Quoth the Raven


Financial pundit Quoth the Raven (Christopher Irons) of QTR Research talks finance and social commentary without the b******t or long bias spin of the cable news networks. Operated by Quoth the Raven Research, LLC. Two drink minimum for every podcast, please.

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Recent Reviews
  • Henry Richard McMasterchad
    Another crackpot
    Unlikeable host with an annoying voice who loves financial conspiracies, antivaxx stuff and various other nonsense.Mick West, a fine gentleman, sadly made his appearances just before the host lost his mind in 2021 or so. Good luck storing your gold bars and bitcoins under your bed, bud
  • ColoradoNugget
    Chris has turned into a partisan hack…
    I’ve listened this this podcast for a few years, and enjoyed SOME of it. Then, Covid happened and this podcaster, Chris Irons, became a strident anti -vaxxer. Now, in March 2024, he did a SOTU themed podcast that was purely partisan hackery. I have no need for that. If Chris sticks to talking stocks, bonds, our economy, or metals and bitcoin, I would stick with him. For now, it’s time to unsubscribe.
  • turn up that radio
    Podcast #331 with Bob Moriarty is one of the funniest podcasts ever! I would love a regular rotation with Moriarty, Dave Collum and Andy Schectman. What more do you need?
  • ryan bruss
    This is the only podcast I look forward to more recordings coming out. Guy is a legend and just gets it. Comedic spin on good knowledgeable opinions. Keep 'er going
  • James894875
    Preachy as F
    Brutal pot infused jumble of thoughts. Pointless. Needs to fire his therapist. Comedy no longer resonates. Shopworn “I’m Okay you’re okay” platitudes. Doesn’t understand that life is a series of judgement calls and being judgmental built civilization. Faux “above the fray” attitude. Servile, punch pulling when attempting to make a point. Lame MMA/Buddhism references that make him a poor man’s David Carradine. Desperately trying to be authentic while not realizing that the blue collar PBR scene isn’t the way to do it. In the words of Lenny Bruce “there’s nothing sadder than an aging hipster.”
    not surprising
    Another pro-war neocon masquerading as a libertarian
  • screwedtoo
    stop the vulgarity
    it would be better if this wasn't a filthy mouthed podcast
  • jp1844
    Fan of Chris
    I love this pod and subscribe to Chris’ substack. I’m fine with the language because it’s how I speak in the private space. I’m about the same age and also from the great commonwealth of PA, living now out west in Denver CO. Shoutout from the Centennial State Chris. Cheers my man.
  • asua00000
    I come for the Dave Collum and degenerate fund manager interviews
    The language is sloppy and topics are sincere. Thank you for keeping it real and not over extending yourself like some of the other FinTwit superstars. Cheers, -on and off listener since about 2020
  • ChamFriend
    QTR and Collum
    Dave Collum is a national treasure. That is all
  • JBintheMitten
    Dave Collum Tradition!!
    Chris (and Dave), thank you so much for doing another end-of-the-year podcast discussion! While it probably felt long for you both and the various snoozing dogs, it was a decadent 3 hours of discussion that is truly unique. Dave, your voice, your elegant well-spoken nature with a happy sprinkling of profanity is what all those topics discussed deserve! Podcast opportunities are currently easier to come by than reading time (ahem, your YIR), so this podcast will hold me over until I can devour that amazing YIR. It’s a tradition, Dave. Don’t take it away from us in 2023!!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Thank you, Chris, as always for your down-to-Earth discussion of so many things throughout the year, amigo!!
  • RyanGFT
    Great Pod
    Plain spoken, down to earth, well reasoned, and actionable. I love this podcast. Only wish Chris would record more often. If you like the podcast then subscribe to the Substack. The stack provides near daily content at this point.
  • DocJQ
    One of the worst financial interviewers out there
    Please stop interrupting guests trying to respond to your inquiries, and take a breath to give your guests a chance to speak. The host seemingly needs a platform to satisfy their masturbatory need to hear their own voice incessantly during discussions with other people
  • Über pist
    Appreciate the commentary
    As failures go it’s often the little, off-the-radar actions that cascade into big oopses. Sometimes I wonder where these undercurrents are and what they may manifest. Thanks very much for illuminating those dark corners! QTR 5/5!!
  • Keto Tony
    Thanks again for telling everyone listening how it works Chris. Nancy gets her marching orders from her handlers in China dontcha think?
  • limestone3
    Unhealthy, unethical, unfollowed
    Purely wasting my time. Even when I’m driving.
  • Dunbelieveable
    He always asks for 1 star ratings
    I should have given him one.
  • britinohio
    No agenda here
    Great podcast! Tells it how it is.
  • solid investor
    Crap show
    The filthy language is not worth putting up with for the mediocre commentary, I am unfollowing.
  • JR Bonez
    One of the Best
    Dude has no agenda and is hilarious. Always a bright spot when listeners get a fresh QTR podcast.
  • zahzenfx
  • Sophcorn
    Episode 286
    Bravo on not having Andy S. do his pitch at the end…can’t tell you how loudly that speaks to your integrity and character…
  • ahaler1
    Absolute garbage
    The first podcast I listened to was this long, anti-establishment rant about how the Russians probably won’t invade Ukraine and the Ukrainians aren’t worried about it and it’s probably something Biden is pushing to ignore from inflation… that Aged worse than probably any take ever heard. Also quit your deep state nonsense.
  • The Spartan King
    Great podcast!
  • Dabah2014
    Humor, truth, and news all in one. Love it!
    Love this podcast
  • The Great GoldenJoe
    Four straight minutes of ads before the show even started.
    Not interested in this level of huckster
  • Man vs fish
    Comedy Meets Economy
    Chris tells it as it is and you need to hear this with all the noise on both sides of the media. Well put together, hysterical , and he brings in guests that are going to be in the upper echelons of finance over the coming years.
  • Degenerate Brokerage
    Voice made for silent movies
    The content on this podcast is pure gold. However, Chris has a voice Made for Silent Movies. It makes me want to commit violent acts.
  • bsheehy1071
    Listen if you don’t like $$
    Just another dumb gold bug who thinks he’s smarter than everyone else, yet hasn’t made a dime in 10 years cause he still pushes gold. Oh he shorts TSLA too… haha. Of course doesn’t like crypto because that would mean making money. Also a conspiracy theorist and anti-VAXer, typical.
  • mysteele
    You might not get much from his guests.
    Why is he always yanking the mic from and talking over his guests? Who’s the interviewer here?
  • TheBowlOfCereal
    Funny, Informative
    My favorite podcast. I’ve been sharing the episodes with my friends so they wake up to the financial nonsense. I can’t recommend it enough. 1/5 wish I could rate it even lower.
  • abedzaza
    His voice is untenable
    His voice makes me frost. Interesting content unfortunately I cannot listen to him. The pitch is untenable. Some people are just not made for this thing. Good luck.
  • Mike109420
    Annoying and uninformed
    Used to enjoy his podcast and Twitter content but ever since the beginning of the pandemic QTR has become straight up annoying. His content is 99% overly skeptical, contrarian and narcissistic commentary towards changes in markets, industries, politics and society as a whole. His entire content base lately is just mocking covid and virtual currency news with no useful analysis to provide. It’s a joke that this podcast is categorized under investing.
  • zdood
    Angry stoner yells into microphone
    Totally uneducated and unqualified bartender rants about everything from tesla to the fed to aliens to jeff ep. One of my favorite podcasts, highly recommend.
  • gfcardi
    Love this guy!
    Informative, great sense of humor (a tad self-deprecating, lol), and passionate about what he’s talking about. Run for President! You got my vote!! (And thousands of deceased Dems)
  • Derek0955
    Sorry for 5 stars Quoth
    You said you wanted 1 star. Too bad pal
  • madtothemax7
    Very good
    Love the podcast and it’s always great.
  • Storage unit empire
    Flipping hilarious!🤟
    One of my favorite podcasts! Informational and has me laughing all whole time!
  • eldimaguy
    Great and refreshing
    Excellent and respectable perspectives. Really enjoy listening and can’t wait for the next one
  • 16deltas
    🤡 Show
    He thinks his tattoos are cool. All I see is “Dad never came to my little league games sober.” He just wants attention. Don’t listen to his podcast you’ll make it worse.
  • Danvil51
    Crude, childish rants but there are much worse
    Day Traderisms, childish perspectives and round robin interviews with othe podcasters. Nothing original to be found here.
  • Mud Shark
    Great podcast
    Great podcast. Love it. Good to hear a different side of market thinking. 1 star.
  • itzcheezus
    Just do the opposite of his trades
    You’ll make a fortune hahaha
  • vox.mollis
    Didn’t do my research elsewhere.
    So I shorted stonks with > 100 p/e and went long gold. Didn’t do my research elsewhere. Wife left me and I developed a severe drinking problem. That said, I meet the listening requirements every day within 15 minutes of waking up. Thank god QTR is wrong about inflation. Heaven knows what I’d do if a pint of Popov ever went over 5$. One star. Birds make for lousy podcasters.
  • RobPorter69420
    Exactly what I was looking for
    With all of the sleep podcasts available, it’s hard to chose just one. This guy nails it every time. I can hardly make it through the credits most times, but when I do it takes no more than 5 minutes of this degenerate’s incoherent rambling and I’m PTFO. Like a toddler who was force fed too much ibuprofen by negligent parents. Keep it up man, I’ve never slept this well in my life.
  • chris b 12345
    Big Talker
    Always talks a big game about how he wants to talk with people that disagree with him, but never does. Sick of Mark Speigal and Peter Schiff confirming his bias
  • LuzRocky874
    Podcasting Gold Standard
    I’m not sure how after years of listening to podcasts, I am just discovering Quoth The Raven. This podcast is insightful, covers a broad range of topics, and provides meaningful information. It is a must listen, hit the subscribe button!
  • KKeenan21
    Great Podcast
    Chris tells it like it is and has great guests. Love his style
  • Phillip Manards
    The friend you wish you had to talk money with
    More entertaining, down to earth, honest, skeptical, humble and intelligent than anything else I’ve heard. You’ve got to love Chris, there’s no hidden agenda to sell you anything, he’s trying help all of us poor schmucks out of the goodness of his heart.
  • Tod112321
    Need more content
    Listen to every episode. Would love if the show was once/twice a week.
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