15 Minute Matrix

Nutrition #104

The 15-Minute Matrix with functional medicine nutritionist Andrea Nakayama. This award-winning podcast brings you bite-sized insights and lessons on how to use the most important tool in Functional Medicine and Functional Nutrition. Download this week's matrix: fxnutrition.com/15-minute-matrix-podcast

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Recent Reviews
  • Julie Reisler, Life Designer
    Such an inspiring podcast!
    The topics and conversations on this podcast are excellent and relevant! Andrea’s work and interviews are a total gift.
  • ayaba99
    Inspiring and Grounding
    This podcast always leaves me wanting more and stretching for something new. Andrea is dedicated to humbly doing the work and bringing all of these gems to light. Thank You!!
  • Dr. J 7149
    15 minutes of Gold
    As a busy physician and scientist, I love distilled sound bites filled with knowledge and wisdom. This podcast delivers just that.
  • RootofWhy
    Functional Nutrition
    As a graduate of The Function Nutrition Alliance, I am always interested in more educational topics to add to my resources for my clients. I enjoy the diversity of topics and having the experts weight in on the topics. Thank you for all you do. Teri Rochwite, RN, CFNC RootofWhy,LLC
  • FraboDom
    Such great tidbits of information!!
    As a Physical Therapist, I love being able to get great tidbits of information in different areas of health that I don’t have as much background or expertise in. This podcast has been AMAZING to continue learning and growing in all areas of health! Definitely recommend for all professionals or anyone looking to learn more about well-rounded health.
  • hemingwayhalfdozen
    Highly RECOMMEND!
    I would highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is trying to improve their health!!
  • AKB19322
    Great information!
    So much information here. Shared in a short and concise manner and very informative. Thank you!
  • Mortensen12345
    So much to learn!
    So many topics from so many specialists - I can’t learn enough about our beautiful bodies - I love it!
  • lauriento
    15 minute matrix
    I find everything I learn is so informative And with the way it is presented, and I am sure that it stays with many. I am able to to use things I learn immediately to help many people. It is awesome information.
  • LouannMC
    15 minute matrix
    Love this podcast with its bit sized tidbits of information about all things functional nutrition. Would even enjoy a longer podcast to share more of your pertinent information about your varied topics.
  • Scheather
    Value for your time!
    I love listening to these 15-Minute Matrix podcasts! Andrea and her guest experts provide incredible value for my listening time. The Functional Mapping of signs, symptoms and conditions is tremendously helpful when practicing care and recommendations with a client or patient.
  • Kirstin Nussgruber BCHN
    Most empowering 15 Minute Education out there!
    Having been both a guest and of course a regular listener one thing stands out crystal clear - 15 minutes are strictly enforced! It is a promise that delivers succinctly, ultra professionally and laser targeted each and every time and is literally the best 15 minute investment in your education you can make! Don’t miss a single episode! Andrea is a true gem in the functional nutrition world and her stellar leadership shines through in every episode!
  • RLV#3mom
    Empowering & Heartfelt
    Andrea’s “bite sized” offerings of informed health and nutrition information are infused with intellect and heart. She weaves her own life experiences into these conversations in a way that’s nurturing and empowering. And while Andrea and her guests are very highly credentialed, the content is void of intimidation. I always learn something new!
  • BooneLady
    Quality content in a small amount of time
    I have been an admirer of Andrea Nakayama for years, and this podcast is such a resource for the functional nutrition community. She’s an intuitive, knowledgeable host, and her network of colleagues is vast. Every episode is unique and fascinating. I learn something every time. Thank you, Andrea!
  • Nicole Beurkens
    Wealth of Practical Information
    I love the variety of topics covered, and the focus on providing practical strategies and information I can use for myself and my patients. Andrea is a skilled interviewer who is easy to listen to, and I appreciate that the shorter episodes easily fit into my schedule. Keep creating episodes and I’ll keep listening!
  • Healerd
    Andrea that’s such an amazing job at probing important questions for her listeners! She really packs it in and delivers high value very quickly!
  • Vish7777
    Mastering Functional Medicine 15 mins at a time
    Andrea is a master of the art of the interview and it is absolutely amazing that she can get a beautifully detailed podcast in just 15 mins. This is a must for any student of Functional Medicine.
  • danafrost
    My “go to” clinical podcast. Rewind, please!
    The best 15 minutes I spend each week for continuing education. Each episode contains so many golden nuggets of Functional Medicine insights that I am rewinding to take notes.
  • Cupcakemedicine
    Best Podcast for Functional Nutrition
    I love this podcast! It’s so easy to tap into a wide range of topics and gain a lot of information in just 15 minutes. I love the host and the guests she has are amazing. I highly recommend listening.
  • Cody Blakley
    Love this podcast!
    Love love love this podcast. I am often surprised how much I learn in an episode. I appreciate how no matter the topic, Andrea makes a point to relate it back to the matrix- in a way that is very easy to digest, fun, and has me constantly returning for more episodes. I would highly recommend this podcast to anyone, truly one of the best ones out there.
  • MegM357
    Must Listen
    If you are interested in Functional Medicine this show should be at the top of your list! Each episode is packed with great information from Andrea and her incredible guests! I love that she also provides a matrix, what a great offering!
  • 99monkeyz
    Quick but informative
    Andrea knows her stuff and ensures that the information provided in this podcast not only informs but is efficient. As a guest on the podcast, I was blown away at how much we covered in such a short amount of time. Andrea hosts like a champ.
  • Gayalaga
    Refreshing and inspiring!
    I had the pleasure to talk with Andrea and learn more about the 15-minute matrix recently. I am so thankful for her mission to spread clinical and relevant information in the functional medicine space that is so needed today! This podcast is a breathe of fresh air and will now be in my rotation each week. I am really enjoying learning from so many experts in the field—this is a must listen for practitioners who want to help clients achieve the results that will move their health and life forward!!
  • Kathryn Kloos
    Excellent podcast
    Thank you Andrea for an amazing line-up of top notch practitioners. I find these 15 minute deep dives so inspirational and informative.
  • Janel at Mountain Rebalance
    Janel Anderson at Mountain Rebalance
    My number one go to for practical, actionable, and clinically relevant information. Who knew in depth could be so bite sized?! Brilliant! Thank you, week after week
  • Ralph 333
    Terrific experience as a guest
    I had the pleasure of mapping the role of glycation and advanced glycation end-products (AGEs) with Andrea recently. While I always thoroughly enjoy speaking about the modiafiable risk factors associated with Alzheimer's and dementia, it is such a huge topic and bite-sized chunks of information are ideal for people to wrap their minds around. The 15-Minute Matrix episode, #220: Mapping Glycation-AGEs, was perfectly hosted and executed by Andrea, and we were to deliver a nice chunk of Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetes info for her podcast community to digest.
  • MeggieRinehart
    I’ve been on an SSRI for over 20 years. Now I’m a military spouse with four children and feel trapped on them. The episode with Dr. Kelly scared me and I worry I don’t have the financial privilege to help get off of them safely. Looking for help.
  • Dr. Brad (aka, Dr. Love)
    Short and power packed!
    Love this short and power packed platform...no fluff, just right into the meat of the content. Also appreciate Andrea’s intent listening and open flow to facilitate a stimulating conversation. Good stuff. Good heart. Good matrix mapping!
  • hachacha man
    Simply the best!
    I am an avid long time listener of the 15 Minute Matrix and it has been a staple podcast for years. I love the bit size pieces but its also a perfect time to get nerdy no matter what the topic. I appreciate the wide variety of information and content.
  • Stacey Shapiro
    Amazing podcast!
    Andrea Nakayama, host of the 15-Minute Matrix podcast, highlights all aspects of and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • e-mcd
    Resiliency insights
    Andrea was a perfect host who understood the subtle nuances of cultivating resilience in these times. It was a delightful conversation and left my heart happy . Eileen McDargh
  • Huck1512
    Really enjoyed the conversation! Your work is so needed on educating all of us on the importance of health! Thank you and regards , Mr Huck
  • Poppy&Mini
    Meditation is for managing everyday stress
    I really enjoyed this episode. So many good nuggets of info. I got into meditation when Kristin started putting videos online about her meditation practice in the early part of her journey. I had fallen off a bit due to some big life changes. This episode reminded me of how important meditation is for managing everyday stress and life in general. I also appreciated the distinction made between mindfulness and meditation. Thanks for including meditation as a topic on the podcast.
  • mronay
    Something I look forward to!
    I love this podcast for how easily digestible the information is. I am not a functional medicine practitioner, but the information I’ve received is absolutely invaluable.
  • cjrice173
    Great Addition to My Day
    Quick, easy to listen to, and full of great functional medicine information. One of my favorites! I particularly liked the episode with Dr. David Brady on fibromyalgia.
  • DaffMichelle2016
    Love the briefness for the quality
    I love the shorter podcast!!! Content is jam packed and so cutting edge. Subscribe!
  • Pfidieifijwjfjwjf
    Mapping of candida?
    I really love this program and 15 minutes is ingenious bc that is a car ride to work! If you haven’t tackled it, how about candida infections?
  • Mickey111498
    Olive Oil #68
    I love The 15 Minute Podcast. Which is why I was disappointed when I listened to this one. Unintentionally, I’m hoping, this came across predominantly as an elitist marketing opportunity for the olive oil club and or the guest. People are working hard to make the right food choices and while I’m sure it’s fabulous to have fresh olive oil at your home, the downside is that the majority of people/patients/clients now feel like they have to have the fresh perfectly curated olive oil to be healthy, possibly giving up in frustration. I believe in educating people, but to me this was primarily a sales pitch.
    Excellent for busy people
    This is one of my favorite podcasts to recommend to others, including anyone in heath care, both students and practitioners. It’s short and profound, packed with information.
  • linen washer
    Informative and to the point
    I’m not a practitioner but I’m really starting to dig into functional medicine and nutrition. This podcast gives you a great overview on the topic via following a matrix. Andrea is a great interviewer. Also loving the music!
  • mickeytrescott
    Great resource!
    I love the way Andrea shares these important morsels of information for those of us with packed schedules. Highly recommend!
  • pazmon
    I look forward to Fridays because there’s a new 15 Min Matrix
    Andrea Nakayama asks the right questions. She picks the best subjects and people for her 15 Min Matrix and nails it every time! This is my favorite podcast and one I recommend to patients, clinicians and friends all day long! Once you listen once you’re hooked!
  • Culinary Farmacy
    My go to
    I love these laser focused 15 minute deep dives! Andrea is my “go to” for the best in Functional Nutrition!
  • MPfennighaus
    Ooooh what a gem
    Mini lessons to indulge my inner nutrition nerd. I love it!
  • Wcatalano
    I love Andrea!
    Andrea Nakayama has helped me become a significantly better Dietitian and functional practitioner, and this podcast is no exception! So helpful
  • restorehealth
    Practically Profound
    Love the short bites of practical yet timely & profound information presented by Andrea & her guests. Great bite-size pearls of wisdom to think into within the context of the functional matrix without being stuffy or boring. You allow your guests to shine. Bravo!!
  • LoveDiscounts
    Invaluable Info!!
    Thank you for providing quick snipets of that compliment your current teachings. This is awesome and I love it!
  • healthycarrie
    Love, love love...
    So many juicy bits of info in a short 15 minutes. If you are a practitioner or into health, this podcast is for you!
  • mariab964
    So Many Useful Soundbites to Use in My Practice!
    Love this podcast, Andrea! Learning several useful ideas in every one. Can’t wait for more.
  • familyfun3
    My favorite Podcast!
    Seriously, this is the best podcast ever. Andrea, you have hit it out of the park on this one. Combining topics that are mapped on the Matrix in 15 minute soundbites, makes it so easy to find the time to listen and yet they are jammed packed with useful information. The downloadable matrix on the topic makes it that much more useful. Bravo, amazing job! Congratulations on doing something completely different, fun and informative in the Podcast arena. There is nothing like it out there!
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