Highest Self Podcast®


Highest Self Podcast has consistently been the #1 spirituality podcast for the past 7 years for a reason- Sahara Rose makes it modern, relatable and fun! Sahara Rose is the spiritual best friend you wish you had, ready to dive deep into all the topics you wish you had someone to talk to about, from finding your soul purpose, to tuning into your sacred sensuality to rising like a phoenix from the ashes. If you’re ready to blossom into your fullest expression, this podcast is for you.Try her free Daily Embodiment Practice: https://dharmacoachinginstitute.com/dci/embodiment-practice/Dive into her latest book Discover Your Dharma at www.iamsahararose.com/dharma Join her divine feminine mystery school at www.rosegoldgoddesses.comFollow her on Instagram: www.instagram.com/iamsahararose

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Recent Reviews
  • Raaya☀️
    My dream was answered:)
    So crazy, last night I woke up from a dream and all I remember dreaming was San Pedro. So I wondered if I needed to do it again. I haven’t remembered anything in dreams for a very long time. Tonight your podcast just popped up and said San Pedro, I then remembered my dream. So of course I started listening. I recently went through a divorce after a 28 year relationship. I have felt very alone and needed some support through it. What you shared helped me, I truly felt held and heard by my angels orchestrating that whole experience. Just when you think you are a lone you feel like someone understands you and it makes you not feel alone. And I totally get the mo the er thing. I got divorced when all my kids were grown up so it was a double whammy of singlehood and not the mother like I was. It’s been a rough transition to say the least. You have me some hope and ideas and I am going to go into ceremony with SP as well about it all. Thanks so much for sharing your experience:)💖 Raaya ☀️
  • Brittanymaynard
    Love listening to Sahara
    I come back to this podcast randomly and I’m always inspired! I love how real she is ! Makes you feel vulnerable to just be yourself !
  • max dont kill me
    So excited to binge this show💞✨
    Just listened to episode 543 and absolutely loved the perspective shared. I’ve recently started to be more curious about past lives and I’m really excited to dive in and binge this show. The universe always knows exactly what and who I need in my life to help answer questions I’ve had along my journey.
  • Huge fan12345
    Love 🤍
    I found Sahara several years ago through her tik tok and ever since felt deeply connected to her content and wisdom! I’m so grateful for her insights. I loved the latest episode on her Ayahuasca journey and want to hear more about her thoughts on spirituality and even some teachings of the major religions. Maybe even spiritual warfare and if she’s dealt with that. Thank you Sahara!
  • Longing for Beulah Land
    Disappointed with this young lady and her clothing. Even though she is trying to help women as a man looking for spiritual pod cast this is not acceptable to have as your cover. Who are you dressing for or trying to impress? Please pray and consider changing your pod cast picture. Remember we do not want to cause a brother to stumble. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 9 likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty
  • Hellno62
    Episode 555
    Your discussion around “until you can receive the love of mother, you can never receive the love of a partner.” Not everyone’s mother loves them. Some women have children out of trauma and that connection was never forged, it was broken in conception or before hand. I’m glad that’s a truth for YOU, but that’s not a truth for everyone else. Be mindful how you share. You can only share your perspective, but you shouldn’t broadcast it as a truth others should follow
  • Jenna Caruso
    Authenticity & electricity
    I listen to Sahara every week. I absolutely love hearing her thoughts and experiences. This is something I look forward to & my favorite part of my commute. While listening I find myself so grateful that someone thinks like she does & has the courage to go so deep, be so vulnerable, and just give such raw content. The latest episode(solo one) was a gem. I love seeing the people that she interviews and chats with, but there is something special about her singular prescence. 10/10. Highly recommend. I’m excited to hear more solo podcasts. Sahara keep shining so so bright!
  • cheyennedorothy
    I’m ready for the Nate Ortiz and Sahara Rose show!!!!
  • okayyyyy:)
    Life changing ✨
    I have been listening to this podcast for over a year now, and almost every week I feel like Sahara is watching my life. Each episode really hits when I need hard truths and understanding in my life. It has been a life changing tool to connect with my highest femininity. I can’t wait to follow in the next chapters of my life. So much love 🫶
  • hhuffman81
    I love watching every one of your shows. I can relate to so much and I really love how you talk about the 3’s. I am on my healing/spiritual journey and I really started it intensely about 2 years ago when I got out of a relationship. Something I am struggling with is I will be great , feeling super witchy and embodied in my soul and body and then slowly I get out of it and before I know it I’m living in fear again. Until I can’t stand it enough that I get back to being embodied. This is a cycle I have been noticing with myself. I am hoping to find more of a system that it doesn’t take me so long to get back to being my truest self. currently in a long distance relationship with my girlfriend and we are healing and I find it hard sometimes to give to the relationship while still giving to meI am working on trying to manage both in healthy ways I know anything forced isn’t for me anyways. She is very supportive and understanding and working on healing. It’s hard when we miss each otherand end up sacrificing ourselves to see each other we are reacting more to activations and living more in our pastselves than current so the visits don’t go as well as they could if we took the time for ourselves. Thank you for being amazing I will continue to watch your podcasts
  • heidiheals
    Episode 555
    This Episode got me a little teary. Growing up my relationship with my mother was not good. Always fought spent months without speaking to her. Until I became a mother myself I was able to forgive her for all the trauma. These days we have a a great relationship even though she does not operate from her highest self I am able to have empathy and love for her. So I feel you Sahara when you talked about your mom. Thank you Sahara for sharing your story. Always ❤️
  • Bella20008
    A constant in my podcast rotation
    I’m obsessed with Sahara Rosa and her podcast content is my favorite. She speaks with such a beautiful poetic style, and podcasts feel like sermons in the best way possible. I feel seen, nourished, and inspired by Sahara’s journey and feel lucky that I get all this juicy content for free!! Thank you Sahara🙏🏼💖
  • swansage
    Sahara Rose - The real deal
    I thoroughly enjoy your podcast, solo, or interviews. What I love the most is your realness. It sounds funny, and it’s not that others are not real, but the way you speak resonates so much With how I am experiencing the world right now. Just keep talking about what is bubbling up in you at this time. Candice Claire
  • Lou8675309
    If you ever crave real intimate connection Sahara is your girl.
    The information shared on this format is so important. When Sahara Rose receives spiritual downloads and shares the information here it makes so much sense to my soul. The excitement she feels is infectious. I love when she has guests on that she really vibes with. I feel like I get to listen to an important intimate conversation and just take it in and feel it. But truly the deep conversation and connection of her solo chats fuels my soul and fills my cup. I appreciate and love her so much.
  • Yassijah
    Exactly what I needed to hear, at the exact time I needed to hear it
    Sahara rose is sooooo intelligent. She shares so much wisdom. I’ve listened to 3 of her podcasts in one day because I just feel like she gets it. She reminds me of the things I already feel and reminds me of what actions I need to take. She speaks nothing but the truth. She is so divine and connected and because she has gone through so much she is able to share her process which is soooo relatable. Also she is Persian and I am Persian and there aren’t a lot of people in the spiritual community that I know who are so it is also cool to feel connected to her in that way too! I feel so heard and validated and empowered in my experiences because I now know I’m not the only one going through it🥹
  • Sew9008
    Toxic MLM Vibes
    It’s giving toxic MLM vibes. She also come off as super egotistical so hard to listen to.
  • Alyrush07
    Very eye opening and so open and real! love that spiritually is connected within. viewing the highest version of yourself is the best :)
  • stacyknowsbest
    Just selling things
    I’ve listened to many episodes and on top of her commercial breaks to sell her music or classes, she then goes back to the episode to then barely talk about the subject and continuing to talk about her programs to buy. I understand you are trying to make money. But it’s wasting my precious free time with the constant plugs for us to buy your programs and songs. We heard you the first and second time you mentioned it.
  • SRachelle333
    Absolutely Love!
    This is definitely my favorite podcast! Sahara’s energy is so warm and inviting and she’s always making me laugh. I find a lot of inspiration from her and this podcast. There’s so many topics I can always find something that aligns with what I need to hear. Thank you so much for raising the vibration of the planet ✨
  • lexi 20222
    Enjoying this podcast ✨
    Really enjoy this podcast - especially the deep episodes that dive into ancient Egypt! 💛
  • Zemyna21
    Some good convos but it is a turnoff when she starts getting cocky. For instance her recent show with Nate Ortiz she said she was in the .01%, which just sounded really egotistical. Humility is a good thing on the spiritual path.
  • rylinnrhoten
    one of my inspirations
    The way Sahara channels her highest self has been so eye opening to me that I want to do the same. I absolutely soak up every word of every episode!!
  • swankyfuchs
    Great podcast to start your journey
    Sahara makes the spiritual journey accessible and fun. She leaves me feeling like she read my mind, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that sense. ✨Beautiful vibes ✨
  • johnnysrecords1
    A great voice
    You actually have a voice that I love to listen to. Its pleasant.. So I end up listening all the way through. I feel empathy, humour and light radiating from you You are a funny person and what you say resonates with me. You never act high handed or superior . I only listen to 2 or 3 podcasts and they are all wellness oriented.
  • 🤎k
    Favorite ✨
    I love this podcast! I love the way Sahara speaks and how she explains everything so beautifully, I love the guests and the depth of the pod overall. So so so good Thank you Sahara 🌹
  • katenmkate
    Listening to this podcast is satisfying, and oh, so educational. Shining lights on new sections of old ideas, this pod brings a spark of originality to long-held thoughts.
  • Berlue
    I am incredibly grateful to have stumbled upon Sahara Rose's podcast. Timing is everything, and her authentic discussions about finding one's dharma, embracing our bodies, sensuality, and connecting with our higher selves have truly resonated with me. Beyond grateful for the wisdom and inspiration she shares. ✨
  • kirkpatara
    long overdue 5-star review
    Sahara has such DEPTH that puts this spirituality/self-help podcast in a league of its own. I was an on-off listener until the Feb ‘23 “how to heal after heartbreak” episode (highly recommend) which met me days after a breakup. Since then, the highest self podcast has guided me on a regular basis. I am finally writing this review after listening to the March 8 episode and her whole album. If you knew me you would not think I’d be vibing with this but omg I saved multiple songs and found myself smiling at some lyrics because I’m like yessss Sahara, you went to the bold and risky place and I’m HERE for it, that’s why I show up to this podcast too. Too many wellness podcasts are so surface and selling products. This is rich and real. PS, the first song Spotify algorithm chose after your album was Ish’s Song by FACESOUL, and it started with “music is my love language”. After hearing that in the podcast today I had to let you know!
  • M Persons
    Making so many connections!
    Listening to just two episodes has allowed me to make connections of so many things I am experiencing as a spiritual woman! I love this podcast!
  • Sea. R.
    Just listened to the latest one and I am blown away! You always have such amazing things to share and people on sharing their expertise as well and I am so grateful. I am learning so much about myself and really looking forward to my transformation into my higher self!
  • jess l c.
    My favorite podcast
    This podcast has been my number one tool in spiritually overhauling my previous life that I was stuck in. Thank you for assisting in my awakening and making such an important difference in my life.
  • Wholesommer
    Mind reader for spiritual women
    Sahara somehow manages to speak what’s on my heart when it comes to divine love, sexuality, and relationships. My friends and I “bookclub” her podcast episodes- great conversation starter for topics we’re dying to talk about but may not come up in everyday conversation. This podcast has got everything from how to tap into your witchy side to navigating the online dating world. Love every minute!
  • Msgo4more
    You are a Gas!
    I love your podcast! You’re funny, frank and so informative! Thank you for being you! You remind me of my best friend in high school! I miss her! We laughed and laughed, always! She’s a Gemini and I’m a Taurus.. so it was so helpful for me to have someone to laugh with!
  • ldiffy
    Love this pod!
    I love the pod—especially the ones with you and Rosie. Reminds me of talking to my bff on the same path. Keep up the great work!
  • Ohlei
    Sahara Magic
    I love the Highest Self Podcast. The topic of the week is always something that I’ve been currently thinking about. It’s like Sahara sees in her crystal ball that I’m thinking about this and that, and that’s the topic of the current episode. Everything she says resonates so deeply with me. I feel like if I need advice, I can listen to any episode and she will say that one thing that will make the light bulb flip on, that ah-ha moment! Thank you for everything you do Sahara, you’re a bright light in a dim world.
  • hydrationhad
    this is the medicine!!!
    this podcast has been my saving grace. i admire Sahara tremendously & have much appreciation for her work she’s sharing with the world. it inspires me being witness to her expansion & expression. i resonate with her message & carry her wisdom with me always. thank you, Sahara, for being a light in the lives of so many🩷
  • silvertoerings
    Always Speaks to My Soul
    Each Podcast speaks directly to my soul! Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing all with us!!
  • EEK1987
    Miss her old content
    Sahara Rose’s content in recent years has become less relatable. A lot of her new content is focused on dating or trying to persuade listeners to become spiritual coaches. I have no interest in any of those topics. She needs to be more mindful of her audience. Not everyone wants to hear multiple podcasts on “spiritual dating” or using social media to create a business. She pushes her Dharma Institute agenda waaaaay too much. I miss the old Sahara rose content from years ago before she used her podcast to market her businesses.
  • T-Money121
    Pure Magik
    I cannot get enough of the highest self podcast! Every episode feels like an epiphany and likes its speaking to exactly what I need in that moment. Sahara bleeds authenticity and everything is so genuine and from the heart. Do yourself a favor and add this to your weekly habits!
  • I liiiiike it!
    I live by the highest self podcast. I have learned so incredibly much, found out more about myself and who I wanna be, and found actionable ways to work towards becomes my highest self. Sahara is lovely, relatable, funny, and has the best guests come on. I love every topic and each time I hear wisdom that sticks with me!!!! I Listen almost every day and keep scrolling back and finding more and more gold hehehe was in the top 1% of listeners in 2023 if that clues at how obsessed I am!!
  • Luna Lavender
    Sahara always brings on the best guests that have supported me sooo much over the past few years. Like a spiritual sister who echos things I felt or helps me bring my practices more into my frequency. Thank you!
  • Tluvsfriends
    Right Episode, Right Time
    I’ve been following Saharas podcast since 2019. Truth be told, it was the podcast the began my entire spiritual journey. Whenever I am curious about something or feeling the call to learn more or dive further into a topic, Sahara is right there expanding beliefs and getting to the truth of it all. Her podcast and her guests have helped me navigate toxic friendships, business shifts, and deeper healing. I truly do not know where I’d be had I not stumbled upon her podcast while searching “spiritual” on this site. Thank you Sahara and guests for being the light!
  • Strykersmomma
    New listener here. I will be binging this entire series! Mid episode of 534 to check it out and this is beyond just the collective! Completely obsessed! Thank you Sahara Rose 🤍💫
  • Kw162
    Re-energizer for my day!
    I stumbled upon Sahara Rose’s podcast on my Spotify and have been hooked ever since — I love how she integrates topics within spirituality that can often be dense but she has a gift of relaying the information in a fun, approachable, relatable, & easily digestible way. She has helped me on my journey of self growth and development and i will forever be grateful for that. Her emails are fabulous as well because i can get notified/reminded when she drops an episode so that I’ll know the topic discussed ahead of time and can be sure to tune it if I feel it resonates. Thanks Sahara rose 🌹🌹🌹🌹
  • Chingona91
    Being in the unknown
    Sahara and her guests have really helped me focus on what phase of life I’m in and how I can is it to my advantage. There is something to be said about strong women sharing empowering messages helping us to reconnect with our femininity and become a light that can help others around them. Thank you for your voice!
  • 0llim0lli
    Great show
    Love Sahara Rose. I’ve been listening her show on and off since 2018. It always feels like coming home, when I turn her wisdom on.
  • Maria_kboo
    Been listening for years!!!
    LOVE. Every episode is so real, there’s guidance in almost every aspect of life in all these episodes.
  • SaraKaitlyn
    Just what I needed..!
    Just found this podcast today, listened to an episode, & already quite a fan! I love how Sahara & Rosie can *respectfully* have differing opinions. It eases my inner perfectionist of the need to be right. It shows that it’s totally okay to think differently and you can still be loved 100% fully by the opposing opinion. Beautiful.
  • 1/28/86
    Your such a Queen
    I’m so blessed to have stumble across your podcast, it’s really starting the process of me becoming unstuck. I’m so proud of you and can’t wait to see where you lead me. Thank you
  • imustshea
    Thank you
    So thankful to have discovered your podcast before the end of 2023. Right.On.Time
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