Knowledge Fight

Comedy #99

Each episode, Dan and Jordan take a look at some clips from that day's Alex Jones Show and struggle to make sense of what they find.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dominic Mitchell
    Great podcast
    This is my new favourite podcast. The two hosts Dan and Jordan are super funny. And Dan knows his stuff like he’s taken a PHD in right wing weirdos. I would highly recommend listening to this podcast.
  • mr. mr. 10. 10. fingeros
    They stay rad. Even after the tour.
    3hrs. And I enjoyed the whole trip. It was like being stoned as a kid finding talk medium. So smart so funny. If these MFers did 6 to 10 hrs. A week. I would still be there for it. But this last one was a voyage. So fun. Well produced. The crazy town in what they were describing and how I was there for every pitfall. And every escalation. That was dope. Clap, Clap,………..
  • boomdiggles
    Truth speakers
    Do not sleep on this. They break down the crazy into enjoyable sound bites all while putting it in terms that are understandable and enlightening.
  • takennicknames99
    Movie chit chat? No thanks. Did they jump the shark? You decide
  • Dueidoxk7282
    Awesome podcast
    Found this podcast a few months ago. Absolutely love it. Definitely going to binge listen to all the episodes
  • Salohcin16
    You guys nailed it
    Wonderful show on several levels. You warned us against overexposure to the podcast and I bullheadedly ignored your warnings. It's not easy being a policy wonk.
  • masturk8
    Formulaic objections
    So far I’ve only listened to FO episodes and I like them. I just really can’t deal with Jordan’s laughing and screaming over the audio clips. I like him but it’s too much when you can’t even hear the clip they are playing. If they could just turn mics off or way down during the clips that’d be great.
  • Peter291
    I listen DESPITE Jordan
    Dan is an incredible source of information, and discourse around Alex jones and infowars. Jordan is funny about 2% of them time, but the rest of his comments/analogies/metaphors are so inflammatory and stupid that he is actively undermining the validity of the podcast. Jordans willingness to murder right wing folks, completely undermines the validity of dans hard work. This podcast would be so much better served by an even slightly more intelligent “Everyman” than Jordan. Jordans politics are “murder the right wingers, they aren’t worth existence”. And he cannot fabricate any sort of an argument that is meaningful in a positive way. The cohost Jordan, is just as bad as folks on the network this podcast purports to be shining a light on.
  • nickname953833
    This podcast really helps me at work!
    As a DJ at Guantanamo bay I was assigned to play the most annoying and dispiriting thing possible to detainees. So of course I grabbed all the episodes of knowledge fight and edited out everything but Jordan talking, then started blaring that through detainees loudspeakers. So far 90% of terrorists exposed to this have killed themselves within 5 minutes. The other 10% are shells of men whose only motivation to live are the hope they’ll one day escape and can declare jihad against Jordan. As soon as news of this reaches the public the outcry to release the remaining terrorists with a map leading them straight to Jordan will be more deafening than the only-Jordan knowledge fight wmdcast I created for them to listen to.
  • I’m worried about you
    Focus on your self care
    There is no healthy way to consume this kind of hate. Not even when it’s filtered through well intentioned comedians.
  • Oliver Poopskin
    In the mouth of madness
    I’ve been listening to modern shows for years, but at one point, I ran out of episodes, so I figured I’d start at the beginning. It’s blowing my mind to remember the initial disorientation of 2017 and how absolutely insane the past 7 years have been, how far apart everything has fallen. This is a rational lens through which to look into the abyss. It’s still fun, but it’s a bit more scary of a ride, remembering where we’re at, in this moment, in our cultural and political descent into insanity.
  • JohnKirbyWhite
    We all come from sports.
  • AndiFromKansasILoveYou
    Favorite podcast
    Easily my favorite podcast. Have listened for years and it somehow still grows on me every week. The combination of brilliant comedians and exceptional writers/thinkers is unparalleled, and the chemistry between Dan and Jordan is phenomenal. I would listen to them talk about pretty much anything. Thank you, Dan and Jordan!
  • 泰勒 他贝尔
    The master alchemist.
    Dan and Jordan… You tread on sacred ground. The so called “mysterious professor” has not been lost to history. He is the ascended master Saint Germaine, Guy Ballard/George Washington. Watch out. Great Pod either way.
  • Eradicator5000
    Love the show but
    Could you watch out for giving away spoilers on new tv shows. I was planning on starting 3 body problem tonight and had to stop listening to the show because you guys were giving away the ending. The show isn’t even a month old. Thanks.
  • obsidity
    Don’t know how I got here
    But I’m happy I did. A few years ago, If you’d presented me with the proposition to willingly listen to Alex Jones and in depth deconstruction of his motivations, I would’ve turned you down out of hand. Now my only reservation is unwittingly subjecting bystanders to his voice and the worry that they think I’m legit listening to info wars! Great hosts, great theme song, addictive podcast!
  • 420seank
    jordan be quiet please
    🚨pro listening tip🚨 any time jordan starts talking, skip 30 seconds at a time forward until ur pretty sure his outburst is over and dan or alex is talking, shortens the show a bit but makes it so much better
  • Jerremyandjulie
    Shows how we got here
    Every episode exposes more about how we got to our current political divide. Love love love the relationship and energy of the hosts. It’s like listening to a couple friends talking in a bar - Dan is always the voice of reason trying to talk Jordan out of going on a rampage.
  • Baba Snail
    Lies and deception
    These guys make things up and lie about the content. They are trying to make money off of mocking people and spreading lies. Don’t waste your time listening to these fools.
  • rock1001
    Great Podcast
    This podcast is slowly becoming one of my favorites. Dan and Jordan are the perfect balance of good research and clever humor. It’s more than exposing the madness of Alex Jones, it can be informative, scary, funny, silly, serious, and philosophical all in the same episode. Dan can be more lighthearted than he seems, and Jordan can at times come up with such thoughtful insights that you may find yourself stopping what you’re doing to chew twice what has just been said. I think this pair should officially expand beyond Alex Jones, the work they do is top notch.
  • Tenx101
    Great video
    For the white supremacist that left a 1 star review - there’s people willing to stand up to you, and you are not safe to hurt people bc of your ridiculous beliefs.
  • Jimmy The Jacket
    Wish the commentary was better
    I would listen to this show as great entertainment all of the time if it weren’t for the way that Jordan engages. The outbursts and scoffing and kind of unsupported superiority is not a fun listen. You can’t call people stupid constantly by saying “NOPE” to a bunch of stuff you don’t have a supported counterpoint to. Dan’s analysis is great, and it’s honestly fun to listen to a critical breakdown of the Alex Jones show. Just would be nice for Jordan to take a more measured approach.
  • King whirly
    Pretty good
    Dan has mostly good analysis about AJ. He is pretty fair. Jordan is less fair and less informed basing his opinions way more on emotion but that’s his job. Although Jordan brings it when he dives solo interviews. I enjoy those mostly. Some of his interview subjects seem to get uncomfortable with his aggressiveness. He also makes a lot of quite certain statements which are all gut feeling. It can be entertaining but it can also be annoying.
  • Lexi Depp
    If you ever think of defending alex jones
    Look at the review titled “anti-white racism” left 1/4/2024- that is the sort of person who likes alex. By supporting alex, you support hate. Supporting knowledge fight- much better.
  • DandyAndyD
    Hundreds of hours of entertainment
    The research sited is verifiable and thorough, which is critically important to the credibility and viability of the show. Jordan’s laugh is contagious. Dan and Jordan provide so many bright spots to so many people just by making this show. Thank you both so much.
  • RonocRagnaroK
    Long time listener, first time reviewer
    Dan does a fantastic job breaking down every single talking point Alex Jones brings up, and Jordan excels at expressing the every man’s reaction to said talking points. This is a phenomenal peek into the extremism Jones espouses and the perfect way to handle it; calm, rational rebuttals followed by expletive filled remarks from someone who doesn’t spend their time doing gods work of refuting such a nefarious force in the world. Kudos to these fellas for the work they do and thanks so much for turning me into a policy wonk!
  • Adrenochrome addict
    jordan never stop talking over clips
    maybe it’s cause i grew up on mst3k but i will always appreciate jordan’s witty funny comments over clips and the show would not be the same without it
  • Zachydj
    Hilarious, depressing, insightful all at once
    Dan does incredible work. He is more than fair to Alex and the ideology advanced by InfoWars. At the same time, he calmly outlines the ways in which the conspiratorial nut is a dishonest fool. And of course, Jordan is there to react how we all would like to react 🙂
  • Polecat Swagger
    Jordan has to calm down and stop talking over clips
    Alex Jones would never appear as a guest on this show, because his career would come to a screeching halt. This is a really entertaining, and, unfortunately, a very important show. It would be 5 stars if Jordan had any self-awareness or self-control over his jarringly loud outbursts and constant feigned surprise/anger. Dan's research is why I listen and I really wish Jordan would stop talking when other people are talking (especially when it's a clip of Alex talking. We sort of need to hear what he says in order to understand the critique, Jordan) It's extremely odd that Dan doesn't point this out to Jordan in private or just install a mute button that cuts Jordan's mic off when a clip plays or a guest is speaking. If Dan wants to be interrupted by Jordan, that's fine. But I'm sure Elizabeth and the rest of the professional guests don't appreciate him starting to speak while they are clearly still talking and working toward a point they're trying to make. I know Jordan is married and I wonder if his wife ever gets a word in... The show is worth following, but do yourself a favor and skip the Jordan interview episodes (I tried one and can confirm they're unlistenable without Dan there to provide some professionalism) Also: I'm really glad there aren't more people like Jordan. He presents himself as a moralist, but he's just a childish nihilist who serves as a decent devil's advocate, but only because his first instinct is always just as bad as Alex's. He seems to view everything through the most simplistic lens possible and usually jumps right to joking about murder or something equally insane. He gets himself all wound up and spouts idiotic conspiracy theories akin to infowars or figuratively throws up his hands and insists we all just blow up society (or something along those lines)... This would be the worst show ever if not for Dan's serious research, mature worldview, and consistency as the voice of reason. Shame there aren't two Dans! As a final point: does anyone know what Jordan spends all of his time doing? He doesn't have a job, spends maybe 3 hours each week (tops) acting like a child in front of a microphone...but what does he do the rest of the time? He clearly doesn't follow the news very closely because Dan has to explain every single big story (even the ones that have nothing to do with Alex)... Seems like a guy who spends all day watching anime, playing video games, and listening to bad music in a nerdy bubble, then has a manic episode at Dan's once or twice a week and for that he's able to make a living? Weird.
  • Biggixyz
    Motte and Bailey
    Love your analyses. Thank you! We all benefit from the documentation like yours and ‘People for the American Way’, who monitor the far right and analyze and expose their lies. You guys are brilliant and deliberate and entertaining all at the same time! Your description of his strategy of changing his accreditation (formal training vs being chosen by god) based on the audience, might be my first real example of a Motte and Bailey defense! Learn something everyday. -Nicer Levels
  • KittyNattie
    Can’t stop listening
    I agree with Jordan. 👀
  • Dragonxshit
    Favorite Podcast of all Time
    The title says it all. As a young man, I was very into Alex Jones, but as a young adult I began to become disillusioned by him. However, it wasn’t until I discovered this podcast that the veil was fully lifted from my eyes. Dan, you are doing the world a huge service, and Jordan, you’re great, too. Thank you for frequent video game references.
  • Atreus_09
    5/5 stars
    I think Jordan is hilarious. His loud laugh and screaming cracks me up and no shade to Dan, but he's my favorite host. The level of amusement he gets from stuff is amazing and makes me laugh even if what he thought was hilarious didn't make me laugh. His laugh makes me laugh. This entire show feels like it is classic old school talk radio and I love it.
  • Abbey369
    Listen Jordan gets a lot of hate but some people are strong personalities who are decisive. Jordan contributes to this show and has value as a person. Sick of all the hate he gets. Dan, marry me btw.
  • tinydogtinyhat
    My favorite show
    Dan deserves an honorary PhD for his research. Helpful to better understand white supremacists/militia types in general.
  • Meaux'sMom
    Much needed historical notation of jackassery
    Love this. The carefully curated convey the tactics and lunacy in the nightmarish world of Jones and his ilk. Dan provides extremely well researched analysis, debunking, and thorough moral assessments of the conspiracy theories and other assertions made on InfoWars. Both Dan and Jordan are hilarious, well-informed, and appropriately outraged by the cruelty and misinformation that have become the flag of the far right in the U.S. zeitgeist and political drama. The kindness and generosity of these two makes their analysis balanced in a way that is hard to find. This isn’t rhetorical warfare, it’s exposure of every perfidious tool of right wing ‘influencers’ from the subtle dog whistles to the oft repeated overly loud banners waved by amoral, authoritarian propagandists like Jones. The pod has made me laugh, grumble under my breathe, blurt out involuntary curse words in my car, and occasionally cry at the horrors or war and the cheapening of humanity that the propaganda universe champions.
  • boob0056
    Alex is getting Boring
    Maybe branch out into other right wing nut jobs!
  • StarfukinDansTransitionGame
    The American Way!!
    Dan’s never ending pursuit of the Truth and Jordan’s absolute Passion for Humanity is exactly what this work needs!
  • mistergraham4
    Call Larry Nichols
    My favorite podcast ever. Dan’s serious and thoughtful debunks contrast perfectly with Jordan’s frustrated yet funny observations. Hard to sell the premise, but it’s really good. And remember, “I renounce Jesus Christ!”
  • J3Carlisle
    That’s a lot of content!
    I listened to 800 episodes in one year, if that doesn’t tell you how good the pod is, you must be a spy boy
  • ArchieCody
    Jordan continues to disappoint
    Loud, annoying, usually wrong. Jordan is the worst part of this show from start to finish. Don’t waste your time on his “interview” episodes, they’re trash. He has no idea what he’s doing. Dan is great though! Just need a better funny man for this duo.
  • Grand Priapism
    Tried to start an Intelligence Battle podcast but I'm in Texas
    Dan and Jordan repeatedly amaze me with their comedy and knowledge. Alex Jones is so depressing and funny at the same time. Don't do Greg Abbott. Jordan's interviews with people are insightful and relevant. You get two hosts willing to honestly analyze politics. Fox News couldn't afford them.
  • Ihateyoumike
    Best podcast available
    This is my favorite podcast and has been for a few years. Can’t recommend it enough.
  • The_Racer92
    The boys listen to Alex so you don’t have to!
    Ive bumped into this podcast a couple years back post(?) Covid while I was going through a post on Reddit that a user suggested about this show. From there I was hooked. Dan is a very intellectual person that not only he dissects Alex for who he is but gets into the nitty-gritty about the misinformation/disinformation of the political and geopolitical landscape by means if sourcing the info that Alex spews out of his mouth and bring light to what it ACTUALLY says or even info that doesn't even exist. Plus its a perfect way to learn about how to find info using reliable and verifiable sources (I.e Reuters) and critical thinking. These gentlemen (Dan and Jordan) have not only provide me with more deeper information but they are just funny and making my day a lot more easier to get by in this crazy world.
  • raaiinnyyyyy
    Don’t binge this
    You’re gonna want to but don’t
  • TobiasIsQueenMary
    important critical work
    i listen to infowars pretty regularly because i am extremely alarmed at rhetoric that threatens my family. it's a lot. and it's much better for me when knowledge fight does it. if it weren't for dan and jordan i honestly don't know if i wouldn't be buying super male vitality now back in stock, i call that a three sixty win. ashamed i'm not a technocrat.
  • E K Smith
    It’s great, except for Alex
    I’ll be honest, it’s a wonderful podcast. The only drawback is that in order to entertainingly rip apart Alex Jones, you have to play a little bit of Alex Jones And there’s few audio experiences worse than listening to Alex Jones
  • acroscig
    I’m not mad at the crew.
    Stellar work, boys. I may listen to hundreds of podcasts, but this is one of the few I’ve kept up with (for multiple years at that). Incredible job of breaking down the content & context of Alex’s garbage in a stomachable way. And I gotta say, this is the only podcast ever where I lose my mind with excitement whenever a 3+hr long episode drops. I’m not the first to say this nor will i be the last, formulaic objections 4 life
  • ARKLucero
    Stick to the Formula
    In its standard form, this show is very entertaining, but things go array anytime they stray from the standard format. Episode #849 was unlistenable. Jordan and guest EJ Dickson were constantly talking over one another and could not communicate with each other effectively. Both seem like knowledgeable, thoughtful people, but they lack the talent and/or experience to express themselves through this medium. While this episode was the worst offender, so far, these interview-style episodes are nearly always sub par.
  • BigF'inTom
    Perfect Balance
    Dan is a strict logician and is very measured. His research skills are remarkable and made all the more effective by the reasoning he applies to the facts he uncovers. He really is remarkable. Jordan is brilliantly intuitive and emotionally free. He will occasionally go on a rant that expresses all of the rage and sadness II am experiencing at the time. They nail it every time.
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