Revolutionary Left Radio

Politics #139

Discussing political philosophy, current events, activism, and the inevitable historical downfall of capitalism from a revolutionary leftist perspective.

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Recent Reviews
  • pagan raygun
    Greta info
    Doin the lord’s work
    When all you have is a ost-neoliberal hammer
    Tell us where the bad capitalist touched you, Breht.
  • y2kdaniboi
    Not honest
    The guy defends Hamas . He supports a terrorist organization. Pathetic
  • Wanger Hilton
    Best podcast
    It is
  • Colerain15707
    The Standard in Podcasting
    Comparisons are to this podcast are rare. You immediately understand the speaker’s unwavering devotion to the material discussed and get the best, deepest, and most overarching understanding of world events through the tireless amounts of work and research dedicated by the host and guests.
  • lkscarngaro
    I love this podcast - it’s so enriching in every way. I especially appreciate the internationalist approach taken, a rarity for leftist arrangements based in North America.
  • Iraetadmomeah
    Fantastic podcast!
    Super informative and integral to my education. I really enjoy the guest speakers too.
  • Macdizzledaddy
    Their prospective is an important one to understand. But
    Was really agreeing with the passionate articulation about the colonialist rhetoric used by the west when speaking on Palestine. But then Immediately after, repeated colonialist propaganda about Ukraine that was straight from the Kremlin. Not sure if he just has a missing gap in his knowledge about the history of Eastern Europe or what but way off on that one.
  • yoyoyorambler
    Brave, thoughtful, and thought-provoking podcast
    I really appreciate the thoughtful way that Brent approaches the issues of our time, and the way he works to show how our current struggles fit into a larger historical context. His perspective is clear, and that’s also refreshing in a world where everyone seems to be trying to appear to be either center-left intellectual, or a right wing nut job. Highly worth a listen!
  • TRUMP210000000
    Brilliant podcast for critical thinkers
    A real beacon of light for a counter to the pro imperialist propaganda and mouth pieces that are pretty much exclusively platformed in the west. If you are for truth, righteousness and humanity then RevLeft is for you! ALL power to the PEOPLE!
  • Phzicks
    Thank you for all you do Breht
  • Lair-E the cable dude
    Breht’s Rev Left is essential listening for anyone interested in various leftist perspectives
  • Monkeyface7
    I love learning from this podcast and I love the passion from the host. Solidarity!
  • Boohissspit
    Great podcast, remember who’s listening
    The language when the presenter gets excited turns into an accusatory “you” the listener as if they are debating the audience instead of the opposition.
  • tellyourfriends!
    Absolutely necessary
    Breht is excellent at explaining concepts that target the very root of the issues. When I dream of a better world, a lot of prerequisites are come from in here.
  • HJH00000H
    Words can’t describe how needed this show is. It is by far my favorite podcast. Thank you
  • Eraquin
    I’d follow you into battle
    Thank you so much for making this show.
  • Jess57585
    Thank you for covering Palestine
    Just gained a new follower!
  • Last Ozymandian Stanning
    One of the best for wide ranging issues within the left
    Breht is a great interviewer, the pod is unique in the fact that while it’s certainly a leftist pod, and Breht is, it would seem, a Marxist communist (💯), it has a really open minded reach and Breht’s intellectual curiosity on all things liberatory and intellectually and politically stimulating is infectious
  • CosmicAttack
    Amazing source of education
    It is very hard to come into your own as someone on the far left when there are so many people conditioned to shoot down your perspective. Especially as an afab brown person I find that it is especially difficult to make myself heard and a lot of what I say goes in one ear and out the other or otherwise gets dismissed. But people like Breht make it feel possible (and important) for me to stand strong in my ideas and continue trying to radicalize my community. The episodes are digestible, interesting, and mobilizing, and I get more confident with every conversation I have. Thank you, Breht and all of the other amazing people on the pod, for being an indispensable source of education, and for helping me not give up! :)
  • Peter Baelish
    Genocide Denial
    This podcast has engaged in multiple different facets of genocide denial. The current genocides in Ukraine, and Xinjiang; as well as the Holodomor. It makes me sick. People such as this have become the very things they hate.
  • Mag Lyre
    Best Socialist Podcast Ever
    Truly one of the most outstanding left podcasts out there in terms of information, quality of presentation, diversity of topics, and commitment to issues and ideas that matter. Keep it up!
  • Gul Dukat666
    GOAT leftist podcast
    Very informative podcast covering all kinds of subjects in easy to understand language. Very important conversations being had here.
  • JstNtime73
    Love this show
    Very well researched, and produced. It’s nice to see these topics actually being discussed in a clear and concise manner.
  • mburugu
    Great podcast
    Which tune is playing when you are reading Allende speech? Awesome comrades.
  • Marxist Enthusiast
    Excellent Leftist Podcast
    This podcast has helped me greatly on my journey through leftist politics and Communist thought in general. It has helped me form an understanding of different leftist political movements, such as anarchism, Marxism-Leninism, and Maoism. Overall, an amazing podcast; I appreciate how relatable Breht is, for he is a great commentator.
  • GinoBoyee
    You are great
    I loved the interview with the sci fi author nearly a year ago. Today I listened to a convincing perspective about US involvement in the Russian-Ukrainian war. Your opinions are clearly derived from deep knowledge of this country’s long history of intervention and fueling bloodshed worldwide. Thank you for providing us with a rare and incisive critique of the liberal fallacies and assumptions that we’ve been surrounded by all of our lives.
  • yassijiro
    A masterclass
    If you are looking for clear explanation of the philosophical topics and the answers to your forever questions you are in the right place. Perfect clear dismantling of subjects . Untangling what has always been elaborated . Thank you for the great rare necessary work you are doing.
  • Karl Radek Bonk
    The standard bearer for socialist podcasts
    Breht does a great job of attracting guests from all over the left spectrum without being too sectarian. The long back catalogue is a huge resource for individuals and groups looking dig deeper on various political, social, religious, economic and philosophical subjects.
  • alexaannalexa
    Great podcast
    Look forward to every new episode!! Keep up the great work!
  • collinnuss22532
    Good podcast but
    The host probably won’t care but the genocide take on China was cringe.
  • Frequent Beaster
    Rev left 🐐
    The rev left team and guests have been creating what is continually one of my favorite podcasts ever. Every time a new episode releases I ask my comrades what they think and mull over the topics discussed. Thank you for helping me steer my politics in the right place.
  • aidendale
    Came for leftist opinion, leaving because of the insane defense of the Chinese government
    I only recently started listening because I was interested in hearing more of what leftists are saying about current events as opposed to the neoliberal take presented in much of the media. And when they were talking about domestic issues, it wasn’t bad. Then I got to the latest episode which was essentially a 40-minute rant by the host about some guy having the temerity to criticize China. And just… big yikes. Now if the point is that much of American criticism of China is exaggerated, overly belligerent, and more than a little racist, then sure, I’d say that’s a fair take. But the host goes on to make absolutely ludicrous and frankly offensive claims like saying that China has *never* engaged in anti-American propaganda and that they have *never* invaded another country, a statement that I suspect would come as quite a surprise to many Tibetans. But maybe the worst was the claim that there’s no evidence of China committing genocide. I guess he’s saying that the Uyghurs just don’t exist. Which is certainly what the Chinese government would prefer. And every single one of these outlandish claims is supported by nothing but whataboutism so absurd I might as well have been listening to a Republican. What he’s essentially saying is, “It’s impossible for China to commit genocide because America has committed genocide.” Which… that’s not how any of that works. And that’s not to deny the point that America has done the same things that many Americans now criticize China for doing. But recognizing the current and historic moral failures of the American government is not dependent upon the Chinese government being good. They can BOTH be terrible, and, in fact, they are. The world’s two biggest superpowers don’t need us to rush to their defense when someone criticizes them. And unfortunately, the reason for these ridiculous defenses of China is all too transparent. The host is a leftist, and China is the most influential player on the global stage calling itself communist (though I would argue that the degree to which they actually are communist is disputable). Which is disappointing because this sort of thoughtless reflexive response is the sort of rhetoric that gives leftists as a whole a bad reputation. Here’s a hint. If you find yourself vigorously defending a regime responsible for brutal human rights abuses, you should probably reconsider some of your assumptions because buddy, you went WAY off the rails at some point. In any case, I’m just going to go ahead and unfollow now.
  • RobpertRaymond
    Incredible resource
    Breht has been holding it down for years with an incredible array of guests, well-researched analysis, and just such a wide breadth of topics. This is an indispensable resource for people on the left who want to dive into theory, current events, politics, economics, philosophy, and more. Keep up the great work!
  • Patttttttttttttt19
    Commies go home
  • areg1228
    Wanted to learn something
    I was hoping to get an objective description of these events, but unfortunately, knew that was not a possibility when you refer to “white supremacist countries, like the US”. Give me a break.
  • Asian kitty Kat
    Love the podcast!
    Fantastic podcast, love the format and love the info. Red Menace and Guerrilla History are great too! They’re really doing important work here.
  • Kikuichimonji
    Exercise of Pure Theory
    Love the episodes on history and theory. This episode of pure theory needs a little spice from our host however. All in all, excellent as usual!
  • Janice 40
    Brett and Guests are my people!
    This podcast is the first thing to help me finally feel like I actually understood dialectical materialism. I also love the discussions that come up from the interactions between the host and guests. I always refer people to this podcast if they want to understand more theory. Such a good leftist podcast!
  • shhaixkandg
    love this show!
    super educational and accessible- has been really helpful bc it is so much more accessible than a lot of left literature. podcasts are sometimes funny too which is nice :)
  • breht 2024
    Thank you
    Have been listening for a few years now and I just wanna say thank you you’ve gotten me through some rough times listened to the Gabriel Gipe interview and as someone who’s going into teaching that one hit one. I appreciate the wide range of topics from mental health to obscure left wing history truly a gem of a show. You’ve given me tools to operate not just in my political activism and career goals but just how I wanna live as a person. Have felt very isolated as a Russian queer kid in this country at times and the community here is unbelievable. Love and solidarity truly
    From a fan
    I’ve been a fan of this podcast for years. It’s responsible for a lot of the things I’ve learned about the left as a teen. I just have one question. Why have you guys been silent on the situation in Iran? it’s really really disappointing as an Iranian fan of this podcast. The revolution in Iran has been going on for a while now, and I keep checking for an episode, but nothing. I’m just really disappointed
  • stef77783335533
    Better than any other pod I’ve listened to.
  • Travvie_Merpino
    Most important podcast of our generation
    Indispensable podcast. The episode backlog is a cache of information.
  • Sturmcsa
    Love it
    This podcast is comedy gold
  • R109865
    Soooo Good
    And important! ❤️
  • joe_brandon666
    Breht for president
  • Earthhatesdontrump
    I’m listening!
    I love the journey of the podcast . Ive been introduced to many ideologies . Building a Revolutionary movement is my personal goal . The infighting in the left was problematic for me during early years of organizing. This seems to be the goal of this show . The absence of ego or a cult of personality is refreshing. Thankyou Brett , Alyson and Guest ! Best Regards in struggle ! Shelby
  • Bazing___
    Great info pro people politics
    Rev left is a great podcast for anyone who wants to know how politics can work for people not just rich oligarchs
  • Umair56
    Fascinating and inspiring
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