Money Guy Show

Business #25Investing #4

Bring confidence to your wealth building with simplified strategies from The Money Guy. Learn how to apply financial tactics that go beyond common sense and help you reach your money goals faster. Make your assets do the heavy lifting so you can quit worrying and start living a more fulfilled life.

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Recent Reviews
  • FIRE’d at 50
    Great podcast!
    This podcast is my #1 suggestion for people who want to start learning about finance and how to manage their money. Brian and Bo do a fantastic job teaching foundational money concepts. I particularly enjoy their shows that concentrate on one topic.
  • GregSawyerJr
    Great Financial Show for Those that Want to Go a Few Step’s Deeper than Dave Ramsey
    I am a huge Dave Ramsey fan, but I feel like his advise is kinda surfacey and designed for people that don’t have any discipline. Don’t get me wrong I’ve followed the Ramsey Steps and it has gotten my wife and I at a great spot, but these guys take it to the next level. They understand credit cards aren’t the devil if used wisely, they get into the nuts and bolts of where to put your money and why, they share tax tips, and all that. I really like the show a lot. Only issue I have with it is they are constantly pushing 25% savings into retirement and I feel like that’s aspirational and only for high income or dual income families. My wife and I have a tight budget and don’t have anything extravagant. No car payments, humble home, barely eat out, we tithe, etc. But there is no way we could save 25%. We are scraping to get just over 15% saved into a Roth. That is likely because we are a one income household, but at times I feel like they can be out of touch. They are adjusting some due to this inflationary environment, but I’d like them to speak to us that don’t have six figure incomes from time to time. I’m in a good career and working my way up, but still not at the six figure mark with my full time job and a good side hustle. Overall, I really like the money guy show and highly recommend. I plan to use them as I get into the abundance phase of my life and have already referred others that are ahead of me on the curve. Thanks for the show guys. And Bo, you may want to start off with something other than, “I so excited about this topic.” lol.
  • Good Nickname Needed
    Best Financial Podcast!
    They GET it! The information is invaluable. This isn’t the old just spend less than you make. Put 20% down. Never buy a new car. Financial advice so many cram down our throats. They bring the nuance. They bring the acknowledgment of the messy middle and the difficulties of getting into the home owning game and they bring real financial advice to folks. Don’t wait until you can afford it all to start making big financial decisions. Start listening to this podcast and start wherever you can. You’ll be amazed at where you’ll be at In a year. I can’t wait for us to have enough in our retirement accounts to let them take over and give back after all the great financial advice.
  • Colorado740
    Can’t handle it anymore.
    “Brian, I am so excited!” Every single episode. Cmon Bo.
  • DrGTL
    Love The Energy, Wisdom, and Realism
    I’m new to the financial planning industry, and your insights are such a blessing in my own growth. Thank you for all the planning here. We humans are better at looking like God, when we know better how to steward and appreciate what He gives us in deliberately planning to be generous for a lifetime- this podcast is great at giving wisdom on how to do take responsibility for ourselves, using strategies available to us now. Thanks.
  • MatthewPE
    Great, however…
    Bo and Brian are outstanding! However, please, please, please stop holding up the laminated financial order of operations and shaking it. It must go now! At this point it’s like nails on a chalkboard. I love the show but when you do this it’s probably the most annoying thing I ever hear on a podcast. Overall, the show is educational, fun, and creative. They touch on topics that I really enjoy. Love the show but PLEASE stop shaking the financial order of operations!!
  • Patricia Barrow
    The podcast you should have listened to a long time ago.
    This podcast is jam-packed with valuable and truly life changing insights. This is a must listen for people of all walks of life, but I strongly recommend it for those in your early twenties to start your financial journey off right. 5 Stars.
  • TammyLynnShell
    Definitely Inspired Money Moves
    I love how excited Brian and Bo are about educating and sharing the power of getting finances in order for the purpose of FINANCIAL FREEDOM! I’m late to the savings and investing game so this has been vital to my progress. Brian is hilarious and Bo (THE CPA!!!) is just the facts, but also awesome. Thank you both so much for sharing your contagious passion. I listen to this show in addition to JILL ON MONEY (and whatever other podcast she does) and the overlap/comparative notes is great. My only notes: I would be overjoyed to hear LGBTQ community representation in the examples and some commentary on wage differences between men & women.
  • Ttbcpa80
    Nice job!
    Keep up the great job! I love to hear more about your personal experience with investing and where you put your extra capital.
  • Andre Warwar
    Fantastic show
    Love this show - super valuable information on getting control of your finances and building wealth for the future. Highly recommend!
  • Aarongorn42
    If your finances are a mess, or just not where you want them to be, then you need to put yourself on a steady diet of the The Money Guy Show. Brian and Bo have amazing chemistry, a ton of fun, a wealth of knowledge, and awesome financial advice. Following their Financial Order of Operations has cleaned up my financial situation Beyond All Recognition (FOOBAR). So, give them a listen. You’ll be back for more, and your future self will thank you!
  • BillBailey45
    Excellent content, need to take the next step though
    Love the deep dives on subjects such as how to properly use a HSA and emphasizing the wealth multiplier. This show has great potential, however, to take the next step, and ascend from the JV level, you have to take live calls. These hand picked questions and rehearsed answers are lame. Go out of your comfort zone! You’ll always be Ramsey’s red headed step children until you do. And I can’t buy in to your love for car loans and keeping mortgages like they’re a heirloom which will always keep me and many others at distance.
  • Drewabc
    Listen now to help your future.
    This podcast has single handily put me on track of my finances and retirement. So in tune with todays world and so relatable unlike Dave Ramsey.
  • not essential enough
    Out of content
    The simple fact you have to bash Dave Ramsey…. Who has a larger worth than both of you combined shows that you all are done and out of content. You all used to be cool until this… bashing someone that doesn’t know you are alive.
  • howardrlewis
    Money guy podcasts have helped with my education over many years. My father taught me to invest in stocks but I learned a lot from the Money Guys too! Thank you for your outstanding approach. If I was a beginner, I would go to you for a portfolio manager.
  • Great6263737
    Amazing content, clear explanations and honest.
    Love the show. I’ve listened to hundreds of episodes. Thank you for being concise and staying on topic. One area for improvement: stop wasting listener time by repeating that an individual has won a tumbler and the email address they can use to claim it. Your staff should directly email the three people per episode that earned a tumbler.
  • Cwith3
    If you spell your name one more time my head is going to explode. If someone cannot figure out how to spell KATIE they don’t deserve a tumbler.
  • Vegasbig
    Ok if you like hearing Bo rant about how millennials are so adaptable vs other generations. Also, just buy index fund.
  • Tjogelfan22
    Great Show! Not great ASMR
    I love this show, they give great, consistent advice and are very reasonable. I also appreciate how positive the team is. However… someone taps their fingers on the table during some of the episodes and it drives me nuts (I want to guess Brian because it seems to happen when Bo is talking). Would be a 5 star review if the tapping stopped lol
  • 23jordan
    Great content
  • Acpacpacp
    So motivating!
    Love the FOO! Better than the baby steps.
  • mrpshellis
    Roth Conversion
    Thank you so much for talking about these issues! Preach
  • J.Le111
    I’ve been a follower for many years.
    Been watching TMG when they had only 100k subscribers on YouTube. It’s been quite a journey. They teach wonderful lessons and knowledge about money. They do tend to cater to the younger folks especially the 20s. We’re in our 30s. Hope that they continue to make content for all ages and not just always the ones they’re biased towards.
  • Vane.A.
    Sound advice for people who are already rich
    I enjoy some episodes. But most are so out of touch with the majority of Americans as it’s advice for people who are already millionaires.
  • Yooooooked
    A cool uncle who is a little too conservative
    If you like a cautioned approach to investing with some guys you’d like to have a 98$ beer with, this is the show. Guys, you are way too safe and out of touch with some of your stuff but for most people it’s sound excellent conservative practical advice for non risk takers. You’re basically the modern Ramseys. And that’s ok.
  • Violet Maple
    Repeating Often
    Super helpful, but after a few years no longer following due to repeatedly addressing same questions on mortgage payments and car financing.
  • KB4Family
    Really Not a Fan of the Dave Bashing
    I’m so confused on the back and forth with the Ramsey show. I didn’t mind it as much until the Dave controversy episode. I think it’s so disrespectful to host a show like this after multiple interviews with Dave and his team where you show admiration for what they are doing while recognizing you have some differing opinions. You don’t have to agree with Dave, but this continual back and forth with him seems like you aren’t confident in distinguishing your own brand. Stop comparing you two and focus on being you. A topical mention of the difference in the advice is one thing, but not this. It’s very unprofessional.
  • J Stouffer
    Dave Ramsey episode
    Listenership slowing? Maybe taking the foot off the gas pedal with the holidays approaching?
  • Free Lunch 2023
    A little too “exciting” and “free” with their content
    This isn’t a terrible podcast but I find two things less than enjoyable. The first is the use of the phrase “free money” (every episode). This is intellectually dishonest and as business owners they should know it. Secondly, is when they say “exciting” for nearly every subject.
  • Cat88@
    Solid financial advice
    I love hearing you guys talk about all things finances. My dad was my “financial advisor” until he passed away 3 years ago. Ever since, I I’ve been listening to you guys to keep me focused. I read “A Random Walk Down Wall Street” after one of the first times listening to you guys. It was perfect timing as it reiterated what my dad has always told me too.
  • $$(7;?&),!!(:7(;
    My favorite personal finance podcast!
    I’ve been listening since 2020 and never miss a show! Highly recommend!
  • Logan12G
    Mr. T respects this Foo
    I AM SO EXCITED for Millionaire Mission to be released in 2024 and plan to finish the book before I turn 30. I greatly appreciate your content! This team is really making a positive impact. Thank you!
  • mad x creed
    Life changing
    All the tools, one needs to become extremely financially, literate, and a path to success.
  • Skip808
    Great information, easy to understand, practical advice
  • Listener- CHI
    Disappointed in your last episode
    I’m a huge fan of the show, but the last episode on 9-29-23 really missed the mark in my opinion. The comments on slavery were very insensitive. Your guest’s comments on him choosing to physically die if he doesn’t achieve his goals also was a terrible message to send out. I think this guest was not sending the right message to your audience.
  • beaknn
    A Game Changer for Personal Wealth Management
    The Money Guy is a no-brainer for anyone wanting to get their finances in order. Practical tips and simplified strategies make wealth building achievable. Listen and let your assets do the work for you! Five stars.
  • oldmastersfan
    Common sense wealth building!
    I really appreciate the common sense approach to wealth building without the gimmicks and “snake oil” salesman techniques. I’ve been listening for about 6 months and they have added great value to my financial acumen!! Highly recommend!!!
  • Johhny64
    Was good in the past
    You don’t need to listen for more than 6 months because they cover the same material over and over again. Same old stories. The Q&A shows make it worse because the answers are more repetitive. Do one quality show per week. Too repetitive same material over and over with a different title. Unfortunately these guys are following the path of other successful pod casts. Their shows are getting longer and they are releasing multiple episodes per week. Quality goes down. Their content is very repetitive. Different name same content.
  • Checkyoprivilege
    Check your privilege…
    Was disappointed with the latest episode on inflation. Brian went on a rant about ShakeShack, claiming it was a west coast-California franchise(it started in NYC), and complaining about the 20% default tip. Here is a guy in the top 1% financially, and is complaining about a 20% tip going to minimum wage workers making 7.25 per hour. TN minimum wage is a disgrace. Perhaps you can do a show on how nobody can live in the US on 7.25 per hour? Meanwhile Abound wealth charges 1% fee for AUM per year, regardless of how that money performs. If you want to talk about paying too much for a service, how about you start there. Why are you not a fee only planner? This episode completely turned me off of this show…Please educate yourself, check your privilege, and be a better human being.
  • Aerodaves
    Repetitive but Good General Advice
    Let me guess, Bo Hansen is “so excited about this show”, because that’s the way every show has started for a long time now. While the show is a bit repetitive and I wish that they’d make recommendations on specific mutual funds and asset allocation by age, the show contains good information for the beginning to intermediate investor. I followed pretty much all their FOO rules before the show was even a thing, so I guess I’m doing ok.
  • MicahA7776
    Dave Ramsey for Adults.
    If the Baby Steps are the JV team, then the FOO is for varsity players.
  • :( :( dddddddddddddddddddddddd
    Better than Dave Ramsey
    I grew up listening to Dave Ramsey and I agree that he is the go to for people who have to pay of tons of debt and need a kick in the pants; however, I believe The Money Guys provide the best advice for everyone else. FOO is AMAZING!!! The only downside is that Brian is a Georgia Bulldog #GoBucks
  • Sanna in WA
    I really trust these two guys!
    I just started listening 6 months ago and I can't stop! I really trust these two down to earth men. They are consistent, honest, and make me feel motivated to take all the next steps in my financial journey. I am going backwards timewise and learning so much from even the older episodes. I have even shared the podcast links and the free resources with my four 20-something daughters because I want to encourage them to put away dollar bills that will be worth $88 in their sixties! Thank you for sharing such valuable financial wisdom.
  • AnaïsMiller
    Sometimes useful
    Absolute beginners will typically find this most helpful. As time has passed the podcast seems more of an advertisement for their financial products. I'd prefer more specialized advice- from Brian!
  • ElLeeYo
    Financial Experts providing Financial Advise
    These guys are the best. Their information and advise is top tier!
  • craigc013
    Generic advice
    Most of their recommendations and online tools do not account for people who cannot get a job at 20 years old, make anything other than median income, or plan to retire at any age other than 65 years old. Many people have different goals and circumstances. Unhelpful, generic information provided that can be found on any website. This podcast is not one I’ll ever listen to again or recommend to anyone.
  • Dj Hiruz
    Respect to this guys for helping people.
    Even tho i am trader and have experience in the market, i still find this show motivational to keep myself focus. Great show!
  • Caveman1944
    Like watching QVC with constant “IM SO EXCITED” and a few repetitive buzz words to drive you to their website. Bo is terrible, should make commercials for used cars. Now and then the secretary girl pipes up and, sure enough, also mentions the website. Where all secrets are revealed once you give them your email so they can spam you that way. Brain is pretty good. Maybe he just lets the other two do the hard sell twice as hard so he doesn’t have to. I’ve listened for two or three years. There are better options for retirement information.
  • Meds_dreads
    How should a 30 year old entrepreneur invest their money
    Love this show I would love to hear how someone should go about investing their money as an entrepreneur making $100,000 a year with no employer benefits
  • James F from Indianapolis
    Take with a Grain
    Recently heard them talking about the debt ceiling limit. Unfortunately, it was concerning to see them confuse the two issues of the debt ceiling limit and government shut downs as a result of congress and the president not agreeing on a budget. Some of their financial advice is great, and the audio quality is good-- but the two hosts not understanding but trying to explain the debt ceiling limit makes me pause before taking any advice from them...
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