The Bechdel Cast


The Bechdel Cast is a podcast about the portrayal of women in movies hosted by Caitlin Durante and Jamie Loftus.

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Recent Reviews
  • NotToBeRude
    Really disappointed
    I used to love this show and I was excited for you to finally do an episode that focuses on the Jewish experience, but instead you used it as an opportunity to spew hate towards Jews and Israelis at the end as well as to lift up JVP, an organization that is not run by jews and has a proven antisemetic agenda. Either do your research or don’t speak on things you don’t know much about.
  • missxcamacho
    For using latinx as a non-binary latine human thank you !
  • marspowr
    Obnoxious and exhausting
    The fact that y’all are still using the colonizer word “Latinx” makes this podcast nearly unlistenable for actual Hispanic people. We’ve been begging white people to stop using this offensive term for years now. Please listen.
  • GladiateGoat
    Excellent Pod
    Excellent Pod
  • blg20
    Can’t listen
    Omg, the mouth noises!
    Smug white liberal feminism makes this important show a tough listen
    We get it, everything is sexist. Dunking is not criticism, it’s hacky and not fun. Bringing up your degree is not a bit, it’s classist and obnoxious. JL is a podcasting treasure and this show is an important part of the film podcast landscape. I guess when it comes to arts discourse I’d just rather listen to someone talking about what they LIKE than someone trying to prove how smart they are.
  • renrm
    Fine. I do enjoy some episodes but they can be very smug despite veering in white feminism tendencies. I also wish they did more research on some of the movies.
  • Zuzu4290
    😊my comfort show!
    This is my comfort show, and the theme song gives me dopamine! Love them, very funny & thoughtful… and definitely has positivity evolved over the HUNDREDS of episodes
  • texasroadhousemassacre
    Love Her
    This show rules & is all I listen to atm- extremely funny & insightful hosts and guests!!!! I just wanted to air one grievance: I feel that transness & a diversity of gender experience is a huge blind spot for this show. They’re really mindful of bringing on guests who can speak from lived perspective/experience pertaining to race and sexuality, but trans guests (who might talk about gender in a more expansive way than “women & femmes” vibes) are wildly underrepresented. The hosts (one of whom is non-binary so this tracks) very thoughtfully expanded the language of the Bechdel test to include marginalized genders instead of just cis women, so I’m hoping there will be future eps that walk the walk!
  • Vicysem
    Love but occasional miss
    Been listening for years & love the show overall. My one wish for improvement: there are def a number of episodes where they clearly hadn’t researched the movie very well but still went overboard trying to find a social justice issue to harp on. I don’t mind those discussions, but it’s hard to give any sense of credibility when you don’t know the movie well enough to discuss v important & nuanced themes. Love when they bring a guest on who knows both well (like the barbershop w queen latifah episode)
  • JadeMija
    in my main podcast rotation
    I reposted to many episodes of this show! similarly to how one might rewatch their favorite movie. I love their takes and recaps.
  • antler kween
    I need 10-15 more episodes on Titanic alone
  • spensermarley
    Smart, witty, entertaining
    These women are incredibly intelligent, HILARIOUS, they have great banter with each other and their guests. they give me the language to explain to friends or randoms at the bar why movies are bad (when applicable) and how our entertainment has perpetuated the stereotypes and marginalization of women and minorities. It’s educational and so so fun. They’re the best and you should listen to all 500 episodes
  • banjobabe89
    Great content, maddening editing.
    This is such a funny, insightful podcast that is undermined by crappy editing in almost every episode. The show frequently plays parts of discussions multiple times—sometimes for 5 minutes or more at a pass. Five stars for content but jeez, get it together.
  • mrrp1998
    Declining quality
    I used to be a big fan but the podcast has declined in quality since 2020. The hosts started to talk about nuances they cannot fully understand, so each episodes ends up being them talking about how “frustrating” (seriously, take a shot each time they say frustrating and you’d die before the ~90 minutes was up) any aspect of a movie they know is somehow problematic but can’t explain the because they are two cis white women. It’s unlistenable now. It’s great to be intersectional in your feminism, but don’t speak on matters that aren’t yours, Save that space for others. They had a great thing going when they examined things with their own eye, instead of speculating on behalf of others.
  • Surfdude 8million
    I grew up watching movies that said ‘negging’ and ‘wearing her down’ was ok. Thank you for giving me the vocabulary as to why that’s just bad behavior and storytelling. I will do my best to pass that on to my sons. It’s a good podcast. Y’all should listen.
  • clgraph
    Love It, except for a few minor issues
    I love this podcast. I’ve been listening since 2018 and have been a “Matreon” off and on since then. This podcast has completely changed the way I view all media. I have a much more critical eye and am looking forward to teaching my daughter about how to reflect on the media she is consuming. Caitlin and Jaime are so incredibly intelligent and think about movies and the representation of oppressed genders in ways that I was never exposed to as a young adult. However, there are a few aspects of the show that have made me pause and sometimes decide to listen to something else. First, sometimes I feel like there is derogatory language used towards older generations, mostly by Jaime. She sometimes criticizes the “Boomer” generation and while her criticisms are often valid, I wonder if some of my views, as a 41 year old woman, would be discounted due to my age. Finally, for two women who are so brilliant, their lack of descriptors for things they don’t like can be juvenile and limited. They use the phrase “peepee poopoo” to describe all things they don’t like and it can be very irritating to me.
  • audsworld14
    This show!
    I love hearing their takes on these movies that we mostly know well and re- thinking from a mature, female perspective. Thank you for your humor and incite!
  • Seattlefancora
    Loved this show for many years
    We were gone girls. Now we’re HERE WOMEN!
  • queuea
    Brevity - please!
    Great podcast with interesting and funny conversations. But… it feel twice as long as it needs to be with a lot of repeated or obvious comments. I feel like the hosts are trying to be perfect - talking about every kind of representation - which leads to lots of criticism and unfocused discussions. I still pop in here and there if I’m interested in the movie or the episode is closer to an hour.
  • IForgotToPutInTheCrystals
    Feminism lol
    Feminists are mentally handicapped. This podcast is a perfect illustration of this fact.
  • KrishnaGreer
    Love the show!
    Hi Caitlin and Jamie, Long time listener, first time commenter. Listening to the May December episode now and leaving this here in the review bc I’m not on the socials to leave a comment - the recent HBO movie on the similar topic is The Tale, with Laura Dern - highly recommend. Thanks for the engaging, illuminating discussions!
  • Steve is Taken is Taken
    A better person
    Listening to Bechdelcast makes me a better man I think. But a worse Patriarchy the Man. Thought provoking and super entertaining.
  • 420seank
    oh it’s nice
    smoking bongs and staring at walls, bechdel ladies make me feel like i’m part of a social group, five stars
  • StarryEyedGal
    Great show
    This show helps me see movies in a new light, and highlights the value in critiquing our media’s hypnotic messages. Inside the film reviews is tucked a lesson in anti-racism. It’s a clever Trojan horse to disguise politics inside entertainment, and reminds us, of course, that absolutely everything is political.
  • DIBmusic
    I love it
    I appreciate Caitlin and Jamie’s work on this show. They’ve been committed to listening and learning, and try to approach serious issues along with silly ones. It’s become a kind of comfort for me, in that I randomly come back to it when I’m cycling through media to watch/listen to while doing daily tasks. I like that you can hear how they’ve progressed over the span of the show. Even when they love something, they’re not hesitant to critique it as harshly as other things. Which I have a lot of respect for. I’ve been listening to the show since it’s inception, and it’s only gotten better as the years go on.
  • Teem Dodger
    Anti-trans nonsense
    Conflating being trans and who Ed Gein and Norman Bates are is incredibly problematic. Ed Gein was not trans. He did not identify as a woman. He dug up women and made them into lamps. That is entirely different from being trans, and conflating the two is incredibly offensive.
  • Jenivc
    Need Elocution lessons
    Impossible to listen to. They say “like” every other word.
  • IntergalacticPlanetaryPI
    This show saved my life
    Maybe not saved it, but got me thru the hardest year of my life (my dad died). I just binged this show. Caitlin and Jamie have such fun chemistry (it’s funny to listen back to the earliest ones when they are still figuring things out). I love Caitlin’s recaps. I love the context Jamie brings in. I love how they really try to address their blind spots and bring guests on the show who can elevate the discussion on the film. Most importantly, I love how it’s funny! I’m so glad this show exists. I will just put it on while I’m doing chores and it’s like a fun conversation is happening in the other room. Thank you thank you thank you Caitlin and Jamie.
  • soulja_boi_tellem_is_the_bomb_222332
    Please review better movies
    I liked the show in the beginning, but lately they’ve been doing exclusively teen movies/Disney Channel. My question is, who cares about these movies other than the children they are geared towards? As someone who is not a fan of either genre, I’ve had to unsubscribe.
  • -/ellehelle\-
    Gregnant EDITED
    I didn’t think it was possible to like the Alien movies any more than I already did. And then I listened to this podcast! If you love a movie or hate a movie, listen to an episode about it. It’s so fun. I laugh until I cry mostly every time. Mostly. ALSO (this is the edit) SO many tropes exposed by this podcast! FINALLY I can explain why some movies rub me the wrong way. Before I was like “idk, I just didn’t like it.” Now I’m like “THIS. This is what hit me wrong.” Particularly the damsel and black best friend tropes. Thank you for giving me tools to talk about these things in an intelligent way.
  • EphemeralErika
    Great show, strange ad content
    Jamie and Caitlin, your show is one of my favorite podcasts. I love your conversations and guests. If you read reviews, I want to flag that I Heart is serving more right-wing ads. It’s really strange. Employees Only seems particularly against your values. It’s jarring. Keep being awesome!
  • krystalcovert
    Great show- keep talking ladies!
    I love this show! Great guests every week. I love how the conversation is smart and the topic taken seriously yet the hosts don’t take themselves too seriously. It’s the perfect balance! I get my smart feminist critique served up with some comforting movie talk.
  • Oncethrown
    Fun and educational (but)
    I love this show and I always look forward to the hosts and their guests, but I am begging Jamie to stop chewing into the mic. It’s so awful and there are a handful of episodes I’ve noped out of because of smacking and gulping.
  • Katie_McQ_
    More Jamie Loftus content 😍
    Just finished reading Raw Dog and loved it so much. I’ve listened to My Year in Mensa at least six times? Learned a ton from Lolita Podcast and Aack Cast. Trying to find more Jamie Loftus content to consume and I’m so happy to have discovered this back catalog of movies that make up much of my core childhood memories. Caitlin is great too!
  • mspassell
    467655776 stars!!!
    I mean cat nipples!!!
  • lep08d
    led me to the gregnant meme and that lives rent free in my mind forever Also very thoughtful, funny and casual in a way that is a good time to listen to. I never watch movies and the recap makes me feel like I do.
  • T-schmozy
    This show rules
    I’ve been listening for a few years and am a huge fan!! Caitlin and Jamie are so frickin funny, and I’ve learned so so much from the show. Thanks, guys!!
  • PocketRaccoon
    One of my F A V O R I T E S
    Hey hey hi hello hey! For starters, I love everything Jamie Loftis does! (Not gonna lie.) I relate to her in many ways and it’s cathartic hearing her opinions on certain things because it’s fairly often they align with my own. Plus, her sense of humor seems very similar to mine, which can be somewhat hard to come across in other forms of traditional media. (Unless it’s an animated series, fantastical film, or something else that isn’t seen as “adult” oriented.) Jamie is out there, witty, and not afraid to just be a little silly. That said, this podcast is really fun, informative, and is a feel good kind of listen. What’s more, this podcast introduced me to Caitlin Durante, too. They remind me of some of my more grounded friends that have a tendency to keep things on track. Caitlin and Jamie’s chemistry and energy is infectious! They have such an amazing dynamic that creates a super cohesive flow. Sometimes (not all the time, but SOMETIMES) the guests can feel like third wheels, especially when their commentary is minimal or their audio quality is incredibly disconnected from the rest of the show. It definitely gives that “this person is calling in” sort of vibe. As far as the content and structure of the show goes, I really enjoy the formula and how they break down movies piece by piece in order to explore intersectionality and other feminist dynamics that aren’t usually explored at large. I will agree with other reviewers that, despite the focus on intersectionality, there can often be some missteps and performative moments. Typically, there will be a black guest if the movie in question discusses black issues, however, it’s not as common for a POC to just be… a natural recurring guest. Though, all in all, if you want a different perspective that challenges the status quo and might be a bit different from what you’re used to seeing or hearing day in and day out, give this one a listen.
  • SammySquarepants
    Screw any man who interrupts y’all
    Also I googled uncanny valley and I still don’t understand what it means.
  • madtopp
    Loving so far :-)
    I just saw Beau Is Afraid and I would love to hear y’all’s take on it. I need a feminist watching and discussion lol
  • mirandathecurly
    a truly shrekian podcast
    I am such a fan of this show. The chit chat at the start of each episode may not be for everyone, but it is definitely for me. Jaime and Caitlin rock and I always enjoy hearing their insights and perspectives. I’ve started choosing to watch movies based on whether or not there is an episode covering them. The Nicole Kidman AMC commercial episode is a must-listen.
  • From Taipei, with Love
    Glad It Exists
    But much of it feels familiar and doesn’t land for me at this point in my life. Give it a listen if you haven’t.
  • Tiny Shepherdess
    Too much rambling
    I may be the only reviewer who doesn't appreciate the endless rambling and supposedly humorous chit chat. I've listened to two episodes and it takes WAY too long for this pair to get down to actually reviewing the movie. I simply don't have the patience, focus nor the time to wait that long. And in the event that I do, the sometimes intelligible points made are interrupted by, you guessed it, more rambling. Stick to the point!
  • 15Letters
    I want to hang out with these people.
    I was hooked when the hosts nonchalantly connected Mean Girls and John Wick via violent acts with pencils.
  • zuijexari
    Kaitlin really said it best in the Goofy Movie episode. “We are Geniuses.” Best movie criticism on the internet. Love the show. Keep up the good work.
  • funpolicelou
    It’s very shrekian for something to mean nothing
    Truly love this show even if I’m still sad about the princess bride take down. Reliably funny and insightful. Good work
  • Jesssssssss2133537282
    Needs editing!
    The titanic VHS tape #1 episode. Why are we 50 minutes in and you haven’t gotten to the content yet?! Why are you talking about the door and mythbusters? Shouldn’t that be for VHS #2? Are you even going to talk about the first half of the movie at all in this episode or are you just going to talk about how many times you’ve covered it on the Matreon? Oof, I’m sorry. I love you all but there is so much rambling sometimes that it becomes infuriating to listen to. “Is that all of our business?” happens at almost the 53 minute mark. Am I missing something here? Are you not wanting to discuss the actual content of the film? I’m giving 4 stars because I want to like the podcast. I feel like it could be better if you just thought more about your listener. Some of the episodes are very good and very funny but some are just so full tangents it doesn’t even feel like there is a substantial conversation or analysis which is disappointing for a podcast called the Bechdel Cast where you’re supposedly analyzing films through a feminist lens. I would like more of that.
  • sailor_puta
    Titanic Rehash
    Tbh this was my first time listening to a Titanic episode, and I was v dubious. Surprisingly, pleasantly, I loved it. Y’all are great.
  • heeeeeehawwww
    this podcast keeps me going
    i talk about this podcast a couple times a day. i started listening in september of 2022 and have made my way through the backlog on the matreon. caitlin and jamie are hilarious and incredibly introspective. i look forward to every episode. great content. big laughs.
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