Teach Me, Teacher

Courses #13

Designed from the ground up as a no nonsense approach to teacher development, this podcast is your gateway to bettering your craft (and having some laughs along the way).

It is a show for you. To help you better your craft, learn new skills, and get ideas to fuel your own.

It is a show for anyone in the field of education, and has featured teachers and administrators from all over to offer their unique perspectives on some of the most relevant and hottest topics in public schools.

Teach Me, Teacher has won several "best of" awards and has featured some of the top minds in education to date.

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Recent Reviews
  • Chiaying.Bella
    Distracting background music
    I don’t know how others feel about the background music, but for me it is way too loud. I have to sit down and focus hard to hear the vocal. It doesn’t work when I’m moving around doing laundry or driving. I believe many of us don’t have free time for podcasts and can only tune while doing other chores. Could you please consider lower the volume of the background music? Thank you.
  • msvteach
    Let’s Go!
    Over the last year or so, this podcast has become one that I look forward to every single week. The content is always fresh and relevant, and I really appreciate the different perspectives explored through the various guests. You never know exactly what you’re going to get, but you do know that it will make you think. Thanks so much for your dedication to producing high quality, thought provoking episodes for educators and for always being a positive realist.
  • Gchild91
    This is the Ultimate teaching and educator podcast!
    I recommend all educators from Pre k to 12th grade to tune into this podcast. I also think it is beneficial for parents to also listen. I appreciate that the host dives into various topics that need to be spoke about for the betterment of the teachers and students. His interviews are always on point. The interviewees seem very knowledgeable and passionate about education. Thanks for giving us a real insightful and educational podcast to tune into!
  • Early Bird Elementary
    My go to for teaching!
    This podcast is amazing! I’ve been listening for a few years and I have learned so much and found some wonderful books as well! Thanks for everything you do! 💛💛
  • darcmarie
    So many great books!
    I started listening a few months ago. I’m listening front the beginning, and I’ve bought so many books!! I’m not sure when I’ll have time to get them all read, but I will be well prepared for my return to school! I also LOVE how honest everyone is about teaching. It makes me feel better to know the others that push through struggles and that it’s really your 7th year when you start to get “good” this perfectionist needed to hear that! Lol
  • Alee510
    So Annoying
    So annoying that the innuendo is that Trump’s administration engendered some kind of bullying culture in schools. Stop blaming the reflection in the mirror. Bullying is an age old issue which has more to do with the mental health of the ‘bully’ and the ‘victim’ than any administration. ‘Poor kids are just as smart as white kids’. How about tearing that that heinous comment apart?
  • mack stephens
    So much to learn!
    As a pre service teacher, it is so exciting to listen to episodes full of advice, wise knowledge, experience, new mindsets, tips/tricks, and more. It is also incredibly exciting to hear conversations validating potentially controversial opinions about how I wish to run my future classroom. Keep doing what you’re doing! Always offering multiple perspectives, viewpoints, and resources has made a world of a difference in my confidence and education outside of formal academics!
  • Ris&Josh
    Love this podcast!
    As a first year teacher, I’ve learned so much about current teaching issues, ideas, and strategies by listening to this podcast. My favorite aspect of this podcast is that Jacob actively listens to his guests rather than engaging in arguments over disagreements. It creates an open-minded environment that I crave in this day and age.
  • Cwiphone
    Great Podcast!!!!
    You can tell that Jacob has great intentions of improving kids’ lives. I am studying elementary education right now, so I am not currently a teacher, but listening to this podcast makes me soooooo excited for the future!
  • 5 stars*****
    First time listener and I really like it!
    I listened to the 2 parts of the CRT discussion. Part 1 with Givens was pretty okay. Part 2 with Robinson was extremely difficult to listen to. Everything was based on his feelings and little research, if any. I appreciate the host’s ability to question both parties in a challenging yet non-offensive way. I will be listening again.
  • Gun sense
    Listening to Learn
    I am a Pandemic-retired teacher from GA and just recently returned to teaching in SC (home), and I needed to dig in to education for a refresher. I found this lovely podcast. I have been listening all summer. Not only is the intro music motivating, the podcaster voice is pleasing to the ear. His content so far has been spot on and relevant to me as a teacher specifically in terms of literacy and lately because he uses civil discourse to acknowledge the challenging environment in which we teach and LEARN. Thank you for your insight and your modeling of what makes education powerful.
  • Allyson Graef
    I may enjoy the podcast but they are talking so fast it’s hard to keep up.
  • julia.teach
    I’ve listened to about 4 episodes today. All I can say is YES!!! Your podcast is so informative, hilarious, and to the point. Thank you for bringing relevant info to your fans!
  • WVA Hokie
    Every time I listen to this podcast I get excited about teaching. Most of the time, I’m mowing while I listen, and I can’t imagine what the neighbors think because I’m nodding in agreement or with my mouth open thinking about how I’m going to use these ideas in my classroom! I’d love to hear about more ideas for the elementary classroom! Thank you for your hard work!
  • kat-tastic94
    Huge GT thank you!!
    I tested into GATE in 5th grade but nobody ever told me what it meant or brought it up again. Listening to episode 5 now and EVERYTHING MAKES SENSE! I started listening to your podcast recently to help me prep for my first semester of my masters in education with a credential this fall. As someone who didn’t study education for undergrad I’ve been worried about how to handle students that were like me vs AP students vs on level students and this has been incredibly helpful. Thank you for this podcast, it’s amazing!
  • NotChrisR
    I wish my commute was longer
    I am so fired up to list to this every night on the way home. Thank you!
  • I love this⏩🐶!!!!!
    I found Teach Me Teacher Podcast during remote teaching. I could not get enough of Jacob’s inspirational speaking. His love of teaching & children comes through in every episode! He shows he is a student of the craft in his growth as a presenter. The quality of the audio has improved but his 1st podcasts are worth a listen everyone is amazing!!!
  • Therealvertex
    Love it!
    This podcast has provided some great PD on literacy and has really motivated me on my Winter break.
  • kautenpartyoffour
    The professional development I needed...
    I have been teaching for nine years and while I love my district and school, sometimes I feel alone in wanting to better myself as an educator. This podcast gives me helpful ideas to enhance my teaching and I love listening to authors of books that I love. Thank you for creating this podcast!
  • lkleinbe
    ESSENTIAL Teaching Podcast
    Teach me teacher has ignited a passion for teaching in me that I didn’t know was there. Whenever I’ve had a hard day in the classroom, I can always find an episode that will remind me why I love doing what I do and will give me practical ideas to make the next day better. I have learned so much from this podcast- way more than in any pd put on by my school!
  • Wjr152
    Really enjoying it
    Thank you for bringing me on! Love the show! Jacob is the “real deal” educator!
  • AshleyM1284
    I found this show during the Covid quarantine, and it has truly been so inspiring and relatable! Jacob Chastain has a charismatic “radio” voice that draws you in, and he always has these great conversations with really interesting guests. Teach Me, Teacher is my new favorite podcast!
  • Ashley Gran
    Just amazing
    When I need some inspiration and truth THIS is where I come! I love the speakers he chooses to put on the podcast as well as the topics. Lastly, of course, Jacob himself is just absolutely amazing!
  • kajdhkwvdjhwdhkv
    Reading & Writing Workshop
    Phenomenal Phenomenal tips that are simple and easy to implement and I can see them work now!! So exciting!!!
  • Nelliejoyeux
    Timely and thought provoking
    I have been listening to this podcast since last year. The episode are extremely helpful to my teaching practice.
  • katfenthomp
    This podcast was amazing. I can’t find Ms. Stallworth on IG. Is there another name she is under? Thank you so much for putting this informative, inspiring information out!
  • KEL112710
    Awesome find!
    I was searching for a new teaching podcast to listen to and came across this. I highly recommend it! Such great topics with fabulous guests. I love the beliefs of the host and I get great ideas in every episode. This is clearly very student centered and focused always on best practices. A must listen for teachers at any stage in their career!
  • Clearer
    Excellent guests with incredible insights into the realities of teaching. Jacob is an excellent interviewer.
  • joellatheelephant
    I Want to Be Like You
    What you have done in this podcast is amazing. As someone who also dreams of opening her own school and creating an experience, I applaud you for all of the hard work you have put in the last six years. Your podcast inspires me to do do better and better amidst the COVID-19 quarantine and I appreciate what you do.
  • new to novellas/no negativity
    Best pregame chat every Monday!
    I love listening every Monday. This podcast gets my head in the game and helps me set my intentions for the week! This past week I’ve been looking to make some changes to my class environment, and was THRILLED to see the top of morning meetings! 🎉
  • margaretcoleman
    My only compliant is that I wish the episodes weren’t split and were longer! I listen every week like clock work. My favorite podcast ever!!
  • Heidilynn918
    Thought provoking and REAL
    I started listening to Jacob’s podcast this year, my 18th year of teaching. Maybe it’s a midlife teaching crisis, but I have felt so very little voice, power, or hope in my current situation. I have been doing a lot of personal development work on myself for the last few years, but this podcast has lit my fire to change what I can in any way I can in my classroom. Thank you, Jacob. I LOVED what I heard on the episode I listened to this morning with Regie Routman — we have to give ourselves permission to fail if we are going to change. I feel hopeful for the first time in a long time, and plan to make Jacob’s podcast the center of the positive environment I am creating for myself. This podcast truly speaks to my heart.
  • mshouser
    So Inspiring!
    I am in my 16th year as an educator, and find so much value and inspiration from the Teach Me Teacher podcast. Jacob has a special talent as a speaker and interviewer, and I am thankful for the time and effort he takes to share his thoughts and learning with other educators on a weekly basis. Furthermore, I appreciate the honesty, guest selection, and kick in the pants to get out there and be our best selves on a daily basis. Looking forward to 2020, Jacob! Kristin
  • The Wonderful Mr. G
    I am a fifth year teacher and have been struggling with a number of things in my last couple of years. I picked up the podcast randomly one day and haven’t looked back. So many places to find new information, hear people dealing with similar situations, and ways to connect with amazing professionals. Already finding ways to bring some techniques into my room this year!!
  • Nicki McNamee
    Amazing Podcast!!
    I have been listening to this podcast since March and absolutely love it. I’ve learned so much from this podcast! Looking forward to listening to a podcast tomorrow on my drive home from work!
  • Wendy_kiser
    Real teacher talk
    I enjoy listening to Jacob and his guests all the time. The experiences discussed are real teacher talk and easily relatable. I would recommend for teachers with little or lots of teaching experience. Keep up the good work guys!
  • LaurenMS38
    I found this podcast through the Caffeinated Classroom’s YouTube channel and I’m still listening my way through previous episodes. Coming out of a tough teaching year, this podcast has made me be more reflective about my practice and has re-energized for the upcoming school year- all while inspiring me to try so many new approaches and ideas! Can’t wait to keep listening!
  • Melanie Coats
    Love Listening
    I stumbled upon this podcast and decided to listen. I am hooked. I love the energy and ideas that are shared. I feel inspired and want to make my classroom and teaching better because of listening. Keep it up!
  • Amy M Myers
    New listener
    I just discovered Teach Me Teacher a couple weeks ago and I am so excited! I’ve been binge-listening since then and can’t wait for the next episode tomorrow! Thanks for all the genuine insight and encouragement!
  • ckmteacher
    On a mission
    I love Jacob’s passion for teaching and his mission to show us all of the positives that abound in our teaching lives. Such an important message as so much of what we hear is the negative. After 18 years in the classroom, I know there are so many wonderful things about our jobs and I’m so glad Jacob is spreading the positivity.
  • ccru731
    Not only does this let me hear new ideas, but it just lets me connect with another teacher going through the same thing I am going through. It makes me love my profession even more and realize I’m not crazy!!!
  • Krista O'Dea
    New Listener!
    Super excited to listen to this podcast! I’ve been on the hunt for great podcasts for teachers and this is one that I gravitated to immediately! Would love to read your book and can’t wait to go back and listen to previous episodes!
  • 3rdgradehacks
    Former Instructional Coach
    Somehow I just discovered podcasts as I take my daughter to dance (it’s 30 minutes away).... you always hit home for me and offer the best strategies and conversations! Sometimes I didn’t even know I needed it! But as a former IC who went back into the classroom 3 years ago by choice, your most recent convo really spoke to my heart!! YES, as a teacher, we are fulfilled by the classroom! The relationships, the shaping of minds, the sponges they are is soooo the “why” we do what we do!!! I had been teaching 15 years before I became a coach, and that need for that fulfillment will probably never die!! Thank you for doing what you do and offering a place for us to grow and learn!!
  • ReadingWithMissR
    Awesome Resource!
    I have recently started listening to this podcast and LOVE it! He is on fire for teaching and his passion is inspiring as I grow more as a teacher, myself.
  • Mistified1987
    Love this podcast!
    I love this podcast so much! Such a variety of educators and a vast wealth of experience. I learn something new every single week!
  • jarisl
    Love this!
    Teach me teacher is the perfect start to my week. As a 6th grade teacher in a smaller district in Idaho, I feel as if this podcast links me to so many amazing teachers. I have gained ideas, and found inspiration from teachers that I will likely never meet! This is my favorite teacher podcast.
  • teachers gotta eat too
    First year teacher...just got saved!
    This has become my favorite podcast! I listened to the flexible seating, I took notes, I found @fantasticallyfourth and used all her resources. As a first year teacher this was a life saver! I also bought the audio book What Great Educators Do and it has also prepared me for my first year. I love this podcast so so much! Thank you for doing this!!! I am so happy I found this to listen to when I’m in need of strategies and just a pick me up!
  • AustinAmyP
    Amazing podcast
    This is the best teacher podcast! I love the many lenses you get to see through with the interviews from all aspects of education! The passion and energy you feel from this podcast will definitely continue to light your fire for students.
  • DDomena10
    Top Notch
    Jacob Chastain is open, honest, and insightful in sharing his experiences with the best in the educational field. The shorter format allows for binge listening or listening in smaller chunks of episodes. A fantastic listen!
  • Ckreezy
    So good🥰
    This is the first education podcast I found and it’s so awesome. Jacob is so fired up about teaching and it is so inspiring. Listening in the morning lights a fire in me that burns all day long.
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