Radio Atlantic

News #125Politics #43

The Atlantic has long been known as an ideas-driven magazine. Now we’re bringing that same ethos to audio. Like the magazine, the show will “road test” the big ideas that both drive the news and shape our culture. Through conversations—and sometimes sharp debates—with the most insightful thinkers and writers on topics of the day, Radio Atlantic will complicate overly simplistic views. It will cut through the noise with clarifying, personal narratives. It will, hopefully, help listeners make up their own mind about certain ideas.The national conversation right now can be chaotic, reckless, and stuck. Radio Atlantic aims to bring some order to our thinking—and encourage listeners to be purposeful about how they unstick their mind.

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  • Che Block
    The five eyes
    He took top secret documents to Florida and lied about taking them and refused to return them. Seems you forgot about this re: sharing intelligence.
  • LaurenKAP
    The Chaos of Blanket Pardons
    While I recognize that all sides have a perspective and The Atlantic is striving to highlight that in this episode I lasted approximately four minutes before I had to turn it off. MAGA gets away with every wrong and illegal decision they make every single time and I have no sympathy for a man who made a choice on January 6th to do what he did. His wife touting her Christian and Trumpian faith that he would be exonerated—-my mental health can’t take it. This lifestyle of “the rules don’t apply to us” permeates every facet of society at this point and it is definitely not “Making America Great Again.” I don’t need to be enraged at those people any more than I already am. Moving on.
  • toolchic4
    1/23 pardon episode
    Excellent show. Just want to say to the woman with five kids who lost her husband for a year to his conviction of conspiracy for the attack on the capital…. Too bad! We feel for your kids having a loser dad but he chose to leave his family and riot. We don’t feel pity for you or him in any way. Know this. He’s a traitor to this country. Signed a progressive from NY.
  • jjborr
    Seems we’re still going after the users
    Cue: Lee Greenwood
  • partrev
    Episode 101- toxins in the kitchen- sloppy journalism
    Both the interviewee Zoe Schlanger was sloppy as well as the editor, but there were some clear errors in the material presented. Firstly, both women were remiss in not explaining what PFAs are. That was a shame. How many of the listeners know what PFAs actually are? Secondly, Ms Schlanger never explained that PFAs are excreted. They are forever chemicals but not stored in our bodies forever. PFAs are literally everywhere, so focusing on what sort of stove, InstantPot, toaster oven people should buy is both simplistic and unfair, given that most of us cannot rewire our homes so we can buy a electric stove. SMH. Why do this to the listeners? She could have really been informative instead of being yet another alarmist. She should have mentioned one of many notable women researchers who have actually done the work, like Arlene Blum and her research in the 1970’s which had, as a direct response, the FDAs ban of flame retardants in children’s pajamas…winner of several awards for her science and policy work for which she was recognized by one of fifty Forbes Sustainability Leaders. Really, the material presented was so basic as to be incorrect, as I have pointed out. Can y’all sharpen up? Your readers can handle it. And Ms. Rosin, you should stop chuckling over “oh these ignorant people” when discussing questions from the audience.
  • ksmithCA
    To Be Fair
    Excellent podcast and spot-on. I agree with papakila that some of the examples could have been stronger (Jared Loughner/Gabby Gifford, for example), but I think papa missed the point due to the fact that his thesis (that assassins have always beeen a bit wack) is generally the same as Tom’s. Generally. This absurd pedestalizing of Trump for surviving a poor shot (rushed?) by a really sad, travic, lost kid is laughable. Great podcast.
  • papakila
    The Modern Assassin
    I like the show generally but this episode is complete bunk. I think the host and guest both realize it too from the get-go. The thesis is that present day assassins are different from those in the past in that they are less strictly political and more about mentally unstable people getting attention/recognition (narcissism). It begins by establishing a baseline that assumes assassins of the past to have a political agenda, but then uses as an example Gerald Ford’s, except they are immediately forced to admit that one of his assassins was clearly just nuts (Squeaky Frome) and that the “political agenda” of the other was incredibly irrational. Well, so was Ryan Routh’s. War Room Tom thinks Trump’s assassins were more like today’s mass shooters, which is a thought, but then uses the most absurd example (the Las Vegas shooter) instead of someone like Dylann Roof or the Pennsylvania synagogue shooter both of whom had clear political agendas. Mass shooters do also sometimes have clear political agendas. They even publish manifestos! And go back to the guy who shot Garfield. His “political agenda” was insane. The truth is clearly that this is not a new thing at all; that assassins from John Hinckley to Sirhan Sirhan almost always have some political agenda and some level of mental illness as well, like narcissistic personality disorder. It is a spectrum and always has been. Truly political assassins are rare. Entirely crazy people don’t go after politicians. It’s too hard and complicated. So when the next one appears, except a confused and confusing mix of both.
  • The Passenger444
    Hanna Rosen is an amazing journalist that asks the right questions to excellent guests. The topics are timely and well researched. Again, OUTSTANDING!!
  • LaurieBudlong
    Problematic Mandela Effect Episode
    Stimulants are life changing & already so many people are worried about using them & stigma surrounds them, to frame one person’s story as a critique of this whole class of drugs is highly problematic & irresponsible. Further, another drug he used was Benzos, a drug class well known to cause many many issues for people, yet your reporting said nothing about that at all. His story was compelling & worthy of telling, but the journalist interpretation of it was uninformed & further contributed to false narratives about this class of drugs. Where was the data? The presentation of a most nuanced & complex picture? Highly disappointing to me as a mental health professional & family member to multiple people with ADHD.
  • jdlsf
    This show has been great from the beginning but the ‘Scripts’ series is stellar. Ethan Brooks has done a fantastic job.
  • Kay in VA
    Snarky so fast?
    Discussion by Frank and Elaina was very disappointing. Picking at Kamala Harris in a way they would never have picked at a male counterpart. Why? Can’t we just give Kamala the benefit of the doubt on non-catastrophic shortcomings?? Do we really need to dissect her supposed stage fright on such an historic evening when we could be pondering much larger questions. It felt demeaning and small minded.
    Remarkably uninspired considering the strength of the magazine and its editorship. Mostly disappointing.
  • Listener TP
    I liked it…sort of
    I just listened to your podcast about remote work, a conversation between two very impressive women who were unfortunately self-sabotaging with language. I became so distracted by the number of times “sort of” and “like” were uttered, that I went back and did a casual count. I counted 68 “sort of”s, 96 “like”s, and quite a few instances of ”kind of”, “I mean” and “you know”. I only bring this to your attention because it causes you to sound less scholarly than you actually are. I hope you go back and listen because you both have a right to be taken seriously.
  • profroguerouge
    Good, but some blind spots
    An entire show on grocery prices that doesn’t talk in depth about the centralization of food stores, food deserts, poverty, or Big Ag. There’s a lot of these episodes that seem willfully blind. The one on remote work seems to draw definitive conclusions from a small number of studies gee-whiz agreement-style interviewing with no pushback. This show needs to work on its blind spots.
  • JDHappy
    Really, F-bombing bully partner
    So Hunter Rosen’s partner is an f-bombing big mouth bully- cool urban hipster self-centered nonsense passing as current validity for poor (me, me, me) manners. Seems an old fashioned punch in the face is in order!
  • Oceans R Battlefields
    Is the Atlantic evil?
    Does subscribing to this podcast somehow benefit the magazine that publishes the phrase “legally killed child” with no self reflection whatsoever? Who knows. Are there lots of other podcasts unconnected to magazines that parse the moral nuance of ethnic cleansing? Let’s go see. Life’s too short.
  • Crystalash
    Hit and miss
    Entertaining with some interesting angles on (pop) cultures. When it comes to politics and policy though, it can fall back to questionable establishment talking points, e.g. is neocon Anne Applebaum really the best choice to talk about Russian/Ukraine war? Host needs to do some homework before inviting guests who spread certain ideology that led us into endless wars.
  • Rickda nurse
    Always look forward to time with Hanna!
    As a longtime reader of The Atlantic, I appreciate the topics and depth of presentation by Hanna and her crew. I find these topics interesting (even if I wasn’t hooked by the title initially). This is the goal of solid authorship. I read The Atlantic cover-to-cover every month just for that. As one of my favorite authors I thoroughly enjoy listening to Hanna and her guests!
  • Educated yourself
    You are the best!
    Thank you for your bringing us the news.
  • lg244
    Hana Rosin
    Hana Rosin is one of the best podcast hosts around. Her voice and attitude and intelligence are perfect for the format. It matters much less than this is in Atlantic podcast and much more that she is the host.
    Birkin bag
    Hard to believe that this episode was produced by people who work at the Atlantic. Simplistic, shallow, not even entertaining! It’s nothing more than an advertisement for the company even though the journalists pretend it isn’t. What was the point of the episode?
  • Hattie445
    Love this show!
    I love this show because the content is unique and interesting and the host is warm and engaging. Thank you for producing it!
  • LT-SM
    Open end?
    I found the article on the origin and impact if the barcode interesting and trivial. The big problem I had was in listening to the narrator. It sounded like every sentence was a question or a begging for affirmation? When did it become normal to end every statement as a question? It’s so annoying that I had to stop listening to the podcast and read the transcript instead? Someone please teach these kids how to speak with confidence? Thank you?
  • Anita - R
    Good content generally but maybe? Prescreen your guests? For too much upspeak? Seriously? Don't book the ones who cannot stop speaking? this? Mades it so hard to listen for more than 5 minutes.
  • Former editor
    Why has “like” become such a ubiquitous part of conversation?
    I enjoy this podcast but could not get through the barcode episode because Saahil Desai must have said “like” a hundred times during the first half of the show. Turned it off and switched to “Stuff You Should Know.”
  • Lefty Land
    Like like like like like
    Please please please minimize the likes. The magazine is excellent. The podcast should be as good. Your host and guests say “like” every other word, completely undermining what they are actually saying.
  • brian485
    Once a good podcast now all Neoliberal gaslighting
    Their recent episode “Why are good economy feels like a bad one” the host, Hanna Rosin, in the third sentence says the public is suffering from a “collective delusion” that the economy is not doing well. When you account for price increases in rent, food and car prices, the economy is performing poorly. That is a fact to say otherwise is being intellectually dishonest at best and most likely done by Ms. Rosin to manipulate the audience to please her bosses. This episode is on a propaganda level of something created by North Korean state media. Years ago this was once a better than average podcast but now is little more than a source of political manipulation and lies.
  • 😉💙🙃
    December 2023
    Buy a book…
  • JoeMac7345
    Need a new host
    The atlantic is a great magazine, and a companion podcast makes perfect sense, but they need a different host. Hanna Rosin is just too grating to put up with.
  • EvaB4
    Something is wrong with this
    I am an avid podcast listener and also a subscriber to The Atlantic. I like the podcasts here, the one star is because there is some technical glitch on this podcast, it keeps showing that I have already listened to episodes that not only I haven’t listened to, but never even downloaded. It is also showing that I have not listened to episodes that I have listened to. Very frustrating.
  • noresolutions2022
    Positively thrilling to listen to two thin women...
    .. uncritically recite garbage statistics about obesity being the “cause” of a laundry list health outcomes of which it is actually /correlate/. If you are going to do an episode that acknowledges the cultural (and subsequently, corporate) shifts in weight loss and fat-related rhetoric, maybe opt to interview an actual fat person. Or at least an expert in this field who has some familiarity with the fat liberation movement, (which is where thin and midsize people can send their thank you cards for the “body positivity” movement). The statistics you continue to cite are easily debunked with minimal effort. Start with the supposedly massive rise in the percentage of “obese” Americans: when did we start calculating obesity? By what metric? What year did the standard for who is considered obese change? These are critical questions.
  • dcurbanexperiment
    Hanna Rosin for the win!
    Hanna’s curious, compassionate, and clever mind draw me into the podcast. I hope she’ll continue to shine a light on how we can all learn new things - and change our minds along the way.
  • TonyShed
    Love it!
    I love new iteration of this show! Hanna Rosin is as quick and clever in podcast form as she was as a writer. Great topics and guests. Have definitely recommended to friends. Keep em coming!
  • waldOwOrldd
    Equally as insightful and enlarging as everything you see and read in the publication.
  • W.AlanRose
    Not relevant most of the time, don’t bother following this one
    So for whatever reason, laziness, incompetence, ignorance of the pace of Podcasts, their stories are usually about subjects that have already been covered, in depth and days before on a litany of other better podcasts. So just stop, really.
  • seckybra
    Grow up
    I like to talk with like an upwards inflection or whatever and am like frustrated no one like takes me seriously or whatever.
  • srblakely
    Fascinating, informative, must listen
    This podcast consistently amazes and fascinates me. And they’re usually about the right length of time to wash dishes and do a chore or two. I love ve it!
  • CharlieKf
    Paywall for
    Not a fan… get rid of it.
  • Sunnycreek
    Great podcast
    Loved the episode with Tom Nichols, This is Not Your Parent's Cold War
  • King Zulu
    Weak journalism
    Just listened to the “Our Strange New Era of Space Travel” episode, featuring Marina Koren, the Atlantic’s reporter assigned to the “space beat.” In the episode, this space beat reporter admitted without shame that she doesn’t really even understand how human flight is possible, as part of her explanation that no, if the opportunity arose, she would not travel to space. Would you hire a medical correspondent who doesn’t understand the basics of biology? How about a war correspondent who prefers not to leave the relative safety of Stamford, Connecticut? Koren also admitted in the episode, again without shame, that she had never seen an episode of “Star Trek.” This might be inconsequential for a reporter in general, but it’s unprofessionally poor preparation for a “space beat” reporter who is interviewing William Shatner about his experience traveling to space on a suborbital Blue Origin space flight. The Atlantic has a reputation for serious journalism and writing, but this podcast episode doesn’t support that reputation. There is no excuse for assigning a reporter who is not only willfully ignorant of the subject matter, but dismissively incurious as well.
    Kabul / Petraeus
    Very good listen and heart breaking to hear what the Afghan women had to experience. It's too bad whoever is controlling Biden doesn't solicit the advice of intelligent individuals like Petraeus. I am requesting that the Atlantic start investigating all the chaos this administration has caused. From the open border, 100,000 deaths of fentanyl flowing through by the cartels, allowing men to participate in women's sports, the coming energy crisis and poverty that will be caused by the poorly prepared policies and the fact that public schools are failing our children. Add in how China is selling us solar panels made by forced labor and how we have pushed away Allies with poor foreign policy. The Atlantic seems to be blind to the absolute chaos this administration has created in less than two years. Do your job! Your not supposed to be a propaganda arm for the party. Thanks for listening, I pray you'll start as only orgs like the Atlantic can wake up people who only receive left leaning news.
  • pinknoisepod
    shallowest interview yet
    A bit of cozy reputation laundering for Ms Spanberger. Still don’t know what she’s for, except platitudes about pragmatism. Isaac chimes in here and there to mention how cool it is to be in the CIA.
  • I yikjuitlii ulyteequog
  • Chilly999999
    The Atlantic is one of the best publications out there.
    Their podcast episodes are excellent and their website has some of the most comprehensive elucidations you’re going to see on many important topics. Def was worth subscribing to help support excellent journalism. The haters have to hate. trump’s cult loves to repeat his myriad lies and projections as they’re brainwashed and manipulated by state TV and propagandizing sources like Breitbart, RT, Oan and FOX amongst others. They are largely opinion sources now by agitators, shock jocks and propagandists propped up by the ultra donor wealthy class to keep us all fighting while they decimate our wealth in the middle and lower classes. This is age old news of four decades now yet trump and the GOP still manage to convince the “poorly educated,” the uninformed, the non critical thinkers and the bigots that they have their backs. They get screwed too but don’t see it due to the above. Sad we are where we are with so much disinformation out there; mostly coming from the now radical, Fascist right. No thanks. Vote Democratic and save our constitutional republic and democracy.
  • TyKo Steamboat
    Libtard Podcast
    The boring but very nasty magazine, The Atlantic, is rapidly failing, going down the tubes, & has just been forced to announce it is laying off at least 20% of its staff in order to limp into the future. This is a tough time to be in the Fake News Business & this is a fake podcast!
  • Jones Farms
    Why indeed
    Why review such an insightful podcast with such a lack of insight? The Atlantic is one of the few political periodicals with reason as its litmus test for publication, and their podcasts reflect that standard. Bring back the Jeffrey Goldberg interviews!
  • thimsciv
    Why do you keep looking for the government to fix your problems! Get your life together and stop looking to government to help you, do it yourself!
  • Jeff 68040
    Nothing insightful or new here.
  • Claire Eidee
    Edward Isaac Dovere is a low rent stooge
    I expected more from the Atlantic. This guy sounds like he has bad breath. Voice-garbage. Analysis-garbage. Sense of humor and charisma-toilet water. I’d rather listen to 30 minutes of toddlers crying on a crowded bus stuck in traffic than listen to 5 mins of this simpering loser.
  • St Paul Eric
    One of the few missteps from The Atlantic lately. What used to be an interesting deep dive into the kind of diverse thoughts and insights of Atlantic writers has become a regurgitation of the usually political punditry. The transition to focus solely on the election caused me to unsubscribe. Do we really need yet another source of mediocre interviews devoted to this topic? Is anyone really starving for more bland coverage of this? Still love the Atlantic, but not this vehicle.
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