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ErmAcshuelly27good :)SGU is the best
Reviewer 1234We deserve better hostsI have listened to this podcast weekly for over 10 years. Dr. Novella is clearly an expert in his particular field and having Cara Santa Maria adds a level of expertise in an additional field. Maybe when the show was small, having the other non experts was appropriate. Now that the show has gone on to achieve notoriety and popularity we deserve all of the hosts to have some expertise. When I can, I fast forward any time Bob and Jay speak. Perhaps they can contribute more off air. But on air, they don’t understand many of the concepts discussed, they make huge assumptions that do not apply to the topic, and overall they detract from the conversation and the podcast. I really love this podcast and have debated adding this review for months, but I worry about when it finally gets to be too much that I have to stop listening entirely.
Jorgan_GarlathEp 1021In re: the giant clams… for a historically and scientifically accurate description of giant clams in the early americas, be sure to check out The Story of Reuben Clamzo and His Strange Daughter in the Key of A, by Arlo Guthrie
Karkas1Best podcast ever which makes the world betterEngaging, funny, and insightful. This show really makes you think twice about the world through science and skepticism. I’ve been listening to podcasts for 15 years. Many have come and gone, but this one still gets my ear every week. Keep up the great work!
OaknowsContinue to struggle with Cara on the showHave been enjoying the SGU for years, and continue to catch up on old episodes. Despite the older science, I enjoy the group far more prior to Cara. Though she’s clearly quite intelligent, she also clearly shows bias on studies she likes and reviews (e.g. current episode 934) and finds them “100%” conclusive, even when the authors themselves contradict this in their article. Evan’s comment is immediately talked down by Cara’s own conclusions. And the study was about bias! I’ve heard many examples of this in past episodes. Cara interjects way too much in general, often times contradicting herself because she’s so contrarian to whatever someone else is talking about. Whereas she can completely buy into (often weak/flawed) psychological studies that she chooses to review, she completely rips apart any article that Evan or Jay might review (because they’re less scientific than she?) before they can even finish describing it. Like she had to beat them to the punch, show off her knowledge, whatever. Her contrarian interjections are almost like a vocal tic for her. I do love when she is so jumpy on her comments and then finds out she’s wrong because she didn’t listen to the whole story. Just wish the guys pointed it out more often. They pamper her too much. Steve, who’s usually good at maintaining neutral stance, frequently gives Cara a pass for some reason. They all do. I love listening to the brothers Novella and they were a better group when Perry was alive and also with Rebecca. It’s MUCH harder to listen to the present day group. …However, Jay and Bob will keep me listening. They remain stellar podcast personalities. …Dr Novella periodically gets on his high horse about listeners critique of his coverage on an article. Opines how they are just making unfounded claims on his bias- all the while speculating on the motives of the listeners’ critiques. The hypocrisy so blatant… When Steve criticizes his audience, he often sounds like a wounded ego, and it isn’t even necessary. He needs to edit himself better.
Adrian VonMY FAVORITE PODCASTLong time listener of Skeptics Guide to the Universe. Dr. Steve Novella, Dr. Cara Santa Maria, Bob, Jay and Evan all have beautiful minds and a way of explaining things that bring expert knowledge, wisdom, facts and a peace of mind to the listener. If you are a fan of science and skepticism give this podcast a true listen. If you are new to these topics and want to be truly informed, this podcast will change your life. It has changed mine and I’m truly stronger in every aspect for it. SGU FOR LIFE, BABY! 😎
Mnv7Not so intelligentGave the latest episode a listen after being recommended this podcast. The hosts gleefully agreed on punishing doctors for sharing “misinformation”; one of the hosts timidly brought up the paramount question of who decides what misinformation is, but was patently ignored. Will never be coming back to this.
PattihmEpisode 1003 Science or FactHi, Long time listener and loved the show. Had a comment on your science or fiction this week though. I suspected the article on mammalian jaws was the fiction but for a silly reason not related to why it was fiction. In your description you kept saying mammal jaw changes occurred in therapsids prior leading to the cynodonts. Well, cynodonts are therapsids. Drove me up a wall. Almost wanted it to be science if only to expose my taxonomic obstinance. Anyway, thanks for a good show. Patti
trudie w.Unfortunately and sadly lip service to critical thinkingThis show needs to consider adopting some desperately needed humility, ironically given the word skeptics in the show name. There’s this Dunning Kruger issue where they are more than happy to critique others for inability to think critically about subjects they are SMEs about and yet use their own platform to be ideologues about other subjects making hand wavy claims like “research and studies show”. The multitude of complaints on their misrepresentation of NEM for example are just continually disregarded as coming from shills for the utilities instead of they themselves maybe thinking they could be wrong then and to truly question their own beliefs instead of just consistently saying they were surprised by the pushback. I’ve been in the renewables industry for my entire life and am more a proponent of DERs and a sustainable and equitable energy transition than almost anyone on this planet and NEM is clearly regressive in the majority of jurisdictions. So it is irresponsible of the hosts to use their platform as a megaphone to throw any other expert opinion under the bus and inform a wide audience who are not able to discern otherwise that their own opinions are ground truth. I have unsubscribed after weeks of this tirade and this is unfortunate given I have listened to this show for years now with an open mind after a Bill Nye vote of confidence on another podcast. I am aware you will take this comment as more internet vitriol but it would behoove you to take this as unsolicited but well meaning advice if you want to prevent more podcast defections. This is the first time I have ever used the comments section and only less than a. handful of times I have ever unsubscribed from a show
…..👵!!!!Thank you you’ve taught me so much👏I have appreciated how your comments have helped me to understand and respond better to people who have touted fake science. I miss Randy too.
SjdnshdnsnShowCara is the most boring “rogue.” How douchey it is calling themselves “rogues.” Steve talks over the other rogues. They can’t make one podcast without misusing the term “orders of magnitude.” So pretentious and incorrect.
MatthhjjjMy favorite podcastThis has been my favorite podcast for more than a decade. They are great at explaining concepts in plain English and giving actionable ways to think issues through. They also demonstrate how to disagree and learn from one another.
MarkChicagoILNovella know it allDelete
Dreamingat30fpsUse to be goodHas gotten way too political for my taste. Especially since Cara came on. The guys use to at least try to act unbiased but Cara doesn’t even bother pretending. I think that has rubbed off on the others over the years and now I feel like practically every episode they go off on some political rant. Been listening since the Perry days, but it’s time to move on.
BW7140The Expert’s FallacyHaving a degree in one field doesn’t make you an expert in all fields. These people are as opinionated and inaccurate as the JRE but with none of the attempts at humor.
BigBobbyD!!!Hosts need to look in the mirror.Have listened to almost every episode. Been listening for a very long time obviously but with the last few years everyone has fallen into the pit of “I’m the expert”. Sadly they have all trended to the left and have let their bias dictate their reasoning. In 1 episode they talked about the difference between men and women in the Olympics and then continue on to talk about trans issues and how there is no difference in men who identify as women and real women. They all also want to present as if they are experts in anything they are discussing while also saying they don’t know the complexities of the subject but they know they are correct. Kara in particular (since earning her degree) feels the need to chime in on every topic to try to prove she know the subject, even when told she was wrong she tries to justify her answers. This was a great show, now it feels like any other show on cable tv, completely biased and willing to ignore science when it suits you. No different from far right or far left commentators. Sad really.
limp_triscuitSerious funDr. Steve and the nerds present the gold standard of skeptical, scientific podcasting. Just sit back, put your thinking hat on, and enjoy.
HideFromHiderWeekly dose of science, critical thinking and nonsense debunking from personable hostsIf you already consume facts from podcasts like Science Friday or Quirks
Ad hatererFreakingAwesome!
MiilliamQuality going down over the yearsI have been listening to this show for almost twenty years and sadly feel the quality has been steadily going down as the hosts get older. Frequently we are subjected to rants (especially from Jay) that can be boiled down to “straight white man shouts his beliefs as if they were facts.” As a program that is supposed to promote and support “evidence based” they have grown too comfortable stating their beliefs as fact.
Sugardisc3Hot Knife Cuts Through the Noise and BalognaReason? Facts? Verifiable and repeatable results? This show shines the light on reason and good sense based on facts. Prepare yourself to adjust your understanding as new facts and information is absorbed! Great show, I have been a regular listener for years. Breathe the fresh air of truth by listening once a week, it may just save your life…(especially if you take herbal remedies or go to a chiropractor).
DigitalBeardTiredI used to love this show, and I have to give the SGU some credit for guiding me toward scientific skepticism. But man, this show has been circling the drain now for a few years…and it is just tired now. They’re all smart and charismatic enough, but there is a dismissiveness that really permeates so many of the segments these days. It’s become a weird show that’s not really fun to listen to anymore. There’s zero humility or chill. I liken the show’s collective attitude to Neil Tyson’s. He’s right almost every time. But he knows he’s right and is unrelentingly hoity-toity about it. The SGU are approaching this. It’s borderline obnoxious, and it bums me out to have to unsubscribe. (I barely make it through their opening remarks anymore.) Instead of converting people to skepticism, I think their tone and pompousness is more likely to turn people off. Which is a drag — it’s a movement that needs and deserves better. They invoke Carl Sagan often on the show, hero of science communication and a fundamental contributor to modern skepticism. Sadly, they seem to have lost track of why Sagan was so effective — it was his approach. He was inviting, warm, forgiving, and patient. He spoke plainly but eloquently, neither speaking down to the public nor jargon-ing up his takes. But of course, he could also eviscerate pseudoscience and baloney with wit and critique as needed. He just didn’t allow that to be his schtick unlike Steve, Bob, Cara, Jay, and Evan. They love that schtick. They swing that schtick. Still, there’s plenty to enjoy about this podcast, especially in old episodes, and I would be remiss not to commend them for taking on the occasional, necessary social topic du jour. Steve and Cara’s scientific explanation and defense of transgenderism was superb, for example. And maybe SGU doesn’t wanna be like Sagan. I get that. Perhaps modernity demands a more biting, scathing rebuke of ALL THINGS UNEXPLAINED (or explained poorly/unscientifically/nonsensically). I just wish it didn’t mean they had to prioritize that over being entertainingly and invitingly informative. At this point, they come across more as ivory tower bullies than friendly science
Nerdicus_RexResearch betterFor a show about science communication, the easiest way to show you don’t fully research is the constant mispronunciations. I can get it in the moment, but for a researched piece it shows a lack of professionalism. Bob is the only one worth hearing from - physics and all. Evan tries to be funny but falls flat, as does Jay. Steve is just a know it all who seemingly needs to out his approval on everything, and Cara is even worse with her constant interruptions and holier than thou comments. It used to be good, but I’m losing interest in spending the time, even at double speed.
Mr. LaOof. John Philip “Sow”-sa?Sousa. Hence the “Sousa”-phone. Those are those huge, marching tuba you see in marching bands, with the bells facing forward. they actually look much larger than a regular tuba. Also MOOG is pronounced Moge, rhymes with rogue. Other than that keep up the outstanding work. Voices of reason and inquiry in a desert of foolishness.
BorfAndrea Jones RooyBeen a an avid listener for a year. Today, I heard Andrea Jones Rooy—who easily equals my wife. She should be a mainstay.
GaTechDogGreat show but you need to fire Bob today!I love the show! But you have to fire Bob and send him home, anywhere but Austin. Mostly cloudy on Monday for the eclipse. His record of spoiling eclipses will be unblemished if the weather forecast is accurate.
Hours listeningThanksBest scientifically skeptical podcast
Karl_from_PrairieOne of my favorite podcastsI really appreciate the great work this team does. i’ve been a listener for well over a decade and love the content, which is both highly educational and entertaining. Keep up the great work!
mstar3552SGU is awesome!This show is the perfect antidote for all the misinformation out there today. Highly recommend!
_DcDesignInformed and helpful information presented by knowable expertsLove this show. Great content.
notAlBGoing downhillShow used to be great. Lately I notice more and more they assumptions and generalizations with no real data, they just say “most people” do this or that. Cara constantly interrupts and interjects as if she knows something that nobody else does, she is often wrong. I often fast forward through her segments.
Mshade88Best podcast I listen toI learn something interesting each and every week. They do a great job breaking apart complex topics and it is clear how much they like working together.
JJJJJJJJ2727One of the greatest podcast of all timeI’ve been listening to all genres of podcasts for about a decade. And the one constant throughout is that this is the one podcast I make sure not to skip each week. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve turned around on an issue, not because they said so, but because of critical thinking and factual sources. It may be more important than ever in this age of misinformation. They keep it so the facts and the only time they delve into politics is when it’s relevant to science. And it’s very entertaining!
CC_mooseAs good a podcast as you'll findCritical thinking and science are becoming a lost art in our society. I wish every kid in school was exposed to these concepts. It's not too late to educate yourself. This podcast is very entertaining and thought provoking. The hosts should have their own tv show on PBS as far as I'm concerned. Listen to this podcast every week and you won't regret it.
jim99765Best Podcast EverHands down my favorite podcast of all time. I can’t wait until a new episode is released every Saturday.
Drjosh3040Great podcastLook forward the skeptics podcast every week. Become part of my weekend routine.
alpacafarmdomingaWhere have you been or where have I been?A friend of mine told me about your podcast a couple of weeks ago and despite being kind of a podcast junkie, you guys immediately leapt to the top of my list, and I subscribed on Patreon! You’ll find me on there as Jen, accredited sorceress of ChatGPT - And I was actually pretty tickled that you did the science or fiction this week through it! I’m a software engineer, and this last year has been really hard and I’ve actually been doing a lot of work with it on mental health, focused, specifically on PTSD, and depression and anxiety. I had some pretty interesting experiments that I have had some mixed success with, it might be a topic worth considering… But I got it to write emails to enterprise SAAS customers that sound like me on a good MH day, for those days when it’s difficult to function, but I still have an obligation to my team and to the clients. I’ll bet with some jiggling and a couple sharp kicks to the GPU cluster, I could at least get it to generate a “science or fiction” with a decent chance of success that it could be useful. (Did you know that you can actually build sub routines and variables in a thread and micro training it for specific purposes?) Anyway, thanks for doing what you do. In some way, you’ve helped reignite my passion for science, and optimism for the future. PS: thank you for debunking the Yellowstone super volcano. That’s one existential threat down, at least!
Factory RatVocal FryI love the Science or Fiction segment. It is still the best science quiz on the web. I also love Cara except that she is cultivating an annoying vocal fry. I sure hope it is a phase that will go away.
LiQuiD 0v3rkiLL8 Year-long Weekly ListenerFantastic show, anyone with an interest in REAL and FACTUAL science, medicine and technology will love this show. Don’t leave a bad review because your personal opinions and beliefs don’t intersect with reality, people.
RyfjBoring yet fancy themselves as edgyskittishly insulated. will never have on any guests that disagree in the least - not meaning cranks but even any credentialed person that dares see things differently. Steve Novella holds court and the others sycophantically cheer him on. try Michael Shermer's science podcast instead - he isn't afraid to be challenged. Neil DeGrasse Tyson much better as well and he (like Shermer) will go on mainstream shows to defend his positions. The SGU “rogues” never appear unless before a hall of their groupies.
@MarinachefGreat showI can learn without reading. Who’d of thought. I look forward every week to listen
rozmitSkeptics GuideLove it. Have listened to every episode for years.
Bluecanary84RomanoIf there is ever a movie or series on the rogues lives, id really like to see Ray Romano be cast as Bob. Anyone else got casting ideas for the Skeptics Guide?
DominicCGGreat science podcastI've been listening for years now, and have enjoyed every time. Great set of hosts and topics
PanelmemberMy favorite podcastThanks for continually creating interesting episodes.
GoldilocksSFDriverless cars in SFHey, devout SGU listener. Here in SF we take driverless cars all the time. They are everywhere. Great deal but sometimes they take a weird route. For example they could go straight up 7th ave to get you to your destination but they do a couple of unnecessary turns and circle a block. You get there in the end. But there is no one sitting in the drivers seat to say “hey, just go straight up 7th”. Other weird thing - they gave students a free pass (I think to do the computer learning and more “practice”) so high school students can ride for free after 9pm. My teen, all the time, “can’t get a car until 9pm, I’ll be home in 15 mins once I get a car”.
Ben HoneyReliably interesting science conversationsI’ve listened to SGU every week for over 15 years. I dont always agree with the hosts, but I always learn something. They are the way I choose to stay aware of science news in this busy life without enough free time.
reason ranterRequired listening for any thinking human engaged in seeking truthI can’t say enough good things about this podcast. As an ex-science teacher, the topics they cover and the way they cover them brings me joy. Everyone on the show is brilliant in their own way. Steve though…dude knows so much! Should be required listening for all late teens / young adults so they can hone their critical thinking skills before heading out into the world.
theburgerboy11Best science podcast out thereThe SGU has been a fixture in my feed since I first started listening to podcasts. Their depths of knowledge, insight, and humor shine through to create not only an informative listen, but an enjoyable one, as well.
AgustincarvajalIncredible showI’ve been listening for 10 years. It’s my favourite weekly show. It’s always fun, keep me up to date, engaged and interested in science. Thank you guys for all the hard work!
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