements, like the characters’ chemistry, action sequences, mystery, and suspense. But upon relistening to it a few months ago, and thinking about it more, it honestly is getting worse for me, and it might be a 5 or maybe even a 4/10 honestly. That might sound harsh, but like I said earlier, the story just isn’t easy to process, it really doesn’t make a lot of sense. I really, REALLY hope Season 4 can uplift Season 3’s shortcomings and at least be a worthy conclusion to this sequel story. I’m not angry, I’m just disappointed.
  • genericperson321123
    One of my favorite podcasts, but it’s kinda cringe.
  • hhjjjjhfsfjk
    Holiday👩🏻Cyrus🧑🏼Birdie👩🏼Monica👩🏻‍🦰James👨🏼Badger👱🏻‍♂️Brighnly👱🏻‍♀️Casey👩🏻‍🎤Jude👨🏻‍🦱Pen🧑🏽Anjelica👩🏽‍🦱Magnus👨🏼‍🎤ps fav character=Brighnly
  • RJ clarke
    Great great podcast
    Great for kids that want to learn about the Cold War. It does not have a video so it is gory.
  • 🛼😊
    Six Minutes Podcast
  • Jaycee. C
    Songs.(I love music)
    I feel like the perfect song for Adam and Holiday is Two Birds by Regina Spektor.
  • 🦾👍hmm no
    Check it cheese burger
    Best podcast in the world >:-)
  • lamby chug forever
    Best podcast ever🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩
    Me and my sister listen to this podcast all the time.I love 💗 this podcast sooooooooo much!Pls can season 4 come out.Peace love and obos
  • Human who exists
    I love it!
    I listen everyday! How do spell brainy with a gh?
  • Marvel fan26482
    Please TV show
    Please make this into a tv show. That’s all Peace love and oboes. Edit: Honestly make this a show because it would be great for you because it would be a great show with money made from it probably and everyone just wants a show of it. I feel like there should be more people asking for a show instead of a new season especially because the 3rd season is still being worked on. That’s all Mars out Peace love and oboes 🪈 Ok this isn’t an oboe but still
  • eevftretthhyrh
    This is the best podcast ever you NEED to partner with a movie company and make a movie!
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