Dr. Joseph Mercola - Take Control of Your Health
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OCHealthHackerSuch good info!! Wishing for more episodes!Mercola’s podcast is always full of great information. I love that he is willing to learn and evolve as new information becomes available. The podcasts used to come out more regularly… I’m hoping they resume soon. I’m missing having weekly episodes.
Maryam762Dermatologist episodeDr Keira Barr was great!! Please let your guest speak. They are specialists and that’s why they are invited. Don’t try to educate them. The have worked their way to be here. We can all learn a new perspective. Don’t challenge them to adopt your beliefs and keep interrupting them.
JimB-TXRe: Metabolical with Dr. LustigInteresting conversation. I bought the book about week ago, but haven’t read it as of yet. This was a good introduction. Positive: I learned quite a bit about the food industry, the healthcare profession, and government involvement in getting us to where we are today. I was also unaware of Dr. Lustig’s law degree, or his plan to create a food ordering system that is individually tailored to a person’s health conditions. That holds great promise. This is the first time I’ve heard of Dr. Mercola. He also seems knowledgeable and I’ll be back to hear more of his thoughts. Only negative for me, was the conversation seemed a little argumentative at times. It almost felt like some topics were being debated. I’m not a fan of that type of interview. Enjoyable and I’ve subscribed.
.$&75.Very EducationalBeen following him for years.
starfish74Good information he is so rude.His guest Dr Greenfield gets 5 stars. Dr Mercola get is so rude. I’ve continued to listen to this episode and I’m shocked at how unbelievable rude and combative he is. He’s so unprofessional and has totally lost it. Don’t waste your time. Find Dr Jenna Greenfield on your own.
CarraBBa’sJoseph MerciaVery good podcast.👍
JenThreeJErre sdfs no e e MedJaney de r de
SM AndersonGreat podcastDr Mercola is always on the cutting edge of how to acquire and maintain the best health! I appreciate all the work he puts in to his podcast.
MarymkemEstrogenYou need to have Dr. Mary Clair Haver on your show, this podcast doesn’t help me!!!
imported 23NoI used to respect him but he's lost his mind!
Amy64057Thank You Dr. Mercola!Dr. Mercola is largely responsible for educating myself and my family toward independent thinking and great health!
Beckyd02Good content, too much fluff at beginningGood content, BUT 2 main things (and maybe it’s not in every episode) (1) too much fluff at beginning …prepare to fast fwd through several to 10 minutes of their background and chit chat before the content you came for is really discussed. (2) Also, the host needs a better Mic or needs to sit closer to Mic. Hard to listen to someone who sounds likes they’re your boss-boss on speaker phone during a. Conference call.
docwilleyLove the Podcast!I love the ideas, tips and knowing that I can do things in town! Who knows, I may raise quails!
DRCTNMDQortal is the answer, please joinDr. Mercola, you need to get on Qortal to ensure your content stays acessable. Sayer Ji and Mike Adams and James Corbett amongst others have all seen the potential, please join the revolution.
asdfhkliytcvnSexistIt’s so easy, unless you have a family or something.” Puke. Thanks, white guy.
JoyHWHe’s been wrong for so many years!Dr. Mercola has been doling out terrible “health” information for many years and is just now learning how wrong he was. At least he’s putting out better information now, after he’s led who knows how many tens of thousands of people down the wrong path with his bogus health recommendations. We can credit him for making our health conditions worse, but again, at least he’s putting out podcasts with other people giving good info about metabolic health.
sf116Yess!! Rfk jr Absolutely for President!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼Thank you both for everything!! So grateful and praying Bobby is as successful becoming president of usa as he’s been in most all his other incredibly brave endeavors. Your both always in my prayers.❤️❤️
ChargingDCExcellentDr. Mercola is a truth-teller and an outstanding source of information. It’s sad to say, but doing so in the current political climate takes incredible bravery and courage and Dr. Mercola has all of that and more. I admire him and greatly value his opinions.
Independent RNMost Censored Man in AmericaDr. Mercola has been censored long before the pandemic for giving health advice that goes against the narrative. Some of his interviews are far too in depth for most people while others have lots of pearls. He is highly intelligent & knows biochemistry very well. He has a supplement line too but doesn’t push his products- ever. So tired of all the product pimping on podcasts. Dr. Mercola has a newsletter too and you can follow him on IG. He is the original biohacker & looks AMAZING for his age. If you want to change your life as he says “take control of your health” then listen to this podcast.
VyivugcgcfyctfcCourageous and InsightfulSo many wonderful interviews. Dr. Mercola is a man of integrity and courage. He stands up for his beliefs and for freedom for all of us.
LBRobertsonMust listenDr. Mercola is a must listen alternative medical/nutritional source to the “captured”allopathic practitioners who can’t think for themselves.
NicholasAngel2Great content but need datesI always enjoy the Best of Series. I wish Dr. Mercola would provide the original interview date for his Best of Series. Sometimes I suspect these are years old.
Abookwriter2Thank you Barbara Loe Fisher, Kathi Williams...And, of course, Dr. Mercola for donating the land upon which a monument to our freedom of choice against vaccine mandates has been erected. I will visit Fisher and co-founder Kathi Williams site and do what I can to support the fight for our freedom against big pharma's partnership with the FDA, CDC and 'Dr.' Fauci's demonic drive to poison us for money.
mich.Anne.lewaRFK Jr.RFK Jr. sees the evil in our government, but some words of wisdom is he should keep his plans for change quiet while he runs for president! 🙊🙉🙈The deep state will ruin peoples lives, kill and cheat elections to stop people like you! I would campaign on basic issues! Don’t bring up vaccines, pharmaceutical companies, lobbyists in congress,FDA,CDC, WHO, etc. (conflict of interest), military industrial complex until you are in office! The deep state is EVIL! Good luck! I will be praying for you!
J&S NevadaPodcastExcellent information and I have learned so much from Dr. Mercola.
my2centswrthAlways informativeThank you! Your podcasts are alway informative. It is refreshing to hear real truth on health and nutrition.
Andree JWish Mercola many blessingsWhat a great guy and doctor for stepping up and speaking the truth. We need more like him with courage to teach stand up for those of us who don’t know better. We need more education like his so we can make informed health decisions for our own individual health needs. Thank you Mercola and may God always bless you and ward off the evil that wants to take you down. I will always ask God to protect and watch over you. Amen 🙏
momkeybot777Real newsBeen following Dr. Mercola off and on for years. I really appreciate the well rounded science based perspective. Pleasantly conducted interviews that educate about what’s really happening globally, nationally that affects our resources and personal health.
Organic_nutri_tionconsistently in the right side of healthDr. Mercola is just the most accurate and science based doctor you can possibly listen to. I admire his strength on standing to what he knows is just. Highly ethical doctor who really cares for humanity, health and wellness. I will forever be grateful that I came across his website over 7 years ago.
Unity357Trust is a understatementDr. Superspreader Lol has saved my health for over 20 years. So proud of his strength and courageous leadership that has actually made my family healthier. Dr. M you are a rockstar. Keep up the good health fight to keep us as healthy as we can in this fragile physical world. God Bless and the team that props you up ❤️
Oxnard 10Who does not want independent analysis?If you were wondering where to get unbiased independent health information to keep you fit and healthy then this podcast is it. It’s worth listening to a couple of times as it is do packed with useful information. A health crusader leading the charge against an entrenched bureaucracy. Thanks to Dr Mercola.
KBiordiSunlighten Sauna?Sunlighten claims to be only one with solocarbon filter and has full far, near, and mid infrared. With relatively low EMF. Your opinion?
jeff9909Caution: Truth spoken hereIf you are starting to suspect that the current medical establishment is corrupt, what took you so long? Dr. Mercola helps me make sense of things and get closer to the truth. Wake up people. You've been lied to! For profit.
NerdiusInteresting perspectiveGood information! Please include date the program was recorded when posting “best of” podcasts. Also , please add contact information of guests in show notes. Thank you!
Pato531AdmireWhat we would be missing without all that info !
fiziksPlease expandDr. Mercola, please expand on the hyperbaric treatments. I learned about them after a head injury, but couldn’t afford to keep going after 30 treatments and there was no guarantee of when I would be “done”. So, I opted for an exercise with oxygen system - still expensive, but at least I’d own it. How does the two compare for energy levels and post TBI? Anyway, I feel better -especially after doing heavy metal iv chelation. But I wonder if I should still do hyperbaric or if the exercise with oxygen is good enough.
pssixMercola is the ManApple Podcasts, please don’t ban Dr. Mercola like YouTube did. Although I don’t agree with all his positions on vaccines, he is bringing us so much needed information on health and wellness that is censored by the American Healthcare Industrial Complex. HUGE FAN.
Brandywine987654321AmazingAs a physician, I am finally realizing I have been lied to for 20 years… amazing guy and great guests!
Victoria26KHeal by self!Dr.Mercola is not only a wonderful natural health doctor but also a true patriot and overall fantastic human being! His podcast is a wealth of information!
carmelaEmCan bitcoin circumvent economic tyranny?This podcast was fantastic! It expanded my mind and took it to places it has never been before!! I have invested in bitcoin and crypto through funds in the past. I now know one needs to buy bitcoin directly (for economic independence from the powers that be) and only bitcoin. I cannot wait for the second part.
Gregory Rose IIII learn a lot listening to him.I want to learn more about saunas and everyday health. 100% necessary listening to help with the dystopian nightmare we live through today.
SharonClaireA rare learned doctor.I don’t have time or space to go into all the ways that many doctors have messed up our lives and even killed my family members. It shouldn’t be so rare to have a Doctor who truly cares about health and healing and has educated himself well beyond the normal drugs and cutting that other doctor stop with. Can’t praise Dr. Mercola enough for not jumping on the AMA bandwagon.
malfoxleyGreat show!Dr. Mercola, host of the podcast, highlights all aspects of health, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
The Evolved DogGood vibesVery uplifting and gives me hope for the future. Some of the scientific/ medical details go over my head, but in general this is a great podcast for laypeople who want to take charge of their health.
WholeFoodMummaSo far so goodI don’t agree with everything he advocates, but the first time I heard him openly disagree with a guest and move the conversation forward with it, I was impressed. This guy still knows how to disagree respectfully!
Wendalyn11DisappointedI have been an faithful follower since before my oldest was born in 2004. I have recommended, referred, posted, sent, copied, MANY of your articles, podcasts, and blogs….AND I have never stopped listening/reading/watching in the middle of an interview until today. I don’t understand how anyone can say they fight for our freedoms to do what we want with our bodies and then say we don’t have the right to Live and Love the way WE want, what is more free than that?!… that is hypocritical. And makes me rethink everything that trusted you on
ChiknlitleFaithful for yearsWe have been listening to Mercola and ordering his products for over 20 years now! What a difference his love for health and making people well has done for our lives! So thankful and so blessed!
any88fhfhdjhsDr mercola is awesomeInformative with out the conflict of interest
Joey 107Best truth telling DoctorDr Mercola should be America’s doctor he is all about your health and wellness always speaks the truth with evidence based support.
Kieuty HoangExcellentThank you so much
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