

The world's oldest and greatest weather podcast. Join weather geeks James Spann, Bill Murray, Kim Klockow-McClain, Dr. Neil Jacobs, Rick Smith, Aubrey Urbanowicz, Jen Narramore, and Troy Kimmel along with some of the most brilliant minds in the weather enterprise every week!

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Recent Reviews
  • Jaybird6925
    Can’t miss it
    You have my rapt attention every Monday evening. I first started listing just because I was interested in tornadoes but I learn something new about weather every week. The discussions are fascinating to me, no matter who the guests are.I also appreciate your levelheaded insights and knowledge. I love the non-political, comfortable, easy and humorous conversation between the regulars. And James, I bought weather radios for my family for Christmas, even though we don’t live in the Plains or Deep South (Betsy Kling is my fave where I live). Enjoy all of you so much.
  • DavidCWatson1990
    Wonderful Podcast
    I so thoroughly enjoy this podcast. I’m a truck driver and I also have a background in weather myself from the army and love listening to this as I’m traveling the states. I love all the interesting topics and funny antics that make me laugh along the way. I hope this podcast can last forever! -David W.
  • It awsomer
    Great podcast
    Makes me feel normal for being a weather nerd. Great guests, great hosts. The honorable James Spann with a cast ranging from Bill Murray (no not that one), Nate, and Aubrey. Guests including storm chasers, NWS employees both past and present, and those who were directly involved in the storm. I can’t recommend this enough! It’s a great watch and listen. Ps. Can Bill’s random hotel background be a cast member officially
  • giddyslick
    Should have reviewed sooner bc they are AWESOME!
    Love your podcasts! I grew up in Arkansas and now live in California, so I don’t get much weather here. But I use you guys to both keep me up to date and to continue to increase my knowledge of weather (I use to work as a meteorologist for air quality). I have told so many family and friends about you guys and it is typical for us to go “did you hear on Weatherbrains last week....” keep up the great work!
  • Jamberson
    Great Weather Focused Podcast
    I’ve been a WeatherBrains listener for many years and very much enjoy the show. From the guests and panelists sharing viewpoints and thoughts on the weather enterprise and how to improve it, it’s very informative.
  • Jamesgilbertwx
    The oldest - and I’m still listening
    Great viewpoints and great guests. It’s nice to hear from fellow meteorologists in a long form podcast. I’m a winter weather guy so I’m always bias toward cold weather talk, but I understand why the focus is severe weather. Looking forward to another decade of Weatherbrains. Congratulations on the big milestone
    It’s the weather show for the ages
    I learn something new every week.
  • hhhooper
    The only one I know!
    I learned about James from a friend. I randomly looked up to see if he has a YT channel then what do ya know!! Love you guys! (P.S. James, I live in Nashville (OHX).
  • squiddy7863
    Fix the audio
    The audio in this podcast keeps me from coming back from more. Sound effects are hugely unnecessary but if you insist on using them, turn the friggin volume down! Half of the people talking are garbled and too quiet because the audio in video chat is terrible so I have the volume cranked way up, and then all of a sudden a super loud pointless sound effect comes on. Stop! The information is good, I guess, but it's very complainy and rambly and not very structured. I find myself prefering to pick and choose episodes based on content rather than tuning in weekly, but it's hard to even do that with the irrelevant, inside-joke titles.
  • davep sj
    Perfect for the weather nerd
    There is much more to the weather than an evening 5 minute report on TV. This is an outstanding look at the profession and the passion behind these public service professionals.
  • marcosophone
    Not enough info, too chatty, technical issues on the air. Unlistenable.
    Not enough info, too chatty, technical issues on the air. Unlistenable.
  • Matt mxer
    Used to be interesting
    This used to be my favorite podcast because it was so interesting and I like to learn about weather. I noticed in the last 6 months all the episodes are of half the guys on the panel complain about everyone not using the same color codes and not on the same page for watches and warnings. We get it your mad, it's getting boring listening to these guys and gal complain about the same thing every podcast.
  • Tarrant69
    Significant time investment, sometimes low ROI
    Waaayyyyy too long most weeks -- sometimes approaching 2 hours. Also, I can only take so much of James Spann's overexcited stammering and stuttering when he attempts to start a sentence while interrupting someone. I gotta agree with a previous reviewer that the audio is pretty bad, and lots of times there's a sound that sounds like someone nose-breathing into the microphone, and other times it sounds like someone is madly typing on a keyboard. There are good points too, though, for they sometimes have interesting guests and I like some of their rants, although they can get carried away complaining week after week after week...
  • flies I
    Great but.....
    Great interesting podcast but horrible audio. They will be talking about something and then leave you hanging because there audio goes out or they sound as if there wifi is not working where the sound sounds garbled. They also have issues with other noises in the background and microphone echoes. So, great podcast good information and interviews when you can understand them.
  • swhitaker84
    Good stuff!
    I listen every week, and especially before and after severe weather events.
  • Cbecker622
    Listened for 42 minutes and they had yet to mention weather. Just a recording of 3 guys laughing and talking about a plethora of topics aside from weather.
  • Jmilligan37
    Not very good
    Lots of complaining on the podcast.
  • JPHelena
    The best weather podcast, period
    Simply put, this is the best pocast out there about weather. The hosts and the guests are witty, knowledgable, and experienced. The lead host James Spann is a legend in the meteorology community and brings that same passion to this podcast.
  • HuskerWxMan
    Two Thumbs Up
    From a broadcast meteorologist's perspective, this is a very satisfying podcast to listen to. It is very informative on current weather events, weather history, and the latest in weather technology. I have picked up some great tips to improve my career as a television weatherman. It is also highly entertaining and I love taking it with me when I go running or while mowing the yard.
  • collector714
    Great podcast and a lot of good information. As a long time storm chaser, I love it. James Spann and his crew are the best in the business!
  • Sc7711
    Great analysis from great minds.
    These guys are the best when it comes to severe weather discussion.
  • AWC-IN
    I am a WeatherBrains addict
    Found this podcast after the April 2011 Dixie tornado outbreak and have been hooked since. Great mix of science, operational forecasting, media/broadcasting business and insider stories, and good ol' banter. A bit of focus on Alabama and Texas, but always discuss interesting weather throughout US. I've downloaded all 300+ episodes and am about halfway through while keeping up with new ones each week.
  • GlynneT
    It's good, when it sticks to the subject of Weather
    When it sticks to the subject of weather and related subjects it is interesting. When they have a Mac love fest it's annoying. Thus the 3.
  • soliano
    Great podcast for those interested in weather
    Good mix of basic and technical stuff. Should be required listening for all considering a career in meteorology (especially broadcast). Good wisdom and lots of interesting information for armchair forecasters!
  • Todd Foisy
    A must for weather geeks to keep up on changes in the field of meteorology. Just the right balance to satisfy both those with a meteorology degree and those without. Lots of joking around, which keeps things more interesting than most podcasts out there.
  • newton21989
    Another good geek/science podcast.
    I heard about this show last week when James was on the This Week in Radio Tech podcast. As a bit of a weather brain myself, I have not been disappointed with the content of this show. The production is a little rough, but totally bearable. Content is king, and this show has it. The hosts also have personality, which makes it fun to listen to.
  • Wiljasele
    Jason in Columbia,KY
    Always insightful and informative. Able to get information out and teach with a bit of humor added in. Love listening to the entire crew and whoever they have as a guest for the week. Would recommend this show to anyone and everyone interested in the weather.
  • Alabaster weather nerd
    Absolutely the best weather discussion podcast anywhere. Super guests, lively discussions and plenty of laughs.
  • Grk14
    I am only 15 years old and I enjoy this podcast a lot. I plan to become a meteorologist when I'm older and this podcast teaches me a lot, yet is still funny and interesting.
  • YeahHi
    Love it
    I enjoy the show, even though I am one of those global warning alarmist.
  • Ryanweatherl
    Love the show. This podcast helps inform me of changes in weather media and keeps me up to date on new weather technology. Btw, notice all the negative reviews are by those "open minded" global warming alarmist who can't wait to raid more of your take home pay through cap-n-trade energy taxes. Talk about an agenda.
  • ThriftyNotCheap
    Love it
    Recently discovered this. This kids and I listen during homeschool. It often leads to constructive discussion and hitting the internet after the kids need something clarified. It's nice to hear weather chat from folks who haven't drunk the koolaide of global cooling/warming/whatever they are calling it this decade. Though I've noticed the agenda is far less accepted amongst actual meteorologists. Love the humor and folksy friendship that shines throughout the show.
  • Old UNIX guy
    A better name for this podcast
    A better name for this podcast would be "Weather Brains and Climate Morons." That's because only half the podcast is about weather - the other half is about climate and their anti-global warming rants. Despite the fact that NOAA recently announced that 2000-2009 was the warmest decade on record (pushing 1990-1999 back to 2nd place), these guys deny that warming is even taking place. That means that one of two things is true: 1) they're incredibly uneducated on the subject (to put it nicely), or 2) they're pathological liars. In either case, a rationale person has to ask whether, in light of their radical views, they can be trusted in anything they say. To make matters worse, they combine their ignorance with arrogance and rudeness to those who appear on the podcast don't agree with them. Unless you're an AGW nut like them, don't waste your time on this podcast. To the Weather Brains guys themselves, you did ask people to go to iTunes and review your podcast... ;-) Kevin
  • Cogitator X
    There's definetly an agenda here.
    If there are any doubts about that listen to episode 200 (with a healthy dose of skepticism). In a discussion on the recent right-wing red herring "climategate", blatant false accusations are made. Does anyone really believe a scientific paper some how contains threats of violence? After that dose of Alex Jones-esque raving paranoia I don't think I'd be able to trust anything else that's said. Too bad, I'd like to have a good weather podcast minus the right-wing quackery.
  • WthrMan
    WOW! Enjoyable, entertaining, informative!
    This is one of the most entertaining and enjoyable podcasts on iTunes if you love weather. James is engaging, JB is humble yet smart and the rest of the crew always has something to say to keep you coming back for more. Keep up the great show! We appreciate it.
  • Clay "The Intern"
    Always Worthwhile
    I'm subscribed to only two podcasts, and WeatherBrains is one of them, and the only one I listen to without ever missing an episode. Topics range from the latest piece of weather technology to a day in the life of a television meteorologist to a lively debate about a weather related subject, whether or not its political in nature. The best part of it is that in the end it is all deep enough that one learns something, but light enough that you aren't tired of the subject-matter by the end of the podcast. Be sure to stick around and listen to the after-show!
  • demon hunter rocks
    Excellent Podcast
    I love this podcast!!! It's the best I've heard in a long time. I'm proud to be a weather geek! The show is hilarious and I love the way the hosts interact with each other. Download it!!! (You know you want to!)
  • Aleighanne
    Awesome Podcast.
    Weather Brains is trully produced by Weather Brains! I have learned so much from this podcast. Informative and entertaining. A+++++++ P.S. J.B. Elliott is the star of the show.
  • Arch Radish
    Always insightful
    This panel discussion on weather by some of the top brains in the business is one of my weekly staples. I grew up listening to James Spann and J.B. Elliot, and it is so refreshing to hear their "behind the scenes" takes on the meterology business, as well as those of their regular panel and special guests. The quirky, offbeat humor and takes of each of the panel members always makes for a lively show. If you have any interest in weather, or even what "really" goes on off-camera for your favorite weathermen, this is the show to listen to.
  • HeyDriver
    I was raised on Weather.
    The discussion that these gents have about weather, the politics behind broadcasting and the dealings with the NWS are what I'd heard when I was growing up. My Dad was a forecaster and sometimes "weatherman" for AFRTS (Armed Forces Radio and Television Service) at Ft. Greely, AK. He also did forecasting at many other duty stations. You'll get more information here about just how "your" weather forecast gets to you. The show is done in a fast paced upbeat manner and the hosts get along well. The guest that are brought in add a great amount of entertainment and information also. Enjoy the show. I do and look forward to each episode. Walt McNabb aka Heydriver
  • shhQuiet
    Always entertaining!
    These guys have great personalities and it makes for a very enjoyable and entertaining podcast, especially for the amateur weather geek...
  • Chuck006
    Weather discussions at the best
    These guys explain weather in both technical terms and in plain language. Weatherbrains is the best weather education I have found since my undergrad studies. Excellent mix of science and entertainment.
  • Tornado Witness Radio
    Number one podcast for pulse on the weather industry
    I have listened to this show for over a year now and look forward to each new episode. It is amazing the amount of talent represented in the hosts who have been in the weather industry for many decades. I wonder if Podcasting will be the way people get information in the future? Well, it's the way I'm getting my news. This program really showed me the importance that Podcasts play in people getting the news that they want. I don't know where else I could find such information. Thanks for a great show! Darrell Kirk Host, Tornado Witness Radio
  • J-Master0
    Definitely My Favorite Podcast
    I've been listening to these guys for a couple years now. Great way to pass the time to and from work. I really like how they keep the content of the podcast accessible to the layperson while not dumbing it down too much for those of us in the meteorological community. To the reviewer that described their treatment of anthropogenic global warming as "Rush Limbaugesque", they merely are being representative of many (if not the majority) of scientists in the operation meteorology field. I think their comments about Dr. Hiedi Cullen, the global warming zealot, from the Weather Channel were entertaining and dead-on. As someone who has a graduate degree in this field, I too am a HUGE skeptic... especially considering the majority of "evidence" for anthropogenic global warming comes from models. Plug in real data in those models, and you'll see just how far off from reality they are.
  • jlutz4
    Great show!
    i have had a life long obsession w/ the weather & technology. somehow i never knew the podcast existed until it go the leo laporte bump... i will definately be listening every week. keep up the good work!
  • viper48
    Great and very Educational regarding the weather and Love the weather history. But most of all the hosts are great.
  • jwalkerrad
    Weatherbrains is a podcast I don't miss
    outstanding ... some serious educational stuff ... some funny stuff but well balanced and woth the listen if you are in any way interested in weather (which most of us are)!! jim walker
  • Blues-Jazz-Rock-Blur
    A Great Weekly Weathercast, but.....
    If you want a front row seat to some interesting tales, interviews with interesting weather folk, and introduction to new weather related gadgets this is the place to be. The only reason they don't get 5 stars from me relates to their Rush Limbaughesque approach to the notion of anthropogenic climate change. Their "rants" against this notion contain more entertainment value than scientific reasoning.
  • KatieJeanne
    Like it Says - Great for Weather Geeks
    This is a great podcast for anyone with any interest in weather. One of the parts I like most is hearing their take on recent weather events, such as recent tornado outbreaks. The hosts are great and give you some real insight into what goes on behind your local weather forecast you watch on TV.
  • sc1757
    Funny and Informative - If you like weather, subscribe.
    These guys have a great sense of humor and present an incredible amount of information. Global warming proponents beware - these guys are about facts and not spin.
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