The Accounting Podcast


The Accounting Podcast (formerly the Cloud Accounting Podcast) is the world's #1 accounting, bookkeeping, and tax podcast! Join us weekly for a roundup of accounting news, analysis, and interviews. Plus, earn free NASBA-approved CPE credits for listening with the Earmark app. Learn more at

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Recent Reviews
  • TCTaliaferro
    Trump or how to replace CPA
    Nearshoring!!! More like build a digital wall
  • natule4go
    Not so good
    Used to love this podcast. Now, it’s about Trump, chat gpt and 150 hours
  • cheergurl5102
    TRMUP 2024!!
    Trump 2024!! Make America Great Again!!
  • Brown4
    Appreciate the strong points of view!
    I’m so glad I found this podcast! After 10 years as a small business controller I am getting into consultancy and trying to catch up on all the news I missed. I love that viewpoints are stated with integrity and with conviction. Thank you!
  • Abe827473
    Entertaining and content rich update on the accounting industry! Listen weekly and get CPE by using the Earmark App!
  • ArlieLP
    (I’m) Too Obsessed!
    So glad to have discovered this show! From the debunking the IRS drama in the Barbie movie to covering fascinating Intuit AI developments, David and Blake are *the* resource for all things accounting. Tune in for valuable insights from excellent guests and easy to consume conversations on the latest news in the CPA space. You won’t regret it!
  • Sid823
    Highly Encouraging and Honest Perspectives
    As a new entrant into the accounting profession I really appreciate these guy’s perspectives and the stories from those who are already in the profession. This podcast not only includes national news but covers international when it’s appropriate. I love it and look forward to listening as I continue to grow into my career.
  • Hgd137
    Too obsessed
    Would be a much better podcast if they weren’t obsessed with ChatGPT and the 150-hour rule.
  • Zukoski
    Entertaining and Informative
    Love listening to David and Blake every week. Providing the accountant’s perspective on the news of the day.
  • Bhollows
    A must listen to!!!
    A great update on current happenings in accounting. I recommend this podcast to my whole team!
  • Cody Kreiner
    Thoughtful Conversations from Day 1
    Recently started a job in the outsourced accounting industry and started listening a couple weeks ago from episode 1. Might take awhile for me to hear you read this on a show, but the foresight in the discussions from day 1, pre-2020, is really cool to look back on. The podcast has aged well, and probably would have been a lot more successful businesses had they been tuning in at the time. Love what you guys are doing, keep it up!
  • Andrew is Taken
    A Must-Listen for Accountants
    I absolutely love listening to The Cloud Accounting Podcast hosted by Blake and David! They have a great dynamic and their insights and tips on cloud accounting are always so helpful and informative. I highly recommend giving this podcast a listen if you're interested in learning more about this topic.
  • Sean in TX
    Want to be a 21st Century accountant?
    If so, you must subscribe! I haven't found anything even close for staying up to date on relevant technology and news.
  • walt_wv
    Educational and Entertaining - Get to #1
    Fantastic content. Throughly enjoy the range of topics and the depth of conversation. Blake and David’s knowledge of the industry and honest options about where we are and we we could go keep me coming back week after week. Really would love a podcast shirt. 2xl please.
  • alexlouis39
    Insightful, relevant, and helpful
    I’ve been listening to the podcast for a while now. Currently getting my masters in accounting. Made a career switch after college into accounting and the podcast gives great insight on the career path (whether it’d be bookkeeping, tax, audit). It’s really helped me feel a lot more knowledgeable and confident in my career choice. The topics discussed are always ones that come up in both in class or at the workplace (I just finished my first internal audit internship last month). I just wanted to share my appreciation for the both of you and keep up the amazing work! Alex
  • Kristintbl
    Long time listener first time writer
    David and Blake, you guys have an awesome podcast with a ton of relevant knowledge for professionals like myself in the cloud accounting space. You guys were the sole reason I met my CPE requirements in 2022 and for that I am so grateful. I truly enjoy tuning in every week.
  • Ken @ SBA
    A great podcast
    This is a must listen to podcast for accountants. I have been following Blake for several years and his knowledge of the industry has help build my practice. David is ok, kidding they are a great team
  • Notashappyascanbe
    Always continuing to learn
    One of my favorite aspects about Blake & David’s podcast about accounting is how much I learn about the ins and outs of the pop culture element of the accounting world. I am an accounting student who is new to many of the businesses, terms, and general knowledge that most accountants should know. I also enjoy their rapport with one another. Thank you both for sharing your knowledge with us!
  • cdubyuh
    Gold Standard Accounting Press
    David and Blake are my favorite way to track cloud accounting news and other current events surrounding the profession. They are the most entertaining and informative accounting press in the market. Their insights derived from combined experiences give listeners great context. As an a non-traditional student, and career-changer, I fully appreciate their viewpoints as I find my footing in the accounting profession. Cloud Accounting is the way. Thanks, gentlemen.
  • vbCPA
    Best & most relevant podcast for bean counters.
    Blake & David do a great job at bringing us the latest happenings/news in the accounting & tax world. They’ve inspired me to go out and dabble in the fintech world!
  • jadzia amakiir
    Expands my context
    I really enjoy David and Blake because they give me insight into what’s happening in the industry outside my immediate focus. I always have my head down training people in how to use QuickBooks, so listening to this show keeps me aware of current trends in accounting at the macro level. Thanks, guys! Alicia Katz Pollock,
  • War Machine470
    Best accounting podcast out there
    10/10 podcast, always giving the best updates on accounting while also keeping it interesting
  • KLF1651
    Great info
    Relevant and interesting. I learn something new every week.
  • Conner from Bookkeep
    This is the best accounting industry podcast.
    Blake and Oliver not only keep me up to date on the latest industry news but also are entertaining throughout the process! I first learned about The Cloud Accounting Podcast when they held a booth at a conference I attended. So, I know keeping up with the news but also (Covid permitting) in the community with boots on the ground. If you’re looking for the place to go for entertaining, relevant, accounting industry news then your search is done!
  • SEWA Merchant Services
    Keeps me thinking
    As an accounting student, in a CPA program, you keep me thinking as to whether Big 4 is where I want to be or if I should focus on a smaller firm in my rural area. (Much more difficult to get employed that way where I am.) BUT as a follower of Bitcoin (and to a lesser extent other base chains) since 2013, I must say, your understanding is very lacking. Please look into The What Bitcoin Did podcast or some Andreas Antonopoulis videos.
  • kvs661
    Best accounting podcast out there
    I started listening in 2019, and was immediately hooked. I sold my accounting firm in 2020, and still don't miss an episode, even though I am not working at the moment. Blake and David keep us informed about so many new developments in the accounting world, and their editorial comments are helpful and entertaining. Having the links in the show notes is invaluable. I love the ads as much as I do the content, because I like to hear about new tools and opportunities. And the content has helped me to advise my daughter, who is a college business major, about employment trends relevant to her future. One suggestion - If the advertisers would change their ad content more often, I would listen more closely, as I tend to tune out the ones I have heard before.
  • Smackramen
    Nice work
    Like learning about new products
  • Trickynikki360
    Thank you!
    Blake and Oliver - thank you for never missing a show. I always get so excited when I see the blue cloud accounting podcast logo at the top of my podcast feed because it means a new show just dropped. Great content and thought leadership. Would love to see more deep dives into different apps! 💙Nikki Mack
  • Donna Bordeaux
    All in!
    Hey Blake and David. Congratulations on the great podcast. You have become my go to source of current events in the Accounting World. Can’t wait for next week, and the week after that, and after that too!
  • Amanda from NOLA
    Better than any mass market publication
    CAP is the real “on the streets” report of what’s going on in accounting.
  • Brianqzo
    Breath of Fresh Air
    Love this podcast! As an older millennial CPA, most of the content produced by the AICPA, Journal of Accountancy, PwC and others may be rich in technical content but is terrible in quality. So many other accounting podcasts sound like they are recorded on speakerphone, or have interviews that are clearly read word-for-word off a script. Sorry J of A, Excel keyboard shortcuts and PivotTables aren’t “tech news”. David and Blake provide a professional-quality and technologically-fluent podcast. They know their stuff and it’s the perfect balance to the dry, technical knowledge offered elsewhere. Thanks guys, appreciate the work you’re doing.
  • App Ninha
    “Must listen” if you’re in the biz
    Blake and David do their homework. Their insights and intelligence make them the ultimate source for all things cloud accounting.
  • Jedda88
    Great way to stay up to date
    Great way to stay up to date with what’s happening in accounting tech (and strangely tax and legislation). Love the insights from David and Blake, especially given their backgrounds from the tech and practitioners’ perspective.
  • The Finance Wizard
    Great podcast
    I checked out the podcast after hearing it earlier. It’s a really entertaining show and gives good information and insights. I also appreciate the way you guys include links to the articles you reference. Even your ads are insightful. I’m looking forward to listening more.
  • ItsmeBeek
    Favorite episode 222
    AICPA interview: I’m one for conspiracy’s and I think you found one here lol the AICPA and Congress both are ran by big business, and big business would love nothing more than to see the IRS get lost in the shuffle. The only thing Ed Carl brought to the table was crickets and dancing shoes and it was hilarious. I was waiting for the courtesy disconnect but instead he just got down with the boot scootin boogie Huge fan of you both, love the show. This episode 222 shows true character of both y’all and the AICPA. Do not stop doing what you are doing. America needs more smart AND honest accountants
  • scottscarano
    Great! + Podchasers
    I love that this review doubles donations for Meals on Wheels. You both rock, sorry SO LATE to the party, just started listening a few weeks ago - but this is by far the best podcast for someone growth minded and ready to keep the accounting industry moving forward and evolving. Go back and listen to some of the older episodes and HOW RELEVANT the topics discussed and proposed solutions are today, f’ing fantastic!
  • smeanser
    Awesome way to be caught up on all things accounting !
    Really look forward to every episode each week. Catches me up on all the latest in accounting news, without having to capture and read all the info myself. I quote something from it at least once a week , and always try to get more subscribers to the podcast when I do! Thank you !
  • AggieCPA
    Great Stuff
    More than writing my own accounting workflow solution the fact that I enjoy an accounting podcast as much as I do this one cements me as an accounting geek. The fact that I do it on my walk to work with giant headphones on, well that is just icing on the cake (I hate those earbud things). Love listening to you guys, always learn something new.
  • Adam CPA
    Great show!!
    Entertaining and informative. I really look forward to each episode.
  • Zankonator
    I’ve been converted!
    You guys have turned me into a lover of podcasts! Between the timely information shared on your show to just the way you two interact, your show keeps my attention - something no other podcast had been able to do. Thanks for being awesome!
  • ilibanili
    On the Edge
    I love this podcast because it’s at the forefront of everything that’s happening in the realm of accounting and tech. Never in my life did I think I’d be staying on top of accounting news! Yet here I am, thanks to David and Blake. Thanks for the humor, the opinions, and research :)
  • Mrs.ShannyBanany
    A Must Listen Podcast
    I work for an outsourced accounting company. The company leadership recommended this podcast when I asked them for suggestions on accounting apps. I have been hooked on this podcast since the first episode I heard. I love being able to stay current on accounting news. The app news is incredibly useful for me to keep in mind when thinking about my clients and how to best serve their needs. This podcast is fantastic and Blake and David always keep it interesting and entertaining!
  • 10594816
    I like this show
    -Some CPA in a small bookkeeping firm
  • JPLisdorf
    How did I get by before I had the Cloud Accounting podcast?
    Wow, man, wow. I honestly can’t believe what a cool podcast this is. You elegantly mix accounting news with what’s going on in the business world right now. And for any accountant that wants to have a chance in the future, adding business acumen to the debits and credits is a necessity. The accountants thy are going to survive in the future will be listening to your podcast.
  • B Stoltzfus
    I love listening to the podcast. It has been extremely beneficial in helping to keep up with all the changes in legislation surrounding the pandemic relief. Also find the information useful when looking at different systems to help automate and make our accounting processes more efficient.
  • Vcjgvjgbufbycjg
    Insightful and these dudes are actually smart. I work in accounting for a bicycle shop and would love to hear more in the vein of G/L management and invoicing as I work mainly on the payables side.
  • nonickname7395
    A must listen
    I can’t wait for each new episode. I value their insights, run down on the news in our industry, especially that they break it down from the technical jargon to help explain it to clients. I appreciate this podcast and the only downside is that it’s not longer.
  • Chan Collab
    I never miss a weekly podcast. These are so great!
    I usually find myself laughing or saying YEP at some point in each podcast. Most recently in your podcast discussing Zoom you suggested the future may look different in office settings. And suggested companies setting up space just for zoom meetings for individuals that don’t have access otherwise. That idea is genius for firms with aging and non-tech savvy clients IF they want to keep those clients. I never miss a podcast. This is my weekly rundown on what’s happening. Thank you for your news, insights, and suggestions.
  • MarieP86
    Accountants, business owners, leaders - this podcast is for you!
    Blake and David, I love your podcast. There is always a new tool to discover: a tip to run my business more efficiently, a new idea to pitch our clients, or the latest Information on industry trends. Everyone can benefit from listening! I run a cloud based accounting firm, am a huge tech nerd, and constantly read about the latest tools. And yet, each episode, I learn or discover something new without an exception. You’re with me when I want (need!) a break from work or drive to the beach on the weekends. Thank you!
  • Tyler Trenda
    New to the field
    I’m just starting out in the Accounting/Bookkeping field and looking to start my own small bookkeping business. The Cloud Accounting Podcast has been a great way to get up to speed with the current events happening in the Accounting space. I have sent a couple emails out to Blake directly and he has responded promptly and provided invaluable knowledge to me. Love the show and I’m always listening at work.
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