Psychedelics Today


Psychedelics Today is the planetary leader in psychedelic education, media, and advocacy. Covering up-to-the-minute developments and diving deep into crucial topics bridging the scientific, academic, philosophical, societal, and cultural, Psychedelics Today is leading the discussion in this rapidly evolving ecosystem.

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Recent Reviews
  • Dr_Sus
    Great guests, unprepared host
    This show gets some amazing guests but Joe Moore is quite possibly the worst interviewer I have ever listened to. He does not ask intelligent questions. He does not listen to his guests’ answers. He does not come prepared. Joe, please take some classes, workshops or something so that you can learn how to be a good interviewer. I’m not saying it comes naturally to anybody. Do your guests and listeners a favor. Let someone else do these interviews until you have the skills to actually do so.
  • DrWeirdMan
    Insufferable progressive nonsense
    I like mushrooms. But I listened to two episodes and couldn’t take it anymore. The hosts are hard to listen to. The one guest was a holistic healing grifter and the second a woke therapist who shared her pronouns when introducing herself. Who actually does that? Lots of typical leftist nonsense about trauma this, restorative justice that, consent consent consent, and pseudoscience. Okay, we get it. Save your time and avoid this one.
  • shivaavtar
    Great topics
    I want to love this podcast. It has so much potential, if only the host would interview more and talk less. The guests are really amazing and I am left wanting to hear from them more.
  • ebdifirhs17475:$4
    Apologies from the creators of this podcast are needed
    I just finished an episode on psychedelic narcissism. During this podcast the speakers hypocritically acted like they were all knowing and put down others with different views. Embarrassingly they have been proven to be wrong. Now that it is common knowledge, again, that cloth masks don’t prevent the spread of any virus, how do you reconcile with those that you called conspiracy theorists. It seems that the roles have been reversed and those that believed cloth masks did work were wrong and some still cling to this false belief.
  • megfife
    I listen to nearly every episode…
    Definitely the best podcast to learn and stay up to date on what is happening in the psychedelic space. A variety of voices with little hype but tons of valuable content to get you thinking, learning and researching more.
  • dmcgavock
    Grateful for your work
    How refreshing it is to learn about the legitimization of psychedelic experience in the fields of therapy, spirituality, and recreation. You are doing a great service to humanity by bringing many voices to the table and looking at ways to mainstream the conversation. I’m hooked!
  • jackfrost.
    Thank you
    I am glad to hear people in the industry actually bring up the topic that hasn’t been properly addressed and that is the scientific people like to look down on and seem to have contempt for people that don’t want to go to a clinic or work with a psychiatrist to have a psychedelic experience. I think people should have both opinions.
  • DaveNKait
    All Things Psychedelic
    This is the best podcast I've found for anyone new to the psychedelic movement. It covers the science but not so deep that a non scientist can't follow it. The breadth and depth of interviews is perfect. I listen every day!
  • CarolynShark
    Please stop interrupting the woman in your show.
    I was listening to your podcast for the first time. I am an MFT trained in MDMA so I was interested in what you had to say c but could not stand listening how you interrupted Hannah often. You both control the talk and over take most of the space. Please look in to that, it’s hard to listen and it’s akso part of the work you are doing.
  • Goldenocean
    Thank you for the informative and inspiring interviews, and all the wisdom and straight talk. I love love love it! 🫶🏾
  • akabaltimore09
    I love the show! I can not recommend enough. My brother took 200 micrograms of LSD and blacked out and got naked in a park I hear this can be common. I’m curious of the science behind it and similar experiences.
  • hannah susie
    Hey I’ve really enjoyed your episodes, I remember hearing one in particular a month or two ago about a guy meditating and practicing “chi”. Trying to find it again, would love some help, thanks in advance I’ve been searching for it forever :)
  • Humhoney
    Informative & Interesting
    The host does a great job engaging with guests to provide satisfying, in-depth looks into ever growing and promising therapeutic uses of psychedelics. Thank you for this podcast!
  • Joey Onelove
    Best Psychedelic podcast on the air!
    There is no doubt, no question in my mind that Psychedelics Today is the best podcast on the air that covers the topic of entheogens. Very resourceful, extremely reliable information. Education and awareness is key to change and that’s what Psychedelics Today is bringing to the table! Joe and Kyle really have improved the show over the years. It has always been a good show but with each and every passing episode it gets better and better. I do not miss an episode! I may not agree with all points of the show but who agrees 100% with anyone? From the dr who graduated from Harvard to the person struggling with addiction all the way to the just curious, THIS PODCAST IS FOR YOU!!!
  • dissapointed in parents
    Love love love
    I absolutely love this podcast. I listen to it all the time in the mornings. it’s been a great tool to help guide me through my spiritual journey and I think they do a great job of choosing voices in the space that are normally brushed over. Michelle takes warming up to but she’s now my favorite on the podcast :) she has some amazing insights
  • grlbss222
    Love but hate
    Really want to love this podcast, love the content but cannot get past the girl host. She seems super nice but she is definitely not made for podcasting. Maybe a self-awareness/confidence building or speaking class would make her much easier to tolerate. Seems as if she isn’t confident in herself when speaking and says um and ya a lot. She makes this podcast a bit cringe worthy.
  • Jalen Weaver1221
    Great source of info.. kinda. This was extremely boring I almost fell asleep. Off topic, mundane voices. Have these people ever tried psychedelics? I’m sorry for being harsh but I was very unengaged
  • TahoeShells
    Extremely well-rounded
    I love this podcast on so many levels. I especially appreciate the honesty and forthrightness of the episode 56 where they discuss peaks and valleys of integrating psychedelic healing, and dispel any myth that a psychedelic episode or series of episodes is any kind of magic bullet. It has helped me to consider “what will my life look like” after psychedelic therapy? “Who will I be without my current patterns?”. I am going to delve into this with my therapist and try laying out a visual of my life as I’d like to see it after some time with ketamine-assisted therapy (which I haven’t started yet except for planning stages with a therapist I just found). I have been listening to this podcast for the last few months as I try to decide if psychedelics are the right option for me. I believe that they are, but the decision does not come without nerve wracking trepidation, which throws me back into my current coping mechanisms. Then I tune back in to this podcast and get back on track. So grateful for this show.
  • steve ebbenero
    Gag me with shroom
    Babbling and boring conversation about a really far out topic that I am extremely passionate about.
  • karacathcart
    Eye-opening and informative
    Chill, but super informative. Love the tone and pace of this podcast and it’s crazy the timing that it came into my life exactly when I needed it. Keep up with the awesome interviews and pushing the limits with drug laws. ✌🏼❤️
  • Bha0102
    Good show, but...
    I was listening to the latest episode today, and a lady named Michelle on there was saying “like” about every 3rd word. Awful habit, the other 2 guys were fine. It got to where I couldn’t hear anything she said other than the word “like”. “Like blah blah blah, like blah and ya know like blah blah, and like...yea like ok”. So I deleted it and moved on.
  • SmellyKitty69
    Such a wonderful show!
    I stumbled on this podcast about a year ago when I was on a mission to learn as much as I could about psilocybin, after micro dosing changed my life. I learn so much from these people and recently I’m so happy with the addition of Michelle to the show!! I find her so joyful and relatable. I love that she giggles a lot and I feel a friendlier vibe on the show with her presence. Thanks for sharing with us guys!
  • Sourdough the Biscuit
    Conversation with Dr. Matthew Johnson
    Smart, informative, well-paced. I’ll subscribe.
  • oliviabaker13
    Educational, engaging, and insightful 🙏
    If you’re interested in learning about psychedelics and all their potential applications - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Joe and Kyle are excellent hosts and do a fantastic job leading conversations with thought leaders, scientists, and other experts in the psychedelics space. They dive deep into all the latest research, legislation, and discussion. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • Mompwner87
    Love you guys!
    Please make bumper stickers that say “dont trust, verify!”
  • Hdkdkjeoshevjwk138363
    Court wing was the best
    This episode was amazing. I can’t recommend it enough. I guess I can’t rate it twice. But I’d do it 5 stars again.
    Amazing info
    I listen to every episode and feel as though I learn something every time I listen.
  • HelpMyHouseisonFire
    Great Show
    Just found this pod less than one week ago and I’ve listened to about 8 episodes. Great quests, great topics, just an amazing podcast
  • fun to be fat
    Not a good podcast
    Joe is one of the worst podcasters I’ve heard. Kyle is right behind him. Two very privileged white guys pretending to be much more important than they are. The ATTM and drug positive podcast are the real deal. Psychedelics today? Not so much.
  • alplesauce
    These guys rock
    Joe and Kyle are stalwarts in this arena, consistently offering listeners a chance to hear varied points of view. They back that up by being regular and reliably producing new podcasts and going an extra mile during the pandemic with Solidarity Friday’s. I never have to go without. They teach serious courses in the field too. Thanks guys!
  • Dirk Hennessey
    Lucid Analysis
    Joe and Kyle approach the podcast with an inquisitive mind and open heart! Great show
  • Dirtymike6968686
    Big fan of the Solidarity Fridays episodes
    This is a great podcast with a lot of different voices that covers a lot of topics, as the psychedelic sphere is pretty vast. I listened very early on when this started, and their interviewing has gotten so much better. I especially have been enjoying the Solidarity Friday episodes, where Joe and Kyle talk about news and give their take on it all, talk about their personal lives a bit more, etc. I also loved the Andy Frasco podcast. It'd be awesome to hear from more people like that!
  • radiodrumhead
    My favorite psychedelic-related podcast hands down!
    Joe and Kyle are my heroes (: thank you!!!
  • it_bwoo
    Informative and Insightful
    I have really been enjoying this podcast. It’s a great source of information of the progress that is being made towards de-stigmatizing psychedelic use. I love the variety of topics too. I haven’t had the chance to listen to all of them yet but the few that I have heard have had great guests and the facilitators offer really thoughtful questions. The one with Chris Bache was a great one to start with. Looking forward to listening to more!
  • ig used 12345
    Overall, a great podcast.
    Off the bat, I love the content and I like the guy speaking, but I think the sibilance and ‘swallow sound’ needs to be worked on. Maybe a D-esser could help or something, maybe I’m just picky, who knows. At too loud of a volume those things for some reason bothered me. BUT REGARDLESS what is being said is very valuable, and even though some minor production things bothered me, I still think this is a great POD.
  • reviewer234!
    Doing important work
    Just hear to say how important this information is to reduce the taboo culture created from propaganda. A wonderful experience, great guest, and informative, science-based talks are truly a pleasure to tune in to.
  • Grand Schemes
    ⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
    I met Joe before I ever listened. I don’t know about you... but if you’ve met this guy & find out he’s got a podcast & it’s about psychedelics... Uh yeah! You go check out that goddamn podcast ASAP! I listen regularly now. Love it! It’s great! 🙏🏽 #KeepYour3rdEyeFocused
  • plantbeastcj
    Love it!
    I’m learning a ton of great stuff on this podcast highly recommend and great topics
  • babyfishlips
    Tuesday 5-meo-dmt episode
    Three guys who’ve never taken 5-meo-dmt talking about taking 5-meo-dmt. Ridiculous episode
  • MylesR33
    Top Quality
    The kind of podcast that makes me wish there was a thumbs up button for each episode!
  • Bellabug72
    Great information!
    I really enjoy listening to their podcasts on all the topics they put out. I appreciate the information and knowledge they share with the world. Keep up the good stuff!
  • beans998877
    Amazing awesomeness!
  • dudesidesksmshinn
    Great guests and information, but...
    I respect these guys a lot and thank them for what they do. They have a lot of great guests and topics on the show . My only critique , and I say this with the hope that they will use it as constructive criticism, because I do feel they have a lot of potential ... I just have to say that their interviewing skills are somewhat lacking . A lot of the time the guest will just speak and speak , which is fine , but often times the response from the interviewer is just “yeahhhhh, hmmmmm”. The back and forth of a great interview is not really there . Listen to some great interviewers and try to mimic what they do , try to ask more probing and interesting questions of your guests .
  • bonosummyqee
    These guys are amazing.
    So much help for the psychedelic world!!
  • groovy squirrel
    Far and away the BEST!!
    Of all the podcasts dealing with psychedelics, this one is the best!! Forget 5 stars, this one deserves 10!!
  • AwakenAdventure
    Glad I discovered Psychedelics Today.
    The topics discussed, and the depth that they go into our normally areas and things I would never otherwise have a chance to learn about. So far I’ve really enjoyed the conversations had on here.
  • ElijahGarza
    Very interesting
    Good podcasts with great guests and lots of information
  • jesscolas
    Great vibes and lots of info
    The hosts give out great vibes and the topics covered are interesting and cover material in depth that you may not find easily in other places. One suggestion is to consider interviews to be more concise. An hour plus is long but there are often real gems in the interviews!
  • Rowdy Ali
    A great resource!
    These two put in tons of work to feature people known and unknown in the psychedelic world. Thanks Kyle and Joe!
  • peaceoftanya
    Relatable to all audiences from millennials to baby boomers, Kyle and Joe have a knack for engaging their listeners by delivering content void of any ego attachment. Their guests share educational and informative information as well as personal and spiritual experiences relating to psychedelics that anyone and everyone with a relatively open mind can most definitely benefit from!
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