Punch Up The Jam

by Headgum
Music #234Music Commentary #37

Every Thursday, Andrew and Evan Gregory (of The Gregory Brothers) are joined by a special guest to revisit, review, and revise a song of their choice, and then offer an improved "punched-up" version.

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  • @thomasmendez
    Friends and Music
    Updated update: wow those guys did more than one episode? Yikes… Update: first new episode is underwhelming…Chris really might be one of the most enjoyable people. I know this pod isn’t what Demi or Miel wanted for themselves, but they were so good at it. Original review: Oh wow, such a fun podcast to enjoy. Miel and Demi feel like old friends of yours after a couple of listens and they are so much fun to listen to!!!
  • Allenameowers10000
    Allena I’m a 11 year old
    I am a huge fan, but you need to stop cursing
  • flippymontoya
    Miel and Chris!!!!
    They have the best episodes
  • katie656565
    Cool Show
    Just listened to the Brandy episode, loved it! You guys referenced The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face toward the end and how lovely that song is. But did you know it’s from the creeper Clint Eastwood movie Play Misty for Me?
  • Katsocool
    I miss the Gregory brothers
    Please come back
  • podster82
    I want to love it
    I love the idea. And the songs. I just can’t handle these nerds’ maniacal laughing. It’s like two hyenas started a podcast. They seem to love hearing themselves talk, which is nice. I just… don’t.
  • franceshammond
    No joke? It’s over??
    This is so sad. I don’t know what to say. You guys are so smart/funny/witty/entertaining. You have brought me a lot of happiness. Thank you Evan and Gregory. So long. 😞
  • Name me, please
    Yaessss to Nooooooooo
    Noooooooooo, don’t stop, this is changing the world…might only be my world but still. Wanted to let you fine fellows know I play the walk out song game w ya and started a playlist. Each time I think of a situation begging for a song, I add it. Love the pod!! I get confused, tho, which one is which, could you introduce yourselves at the beginning with, I’m Andrew, the music guy and I’m Evan the sound board guy?!
  • Elsonn
    (I wrote this review and never sent) I’m laughing out loud so much with my head phones in and my kids and husband thinking I’m going mad, laughing alone in the laundry room. Y’all crack me the f up. Btw-I graduated hs in 1996, so I love the variety. Keep it up. So glad the show is back. I started with OG’s but love the new guys! Thursday is my fav day of the week. The soundboard is fire.
  • Sunglove12
    Really Love this Podcast
    I’m so upset, this podcast is so fun and entertaining. Evan and Andrew are so talented, I’ll miss hearing them every week. Really wish this podcast could be renewed 😩
  • earpain
    A bunch of unfunny wannabes talking about music. But mostly about themselves. Too bad none of them are interesting. You can do better.
  • Hnnhvw
    I laugh so much?
    My new favorite podcast!! ❤️❤️
  • mklawun
    I listen to a lot of comedy podcasts, but this is the only one I can’t listen to at work because I’ll look like a fool absolutely busting up or trying so hard to contain laughter at my desk in my headphones.
  • courantlycurious
    My Favorite Podcast, So Much More Than
    Brilliant music parody, hilarious and insightful musical commentary and history, with a little bit of music theory thrown in, this podcast is my favorite podcast but it’s also a university course, and a comedy show, and a really good dinner party where all your friends are getting along, riffing, and cracking jokes and the quiet guy just broke out a guitar and played a song that blew everyone away. Bravo, Pump up the Jam!
  • Nonperm
    If HR reviewed songs
    The Gregory brothers interpret every song like they work in HR. No song lyric gets the benefit of the doubt; it’s all misogyny all the time. Bring back Miel.
  • Aaron McGuire
    bizarre bait and switch
    used to be a patron on patreon to the miel/demi version of this show. absolutely excellent stuff. the solo miel version (and miel + chris) had a different vibe but was still really fun. when i saw this pop up in my pod feed i was hyped. i shouldn’t have been; the new hosts are absolutely antithetical to my sense of humor. sorry! i am sure their humor is great for some people but it isn’t for me and it probably isn’t for most of the people who liked miel and demi. headgum’s choice to just pop an entirely tonally different show into the PUTJ feed is bizarre and confusing. let the gregs build their own audience, if they’re in this feed there should be at least some alignment with the show that came before them. this feels like a cheap attempt to zombify a beloved podcast for a handful of advertising dollars and i’m not here for it.
  • Melkorum
    New Hosts aren’t bad
    Update: The new hosts are awful. It’s like listening to two white brow from my college days try to be edu and funny. The Rick Roll episode was terrible. The new hosts are ok but Andrew is so impossible to hear at some points I have to turn up the volume when he speaks. It sounds like he’s five feet away from him microphone sometimes. Needs better editing. I miss Mars! I’m also deeply disturbed that they think the lyrics to celebration are “celebration time come on!”
  • Juju3003
    Gregory Brothers are what we need.
    Love this show, discovered Punch Up the Jam when they came on If I Were You with Jake and Amir in February, which is funny because the first ever Jake and Amir I watches was when the Gregory Brothers appeared on it 11 years ago with Jake and Amir Autotune the news. “I want you to poke my status” is still funny. Anyways, this podcast slaps due to the in depth analysis of some of our favorites or more obscure hits that we all know but know nothing about. I’ve shared trivia I’ve learned from the show and it’s made for great conversations. Favorite episodes are Jake’s and Amir’s obvs. then Manic Monday, Get Around, Imagine. You won’t be disappointed if you enjoy music, comedy and wit.
  • Kaitlyn Yang
    Still so great
    I loved the show with Demi and Miel, and I love the show with the Gregorys. I still look forward to it every week.
  • Huntridge1969
    Punch up the show
    I was excited to see that the show was coming back but the new version/hosts are not enjoyable to listen to. You’d be better served just listening to old episodes from when the show was fun and interesting. This version is really just boring.
  • The Uncle Fatty Show with Joey
    Not what it used to be…
  • KellBell95
    I miss the old Kanye
    The new hosts are alright I guess, but I miss Miel and Demi. I feel like I’ve spent so much of my life listening to boring white men give their opinions on music.
  • almedah
    So excited that the show is coming back! ……. I do miss Demi and Miel and Chris Fleming though
  • KellyLauderdale5
    Gregory Brothers are terrific!
    Started the pod with Demi and Miel, lost touch, came back to new hosts! Andrew and Evan are terrific! They are funny, interesting and engaging. Happy the concept for the pod is alive and well; keep on!!
  • erinreneerusso
    One Issue
    I think the Gregory Brothers are doing well on the podcast, but my one gripe is that they completely talk OVER each clip of the song, instead of waiting to discuss when it’s over- I wanna be able to hear the song they’re talking about!
  • KQfam
    Deeply unfunny, and seemingly completely unfamiliar with both the artist and song (in this case, Prince and Manic Monday), as well as even the time it was released in. Was my first listen in a long time, and will definitely be my last.
  • winterrose10
    The Gregory Bros are bringing their A game
    New listener to the pod, but longtime appreciator of the Gregory Brothers YouTube channels. They are the perfect new hosts for this podcast and I’m loving it so far. The musical insights, the conversations with guests, and the quality of the punch ups—chef’s kiss. I really enjoy Evan and Andrew’s method for creating and recording the punch ups. It’s great to see how random tidbits from the conversations in the first half of the pod make it into the final song. Super fun, I look forward to it every week.
  • GambitFit
    This is the best music comedy podcast by far.
    This podcast rocks my socks off. And socks my rocks off! I listen to music in a whole new way now, feeling fully enabled to imagine better versions of the songs I hear. I have already kicked up a Chopin nocturn by adding a phat beat, and added a "wall of sound" to all my favorite acapella songs! Just kidding about that, but seriously, these punch-ups are great. And I learn a lot about music while listening to the show. These guys are very entertaining, they are clearly professional comedians and keep me laughing a lot.
  • bentense
    Miel is gone! Rejoice!
    Punch up the jam is back, baby!
  • pdrange
    I like it so much, I am made my first itunes review
    This is the first podcast that has kept my attention, with ease. I started with hosts Evan and Gregory, and I have been thoroughly entertained every episode. I highly recommend if you like music and silliness
  • Wild Lee JS
    The best podcast since Serial
    Fantastic & wildly entertaining, thank you for keeping the torch alive!
  • Charles DaBall
    punching up my boring drive
    New listener and loving it. If you know Evan and Andrew's body of work punching up congress or debates for president, or even The Room by Tommy Wiseau, you'll know they're up to the job of improving any song. I'm also excited to see a huge archive to download for my long drives.
  • skdjeao
    you heard me.
  • Luckyducky144
    Loving the new hosts!
    I loved Demi but the Gregory Brothers are making some fun changes and I love their punch ups!
  • Smoothiefreak
    Just joy
    In a world of podcasts that are just people talking and noise, we stan a pod that is actually solving musical problems or at least making songs less annoying. Worth a listen and a subscribe.
  • davpel1
    Perhaps the worst podcast I’ve ever listened to. Hosts are juvenile and annoying. Most shockingly, they seem to have no knowledge of the artists they are discussing or popular music history. Just a terrible waste of time.
  • Cartago
    The new hosts are doing an adequate job!
  • Quiet Participant
    Excited to have an old fav. back!
    I started listening to Punch Up the Jam back when Demi was transitioning out of Gilmore Guys - truthfully, I loved everything that Demi and Miel did so I was both PSYCHED and unsure about this show coming back without them. I feel like your most recent ep. (Bad Company) was finally when your personalities and music knowledge shone bright. Really appreciate the quick music theory nods and the easygoingness of the show. Will be a loyal listener! Happy the show is back, albeit with a new vibe, but back all the same.
  • Unicornvonmeow
    New vibe
    I was so excited to hear that Punch up the Jam was coming back. I want to love it so much but it just doesn’t hit quite the same. I’m going to keep listening and I hope I change my mind!
  • akwardcactus
    So far so good on the new guys!
    Great Bad Company episode
  • Refugesea
    Punched up the Punch! Great show!
    A must-listen music podcast - love the insight, comedy, and original tunes. The Gregory Brothers are brilliant and imminently listenable. Awesome.
  • Er45
    A truly successful evolution (and a triumphant finish)
    Update: 12/15/21 The Great Return Godspeed, Gregory Brothers. Sixth grade me thought your autotuned news footage was the best content ever made. Full circle. What a wonderful gift. Edit, 1/1/21: I can’t believe the final episode dropped the day I contracted covid. Downright poetic. Thanks for everything. I’ll cherish this archive of episodes for a long time. Having been a listener through the transition of hosts (the original episodes are also iconic), and the quarantine stint featuring the frankly masterful (and gleefully ongoing) collaboration with Chris Fleming, I really do enjoy this podcast so much. It’s got so many different seasons to it, the style and level of critique change over time. This review focuses on Miel’s solo hosting with guests—which really hits its stride around when Rob Moose begins to feature. I think that the first Chris Fleming episode with Meatloaf really is one of the most hysterical hours of content I’ve ever listened to—and I have, many times over. In fact, all of his episodes (“i2i” being my other all-time favorite) have been repeatedly played these past few months as I’ve worked from home. My other 2020 favorites are the “Hook” episode, the chaotic dynamic of which is just fantastic, and “The Call” with BDG. It’s a rare thing to be able to find episodes you can listen to 4+ times over a pretty short period and just take absolute joy from every time. Some real classics have come out of this podcast despite a massive shift in format, and it’s also oddly sentimental and emotional to hear Miel’s continually changing experience. She’s become increasingly honest and personable in my opinion (her dynamic with Demi provided such a contrast that I do enjoy her more now that she can shine as an individual), and I’ve come to really appreciate her perspective and humor. It’s a really special podcast that has given me some considerably long, cramp-inducing cackles—my personal measure of a top-tier comedy podcast. As background noise, it’s one of the best. You also learn some neat stuff along the way. Can’t recommend it enough.
  • Gramma Holly Hill
    Beyond me
    Guess I'm not in the demo for this one. Rambling, poorly researched. Listened to the Your Song episode. Painful and rambling.
  • allie then some numbers
    Missing my favorite podcast 💔
    I miss this podcast so much. I listened to it while training for my first marathon. Between the song choices, commentary, and the punch ups; I was able to laugh, sing, and dance my way through my long runs. Miel, Demi, and Chris are all great hosts and talented and hilarious people and they had the best guests; I loved every bit of it! The punch ups were so creative & funny! I’m clinging to the hope that one (or all) of them come back to this someday!
  • 0gracefulgirl0
    Love this Pod
    This is mostly in hopes of reaching production and whoever ran the Patreon. When the show ended I was hoping to become a patron to get more Punch Up the Jam content. Is there anyway I can make this happen?? I’d love to listen to the bonus episodes but it looks like the Patreon isn’t archived.
  • Pinkpotempkin
    I’m cryin
    I don’t have any major feelings about podcasts but I love this podcast and I’m devastated it’s gone. Dang it all.
  • Strung Out
    I was too harsh before
    The one thing that any decent person should clarify is, if you feel the urge to write moronic drivel like “if you don’t like the host don’t listen,” don’t do it. Just shut up because you are a moron. This is a place for people to evaluate things. Instead of being the stupidest person alive, don’t comment on fair reviews of the podcast.
  • atwoodsmariano
    He was a boy and she was a girl
    I only discovered and started listening to this podcast early spring of last year but it quickly became one of my favorite podcasts so I will miss it. The punch-up for Sk8er Boi is truly a masterpiece - just re-listened to the episode yesterday since I listened to it for the first time again.
  • Mahnicah
    Will miss Miel
    Skimming the reviews has made me see there are a lot of haters. Don’t listen if you don’t like it! I am very sad to hear the pod is ending. I’ve listened since the beginning with Demi. Miel switched it up but I still loved it just as much. She is a truly talented, hilarious gem!
  • BooHerself
    Pump up the Punch
    I encourage you to listen to Enter Sandman episode and the episodes with Miel and her dad. If you can get past Miel’s exuberance, you’re golden. This woman’s voice will make you weep. Go get her album, too.
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