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ineffableriverbedupdated reviewI have listened for years, and even if I think I’ve learned something Lindsey teaches me again that tarot is an ever expanding world spiral ;) of understanding that ebbs and flows like the tides. Grateful!
IulsRated Clean but it’s notJust a heads up if you plan to listen to this podcast while family / kids are around: although it is rated Clean, there are frequent f- bombs throughout the episodes.
yarugoldstarIncredibleAmazing knowledge and medicine. Lindsay Mack is incredibly smart, aware, compassionate, and trauma informed. Her podcast is helping me really understand and work with the gifted messages the tarot is communicating with me. In the past I was reading it incorrectly and that’s ok bc now I know the tarot really is medicine. Highly recommended this podcast!
studiotwentytwoThe ASMRIs a no.
New2TarotGood for starting and going deepLove this show! Just starting my Tarot practice, and this is everything I’m looking for and more — check out the episodes on the 3 line journey of major arcana if you’re just getting started.
snuzorHave a Listen!Always a kind and insightful perspective
jes🥰Eating while recording ??I used to love this podcast and still enjoy it sometimes but it sounds like she constantly has food in her mouth or she is chewing and eating food while she’s talking and recording. It really isn’t pleasant to listen to.
Sc6417No such thing as coincidenceI had NEVER interested in tarot- I knew what it was but just never felt the inclination to learn about it…until about 4 months ago. I was searching for a new podcast and misspelled something- tarot for the wild soul popped up. It looked interesting so I figured why not..Lindsay insanely calming voice and positive view on everything made me want to purchase my own deck. I began learning and still know nothing but had a proper reading for the first time and pulled the tower. Naturally that freaked me out and for a few weeks I kept pulling cards for myself to “figure it out”… well tower came and shook me to my core BUT my new outlook and perspectives were so much more positive then I have ever felt was posible. I am still at the beginning of tower healing but I understand it so much better thanks to Lindsay’s way of teaching. I’ve just begun to scratch the surface but wow she has a gift… really & truly it is a GIFT that she shared with me. Thank you
f@egirlSo Relevant!I drew a tarot self read a day or so before this podcast episode aired. I keep the cards out to ponder on for a while. Seriously, this episode was like it was designed to help me learn and gain insight from my personal draw, that included 5 of swords and a major 6’s theme. I found myself running to my tarot table to review the draw, rewinding multiple times. Thank you Lindsey, and I am grateful for the listener question that prompted the discussion.
AshleyLockemerReviewThe option to read the transcript is amazing and really fits into my life when I’d rather read them listen to a podcast. Thank you for that and all your insights 💜💜💜💜
bneekskssksAlways resonatesLindsay - I have been following your work for several years now, listen to your podcast and did your Tarot training. I just gotta say — the monthly medicines are ALWAYS so spot on for me, and feel the most supportive. I truly appreciate your yin energy and being extra mindful and careful and real as you share. It’s so refreshing, I can’t tell you. Somehow the monthly medicines always come true and your words help to frame and navigate it all. I also have such a beautiful relationship with Tarot and I have you to thank for. Thanks for being real, inclusive, kind and unique. It’s the only monthly medicine I listen to and love so much!
angelfromchicagoInDcGreat Content; Would Like More StructureBeen listening to the show about a year. The content is super different than typical tarot interpretations. Majority of the episodes are just free thoughts. I would love for content to be more structured and organized. Also, less detail on things that aren’t part of the main message.
TheyThemperorLong-time listenerI’ve been listening to Lindsay’s podcast since 2019 — it has gone through many structural shifts over time, but the medicine has always been solid. Lindsay’s approach to the tarot is genderless and trauma-informed, and she helps you apply the Tarot to your everyday life. Highly recommend!
iamevelynkimEpic.This podcast has been incredibly supportive to me right now, since I want to look at Tarot in new ways. Tarot for the Wild Soul has delivered just what I need! With that said, this podcast isn't for everyone. Yes, Lindsay speaks in grand detail (lol I meant to say "great detail", but "grand" works too!) . Yes, she speaks in metaphors (like when she says "anchor"). If you're looking for punchy communication, you probably won't like this podcast, and that's OK. That's because after we get info from this podcast, it's up to us to process it & decide how to apply it to our lives. I'm excited to tune in to future episodes! :)
Road2NeverlandBEYOND incredible!!!Lindsay will change your life. I’ve been a loyal monthly medicine listener for at least 5 years or so and can’t begin to describe how SPOT ON her readings are. They have become a compass for me, especially during hard times. Lindsay’s metaphors and language and depth is unparalleled — she is one of the most gifted teachers & healers I’ve ever come across. Thank you a million times over, Lindsay! You are making a bigger impact than you know.
MegC23LIFE CHANGING!!!I adore this podcast. It really has helped me reframe how I view the tarot as well as my life generally. Excellent insight and a pure joy to listen to.
ATreeAtHeartDelightful insightI appreciate that she brings out the positive and gratitude of opposition, hardships and lessons in our lives.
InSaNE reD~hEAdA great way into tarotWhen I was looking to learn more about tarot I puttered around from podcast to podcast for a bit and this was the first one that I really stuck with. Lindsay’s approach is so refreshing and supportive. She has a beautiful way of demystifying the cards and bringing them into tender and rooted relationship to our lives as they are.
riribexYes to a Lindsay/Lanyadoo pod series!The Thoth deck does have VIII & XI swapped. Eight is called Adjustment/ Justice & Eleven is Lust/ Temperance (what? Why?). I learned on this deck & LOVE the guidebook by Angeles Arrien and… I got rid of that deck asap cuz it has big Aleister Crowley vibes I don’t agree with. But & also it’s great as an astrology deck because it has all the Kabbalah significations. It’s kinda how I feel about the Motherpeace deck. I love it & I don’t use decks that appropriate other cultures. 🫤 Regardless of the yt women creators’ intent.
Epic.Diva9 of Swords Episode!!!!First of all this is one of the first tarot related podcasts I started to listen to when I started my journey with studying the tarot. Lindsay has been such a sage/wealth of calming wisdom. Her podcast has gotten me through times of major transition and challenges. The recent episode about 9 of swords was so on point! The listener question regarding burnout and taking a break from work to care for oneself is literally what I’m going through right now so this advice really hit home. A lot of us are experiencing burnout and an invitation to take a break and discovery of what is more aligned for our spirits and our nervous systems. Thank you Lindsay for the good medicine you deliver!
Sam RossoThis podcast is truly solid healingI’ve been listening to this podcast for almost three years now and it’s where I go to every time I need clarity, guidance and understanding of where I am with my life. Lindsay is so supportive and integrates so much to give us a full picture of everything she ever speaks about. My favorite podcast!
SuudiieeThank you, Lindsey ❤️I realized I’ve been listening to this podcast for four years now, and a review feels long overdue. This podcast has been an anchor in so many phases in my life, and Lindsey’s soft, yet convicted guidance has given so much life to my tarot practice in ways I can’t even begin to describe here. Thank you, Lindsey, for your compassionate, imaginative insight into the tarot, and for all of the other nuggets of loving wisdom I’ve gleaned over the years. I could not recommend a podcast more!
QueerlyDearI adore this podcast!Lindsey Mack is so real and honest and vulnerable in all of her teachings, and it has encouraged me to learn more about the Tarot and to do the shadow work within myself. She is a beautiful soul and a true treasure!
KianinakaiAn Absolute Delight!It is so refreshing to find a Tarot teacher who can meet you where you are, who can validate all the ways to come to the deck, to practice. Not only is her voice soothing, but there is nothing pretentious about her.
Conscious_Marketing_&_PRAmazing podcast!There’s wisdom and gemstones of new perspectives in each episode of this podcast!
Bunny ⚡️🦄Stellar!I am loving this podcast! Beautiful! I am a pretty novice tarot reader, but I so relate to how Lindsay conveys her message. Accessible and relatable ❤️❤️❤️. Keep it up!
claudiaayumi1Love iiiiiittttt 🤗I’m finding this podcast at the exact right time! It’s been SO helpful on my self love/compassion/healing journey. I’ve never heard the tarot be used in this way. I knew it could be but this is the first time someone’s interpreting it in a way that feels like home. Thank you Lindsay and spirit! Xx
smith68864AmyI really love how real and authentic Lindsey is. I’m about 1/3 through the podcast since I found it a few months ago and have already learned a lot. The people she brings on are awesome as well. I also really love that when she makes a mistake she addresses it. Thanks for all the insight you give! I also find it hilarious that you have sirens in the background because I never know if it’s coming from the podcast or outside 😂 (I live near a police and fire dept)
Kerry V 11/2Gently ProfoundThe depth of intuitive knowledge Lindsey shares in this podcast is so powerful yet gentle and full of love for ourselves. Learning so much as continue my journey with tarot!
AnneohitchThree of swords ep.How lovely this podcast is. Listening to the most current episode about the Three of Swords, I wish I had listened sooner. We live in CO and are across the street from where the Marshall fire started last week. We have been SO fortunate, but I have been feeling all the emotions and have felt like I shouldn’t be anything other than grateful. Hearing Lindsay break down this card has been an ah ha moment for me and will allow me to remember to sit with these big feeling before acting. Thanks so much!
AlyssaFurnariWow.Lindsay’s work is absolutely exquisite, deep, life changing work. My mother introduced me to her & I haven’t turned back. I now take any course that she teaches and dedicated to this podcast. Hands down—if you are looking for someone to really explain how tarot is applied in our lives in a radically inclusive, trauma informed way, tune in and really surrender to this gift that she offers. Beautiful, beautiful.
BanjorinoTrue Medicine for the SoulAs a tarot reader and lover, I came to this podcast to dive deeper into my practice, but every time I listen, I get some much more than that. These episodes are truly medicine for the soul. They are comforting and inspiring on a personal level. Thank you for this gift.
lilith_loveCome for the Tarot, stay for the insights on inner work/healing.Lindsay’s approach to Tarot is brilliant and expansive. In addition to these insightful workshop-like episodes, the episodes where she incorporates/ties in topics such as inner child work and self worth that have been absolute game changers for me. This podcast feels like a profoundly generous and nourishing gift. Thank you, Lindsay
lanasp222Incredible resourceI’ve been following Lindsay for years, and her teachings are both evergreen yet timely. I often go back to listen to older episodes and pick up a form of medicine, and her current sessions always resonate, too. What a gifted and thoughtful intuitive and healer- thank you for sharing your gifts and teachings on soul tarot with us!
Ally MazeFAVE TAROT PODCASTI’ve followed Lindsay’s work for years, and took her first teaching offering. She’s one of my favorite tarot teachers out there- she kindly offers viewpoints through the fear, binary, and one-size-fits-all straight-from-the-book tarot typical. 🌼So informed (without feeling academic or hierarchical) 🧡So loving (without being positive-vibes only) 🌸So kind (without feeling passive or inauthentic) Thank you for continuing to show up in this space Lindsay! It is graciously received.
k8thegreat528Profound Soul MedicineLindsay, I love you! I’ve just discovered this podcast within the past few weeks. You are truly a gifted space holder and your deep and thoughtful insight unlocks healing potential for me no matter what the particular episode topics may be. I cannot express in words how supportive and transformative your wisdom is. Thank you for sharing your absolutely beautiful light with us 💓
Vie MusicPraise for Lindsey Mack and Tarot for the Wild SoulAs an emotional deep sea diver, artist and training therapist, I love the depth at which Lindsey delivers the teachings and wisdom of the Tarot. Wether you are an avid tarot reader, or have never picked up a deck before, the messages you will receive here are bound to illuminate your perspective on both yourself and the journey we all take with each new month. Thank you Lindsey! Keep up the good work. -V. Haddad AMFT/Musician/Performer
miller**64The most beautiful tarot podcastLindsay is such an insightful teacher, I could listen to her voice all day and I love how her passion is woven into every episode. I’ve learned so much about tarot and myself through this podcast and can’t wait for it to come back.
skyharpyThanksThanks for the podcast. Very insightful. Do you have an Instagram account?
lazygoddessWonderful and timely medicine.A beautiful and grounding approach to tarot.
AllieArmiSuch valuable insight 🌅I’ve been listening to this podcast for years and just realized I hadn’t left a review. Needless to say, I find so much wisdom, value, and awareness within this podcast and Lindsay’s insight. It’s a steady source of perspective during a time of deep change and evolution on our planet. Often, when I feel overwhelmed and judgmental of myself for the uncertainty I’m experiencing, her words speak right to what’s transpiring and offer beautiful glimmers of another way to view it. I cherish how encouraging she is to truly see, acknowledge and value ourselves in the process. Which is so often the nugget of gold and fodder for our journey towards healing. Thank you, Lindsay for creating this beautiful thing! I think it’s wonderful you’re taking a break to honor yourself. I appreciate you modeling such an authentic way to lead 💛🦚💫✨🌍
MickyChrisWild ChildI spent tonight Sat May 15 with you and your inner child “workshop” which I loved btw thank you so much for doing this. I’ve just been sitting here reflecting on your words and have been very much for the past half hour doing just what you suggested... and I am telling you I just learned a lot in a very short time - just by listening to myself and parenting my core kiddo 💕 just listening to her and how she’s feeling... and holding her in the listening. Seriously she’s got a lot going on in there. I feel for her. Thank you for this gift I think tonite I truly have deepened my understanding of how to be kind to myself.
Olive;CatSo much wisdomLindsey’s way of understanding the cards is logical, clear and resonates with the way I understand myself as a human in this current world. Each episode is worth listening to several times at least. Thank you so much Lindsey🌺💛
trulygratefulforyourhelpRemarkableLindsey Mack’s pod cast is remarkable. Insightful, genuine, spot on!
deveroonieA thoughtful, open dialogue on the tarotLindsay approaches the tarot from a deep well of experience but also a lot of curiosity and openness. She reiterates the importance of using the deck to discover your own truths and proclivities - not to follow anyone else’s conclusions, including hers. She is generous with her attention and energy, and I am grateful to her.
jvanjuraSpoke to me on a whole new levelI just discovered this podcast yesterday. This doesn’t happen to me often, but I was so in-tune with what Lindsay was talking about it brought me to tears. It was exactly what I was experiencing and brought me to some big realizations about stuff I needed to be made aware of. I had a reading done a week ago and one of my cards was the eight of swords with the picture of a chrysalis and another was the death card. In this episode she talked a lot about those two cards specifically. I feel like my guides lead me right to this podcast so I could hear what I needed to hear. I love Lindsay’s lovely voice and personality. She is so down to earth and supportive. I listened to her most recent episode a couple hours later and felt that same strong connection with her words. Before I went to bed I meditated calling in all my guides and my future self and gave myself another reading. The eight of swords came up again as well as so much great insight!!!! It was incredible and I am so happy I found this podcast. I look forward to checking out her website more thoroughly and learning more about what she does and learning about the Tarot. Thank you Lindsay!
skatej0rdanSuch a grounding and guiding resource!I so look forward to listening to these episodes and use them to deepen my own tarot practice and reflection on what’s arising during the current season of my life. Thank you!
kathyasiMy favorite Tarot podcastI’ve been listening to this podcast for years and I look forward to every single episode. I’ve learned so much from Lindsay and am so grateful to have found her work. I highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is looking to learn about Tarot.
Quinn CorteGrounded, soulful wisdom for magical humansThis podcast is wonderful—I’ve been listening for years. Lindsay is such a grounded guide, soulful teacher, and real human. Her warmth and wisdom have greatly enriched my life. The monthly medicine episodes are a sacred ritual. I look forward to each new episode and the wisdom that the tarot and Lindsay co-create in each episode. I can’t recommend this podcast—and Lindsay’s teachings—enough!
jena from brooklyn❤️Your insights have greatly enriched my life and practices. Thank you.
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