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JosiahLDGreat podcastAs a student pilot I love this podcast
Ehudson2005Lacked Depth and FactsKind of perplexed by the discussion regarding the rejected JBlue and Spirit merger. Contributor suggests that if AS and HA was approved, so should have B6 and NK. The fact is the approved merger between AS and HA is beneficial to consumers, as there was little overlap between both carriers (only 6 routes, I read). With HA headed towards extinction, that would leave SWA as the only major inter island carrier. A monopoly for the residents and tourists of Hawai’i. Not beneficial to consumers. In contrast, there was extensive route overlap with B6 and NK(20-30% if memory serves). Not beneficial to consumers, and a merger would have produced less competition. One is an Apple. The other an Orange. Focus on the data vs subjective feelings.
@TravelingchefmarkFrom PPL to beyond….Justin, firstly thank you, I can’t imagine with your busy schedule how you pull these off, but since I’ve taken the leap to finally follow what I was clearly meant to do, you’ve been an amazing voice in the ear. Your content is on point, serious when it needs to be and so much fun like with “Nick’s Wild Ride” & many more. Keep it coming brother, amazing work thanks !
carsonvaraGreat!I listen to this podcast every day at work and it helps me to be informed as a student pilot.
Outfits ohAwesome podcastI really appreciate the comprehensive industry perspective you and Dr. Jim Higgins. The bottom line is that things are still really great in commercial aviation. Stay the course!
Whitney57Great InformationSuch a great podcast! A lot of really good information for new pilots or people interested in the industry. Really love all the different perspectives as you contemplate a future career.
Iceman829ReviewI love this podcast and look forward to new episodes!
chuck 523Great podcasts!Saw your handsome face in a Garmin ad. Congrats! Acronut
25LKDVTPost 2020Not really a top notch podcast anymore. Post 2020 it’s all reruns and that’s pretty much it. Only here for the state of the industry episodes now.
Cattoo12876Student PilotThe amount of information I have absorbed from listening to this podcast is mind boggling. A year ago I had never even thought about aviation, so as a current student pilot this podcast has been instrumental in learning about the world of aviation through peoples experiences. Thanks for all the hard work!
Turn gWe oKK.
NotKerryVEFootFavorite podcastI really look forward to your podcasts. This should be a go to for current, student, and prospective aviators.
Drone451I always look forward to pilot to pilot.It’s great to hear from other professionals about how we got here and how much we have in common. Joe Schena
RyanRoberts15AWESOME Podcast, Used to be my favoriteP2P is an awesome show packed completely full of awesome information for aspiring pilots and ripe with cool stories from interesting guests. I absolutely love the state of the union shows they have been releasing keeping a finger on the pulse of the industry. Unfortunately for the past several months, new content has slowed down a lot, with the majority of new episodes actually being re-releases of old episodes. As someone who has recently gotten into the show over the past year and a half and subsequently binged every episode ever released, I’ve found myself more attracted to other podcasts that are more consistent at releasing new content. I am really excited for Justin and his team to get back on track with new episodes because I truly do love the show.
HshsidnfnfirurndkxhMoney money moneyI like the podcast but there is a constant focus on money. Every episode talks about money and flying is an afterthought. Salary is an important but of info, but lately it seems like pay is the main discussion point.
Dirty Mike89Insightful PodcastThanks Justin for the awesome content. I really enjoy the state of the industry series as well as the many interviews with leaders in the career field. Keep it up!
JumpingHuppKnocking it out of the park.After 14 months I have officially listened to every podcast you produced. I thoroughly enjoyed each and everyone of them. You have continued to improve and refine how you interview and it is appreciated more than I can express. As I go down this path in aviation I find myself losing focus and listening to others stories have helped me regain traction. Thank you! I recommend and talk about your podcast to anyone who will listen. Keep up the good work and thank you again!
JWhat PhotographyBest aviation podcast!I have grown up with epilepsy and a love for aviation. This podcast is my way to connect with the one thing I always knew I wanted to do but learned I couldn’t do. Love all the guests and listening to all the stories and learning something new every week! Justin is amazing!
Fire_LionMy favorite podcastAs a 14 year-old aspiring pilot, I can say many great things about this podcast. I listen it every night, and listening to each episode brings more passion towards me getting into the aviation community as soon as I can. It’s so interesting hearing the stories of pilots and how they achieved their dreams of becoming a pilot, whether it just be staying in general aviation or going to the airlines. Nothing has ever peaked my interests like aviation has, and I just can’t shake the bug. As I’m sure anybody who listens to this great podcast can agree that when the bug calls, it’s hard to ignore.
johnnnnnnnnnd3One of your past copilots at PACGreat podcast. Keep it up
GCRick22Doctor - PilotGreat idea for an episode. Definitely one for anyone thinking of breaking into the industry should have their significant other listen to.
hsmooostate of the industryyes, another state of the industry!
johnjonesy33Favorite podcastI’ve said it before but here it is again to help spread the word. This podcast is always inspiring and I enjoy hearing everyone’s stories, words of encouragement, and success. They really help to keep my going in chasing this dream. Thanks for a great show. Congratulations on the baby too
haetyethethetgwyrtherhdtukuGreat show!I love the show, but I still think that there is one person that should be on it. Can you have Swiss001 on the show please?
DobertskiAmazing workJustin always does great work with all his guests. I love the content and have been working to catch up since I am late to the party! Keep up the great work!
NW_NickThanks for the episode with Chris WhiteThis episode was great. I’ve been a nurse for 10 years. Now at 38 I’m making a career change and am just 3 hours into my private pilot. Love hearing from people who came to being a professional pilot later in life or as a second career.
_Grace.White_5 Stars for my father, Chris White.Incredible job revealing a story that even had me intrigued the entire time. We are so proud of you dad… who would have thought?!
conner702This is the best aviation podcast out thereThis podcast has been vital to me in getting me through my ratings. Always good conversations and awesome guests!
AZNFlushAwesomeI’m thinking about becoming a pilot after I retire from the military and I stumbled upon this podcast. I love hearing the pathways and experiences the guests on this show share.
hunterG-pdxflyerEasily My Favorite PodcastI love this show a ton, for many reasons, but mostly because as aviators we love to talk about flying and share stories and nerd out about planes and you get a little bit of all of that with P2P. Justin, thanks for doing what you do - I started listening during my training and have tuned in every week since. Aviators, welcome to your new favorite podcast!
Theonetwo3Great for newbies!This podcast is very helpfull and inspiring for people looking to get into Aviation. Lots of great interviews. Thank you Justin and all the Interviewees!
m.cuneoPilot DrewThis interview was outstanding. His story was very inspirational and also very funny. I know that he was very pleasant to interview. I love the rapid response questions to have him.
Flying BearmanDarned fine showThis show is great entertainment with an awesome host and very interesting guests. I look forward to each show, thank you for your hard work!
PGBAvMy Go To Podcast for Happy FeelingsThis podcast is not only informative but entertaining, and the range of guests is fantastic. The format is great. You feel like you’re listening in on a fantastic conversation over drinks at a party. Well done, Justin!
SteveSchwabGood Suff!I’m a pilot who has been licensed since I was 17. I’m 59 now. I never chased my dream of flying for a living and I now kick myself for not. Channels like this benefit people like me because we can live a bit vicariously through others. Keep up the good work, I love to listen.
CoPilot MomDon’t miss a single episodeTHIS IS THE BEST THING SINCE BUTTERED BREAD!
BryanTBenjLove the showAs someone who is randomly interested in aviation and not a pilot to any degree, I find Justin’s interviews super intriguing, educational, and well planned. I hope to use the knowledge from him and his guests to help me some day secure my own private pilot license. Keep up the solid work!
SMOliliGreat interviewsThx for the great podcast and exposing me to all the different aviation career paths. Your interviews are so good, I always enjoy them :)
MΔTTThis pod rocks!This podcast really gets me there man. The stories are unreal! Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!
cl65skipThis is the standard.Justin sets the standard for interviewers in the podcast world. Each episode takes you on a fascinating journey of so many different personalities, backgrounds and professions within the aviation community. Every pilot has a story, and Justin is an expert at guiding his subject to explain their own literal ups and downs as they become airborne. If you have any interest in aviation, this podcast is an absolute essential download. Great stuff.
Alden VolleA must have for interested pilots!I have thoroughly enjoyed listening to Justin’s conversations and insights with fellow pilots. When I became interested in aviation this was one of the first podcasts I started listening to and it continues to be my personal favorite!
rat88fanCitationMax interviewGreat interview with CitationMax, he’s an interesting young pilot. Thanks, love the podcast.
OmerionGreat podcast, love the insightsI discoved P2P this year and have been following and listening to it as soon as they come out. The insights are very interesting and I look forward to each episode. Thanks for your work!
IlovesharkdBest podcast out thereDeserves more then 5 stars
MikeymikemmmmmWell made interviewsGreat show! Keep em coming.
sten 05Awesome podcastThis is an incredibly well done podcast, being both educational and inspiring to anyone who listens
Trashman85Awesome Podcast!I just listened to his latest podcast with Max Weldon (AKA Citation Max) and it was really good! I really enjoyed listening to Max’s story and get his perspective on flying. I hope to hear one of my other favorite pilot you tubers Premier 1 Driver, Greg Mink. Keep up the great work!
Plano AdamPersonal & InformativeFirst, I need to say I’m newly subscribed, having found your podcast via CitationMax. Truly you have a nicely formatted/produced podcast with the right questions, informative answers with an entertaining result for the listener. Very Enjoyable.
peter.tarantelliStarted with You Tube...As an aviation nut I was searching for some podcasts to accompany me on my long walks. I stumbled on this one and discovered right away a couple of the You Tube pilots I follow and started listening. Very enjoyable, very easy to listen to. It’s just a couple people having a conversation. 5 STARS! Update: all caught up and just listened to the CitationMax episode. I follow Max on YouTube. He is as professional as they come yet very humble and very grateful for everything in life. Well done Justin! Still 5 STARS!
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