Ramsey Everyday Millionaires

Business #51Investing #14

Listen to how ordinary people built extraordinary wealth - and how you can too. You’ll learn how millionaires live on less than they make, avoid debt, invest, are disciplined and responsible! Featuring hosts from the Ramsey Network: Dave Ramsey, Ken Coleman, Rachel Cruze, George Kamel, Jade Warshaw, and Dr. John Delony.

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Recent Reviews
  • Brightplus app user
    Best short podcast clips!
    My favorite go-to short podcast clips I listen to! I learn so much! Thank you team for helping so many people!
  • Hardhat Diver
    I love when Dave is on, no better advice! George is doing a great job! Thank you so much!
  • ThePete22
    Baby Step
  • Bn there Dn that
    Excellent education!
    Learning a ton listening to the wisdom in ALL THESE programs presented by Ramsey. So grateful for these tools. Always week presented!
  • A-ncm
    Used to be good
    I used to love tuning into this podcast but the recent episodes aren’t featuring any millionaires.
  • ShelleyClaudette
    5 stars!
    I really look forward to learning more about Dave’s processes and I am truly inspired by viewers that show us the baby steps work!
  • Katie10420
    Like call of the day
    Focusing on investing, great calls
  • Appleuser0729
    Agree with his financial advise, but dang he is grouchy!!!!
    I love his advice and have followed his plan, but he is so hard to listen to anymore. He is so grouchy to people. I get that he answers the same questions over and over but he needs to be more of his saying “heart of a teacher”. Unfortunately unfollowing.
  • Tiffafl
    Dave and the crew are the BEST!
  • tsonnyd.
    George Kamel
    We need a audio version of George’s YouTube videos. Those would be great to listen to when driving and a great addition to the other Ramsey podcasts.
  • WCarri
    Informative and Educational!
    Dave Ramsey and his crew are awesome! They tell the hard truth. Good information! Do not just listen, act!
  • jairbejajxbsjsocjh
    best show
    i love the show and the advise! and dave is always awesome.
  • Audra070
    I used to support Dave until he started calling teachers and teachers unions “crazy” and “waka doodle.” Lost a listener for good.
  • KimLep
    Great podcast
    So encouraging and positive. I listen to this when I need encouragement and it’s great for that.
  • Bibi Jean
    Chris Hogan please
    Dave is cool, but some talents can’t be replaced. #FreeChrishogan It's almost painful to know that all of Chris’ hard work is nowhere to be found. At this point, I would pay top dollar for a digital copy of this show when Chris was the host.
  • Stan the Man 6995
    Ramsey Solutions needs to create a new podcast called Dave’s Rants!
  • a.k.mom
    Best common sense money advice available
    Thank God for Dave Ramsey and his team of wisdom sowers for money management! Dave’s motto is “before you can have financial peace, you first must know the Prince of Peace! God has used Dave Ramsey and his team to teach rock solid biblical truth and financial wisdom to millions of Americans. Those same people who have followed the Ramsey principles are doing very well and unafraid of the rocky seas Americans are sailing right now and are confident in making a safe harbor through this storm. 🌊✝️🙏🙏🙏😁💪😊🇺🇸👏
  • Md713
    Preachy gawd talk
    Find alternatives to Dave, he’s pulled in the preachy gawd nonsense. Unfollowed.
  • lexiiiui2019
    Only one thing that really irks me
    With all due respect Mr. Ramsey, you may be a financial and investment expert but you’re not an expert in politics so please, if you want to speak about your political opinions, you might consider starting another podcast for that. Overall I love this podcast and Ramsey’s willingness to freely share this information with all of his listeners. I’m very grateful for this. The one thing that really irks me however is that he often exaggerates upon his political opinions by saying things like “the left thinks that millionaires shall be punished”. This shows his ignorance and lack of knowledge on the topic of economic inequality in America today which is ironic because isn’t the purpose of this podcast to enhance economic opportunity and mobility for individuals???…..
  • guitarsandbeaches
    Informative and fun
    Started listeing recently and really enjoy the podcast. Inspires me to do more myself with my budget.
  • suz9779
    Thank you for this awesome podcast It is so encouraging and informative
  • Sonya Tiendreogo
    Should I wait to get better income to give you a call on the show?
    I have been listen to Dave Christy and George, my income isn’t enough for me and my kids as a single mother I am awaiting to talk to you about everyday millionaire I can be I thank you so much for maintaining Poot peoples hopes alive, happy new year!!!KD
  • Andy pandas
    This isn’t a Covid advice show
    This past episode where Dave reprimands the lady for her Covid decisions with an immune compromised child was over the top.
  • KWoeVAman
    Love this short versions also
    Every American needs to listen to this podcast.
  • CS from Oklahoma
    Inherited Wealth
    I never heard that saying about millionaires inheriting wealth, except on your program. I always thought they worked hard and earned it.
  • Chris | C6burt
    Many show titles incorrect
    Many of the titles reference the wrong call or repeat calls
  • Sirstinkypants
    Not as good as Chris Hogan’s show!
    Why would Ramsey network not replace Chris Hogan with someone that can help people that are in baby steps 4 through 7? I know there was drama with Chris leaving but this five minute podcast that feels like a rerun doesn’t replace the quality of show Chris Hogan was running.
  • Jason Carver
    Everyday Millionaire excerpts from The Ramsey Show
    This is just rehashed excerpts from The Ramsey Show so no need to listen to this if you’re plugged into the main show already.
  • Mattymattybbbb
    No Need to Listen
    This show is awful. How 5 minutes would replace Chris Hogan is beyond me. Next, Dave has become very curt in his discussions with people. He doesn’t act like he has any concern about the caller at all. Next, the cohosts are abysmal. They add as much to the shows as parsley on a plate at a diner. Moving on, this show isn’t talking about millionaires, talking to millionaires, or solving millionaire problems. It’s just a repurposed caller question. If you don’t have problems with debt, there is nothing the Ramsey network can offer you. The advice is ranges from suitable to so-so. You really need to look elsewhere for good advice.
  • Aboyles88
    Short and sweet and to the point
    Love these short and sweet episodes. Very effective and to the point.
  • EJR972
    Replay from Ramsey Show
    Misleading. This isn’t a podcast. It’s simply a highlight reel of calls from the Ramsey Show. No need to listen or subscribe if you’re already listening to the full show.
  • LiveAndGiveLikeNoOneElse
    Baby Step 7 and Beyond
    Just paid off my mortgage and I’m ready for help on hitting that EDM status!
  • EricPodcasts
    Excited for Babystep 4-7 content!
    This curation will be an awesome motivator for the new journey we’re on
  • Dom7003
    Miss You Chris. I hope to hear from you soon!
    Come back to the airwaves, podcast, YouTube, something. You helped me see the possibly of becoming an Everyday Millionaire!
  • malfoxley
    Great show!
    Chris, host of the Chris Hogan Show, highlights all aspects of investing and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • Ikaika777
    Miss you Chris
    Please start your own podcast
  • harrison wintergreen
    Oh Chris...
    I hope Chris gets a new career narrating audiobooks or some other way to use those pipes. But don't dip your pen in the company ink...
  • Terri Dole
    Please come back
    Your personal life is your business. Please start your own podcast to continue the wonderful work you’ve been doing to help people with their money issues.
  • Cardiacnurse1
    We are all human we make mistakes
    I agree with the prior post. God teaches us forgiveness and no one is perfect. What ever he did should be forgiven. I think it so contradictory that Ramsey solution pushes a Godly/Christian prospective, but can not forgive a man for a mistake. Christianity main framework is built on forgiveness. This is what Jesus taught. Thank you Chris for everything you will be missed.
  • IDSgt56
    Bye-bye, now!
    And, only two years too late! I guess your serial adultery could no longer be ignored, once the lawsuits started. Darn those pesky rules your boss had to finally enforce against you, just like he did against the others.
  • lawardrick
    But the same.
    Where is Chris? I got on the podcast looking for Chris and he’s no where to be found. I thought the message he gave was a joke but it wasn’t. Whatever he did all should be forgiven.
  • MamaCancer23
    Wait a minute!! Where is Chris!???? 😩
  • 1973Mary
    Chris Hogan
    I miss Chris’s show so much, he was my second favorite Ramsey personality behind Dave, I will mis Did you know? Panic or pumped ??
  • JRPigott
    Record of terminations
    Let’s not forget Jon Acuff. He was there one day and Ramsey wiped him off his website the next day. Brown, Hogan and Acuff all great voices with great original thoughts. Something Ramsey eliminates.
  • Eleee123
    Chris Brown and Chris Hogan are both gone?
  • clintpilman
    What happened to forgiveness?
    Christian based company that doesn’t help and forgive, but rather protect the image that funds the almighty bank account. Sorry to see you go. I will do seeing that money is more important to the DR TEAM than helping friends and co workers in times of need.
  • majormergers
    Stay Blessed
    Love from LA brother stay strong
  • Bookertea
    I am such a fan of Chris Hogan. He keeps it real and genuinely cares about people and always has great advice. I hope this show continues and Chris is able to continue blessing people.
  • MusicLover2536
    First it was Chris the Minister now it’s Chris Hogan. Both were my favorites. I’m done with their podcasts but loved the content.
  • josh.mike
    Thank you Chris
    I hope wherever you end up working, there’s some good looking women
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