Heal Your Hunger Show

Nutrition #200

Get to the Heart of Why You Overeat and How to Stop

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Recent Reviews
  • Junie Moon Schreiber
    Great show!
    Tricia is the real deal. She shares amazing tools to support a healthy relationship with good and brings on wonderful guests to further support them on their healing journey. Highly recommend it!
  • saradoane
    love tricia
    so informative
  • Bay Area SLP
    An amazing source of inspiration and support.
    Tricia’s podcast is a reflection of her, an engaging, transformative and inspiring experience. I love Tricia because she doesn’t only talk the talk, she walks it and is always ready to hold your hand and bring you along!!
  • gutsygyn
    Women need this!
    So many of us struggle to lose weight despite medication changes and trying every diet. It’s so much deeper than that, and Tricia is giving us the tools to break through!!
  • lynn.lisa9
    I love this podcast 💕
    I love it
  • Ruffdog113
    Great podcast!
    This is a great podcast! Tricia is a great host, and shares a very optimistic message around food!
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Tricia, host of the Heal Your Hunger podcast, highlights all aspects of health, wellness and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Stacey Shapiro
    Love this inspiring and informative podcast!
    Inspiring podcast! Tricia packs every episode with tons of amazing content, guests, and interviews that will motivate, uplift and inspire you. I highly recommend!
  • cat_7777777_7
    The tools to succeed
    Listening to Tricia is not only inspirational ... she provides the tools so we have courage to make changes in our lives.
  • Rual Carrier
    Episode 212
    Hi, I am wondering how I can listen to your podcast #212? I can only go to #254 & higher. Thank e
  • Stormcatchickie2
    I recently found Tricia during the pandemic and to change the thoughts I was experiencing during COVID19 I started listening during my speed walk/runs. I have discovered that my obsession with emotional eating has been a part of my life since childhood. Each show helps me pick up one area of my life and relationship with food and understand better the impact on my behavior. Slowly I’m changing. Many times I listen to a show 2 or 3 times to be able to process the message. I’m feeling better with the connections I’m experiencing so far and I’m ready to be free of my food obsession.
  • Maria Huard
    Strength for the Journey!
    Listen to Tricia speak and you'll feel like your own heart has found its voice. She kindly and lovingly unfolds the layers and exposes what's going on underneath. It's not about the food. She's living proof that her program WORKS and she is an amazingly inspirational role model! This podcast is a wonderful companion for Tricia's book (Heal Your Hunger) and coaching program (10 Weeks to Freedom from Emotional Eating). Through the amazing resource of this Podcast, Tricia is available to you anytime, anywhere - her words of wisdom and encouragement can help lift you out of whatever darkness you're wrestling! She is one-of-a-kind, a true gem in the confusing world of disordered eating!
  • Book Coach Kim
    Tricia speaks the truth as a true expert
    I am listening to this during the pandemic where we are all having to face our emotional triggers from the isolation and fear. I have struggled even before this time with late night snacking and I am happy to find this podcast to lean on at this time.
  • Metered hajji
    Sincerity and resolve
    Tricia’s mission is simple; help us overcome our response to what forces unhealthy eating. I can’t imagine how many lives she has actually saved, now much better those lives are now because of her. Tricia, you are an angel to us. Thank you for your work and your dedication to help others.
  • tflaten
    You've got to listen to this!
    I work with people from a functional nutrition perspective. So many get in their own way of their health goals because of emotional eating. Tricia gives realistic, sensible and most importantly, doable action steps that help people help themselves. She's also got a great book and programs to help anyone who is an emotional eater...and really, who isn't? Take a listen and share with others. She's got a great message that will benefit so many!
  • LayinItDown4ya
    From the heart
    Tricia is so genuine in her mission to help people through the dark maze of emotional eating. It’s a pleasure to listen to her. Razi Berry
  • Virtually Natalie
    Tricia brings to the table insightful conversations with a diverse range of guests who share their expertise on healing our bodies and relationship with food. Every epsiode is stock full of actionable advice, relatable insight & pure inspiration. So grateful this exists - keep creating, Tricia!
  • Trineoty
    Heal Your Hunger will Transform Your Life!
    Heal Your Hunger is the first program that had me examining the why behind my eating, showing me that I am powerless toward food. As one who struggled with binging for over 30 years, Trisha’s program finally brought sense to something that doesn’t make sense. I am a proponent of a healthy lifestyle, but I had this dirty little secret that I had no control over. HYH has transformed my life, and it’s transforming me. For the first time in my life, I am stepping out courageously to try new things and move toward making a career change. I have lived a life of fear and self-doubt, never believing in myself, or that I even counted for anything. Today, not only do I know that I count for something, I know that I was placed on this earth to inspire others to be all that they’ve been called to be. I’m so grateful for Heal Your Hunger, Trisha, and the whole HYH Community.
  • littledog1999
    Just listened for first time and I'm hooked!
    I just listened to Episode 140-What's your worth? and Episode 010- The Inner Critic and they really hit home. I appreciated the tips and tricks for trying to beat the inner critic and remind yourself you are worth it! Thanks for two great shows and I look forward to continuing to listen to your podcast!
  • DrMegHaworth
    Tricia is Amazing!
    I love podcasts! I learn so much from experts who have been there in the fields that chose them through life experiences. Tricia Nelson is one such expert. She’s smart, insightful, spiritual, and has done the work it takes to overcome her own emotional eating addiction and has helped thousands of others. She’s got great guests and so much insight to help you. Listen! It’s worth it.
  • Allison L. Schaaf
    Tricia's podcast is a must-listen for anyone strugging with emotional eating. She speaks from personal experience and is so warm and encouraging in her approach. I like that she mixes things up by bringing on interesting guests speaking on a range of topics. Tricia, you are helping so many through her podcast and beyond! :) Allison
  • Breast Cancer Conqueror
    Get to the root of the issue
    I do appreciate the work that Attica has done! There are too many yo-yo diets out there that leave people feeling uninspired and frustrated. Getting to the emotional root cause is the answer. Love the interviews!
  • essentailoildoc
    Profound Interviews
    I love this podcast so much! Tricia really understand the why behind emotional eating!
  • DrEmmyNYC
    Tricia's story and approach to dealing with the WHY behind emotional eating is so powerful! Thank you for putting this out into the world!
  • Elisa Song, MD
    THE authority on emotional eating
    Tricia’s expertise, wisdom, heart and humor go beyond simply educating us about our relationship with food and our bodies to inspiring us to embrace ourselves and stop the vicious emotional eating cycle once and for all. Thank you, Tricia, for all that you do!!’
  • DrSandi
    Great Information and Support for Overcoming Emotional Eating
    Tricia Greaves Nelson offers a roadmap for overcoming emotional eating. With each episode, she brings you experts on the psychology of eating and how to deal with cravings, binge eating, and addiction to sugar. As an emotional eater, this subject resonates with me!
  • FitnessManager
    Revealing, healing and sealing
    Tricia provides a platform for the real truth about food: it's not just physical. It's also not willpower or discipline. It's more. And that's what she's poured her heart into sharing so well with her heart and wisdom here.. more.
  • BrianT001
    A Real Connection with Her Listeners
    Listening to Tricia talk is like listening to one of your dearest friends. She's there with you 100% of the way on your health journey towards healing and feeling whole again. I love that she's so authentic and she can really connect with her listeners by sharing her own experiences of struggles and feeling vulnerable. That is something beautiful because it's so rare in the modern world that we live in today. I highly recommend you listen to Tricia; you will be hooked!
  • Kris10818
    Heal Your Hunger
    I am so thankful for Tricia Nelson’s insight on the topic of weight loss. I have tried soooo many different ways to lose weight and they have all failed. I felt like I was going to be overweight the rest of my life. I am using some of her strategies go get to the root of issues with food. I’ve just begun my journey eating 3 meals a day and I already feel better emotionally and I have a tremendous amount of hope. I, for the first time ever, have found someone who understands my struggle with food and emotional eating.
  • BestUnicornShop
    Love this!!
    Finally a place for a fat man like me to feel like I’m not alone.
  • scsbfbxq523
    Very Beneficial
    I’m really digging it. Keep the shows coming.
  • Nuttelaaaaa
    Great resource for compulsive overeater
    Tricia takes a topic that usually makes me cry (my weight struggle) and instead makes me laugh…I’m not the only one who’s done crazy stuff with food. She’s so honest about her journey, makes me feel like I really know her and she knows me. Thank you!
  • lori and me
    I have been eating better and actually sleeping better since listening to Tricia’s show. I think it’s because I’m starting to address my real emotions instead of stuffing them. Thank you for helping me start to get to know myself after a long journey of self-denial. You are a blessing.
  • Stephanie A. Maj
    I have been a “restricter” for years, and I now have osteoporosis on account of being underweight. Even tho this show is about emotional eating, I honestly think my undereating has been emotionally motivated. This show is showing me new ways of dealing with my emotions instead of starving my body.
  • young.brenda6
    Teaches Thoughtful Eating
    Tricia, I love your compassionate voice and message. It makes me feel like you understand how I feel. I have felt so alone for so many years. This show is really helping me.
  • fit-tch
    Great insight.
    Tricia has given me hope that things can turn around for me.
  • Red Pill Knowledge
    Exactly what I have needed!
    I’m so hungry all the time. I’m finally starting to understand why, and that its not necessarily physical hunger.
  • Frances Bork
    Easy to understand
    I cried when I heard Tricia talking about how emotional eaters are “extra sensitive”. OMG, I have always felt like I was weird because I was so emotional. She makes me feel like I’m not so strange aferall.
    Great show, I will listen some more.
  • torresP908
    I’m so sick of people offering nutritional advice without any help on how to actually follow through. I mean, I know what good and not good, but Tricia goes instead into the psychology of why I eat, which is so helpful.
  • Rebeca Happy :)
    Easy program to follow
    The Sleep Doctor show was phenomenal. I had to take notes I couldn’t keep track of all those tips in my head. Thank you.
  • Yuga-black
    A must for binge eaters
    Loved the interview with her husband, Roy. What a spiritual man.
  • La.sweety
    It’s good to hear Tricia’s personal experience. Makes me realize I’m not alone.
  • Airabella Rose
    So Blessed!
    I am so incredibly blessed by Trisha’s podcast! I love her honesty and willingness to dig deep so that the buried things in me can be uprooted and I am able to walk in more freedom.
  • jrok696981
    She’s got a good handle on things. I will listen again.
  • ccccandy7657
    My new fav show!
    This podcast offers a really unique perspective on weight loss. I have learned so much.
  • ELLA749990
    Honest and open
    I love how perky and enthusiastic Tricia is. It almost makes me want to go eat a salad or meditate! LOL
  • why ask why ?
    Great podcast - Recommend 100%
    I am so tired of diet talk. I know what to eat, but how do I stop eating the junk food? Tricia has made me really think about what causes me to crave junk food…I’m starting to see how it has nothing to do with food. And I love the reminder to look at my emotions…there is a lot of power in identifying what emotions are setting me off.
  • Marla in Dallas TX
    Perfect Show!
    I needed a boost to help me keep on my new health track. This show did the trick.
  • Eva L. Chow
    Love it. Keep it up!
    Tricia is authentic and shares from her personal experience. That is what keeps me listening.
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