Voicemail Dump Truck

Leisure #250Video Games #52

If you think the Giant Bombcast spends too much time talking about Not Video Games, you're going to hate this thing. Give us a call, 707-EXIT-FLU.

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Recent Reviews
  • Paulson26
    This podcast slaps
    I love this podcast!!!!
  • wisconsincamp
    Shoot fire Dan
    And hire Bailey
  • Boriskafailnikov
    It’s a good show
    No buffering podcast to lazy to leave a vm.
  • Meatbed
    So much more positive
    I have been listening to Giant Bomb for over 10 years now, and love the dump truck. Just listened to episode 105 of the dump truck and I’m sorry to say it but since Jeff Bacalar was not there, it was so much better, more fun, much more positive so much more happy and I really appreciated it. Jeff, I know you have a persona and have certain things you like but if you could just chill out, lighten up and be a little bit more positive, it makes things more fun for everybody. You could still goof on things and talk smack, but everyone seemed a lot more jovial and into the whole thing. what a great episode makes me wanna keep listening to it.
  • Blakest0ne
    How the mighty have fallen
    Went from being one of the best podcast brands to the worst
  • Joe La Zanya
    Dan Rykert is a plague on this industry and this is the third podcast I have unsubscribed from because of him. I don’t know why you guys think old out of touch obnoxious white dudes are the voices we want to hear.
  • Okonnor
    Miss the old crew
    I feel wretchedly sorry for Jeff gerstmann. He’s got an incredible sense of humor and when he’s riffing with just Ben or some of the old crew like Ryckert and Navarro it can be amazing. But the current GB crew are just death. Brutally unfunny, unimaginative knobs make up the bulk of the cast now and it’s unbearable.
  • mclairy2
    Lost its magic
    GB shows just aren’t what they used to be.
  • vamp_gutz___
    Plz stop with the soundboard spam its rlly annoying 😡
  • UbeRamza
    3AM Boys Represent!!!!!!
    You guys have a magical chemistry and I love it. To me, it feels as though the working at home business has had a bit of a negative effect on the show but I still love it and I can’t wait to listen to each new episode. I also listen to this show on a loop when I decide to take a little break from listening to the Bombcast 24/7. Giant Bomb & 3AM Boys in the Hizzy!!!!!!
  • Jae
    Jeff Gerstmann is a national treasure
    In that Nicholas Cage is constantly trying to kidnap him. This podcast is great. Jeff and Ben have a great chemistry together and I could listen to them all day. Also, the addition of Jeff’s soundboard is spectacular. Don’t listen to the haters.
  • RamenNinjaNoodlez
    Good dump truck
    Bad soundboard
  • darkchrispark
    Sound board spam
    Enjoyed the show until they started spamming the soundboard noises throughout the entire episode.
  • TomyDingo
    Great Call-In Show
    Funny and entertaining call-in / voicemail show!
  • mr570
    A True Classic!
    Stellar improv from 2 of the masters of the genre. From fast-food updates, real-time hot-takes on the questions of the ages. This is the place to be. 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ A+++++
  • nutter921
    This is where the fun is made!
    While I feel like Giant Bomb is going through a slump, this show continues to be fun. Au Gratin, Paul Stanley, and voicemail dumptrucks!
  • voice mail dump truck
    Voice mail dump truck
    Duh duh duh duh duh duh duh
    Funny gaming podcast.
    If you don’t listen to the 3 am boys blow through a voicemail dump truck, you might not be into podcasts that follow another podcast about video games.
  • BillyOK
    Two broken men and their broken podcast
    Going online doesn't get any better than this.
  • restlessoak
    Ya heard
  • southpawartist
    En packs gargle voice makes my ears bleed.
  • m00tzman
    I’m not sick but I’m not well
    And I’m so hot cause I’m in hell
  • Mike0887
    3AM Boyz
    We out here
  • SkylarSG3
    3 AM Boyz
    It's always 3 AM somewhere.
  • macster666
    Love the show.
    Love the off topic bantering. Call them at 707 exit flu
  • Yeezus555
    Jeff and Ben are an explosive duo
    Ben serves em up, Jeff hits em like Sammy Sosa. Good content.
  • PassingAfternoon
    It has Ben! It has Jeff! It has questions! It is the good show!
  • JShmazzle
    I used to eat durgers and enjoy this big wet podcast, but now I sip on my vape and enjoy this big wet podcast
  • LightSwitchRave
    Best father/son podcast
    I would give it six stars if I could.
  • Bucklebutt
    It’s a mess and I love it.
  • G Grizzle
    Having fun with Ben and Jeff
    Listen in as Ben and Jeff of Giant Bomb expertly manage discord callers, voicemails, questions from chat, and technical problems. Also - hands down - best intro in the game.
  • Whereiend
    A very good podcast, I just wish they’d talk about Tickle Me Elmo more.
    F Dave Lang
    F Dave Lang
  • dark computer
    Great podcast
    Giant bomb does it again
  • Yoshiioko
    It’s Anime o’clock!
    Long time premium subscriber here, and I’ve got to say that this is now my favorite podcast on GiantBomb. Keep up the amazing work.
  • Dumbfounded in DeKalb
    It’s fantastic
  • Adamjmac
    More Jeff
    Love this extension of the bombcast. Ben and Jeff trying to answer questions is great.
  • Grokrash
    Giant Bomb’s Jeff Gerstmann and Ben Pack answer YOUR questions. If I have to further elaborate on the greatness of this, you cannot be saved. 5💣s out of 5💣s
  • MichaelTheCutts
    Long Time Reviewer, First Time Listener
    Seriously though, it’s more of the bombcast. If you found this feed, you know what you’re looking for. This is it. Enjoy.
  • Molenator85
    Good Conversation Between Good Dudes
    See title
  • Rando M. Dudemann
    Long time listener, first time reviewer.
    What if instead of asking questions aloud to an empty house or vehicle while listening to the Bombcast, you could talk to real, human, employees of Giant Bomb? Great news! Jeff and Ben fit at least some of those criteria and they’re here to answer your questions. Thanks Giant Bomb! 💥💣💥
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