Betrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORG


No woman wants to face the horror of her husband’s betrayal. Or have to recover from the emotional, physical & financial trauma and never-ending consequences.

But these courageous women DID. And we’ll walk with you, so YOU can too.

If you’re experiencing pain, chaos, and isolation due to your husband’s lying, anger, gaslighting, manipulation, infidelity, and/or emotional abuse…

If he’s undermined you and condemned you as an angry, codependent, controlling gold-digger…

If you think your husband might be an addict or narcissist. Or even if he’s “just” a jerk…

If your husband (or ex) is miserable to be around, this podcast is for YOU.

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Recent Reviews
  • Hubqueen
    Made sense of my confusion
    I worked hard in a marriage for 33 years. I did not understand I was on unequal ground experiencing betrayal and abuse. My desire to stay married and fix out problems kept me in a denial cycle where I could see the true root of our problem. I am forever grateful to BTR materials and podcasts for changing ME. I now know how to prioritize keeping me safe and feel compulsion to change my husband. I don’t know if we will stay together but my whole world no longer depends on my marriage improving. I can be responsible, hopeful and free no matter what he chooses.
  • Jcc32Tr
    Theeeeeee Best Betrayal Trauma Podcast!
    BTR Podcast shares the most helpful and clarifying information I could find on betrayal trauma. Nothing else by a long shot has resonated for me as truthfully and validating as this podcast, not even my therapist’s knowledge. Anne naming porn use without a partner’s consent as abuse is difficult to swallow at first, but totally made more sense as I learned more. The episodes with Omar Minwalla are among my favorite. Thank you for all your work to put this out into the world and please never never stop!!!
  • bouncybrandi
    So glad a friend shared
    When I was going through the hardest time of my life, a dear friend shared BTR with me. This podcast has given me sanity and solid footing as I have regained myself and my life. It has truly made a world of difference. I really like that when I am not in a position to listen, I can read the transcripts.
  • jenn199211
    So grateful to have found this podcast
    After nearly two years of being lied to and abused in my relationship due to my partner’s porn addiction this is the first time I’ve felt seen and validated. I have tried couples programs and other treatments. All have focused solely on the struggle of the addict. Thank you for giving women validation and a safe space to feel.
  • ??00idk
    A Lifeline to Sanity in the Dark Night of the Soul of Betrayal Trauma - IMHO
    I'm no Pentecostal, but our neighbors might suspect it after my enthusiastic shouting "Amen, Sister!", "Preach it!", and more, over the past 24 hrs as I experienced such validation and refreshing honesty in the several podcasts I have listened to so far this weekend. It is good for the body, soul and spirit to hear TRUTH from loving, empathetic women who have BEEN RIGHT WE WE ARE, and are survivors of betrayal trauma. Jesus promises that the TRUTH will set us free. Utimately, Jesus Christ is THE Way, THE TRUTH, and The Life, not only for eternal salvation, but His truth principal applies to every part of our lives. We cannot make wise choices when deceived or bewildered. If we are being manipulated with lies in our marriage by our spouse, and unintentionally guilt-tripped/misled/ill-advised/coerced even by well-meaning family members, clergy, friends, counselors, etc., it can cause trauma upon trauma, confusion, self loathing, despairing, suffering akin to Job of old. God himself grieves over and says he hates adultery, and it's spiritual equivalent, idolatry. Betrayal angers God for good reason, He knows the full magnitude of it's tragic and long lasting effects on human hearts, on families, on children, on faith, and also the massive ripple effect extending far wider than we can know. I highly recommend this podcast to women in the throes of betrayal trauma. The five episodes I've listened to have been very helpful, informative, validating, and empowering - precisely because they are presenting truth, reality, and the facts of the matter. Truth equips us to make wise and thoughtful decisions based on reality, and not be as vulnerable to spiritual abuse, emotional manipulation, more false promises, etc. etc. THANK YOU To all who have contributed time and talents to put these helpful podcasts together. Thank you especially, for being willing to share your stories, and sensitive betrayal experiences, with suffering strangers, fellow sojourners walking the betrayal trauma path. This weekend, your podcasts were like a LIFELINE to me in this dark night of the soul.
  • pordftgy
    Thank you! More facts please.
    It's almost shocking to hear voices exactly describe the silent and personal experiences of people whose partners use porn. This podcast will make a more genuine impact if it can be more authoritative. This might look like: Clinically experienced guests, research-vetted facts, avoidance of posing opinions or personal scripture interpretation opinions as truth.
  • Natalie ODAAT
    Please don’t use this as your only betrayal trauma resource!
    There are nuggets of truth in this podcast. If you have been abused or hurt by betrayal in any way, you are most definitely a victim. That being said, you don’t have to stay in victim mode which I believe is right where this podcast keeps you. I can see why so many reviews are raving about feeling seen and heard and listeners are relieved to get some answers. I would have loved this podcast if I had found it at the beginning of my healing journey too. I am a decade in, and can tell you for a fact that there are MANY other resources out there that are just as validating, but actually help you heal, find peace, and move on. This podcast may keep you in victim mode and delay your healing. A perfect example is from the podcast description itself. Codependency doesn’t have to be shameful. You don’t have to deny that you are or have been codependent. It is a survival technique that we adopt to receive the love that we want from our addict/abuser/loved one. Is it healthy? No. Can we own our codependent self and accept that we have been codependent so that we can then process and move on from it? Absolutely! This is what healing is—not being bitter about being called codependent and denying that part of our story. New listeners, maybe start with this podcast for validation and answers, but please also look to other sources for betrayal trauma recovery that will give you additional perspectives on healing.
  • Steph eich
    24yrs of abuse
    I’ve been married 24yrs, I’ve reached out to many church leaders, books and counselors for help and support. Not one person helped me, the information they told me further enabled my abuser. Things continually got worse, I became more confused and felt crazy. Finding BTR has validated me, the first place that gets it!!! It opened my eyes and I’ve been in the process of unraveling the mess. My h is now doing a batterer intervention group the past 2yrs, as well as Men In The Battle groups. He has slowly been improving. I’m trying to heal from CPTSD. I still listen to btr to maintain my clarity and continue in healthy boundaries. So thankful for btr!
  • Mrs. He8ert
    Thank you
    I’m a new listener as I was searching non stop for something, anything to help me understand why everything in my long term relationship was happening and how his decision to separate from me just over a month ago was somehow all my fault. I don’t want to lose this man, he is everything to me and we have children. I’m learning that I’m definitely experiencing the effects of psychological and emotional abuse although it’s so hard to say it. He also refuses to accept it anytime I try to address it. Everything is my fault and I ruined everything. After seven years, he just dropped me and made me feel terrible about it. We still reside together and I’m hoping to learn some good ways to address the problems without the backlash. I want to get back together if he can work on his behavior towards me and if we don’t, at least I can say I tried. Thank you for all the amazing support and advice!
  • Farmin' Mama
    Thank you SO very much. I really appreciate all of you. 🙏🏼
  • slimyfox47
    This podcast is a game changer
    I have always felt so alone and ashamed to have been married to an abusive man for so long. It’s so incredibly comforting to find other women who have come out the other side. It’s shown me that there is hope and I don’t have to live the rest of my life with this constant abuse. All these things that have been happening to me made me feel so isolated and alone. This podcast changed that.
  • Purely M
    Best podcast for women whose husbands/partners deal with emotional abuse which tend to come from
    Love how she fights against victim blaming and calls a thing a thing. I most confidently relate to this’s podcast of all the very good podcasts on this subject. It is abuse. Pornography, sexual entitlement, objectification of women and female bodies, and all the hurt, harm, destructive behaviors and apathy that comes with it. I’ve been widely listening and gaining strength and insight and date I say validation for years now. I will make what seems like the understatement of understatements by saying simply, thank you! Please, keep informing.
  • LovenMercy
    So helpful!
    I found this podcast when I was looking for support with my husband’s long term porn use. I find validation here, as well as finding who I am in the unstable environment he creates with his behaviors and choices.
  • Rfisler
    Great to see websites addressing this issue, but…
    Podcaster has limited insights and seems to have an angry agenda. I was not impressed and felt most of the sessions were whiny and stuck in victim mentality. Podcaster needs more awareness of deeper psychological issues and methods of healing and transcending a devastating situation. She seems very self-promoting and shares no real recovery. I unsubscribed.
  • Teacher and mom!
    More effective than years of therapy!
    Listening to these podcasts is so validating. For years I felt shame for “Letting it get to me” after all these years. Hearing that is was abuse makes it clear why it still impactful. Wish I found this 7 years ago
  • Jess and Andrew
    I’m extremely thankful to have found this podcast! Saved my life
    I been married to a man that’s paraplegic and suffers from depression unfortunately and I’d excuse him so much even with his abuse and porn usage. It got out of hand when we would go out on dates or just go out In general he would overly stare at women to a point he would feel uncomfortable and make the situation and every outing feel awkward. He wouldn’t initiate intimacy with me, it was rare when he did. He is emotionally, mentally and can be physically abusive. It’s hard to have people believe that your husband in a wheelchair is extremely emotionally abusive. I felt crazy, alone and unheard. I’m now separated living in the same house and cannot wait to move out when I’m financially ready. I’m so grateful for this podcast! It is a must hear.
  • Kjindigo
    Please label episodes part 1 of 2, etc.
    I’m not religious and I still get a lot out of this podcast. My husband married me with no intention for me to be his primary source of intimacy. That’s abusive. When I tried to have conversations about our lack of intimacy he screamed, threatened or stonewalled. Also abusive. Him making a unilateral decision about MY intimacy or lack of intimacy is abusive. Thank you! As a suggestion, please use “part 1 of 2,” for example, in the title of episodes.
  • amberendler
    Until you’ve experienced it…..
    There can be no comprehension of the depths of suffering until you’ve personally experienced this form of trauma. Finding other women who UNDERSTAND, can provide support & wisdom & practical advice is priceless. I thank God for leading me to this podcast!
  • JaminIsSlamin
    Good Information but…
    My therapist recommended this podcast to me and although I enjoy the content, I get frustrated when interviews suddenly get cut short or I have to wait a week to hear the rest of the episode. By the time a week has past I have to relisten because it’s out of sequence. On the positive side, I think a lot of the information shared is helpful and I can relate to it post divorce and while I am currently in a somewhat rocky relationship. I just think the content as a whole should be shared and not broken up into segments weeks at a time.
  • TX attorney mama
    Helpful for all types of addiction
    I am so thankful I stumbled upon this podcast. The information is so helpful for anyone dealing with an addicted spouse. The concepts apply to any type of addiction as well as narcissistic abuse. It is all abuse.
  • jollyave
    Everything is Abuse
    I know, I know, it sounds hyperbolic to say that in the BTR world “everything is abuse” but just listen for yourself. Any disagreement between husband and wife is abuse of some sort. That means the husband is “an abuser.” Who wants to be married to an abuser, am I right?! The answer (according to BTR): avoid couples therapy and start the journey to safety (separation) where you can “observe from a distance.” The host, Anne Blythe, destroyed her marriage using these principles and now she wants to share them with the world. You, too, can follow her teachings to do the same thing and feel righteous and good about it. It is profoundly sad to see people being duped by this podcast.
  • Hitching a ride
    Thank you Anne and thank you BTR
    I’m so thankful for finding this resource 1.5 years ago. I knew something was wrong in my marriage but could not quite put a finger on what I was experiencing because he had not hit me “yet”. The only thing I knew was that I was scared and unsafe. He then became physically abusive after 20 years. When I confronted my husband about his infidelities and abuse and me wanting a divorce , the abuse escalated. My body shook violently and uncontrollably for months. His verbal, psychological , and emotional assaults escalated. He refrained from the physical violence because I’m sure at that point he knew my adult children and those around us were watching his every move. My life has been a roller coaster ride since but I am stronger because of your help. Thank you BTR for giving me the knowledge, skills, and resources to find freedom.
  • TheWatertree
    Finally Understood
    I have been in relationship after relationship and therapist after therapist and finally, the bypassed experience of living with men that use porn, avoid personal responsibility, and keep separate bank accounts is being called out! TY!!! I would like to start trending a term called Bloomscrolling….growing into the light
  • daweh
    Kinda of an agenda-oriented presence when the host continuously offers that porn using partners equal abusers.. even if they are getting help. It’s pretty one sided. The guests clearly shares sentiments with no sense of challenge. I can’t imagine how else they got onto the show. This is definitely a niche audience/cult following. Lots of buzzwords to accommodate the positions.. “Religiousity” “cognitive bypassing” “disoriented” “Abuse” “normalizing” .. ect. Makes women seem so naive to the reality of relationship with a man. Get better at presenting how harm might be what’s at stake and not this fatalistic position to channel women towards divorce. Real ppl do grow through it. Catch up! “The most difficult lie I have ever contented with is this: life is a story all about me” — Donald Miller
  • Redbarn Joe
    From The Betrayer
    As the one who has betrayed my partner, this review may seem odd. The betrayal of my partner was disclosed 6 months ago. Ever since then we have been on a path to help her heal. I have listened to countless podcasts and webinars. As I have discovered that not only did I bring infidelity into our world, I was emotional abusive, emotional immature and showing signs of narcissism. Her and I have had thousands of hours on conversations since discover. Your podcast has helped me better understand the depth of how all the pain I have inflicted on her over the years has piled up in her. I appreciate how the information is presented and that you are here to help woman, who like my wonderful partner have been destroyed by man like me that don’t realize just how much we are hurting the people who we love (supposedly) and are trying to have a life with. I’m trying to get her to enroll in your support group, I really think it would help her. Keep up the good work.
  • BRED13088
    Some good stuff, some odd options stated as fact, a lot of self-promotion.
  • Dmytexas
    BTR will help your life.
    BTR has resources that can help you identify what is actually happening to you. Once you get some clarity, you are better able to see ways to help yourself. Listen to the podcasts. Go to the groups. Use the terminology within the podcasts to find different podcasts and blogs of other ladies who are going through what you are. That’s how I started. Thanks to BTR. I’m free of the abuse
  • earthsheart
    Safety and Strength
    This is a safe and knowledgeable podcast. You aren’t crazy and this woman helps you gain your strength and dignity back. ❤️ to you all.
  • Betrayal Trauma
    Eye opening and validating!!
    This podcast has been so eye opening and very validating of my feelings, emotions, experiences and trauma. I had never heard of anyone so blatantly calling porn addiction, emotional and verbal abuse and cheating a domestic abuse issue. But it is!! It has been a painful journey for me but I can’t wait to share my story one day and help someone else who may be struggling. I hope all those women, and it seems like there are endless numbers, can get to safety and feel seen and heard. Thank you for this podcast and for continuing to stand up for women!
  • Skittle1249
    I love the show and find it very informative. I just wish there were less advertising and more of the guest. The majority of the show is not the person being interviewed but filler.We women going through this might not have tomorrow or next week. Sometimes someone might say something that really resonates with us that might help us with moving on. I hope I’m not the only one who feels this way and I don’t want to be harsh. I know the show helps a lot of people.
  • not beaten
    So much clarity!
    I found this podcast recently, and I really needed to hear that a secret porn addiction is abusive. Thank you, BTR!
  • Gaslight no more
    Essential conversations
    I am very recently out of a long term abusive marriage. I did not realize I was being abused. What I’ve learned is that I was not alone. There are a lot of women in abusive relationships who don't understand what’s happening or like me were told by a couples therapist that I should be doing things differently and it’s half my fault. I kept believing the lies and trying harder. When I saw BTR on instagram it was so validating. It was literally describing exactly what I was going though and labeling it as abuse. The conversations on the podcast are vital because I spent years going to different therapists and reading books and not until I found BTR did anyone explain how using porn can be abuse, explain gaslighting, explain conditioning as abuse, explain maintaining and false promises as abuse. I had never heard of coercive control but I had been living under it for over a decade: It really shook me out of the fog of confusion I was being kept in by my abuser and gave me resources that changed my life and gave me the confidence and validation to leave. Episode 303 was so validating and described all of the things that kept me trapped in a toxic abusive relationship for 17 years.
  • dollbud
    Thank you
    Thank you for helping women who have been in emotionally or sexually abusive relationships and for calling out pornography as abusive. Pornography destroys relationships! Pornography sees women as sexual objects to be used.
  • Clawing my way up
    Helped me in a crisis
    I feel so very alone trying to navigate my husband’s betrayals of porn addiction and physical affairs. I listen and relisten to the podcasts during my alone time. I realize that I am not the only one broken by betrayal and abuse. Women experiencing being in the absolute pit of despair have crawled out and thrived.
  • ChrisinCarefree
    Excellent resource, thank you
  • downwardcat
    Best thing I’ve heard in the way of therapy
    This podcast is so good, so true.
  • bartrine
    Hands Down The Best Abuse Podcast
    Anne does an incredible job exposing abuse, especially the subtleties and the underlying belief systems that allow abuse to fly under the radar. She has a lineup of guests, including well-known experts, that leave no stone unturned. Episode by episode the picture of abuse becomes crystal clear, empowering survivors to take steps toward safety.
  • Kndgardner
    BTR offers hope
    Navigating life after abuse is difficult and it’s hard to know what is real and normal after leaving abuse. BTR talks about the hard and yet offers hope that it is possible to overcome what was done to us and that it doesn’t have to negatively impact the rest of our life.
  • Lirajaphir
    Clears so many things up
    So thankful for this podcast. I found BTR through insta and after a year or more of not being sure if I wanted to confront myself with difficult truths by listening to the podcast. But I finally did last week. I’m so so thankful and so relieved. Why on earth did I wait so long. I’m not insane or stupid! They explain and talk through so many facets of betrayal, so well and bring clarity to so many thought that were just running in circles. This is so fascinating.
  • Heather Dd.
    Thank you!
    I appreciate this so much! It answers everything.
  • Hmille3014
    Needed truth for victims
    This podcast is a god send for victims who need help navigating their confusing and often traumatic relationships. Abuse can be so confusing and isolating. BTR comes alongside victims to walk them out of the fog.
  • akhanna
    My go to for advise before and after my lifesaving divorce
    So many useful tools in navigating 15 years of abuse by my x on all levels. I am a frequent listener and have benefited from btr content soooo much!
  • daina031
    Thank you
    As somebody be who’s going it alone I needed this. Thank you for helping bring a lot of this to light and providing support for me. I’ve needed this. Y’all are amazing.
  • Speech_Chick
    Safe and sane
    I would love to meet Anne someday since she speaks a language only abuse survivors know. I am also from Utah, also divorced now from an emotionally abusive man who was addicted to porn, plays the victim Mr. Nice guy, and was sexually exploitative. I’m navigating my healing journey while raising teenagers and working and also processing what happened to me and the “dream” I had of a forever family. Thank you Anne for speaking truth, standing up for survivors, and boldly calling out the abuse. I don’t know you, but I’m grateful for you.
  • KadiPrescott
    Amazing Resource for Women Who Have Been Betrayed
    I wish I would have found this podcast YEARS ago. There are so many topics covered that I never knew I needed to learn about. This is such a huge part of my healing journey and I love that it has a faith based perspective, but calls out the religious and spiritual abuse that so often further harms women in their quest to heal. Thank you for providing us with invaluable partnership on this healing journey.
  • PurpleLinen
    I wish I had known about this podcast several years ago!
    Shortly after learning about my husband’s many infidelities throughout our entire marriage, I came across this podcast. I had never before been able to put a name to what happened to me throughout my 13 years of marriage. No one really knows what it’s like unless they KNOW, and it can be a very isolating, confusing, and painful process to navigate (the marriage, the separation, the divorce, the post-divorce). I’m still listening (5 years later), because the abuse is still present. Anne and the other speakers on this podcast have given me tools to deal with my ex-husband’s various forms of abuse while also boosting my confidence to move forward and take ownership of my own life, with healthy priorities of safety and peace for myself and my children. Thank you, Anne! Your willingness to press into these issues women face has been tremendously beneficial. THIS is the podcast I share with women when I learn about or sense abuse in their relationships.
  • tstwora
    3 years out and still benefitting
    I started listening to this podcast very recently even though my marriage to an abuser ended 3 years ago, and I feel I have finally found a safe place to process all that I experienced during the 10 years I was married… I’ve been plagued by doubts ever since, especially because he insisted prior to our divorce he was changing and he had moved on so fast with a ex friend of mine, and the episode “13 Signs Abusive Men Are Changing” helped me settle those doubts and reassured me that I made the right choice for myself and my children.
  • MrsP3tey
    Very helpful
    The show is very helpful, however the topic titles are not. I’m sometimes frustrated that the titles of the episodes aren’t necessarily the main topic of conversation. Thank you so much for this podcast. I’ve learned so much.
  • abbyh82
    So grateful for this podcast!
    I had gotten connected with BTR through a friend, hoping to work in healing my church trauma. In the middle of working with a BTR coach for the church trauma, I found out my husband had been using porn and lying to me. I don’t know what I would have done without BTR being there to support me and help me get to safety—or even realize what safety is, or that I’m worthy of living in safety in my home! Since then I have come out of my fog fo recognize how much emotional and sexual abuse I’ve experienced. It’s heartbreaking and devastating, and so few people understand. This podcast helps me stay grounded. I read a few of the other reviews before I wrote this and I wanted to roll my eyes and giggle at some of the negative reviews. I want to tell those reviewers, none of us domestic abuse victims are LOOKING for excuses to blame our partners. We are just looking for truth. That’s all. Truth and safety. BTR podcast just helps us victims stay grounded in what is actually true. Men are safe from false accusations here. But if a woman is being abused, this podcast will help us hold our truth. Keep up the FANTASTIC work, please, Anne. I’m so deeply grateful for you and the hope you share.
  • Waco abused
    I know I am not crazy
    I just listened for the first time. It was Lorrel’s story. My husband made me think I was crazy. I believed him. I even went to a doctor to get help. On that occasion I was told it wasn’t me but it was my husband. It took me 4 or 5 years to realize the doctor was right. And I never thought his way of treating me was abuse, either. I felt I just needed to do better. Now 15 years into our marriage I am getting out. Recognizing he will never change and at my age I shouldn’t be in an abusive relationship. We empath individuals find it hard to think who said they loved us would do such a thing. I just subscribed —I want to hear more. I need to heal!!
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