Bad With Money With Gabe Dunn

Careers #42

Twice a week, Gabe Dunn (he/they) brings you a money show for the weirdos and queerdos -- with an unabashedly radical point of view about finances that will help you fix your life. You won't get rich, but you will feel seen. Gabe, a queer and trans writer and New York Times best-selling author, and their expert guests take down out-of-touch money movies, TV, and books, listen to your personal financial wins and woes, try to better the world for the not-billionaires, and laugh because they just can't cry about this shit anymore. Send a question or voice memo to

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Recent Reviews
  • Charsyb
    I first listened to Bad with $ several years ago probably when it began as mainly financial advise. I stopped listening in 2019/2020 just when politicals and culture became so volatile and woke. I was always conservative, but not politically aware or active until the Covid nonsense and BLM/Antifa riots radicalized me in summer of 2020! I only listen to these super "woke" liberal shows to stay informed and not be stuck in an echo chamber. I do want to hear the other side to see what they're saying and hear their take on the issues. While I enjoyed Gabby's show in the beginning, I don't agree with much of the content. Although, I still find some episodes entertaining and funny. It's sad how we're all so divided. Ah well. Do your own research folks, listen to both sides and form your own opinions.
  • StarryNightQ
  • Jesselynn Amerling
    The most relatable money podcast
    Love the podcast, thank you Gabe and everyone on the production team! The early episodes of the pod got me to finally tackle my high interest credit card debt, and I’m SO GLAD I felt encouraged to reach out to my parents for help (securing a lower interest loan). I’m so relieved, and can now even invest money instead of giving half my income to creditors. No matter where you are on your financial journey, this podcast is a life saver, and without any judgment or unrealistic expectations for us Regular People.
  • MarqMit
    So Many Good Episodes
    I only began listening to podcasts during the pandemic, when growth on a personal and financial level become paramount for me. Now, Bad with Money is a fixture in my rotation, and I never skip an episode. Gabe isn’t afraid to share his life with listeners! I have very much appreciated learning about Gabe’s journey, transition, wins and woes. There are so many good episodes to learn about money, the world and all the diverse perspectives that exist on this planet! This show is definitely not cookie cutter, and you will learn so much!
  • clbrittqueen
    Mental breaks
    I so appreciate the way this podcasts communicates ideas simply without talking down to the listener. My favorite thing about the show, however, (this is so specific) are the little breaks of silence opened and closed with guitar strums.
  • RXL837
    Great show
    Gabe is relatable and asks questions that so many of us have but feel dumb asking. Great guests, honest realities of life and finances. So disappointed hear Gabe say people have been complaining about the ads! Listening to ads is a free-to-us, obscenely easy way to make sure creators get paid for their great work that we get to consume for zero dollars. And on top of it, there are not that many ads at all!
  • Smitks
    Beginners Guide to Finance!
    Love this podcast. Have been listening for 4-5 years and really appreciate the approachable, down to earth way that Gabe and the guests introduce different finance topics. The recent episode “a very soothing retirement episode” really was exactly as described and I found it really reassuring. This podcast and all the work Gabe does helped me build up courage to start investing and I definitely feel more financially competent than I was before I started listening. Thank you!
  • lis20182019
    Border patrol ads in a show about money and inclusivity?
    Hearing the border patrol episodes consistently throughout this new season has turned me off from the show. I use to really enjoy but having the increase in ads then things that actively work in displacing indigenous people and militarizing the border- disappointed.
  • Seastar858
    Can’t get enough
    I’m not sure why but I just enjoy Gabe so much - Gabe makes money so much more approachable and engaging
  • Magsgc
    Love the show but SO many ads
    I love this show and feel like I’ve learned lots of things, but oh my god there are so many ads now. The mail bag episodes are literally half ads. It wouldn’t be so bad if they’re weren’t so many in a row, but I’ll be driving listening to the podcast and all of the sudden there’s just six full minutes of ads. I don’t like to hit the skip ahead button when I’m driving but six minutes is like a third of my commute. So overall, actual content is good but too many ads.
  • Britt1135
    Money Fave
    I am not a finance girlie by any means, but I have learned so much from Gabe. They have topical coverage of money issues and truly listen to what the audience is curious about. A great podcast for practical financial explanations and social justice perspectives about money.
  • kyleTXwahoo
    He actually doesn’t talk down to you
    Gabe is like my cool big brother. But we didn’t connect until adulthood so he doesn’t bother me in that brother way. He makes me laugh at the bar but then I break down crying and he gives me a hug. I love financial wellness podcasts, and this is the only one I know of where the host pauses to comfort strangers in every episode. Gabe rocks. You can do this.
  • ez-lijah
    All-Time Favorite Podcast
    I have too much to say, so I’ll just leave it at the title. This is my all-time favorite podcast, hands down. Five stars for sure
  • kailajg
    Money from Every Perspective !!
    I have loved this podcast since the beginning and often refer back to earlier episodes. I LOVE that Gabe mostly speaks with non-cis-straight-white men about money, since there are enough of those guys telling us how the system works for them. BWM fills in the gaps of…. Literally everything else. I was hooked from the beginning when they asked the most shamelessly simple questions about money. It was such a refreshing invite in. And now, years later, although I still have work to do… I feel empowered to make good financial decisions because it’s good for Me, and not because it’s what some guy said I *should* do. Plus, Gabe is super funny and relatable and open to listeners’ disagreement which I appreciate. I look forward to episodes every week. :) Thank you, thank you, thank you Gabe
  • urmomcalled
    Always a good laugh
    I always learn something from Gabby and have a good laugh.
  • From a barista
    Guess who’s back!
    Gabe is back - back - back again! So excited for the next season!
  • robin1042
    They’re back!!!!
    Gabe and the show are right back in step. The first book break down of the season has the depth and discussion that are par of what make this show a great hour! Gabe is as always relatable and looking out for us.
  • MelStizzle
    is hot
  • Assnap Kined
    Podcast is garbage
  • Fotojoec
    Mindless Drivel
    The fried chicken/diet analogy ensured I’d never take financial advice from anyone on this show. If you’re going to justify eating crappy food because “It’s hard to diet” you have the financial literacy of a rock. Every sentence is riddled with virtue signaling nonsense and woke ideological platitudes. As an adult who’s existed in the real world for decades, I can tell none of these kids has ever had a real job or any serious responsibility. Knocking the rich dad poor dad author was the nail in the coffin for me. Total idiocy and ostentatious pontification.
  • veccb
    Social Issues + Money = Thought provoking
    I recently tried to start another podcast about money, and it came across as incredibly privileged. This podcast has changed how I think about money, issues around money, and social issues generally. Season 1 is different than the rest, so definitely stick with it! I wanted to add in that the Takedown and Breakdown episodes have been THE BEST addition to the podcast. Thank you, Gaby!
  • mikaelaj23
    Bad w/ Money is fun and funny
    Found Gaby’s work through another great pod, TTFA and ever since I’ve been hooked! This pod offers relatable money advice that I feel is realistic for the average listener. I love hearing popular finance advice debunked and dethroned, about listeners with similar struggles to mine in the mailbags, and Gaby + Mal’s general banter!
  • Thats Fresh
    Long time listener leaving
    I’ve been listening from the start and really enjoyed the info and Gaby, but now it’s all listener feedback, mailbags, opinions on top of opinions, and every guest is the same. Adding Mal was a bad idea, sorry. But they don’t add anything educational to the show…I feel like I’m just listening to a couple hanging out and loudly laughing in my ears now. And I get that this is a progressive podcast, I’m wildly liberal myself, but Gaby has gone off the far-left cliff so that every moment of every episode has to be clocked for potential triggers, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sexism, classism, ageism, ableism, and mental illness. I believe all of those issues are valid and respect them, but Gaby can’t make it through one conversation without mentioning at least 5 of them, so now every episode sounds exactly the same. There’s a big audience for this type of talk, and I was there too in my late 20s, but I’m moving on to broader podcasts that discuss money and culture that still believe in these issues, but don’t have to limit their entire podcast around them.
  • Alessandra di Lampedusa
    Anti-Money Laundering Laws
    It's not that banks are not progressive, but Mal's stated objective to change names in an account without paperwork is lazy or naive, at best. It's not personal. Do the legal work and paperwork and the rest will follow. Banks are regulated entities and are beholden to AML laws.
  • blah blah amanda
    Listen to it!
    I absolutely love this show. From the hosts to the input from the listeners, I learn so much and hear so many different valuable perspectices. I wish that I had found this podcast years ago. I'm going back and listening to old episodes and will be so sad when I run out of episodes to listen to. I love the addition of Mal, they are delightful. I also love Gaby's screaming and screeching. There are more than enough podcasts with monotone hosts.
  • Cephinise
    Great Show!
    Love , love, love this show. Listening at work helps keep me calm and makes my boring job a little more bearable, shh, don’t tell my boss. The episodes with Mal are my absolute fav!
  • _heyitsjudee_
    10/10 would recommend
    Gaby & Mal are the best. Mail bag episodes are my favorite because of the different topics listeners bring up. It helps me know what topics have been covered so I can go back to check them out. Also regarding the screaming review yes we can hear you but it also cracks me up every time you do it
  • listener2299
    Gaby…PLEASE stop screaming and screeching. It hurts. We can hear you, I promise.
  • Jason176
    Big fan
    Love the show 🙂
  • Loquita08
    Are in New Zealand not Australia.
  • chrisden_7
    Love this show
    Gaby and Mal are great to listen to, informative and entertaining
  • stroshine b
    Good topics! Host is kind of odd?
    Great topics and most of the interviews are interesting. The thing that bumps for me is the host pretends like they grew up poor? They interviewed their mom (who is a divorce lawyer??) and their mom says that she would have given the Gaby money when they were financially struggling if only they had asked. Even Gaby’s mom said Gaby misrepresented things in their pod/book! Gaby also attended private school and an expensive private college. They went to Europe in high school? It’s just very odd that Gaby acts like they have a working class. I guess it’s to be relatable to listeners
  • Swangal
    Star star star star star
    I love love this podcast and I love the recent review of media through a money lens. I didn’t know I wanted it but it is my favorite thing. Right in my wheelhouse!
  • Cooper City Mom
    Being educated with every episode
    It’s amazing how much I have learned about money, the economy and the ins and outs of achieving financial success listening to Bad With Money. Gaby and her guests approach each subject on a level understandable by financial dimwits like me. Bravo.
  • brittareyouok
    Relatable and Interesting!
    My name is Gabby and I’ve been BAD with money. Well, imagine my surprise when I was panic googling after taking a look at all of my debts and feeling like I’ll never be out of it… and I find a podcast called bad with money hosted by someone with my name. This podcast is relatable and not condescending. Being in debt feels so overwhelming, but worse, it feels lonely and shameful. It’s helpful to feel less alone and hear a number of different topics as I try to get better with money.
  • Nclevela85
    Finances made simple
    I have been listening to this podcast since the first season and enjoy every episode! It is filled with smart money habits and information that makes my feel empowered by finances instead of limited. Gaby is a compassionate host that listens to guests and can balance multiple perspectives at the same time, so refreshing!!! Mal is a great addition to the show and I relate to so much of what they have to say. Also, thanks for recommending the How to Buy a Home podcast! My husband were able to are about to close on our first home. We are able to take this huge step in no small part thanks to you and your podcast. Love your podcast. Looking forward to future episodes!
  • noyesm
    Stick to what you know
    Stick to teaching your audience about money and how money works in America. That was the original goal of the show and you did well. Do not ask your audience for content and then turn around and call them racist, homophobic, transphobic. It’s shallow and bland and easy for you. Gross.
  • dobbae
    Amazeballs podcast
    Love love love this show! Both Gaby’s podcast and book Bad with Money have helped me navigate the money world more than anything else. They give practical real world advice and also help give voice to diverse perspectives on the ways that our system is messed up but also how we can move forward and challenge those systems. I love the mailbag episodes so much - I feel like it’s an office hours and Gabys the cool professor helping answer all the questions but also encouraging listeners to live their best lives.
    This show is…fantastic!! Super helpful.
  • Sparklephobia
    The heroes we need!
    It is so relieving to have the ability to listen to a show that actually gives usable advice without having to listen to the voices that I don’t need to hear anymore. Thank you so much to Gaby and Mal!
  • Side A Says
    A rewarding roller coaster of facts & emotions!
    If you’ve ever struggled with money, this podcast will make you feel seen and will provides a great many perspectives on how to deal. I love that the hosts truly tackle the messy perceptions around money and try to talk about what it means to thrive (OR NOT) in the fever dream that is America’s capitalist reality. There are so many experts to hear from, it’s always worth my time (which is money, obvs).
  • jessplease42
    The most important money podcast around!!
    I love the blend of money and social issues that gabby tackles. Gabby rules!!
  • Molly284
    Smart without making you feel dumb
    Funny inclusive and great information and debate
  • Ohladysamantha
    Love this show
    Longtime listener and reader and watcher of everything Gaby does. Love the addition of Mal and their perspectives on money. This show makes me think differently about money and has made me feel seen when it comes to money trauma and insecurities.
  • DrLS437
    Loving these conversations!
    Love the new cover art! As someone who loves personal finance podcasts, I’m really digging this unique perspective in the scene. Gaby challenges their guests and pushes for real info. I like their sense of humor and voice. Thank you for putting it out there.
  • Erinquinlivan13
    Decent Advice, Intolerable Host
    there’s decent advice in the podcast, but Gaby’s woe-is-me victim mentality gets progressively worse throughout the seasons. she tries to make things seem 10x worse than they truly are in what I believe is an attempt to radicalize people. then when a guest comes in with logic and reason, she argues it.
  • harperphillips
    A Must for Anti-capitalists
    Gaby is the best! This show has been such a huge part of transforming my relationship with money for the better. It’s been my guide for leaning how to talk about money openly and without shame. With exceptional nuance and an intersectional perspective, if you’re an anti capitalist who doesn’t want to get run over by our financial system, this show is a must. Thank you, Gaby!!
  • Shenannagans
    I love you Gaby
    That’s all :]
  • SisterRay
    Kind with money
    Money intersects with everything. Gaby respects their listeners and gives us a show about money with a unique perspective that incorporates gender, class, race, sexuality, history, culture, and so much more. It is relevant, fascinating and educational. Also very funny! And very vulnerable and endearing. Also it helps that Gaby comes from a professional journalism background and tons of experience as a comedy writer and performer for some big name media company that you have heard of. This show is broadcast quality and very professionally produced.
  • girlwiththebraids79
    Getting better with money
    I have learned so much from this podcast and have always felt empowered and supported by Gaby - which is NOT how other financial pods have felt! And the centering of marginalized voices is a huge plus!
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