Canadian True Crime

True Crime #205

Join Kristi Lee - an Australian who moved to Canada over a decade ago, for an immersive deep dive into some of the country’s most thought-provoking true crime cases.
Using facts curated from court documents, inquiry reports and news archives, Kristi carefully unravels each case—exposing pitfalls of the criminal justice system that all Canadians need to know about.
At least two new episodes a month. Learn more at

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Recent Reviews
  • IsGi D
    enjoy very much
    voice is soothing and love the trigger warning about any animal cruelty- so I can skip!
  • gmpe28
    Great Podcast
    This podcast is thorough from beginning to end. The best True Crime podcast I listen to, and I listen to many. The podcaster does an excellent job of research and reporting ! This is a need to listen to podcast!!
  • Steph is smart
    Absolutely love this podcast!
    I came across this podcast to search for new true crime podcasts. I’m unfortunately am picky on voices of those whom are narrating the story. With that being mentioned, I came across Canadian True Crime and I just love it! Kristie does an excellent job of not just narrating but lover her Australian accent Some of the stories thus far I have heard of, but the one story that I had not heard of and just shocked that I never did was Ecole Polytechnique Massacre. It did happen while I was just starting HS so back then I never listened to the news and my stepmother refused to let us watch TV. At any rate I am glad that I came across this podcast. I did start from the beginning about 2 weeks ago and I am just now starting 2018 stories.
  • fan in Baldwin Michigan
    Keep doing it your way.
    Just listened to the update podcast. I appreciate that you addressed some of the less-positive feedback but many of us appreciate your diligence and ability to share wide swathes of context. We love your show.
  • classysouthernwoman
    We are not your BESTIES!
    Host is good, a little flat in the voice area but not enough to quit listening but PLEASE stop saying “Well besties….” UGH ! Very very cringe.
  • junglechemistry
    Flat voice
    I truly mean no harm or disrespect. The podcasters voice….it could use more energy and maybe not sounding like they’re reading. It’s a bit flat. I appreciate the detail and research.
  • cecegrrl
    Fantastic Podcast discovery!
    Thanks for your diligent research and presentation of the TC genre as it relates to Canada 🍁. Voice narration is pitch perfect; story running times are apropos in duration, not short “clips” that frustrate listeners and, frankly, lose them. I appreciate that the stories are presented without bias, all sides told, and NO political editorializing. I love supporting great podcasts and count yours as one of the best! Cheers and carry on.
  • FartsNboobs
    Decent but slugs along
    The show takes way too long to actually get to the point. We don’t need to know what these people are eating for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All of these episodes should be edited down
  • careidy.4
    Favorite True Crime
    This is the best true crime podcast I’ve listened to. Very similar to casefile and cold case files which I love. No excessive commentary or opinions like a lot of other true crime shows. The included explanations of the judicial process from both sides of every case is a great addition compared to many podcasts which only report the verdict. Also she is very respectful in how she addresses the cases, taking into account the victims families and she is very mindful in how to present cases, mentioning how the true crime genre is essentially exploitation of someone’s trauma for entertainment but she goes to great lengths to produce episodes with respect. The host presents everything in a straightforward, understandable and accurate way. I love her narration and continue to be surprised to hear that other listeners have complained. Im really looking forward to new episodes and highly recommended CTC to anyone interested in true crime or the Canadian legal system
    Great podcast..but
    Love the podcast until Mr Big gets involved, too much then
  • NerdforTC
    Good podcast but too explicit
    I want to start this review on a positive note by stating that the amount of research and time that goes into each episode of this podcast is truly evident. I’ve been listening on and off for a few years; the host has been consistent in producing quality content. However, I only gave the show 3 stars because of the amount of needlessly graphic/explicit detail she used during the Kingston Predator Part 1 episode. When describing the gut-wrenching rape of the young girl, I found it impossible to continue to listen to the rest of the episode. I became physically ill when the host went into explicit detail of each individual sexually exploitative act of the violent rape. Why was that amount of detail necessary? Was there any other way she could have conveyed the predator as a monster other than taking the audience through painfully descriptive detail of the rape? As a podcast producer/host, how do you determine when you’ve crossed the line with graphic/traumatic subject matter?
  • Ceruleanna
    Usually, if not always, Interesting
    The tone and delivery of this show are very similar to Casefiles, which is my favorite. The episodes convey facts of the case without excessive emotionalism or improper humor. At times I’m not interested in the particular case but that’s expected. The show host enunciates clearly and doesn’t try to make the show about her and her life. I was surprised to hear on an older episode that listeners had complained about the host. To each his own, I guess, but this is precisely what I’m looking for in a true crime podcast
  • Renee KS
    Passionate and factual
    Great information and great delivery. The facts and details are told well. Love the format and the host. 2024 Update: truly no one is as passionate about her podcast and subject matter as this woman. She gives it her all, almost to her own detriment. We as listeners are lucky to have her in the true crime community. If you are a survivor looking for someone to cover your story, this is the podcast for you. 5 stars all day long. Fan for life.
  • Christyyy831
    Thoughtful storytelling
    A safe, extensively thoughtful, and well researched story telling. Thank you for pairing all stories with kindness and cultural humility.
  • eg portland
    The music is too much. I get distracted by it.
    I’ve listened to this for many years. I loved it but now I find the background music overwhelming.Host does great work but the music distracts me. I personally don’t think it is appropriate for documentary because the facts should speak for themselves without the music manipulating listeners emotions.. It would be great to have a choice to listen without music . That being said,I don’t agree with people who dislike the political backdrop.Politics and the isms definitely play into many crime stories. I guess if she were right wing it would bother me (and I would stop listening)but I find her spot on . There’s lots of podcasts ( too many)that are just gory and absent of context if that’s what they want.
  • Safavieh
    Good storytelling/Very “Woke”
    I’ve listened since the beginning which was fantastic. Mid-2020 the host started to insert the woke nonsense. Sometimes possible to ignore but occasionally it’s like nails on a chalkboard. I wish for pre 2020 story telling but it’s not going to change.
  • Devine Ms D
    Great Podcast, Terrible Opinions
    Stories are usually well written and interesting, with occasional exceptions. The only negative thing, and it's a big one, is the host having an agenda, giving political opinions, very propaganda like, so I no longer look forward to listening, I get enough of that on TV, true crime podcasts are a distraction.
  • Albertg601
    A Great Podcast
    I found this podcast just this year (2023). I absolutely love it!! Kristi Lee’s voice is so soothing and calm. Episode 134 What a beautiful, insightful and inspiring introduction to this episode. Kristi herself should think about running for some political office!!!
  • Poochgrandma
    A lot of justification going on
    Kristi recently spent nearly an entire episode defending herself and her team. She often starts an episode by explaining why there has been a gap in episodes. In my estimation, her attempts to defend herself have become irritating. I would enjoy the podcast a lot more if she just told her stories. Because as she has expressed, you can’t please everyone. With that said, I enjoy this podcast because it presents cases that I hadn’t heard of here in the U.S. Kristi is also well spoken and articulate.I will keep listening for now.
  • ElizabethSandman
    A humble podcast warrior
    Listen- Kristi is very smart and is a champion of social justice and cares about indigenous people and other marginalized communities. If you don’t care about about these people and just want to criticize the podcast and complain about the length of the episodes; turn it off. This is one of the most thoughtful and informative podcasts i’ve listened to. I really wish i didn’t have to hear Kristi discuss “feedback” because of all of the negative comments about the show. This is not what she should be spending time on- her deep dive episodes are amazing and the short episodes are great as well! Highly recommend if you’re looking for an alternative to the average true crime podcast.
  • whymusyimakeupaname
    Episode 143
    Hi! Enjoying podcast so far! Needing a break from murder and sexual assault, I started the ones about the opioid crisis. Unfortunately episode 143 seems to be the same as 144 and thus not the first one in that series. Will check back another time to see if it’s corrected. Thanks!
  • leslie_will
    So sick of this
    The constant political jabs and virtue signaling are disgusting. If you’re looking for true crime, this podcast isn’t for you. If you’re looking for a host who is a condescending social justice warrior that either lacks self awareness or is so unhinged that she can’t help herself, this blathering mouthpiece is for you.
  • Acolumbianus
    Indie podcast
    Really commendable that Kristi has kept this podcast independently produced in this age of corporate podcast platforms.
  • TaliaC8
    Very thorough and professional
    I enjoy Kristi (and her accent). She is straightforward and provides good information. She also promotes other shows, which is so helpful and benevolent.
  • pinegarland
    Can’t take the politics anymore
    Even though I identified as a far-left liberal until recently (when the extremism of others forced me to become a moderate by default), I just can’t stand the relentless emphasis on politics and the host’s apparently utter blindness to her own liberal bias. I’m a longtime listener and used to enjoy this podcast. But that was back when it was a true crime podcast, rather than an endless “I blame Society” screed. Everyone is at fault except the individual, as long as that individual is a drug user or a member of an ethnic or gender minority. When it comes to true crime, no politics please, as much as possible. Just the facts.
  • iPop-a-lot
    Great presentation!
    However, I get you have your own schedule, mom and social worker here.... schedule is very important, better planning for listeners would be awesome!!!!
  • tater-tatz
    My OG True crime podcast *updated*
    This was one of the very first podcasts I’ve ever subscribed and started listening to. Have been listening to every single episode ever since and always get excited when a new one comes out. I love the format and narration of the stories, I find it to be one of the best out there. Kristi does an excellent job researching the topics and covers many cases I’ve never heard of before. I really like how she brings awareness to indigenous issues in Canada as well. - Update - I’m sorry to say but I miss the cases she used to cover in the beginning. Real true crime cases. I’m sorry but I have to agree with many other reviewers who say that this podcast is going off the topic of true crime. I still listen but definitely not with the same enthusiasm and interest as about 2 years ago…
  • 2244356745
    Oh my gosh
    I can’t listen to this woman’s political rants and demonizing of the other party anymore. She takes the victimhood approach and blaming the government or other people for their own bad choices. Guess what, we’ve all had trauma. That’s but an excuse. I literally cannot even stand the sound of this woman’s voice anymore. You can hear the anger underneath.
  • portokalopita
    Opioid Crisis
    This is one of the best and most comprehensive explorations of a problem facing the US as well as Canada - be ready to rewind and listen again to parts that will have you shaken by facts and implications! I can hardly wait for the follow up episodes!
  • mauschill
    Blah blah blah
    Please stop calling it true crime podcast. You clearly want to be a social warrior so drop the true crime genre and become one. Clearly you are bias and can’t just narrate a story.
  • liyahayan
    My favorite podcast!
    Absolutely love you guys!! Brit don’t ever leave the show seriously I always look forward to “And I’m Brit” 🤣
  • iZishan
    Trying hard to keep listening
    Been a fan since episode 3 unlike a lot of recent listeners who honestly have no ground to counter an old fan’s perspective. It was my favourite true crime podcast for a long time and Kristi is still one of my favourite narrators, but.. the genre seems to have completely changed since the last 1-1.5 years. It’s more of a social activist/light true crime podcast now. Compared to cases like Dellen Millard, Robert Pickton, sad one of Tori, Sina Parsi etc to now any of the last 30 episodes, it has gone downhill and how. If you’ve changed the genre of the Podcast Kristi then either announce it or have two different podcasts covering the two genres. This is coming from a fan who would continue listening to anything real true crime you do. Hope you turn it around (atleast 5 of my friends have the same opinion) otherwise most of us true crime fans would have to bud adieu (PS: I have no issues with your political takes, just the content going so mellow)
  • sadgirlstudyguides
    Amazing and well researched
    Thank you for such a beautifully done and well researched podcast. I know some people think the host is too political but wanting justice for marginalized and oppressed people should not be political but should be the bare minimum. Keep up the good work!
  • MNBree
    Host never considers herself wrong and whines
    We are all biased and tend to lean one way or another and it is difficult to navigate our own leanings. The host fails to understand her own and doesn’t seem to have the discipline to moderate herself. She is not fair and balanced. Host tells stories in a biased way. She claims she is not biased but the language “adjectives”used to describe a “fact” or an event often push a narrative. She spends a lot of time telling who give her negative feed back why they are wrong. I do like her voice and on cases where there is not a victim to be used as a poster child for political agenda I enjoy the podcast. Listened to 35 minutes of her whining about how hard she works, so stressed, exhausted, because she is a perfectionist while at the same time saying she was on vacation for 3 weeks. No one is dying it’s a podcast.
  • grdngl
    Judge much?
    It sounds as if you are including all ACE schools in your judgement of them. Three of my younger siblings attended and graduated from an ACE school in the states and have nothing but fond memories of their time there. Granted, I don’t think there was corporal punishment and it wasn’t heavy on the Christian aspect but it was set up with their cubbies in the AM then they had group studies and extracurriculars in the afternoon as you so briefly and generously allowed. All 3 went on to college and were scholastically and socially ready for that challenge; more so than I was having attended a public school. Please be careful to not lump them all as one. I believe there were more good ACE schools than bad.
  • Corissa215
    You are incredible
    I have enjoyed your show for a while, was a late arrival but started at the very beginning and am caught up to current episode, which is devastating and it’s part one on the Legacy Christian Academy. You are kind, thoughtful, thorough, and are very earnest on your own goings on. Just a solid thank you from me! You are so appreciated. I’m sure you hear it often enough, but reporting on Canadian events with your accent is very endearing
  • JChrismond
    So disturbibg
    My daughter 52 still thanks me for her wonderful Christian school experience at a christian school in St petersburg Fl. It was wonderful happy place with full accreded teachers. They do exist no nothing at all like mentioned here. This story was so disturbing it made me sick. I can hardly believe. Bizzare it hurts.
  • Holly Cobb
    New Listener
    I just discovered your podcast not long ago and have been binging between updates of my other favorite true crime podcasts. I have just finished the series on Tori Stafford. So far this one hit me harder than the rest. Love how you tell the stories. Keep up the good work. You have a new fan and avid listener with me.
  • kcdog33
    Too woke
    Try to tell a story without sounding like you work for CNN. We get it all Straight white men are evil. Listen to Casefile more. No bias at all
  • MinaEsq
    Well researched and thoughtful
    Many have commented about this host’s “political” commentary. Many of the issues she covers are inherently political. She has, and is entitled to, her own opinions. She’s also entitled to express them - it’s her show. And she does. But she separates them from the narrative of each episode’s story and is deft and effective at presenting all sides of an issue. Sometimes one side’s story is simply not a reasonable perspective, and she points that out, too. I admire this host’s integrity in all respects, including repeatedly reminding listeners that they need not pay for all of the labor she pours in to this podcast. If you don’t like anything about this podcast, I’d like to remind you that you have the option to silently unsubscribe.
  • gooatz
    115 repeat repeat repeat. Could be only 3 episodes
    I was just about to post nearly the exact comment Re the Hedley multi episode podcast. It’s ok to post a shorter podcast in the interest of removing all the repetition. I Applaud your attempts to cover topics that need to be shown into the light but stretching out content only bores the people you are trying to reach. I usually like this podcast but this multi episode was 4 episodes that could have been 3 or even 2. 115 was hard to concentrate on due to the same thing being said over and over again. Ho hum. I appreciate the attempt to do a deep dive but it doesn’t seem there was the material to support 4 episodes. Please edit out the endless repetitions. I still like this pod cast but bounced out in episode 3. Addendum later, another episode altogether : oh no not more Darcy! I’ve heard it over and over. This episode has nothing to do with that case. Please stop.
  • cmdm
    excellent podcast...
    well researched and told with great care... haters gonna hate…sorry you’re offended by a caring host…boo hoo…
  • BarbaraStreisand
    Thoughtful podcast & great host!
    The podcast host has such a soothing and pleasant voice that I would listen to almost anything from her, really, but the content is also really interesting. Episodes are thorough and well researched and she’s thoughtful about how crime interacts with other social issues. There are many cases she covers that I’ve never heard of before so it’s very interesting!
  • cherrio65
    Not Smart
    We’ve been faithful listeners for several years, but have been noticing more & more liberal rhetoric, and I happen to read down in the show notes about donating to certain organizations that should not be mixed into the true crime genre. Bad call to take a bold stand on something controversial. It’s more efficacious to appeal to your audience on a whole, rather than alienating those of us who don’t believe in the liberal agenda. We won’t be listening anymore.
  • simonfamily7
    I loved this podcast! Kristi is an excellent researcher, and her attention to detail in the cases is second to none. Unfortunately, I've had enough of the commenting on her political and extreme liberal views. This is one area she does not need to talk about all the time. She could save it for podcast episodes related to these topics if she must express her opinions to her listeners. She has not expressed outrage at the murder of 3 children and 3 adults in Nashville, only empathy for the murderer and donations to pride groups.
  • BagLadyPA
    Done with this
    I enjoyed this one for a while but can’t take the wokeness. I am glad she discloses who she gives money too, since I’ve been a Patreon supporter, so now I can stop funding organizations that I don’t agree with. Good cases covered but I’m out.
  • midwesternerlistener
    Five stars
    A well-made podcast that is both interesting and full of integrity.
  • Sonya 2530
    Great story teller
    Just listened to the Joan Wilson murder and wanted to let you know how good you story was. Couldn’t stop till the end.
  • Vikander09
    Great storytelling and compassion
    I’ve been listening to this podcast for about a year and until a recent episode I was unaware of how much hate has been hurled towards this host. The people leaving comments about how biased she is, must recognize that they are biased as well because she doesn’t agree with their viewpoints and it upsets them. Most of the 1 star reviews are just angry listeners who don’t like her opinions, and want to lash out at her. What really matters is that the episodes are well written, informative and thought provoking. Sure, not every episode is a 10/10 but no podcast could sustain that kind of track record. I do think that she is willing to listen and make changes. Overall, I appreciate her hard work and I love how she tells stories.
  • Selmire
    I really love this show
    I really love this show. I like that Kristi focuses so much on the victims and admire her passion to stand by her convictions and report how she sees fit. Systems of criminal justice are inescapably intertwined with politics, therefore I don’t see why people would be surprised to find this as part of the content. I suppose people just feel so much frustration these days, that they just want the pure distraction of true crime details and don’t want to hear politics. I personally find it refreshing to listen to more about a story; how it impacts societies and the social issues involved will always be part of it. My only comment would be, don’t feel the need to defend yourself - you just keep doing you, Kristi! It’s your passion project.
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