Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, PhD


Join Registered Nutritionist and Wellness Advocate Laura Thomas, PhD for conversations with game changers. Laura talks to people in wellness, foodies, bloggers, entrepreneurs from cool brands, creatives, nutritionists, doctors, body positivity people, mindfulness experts, and anyone else who is shaking up the wellness world, to find out how they stay on top of their game – and to help you do you, but better. It’s not all headstands and courgetti though - she and her guests aren’t afraid to dig deep into the darker side of wellness and WILL call BS on weird, faddy trends, that don’t have any legitimacy or scientific merit. Fresh pods every Friday. #dontsaltmygame

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Recent Reviews
  • obacker19
    Empowering, insightful and actionable! 🙌
    Whether you’re already deep into your journey of authentic health and wellness, or just getting started learning to love your body as it is right now - this is a must-listen podcast for you! Laura does an incredible job leading conversations that cover the entire range of mental, emotional, spiritual and physical challenges we all face learning to reconnect with our body and its intuitive wisdom. Highly recommend listening and subscribing!
  • Uaaaaaaaal
    Best intuitive eating podcast!
    Can’t say enough how much I love this podcast. Laura is funny, brilliant, and a wonderful podcast host. I’m so thankful for this podcast!
  • emisue.rd
    Relistening to old episodes. Loving new ones. Driving everyone nuts with how this podcast is my jam.
  • dna id
    I love this.
    The best.
  • meddie1996
    Informative and Authentic
    I love Don’t Salt My Game— it’s been such an important part of my recovery journey from severe eating disorders. I’m so grateful for the knowledge it provides, and the safe space it helps to create in a world bombarded with diet culture rhetoric. I will support this show forever.
  • lovethismovie74
    The argument from authority
    I found this difficult to listen to primarily because of the associational studies that she’s used to build her practice upon. These seems more like a marketing scheme than something that would actually help and support people in health crisis
  • AlfredosPizzaCafe
    Love this podcast!
    I am so glad I found this podcast, it’s a breath of fresh air amongst all the “health gurus” out there that don’t know what they’re talking about. The only thing I hate is the theme song, sorry! I fast forward every time haha
  • recoveryeverydamnday
    Loved episode 103
    Oh my gosh I love Lauren and she is so intelligent and such an inspiration! Thank you for helping me learn more about diabetes and showing the research around eating disorders and diabetes.
  • Blue Lynne
    Loved Episode 103
    I only listened to 103 so far. I’ve been in the anti-diet, HAES world for over 2 years but was recently diagnosed with diabetes and struggling to deal with the diagnosis in a weight neutral and diet-free way. It’s been so hard to find good solid resources about a HAES, non-diet approach to diabetes. This was definitely the best podcast I’ve found so far. Thank you!💕
  • Gabby_1
    I wish I could give this podcast 10 stars. Honestly life-changing. So thankful to have found Laura and intuitive eating. I love the balance of hearing people’s personal stories and the presentation of scientific evidence featured in these podcasts.
  • Ilovedirt
    Heck yes
    Laura is a game changer, interviewing game changers. This podcast has helped me tremendously- give it a listen and learn about diet culture BS and how to let it go and just live your life.
  • jenijae_00
    I listen to her everyday on my way to work and on my way home. It’s helped my eating disorders tremendously. I’m forever in recovery, but learning to not be afraid of food is a great thing. Also learning about fitness (which I’m obsessed with) and beauty is a huge plus!
  • Hakanson531
    Just needs editing
    Okay, so I love the idea and the purpose and the wonderful thought behind this show. Laura is passionate and so smart and finds great guests. But it’s the most rambling show I’ve ever listened to. Almost every time a question is asked, the guest answers, and then Laura repeats the same thought/sentiment in her own words. And vice versa. Each episode seems to be about 2-3 times longer than it needs to be. There are so many wonderful thoughts expressed, but it’s kind of exhausting to listen to an unedited conversation. So much could be improved with editing. I do realize that’s time consuming, but it would improve the quality so much.
  • J. Barshop
    Awesome show, highly recommend!
    Laura and her guests provide some incredibly compelling content that’s geared to help you take actionable steps to live a healthier, more well-rounded life. Highly recommend listening and subscribing to Don’t Salt My Game if you want the knowledge AND mindsets to improve your overall well-being (and experience life with a new emotional resilience as a result)!
  • PajinaGonzo
    Best Down to Earth Podcast!
    I love Laura’s no b.s. take on nutrition and her guests are always really interesting. Great conversations and realistic advice with a healthy dose of humour :-)
  • HogwartsHobbit
    The best real life yet also science-backed podcast!
    This is literally my favourite right now. Laura, you are the best - and all of your guests!! I feel like I’ve learned so much. I am a total science and psychology nerd, and I love learning about the facts and psychology in a deeply observatory and friendly manner. It’s nice to hear thoughts and science and debate on topics that are generally accepted without much question in our society - like diets, diet culture, fatphobia, and so many other things! If you like thought-provoking podcasts with practical tips, facts, science studies, and lots of awesome resources to read and new people to follow and clean awesome information and inspiration from, this podcast is for you! I’m recovering from an eating disorder. I was able to afford 8 months of therepy and that was it. So this is like...a blessing of a resource, and I’d like to thank you, Laura, for spending so much of your own time and money and resources to get it out to folks like me who cannot easily access therepy. In real life I don’t have much of a support system for my recovery and my relatively new discovery and interest of health at every size and body acceptance and husband supports me but my family is very critical, so it’s wonderful to have this to remind me of why I should keep going in recovery. Thank you so much, Laura!😊💛
  • Guccihomeslice
    Amazing for ED/ diet culture recovery.
    These podcasts have been instrumental in my ED recovery and helping me on my journey to food and body acceptance. Idk what I would do without Laura
  • SN531
    Love this podcast
    I stumbled upon this podcast and Laura is the one who totally changed my outlook on the diet culture and introduced me to intuitive eating. I love her approach and that she doesn’t hold back what she is thinking. Thanks for all the help you have given me through your podcast!!
  • kathryn678
    A Dose of Much Needed Real-Talk
    I love Laura's no-BS, fact-based approach to health & nutrition along with her shunning of diet culture. She calls out the lies and breaks down the myths. It's a breath of fresh air to hear her speak on self-love and the other topics she engages her guests in! I always feel better after listening to the podcast!
  • HMPi
    Love it!
    Real talk that's actually helpful.
  • mayipleasehaveseconds
    Great content, needs a bit of sound editing
    I love the perspective offered in this show, the guests that are brought on, and the concrete takeaways that are offered to the listeners for improving their relationship with food and body. And also, I find this podcast not as polished of a production as some other podcasts in this space. Some editing would go a long way to make the content more concise and easier to listen too. Some conversations meander more than others. And sometimes the amount of giggling during the podcast drives me crazy and makes me turn it off.
  • HeatherLeez
    Great show, enlightening
    I'm so grateful to have found you (via you being a guest on another show I listen to). It's been helpful to hear messages about self acceptance and clueing me in on when I get sucked in by diet culture.
  • Paola Mendoza Vara
    Love this podcast!
    I can't say enough about how supported and happy makes me feel this podcast. Your conversations and new perspectives in body image issues has opened new conversation in my own world. Thank you
  • aaaal212121
    Amazing resource and wonderful host!!
    This is a game-changing podcast for anyone who has ever struggled with body image, dieting, or disordered eating! Listening to this podcast has helped me replace years of destructive thought patterns around food/body image with and an understanding that is both evidence-based and empowering. Laura is a brilliant, balanced, compassionate, and completely humble host. I honestly can’t recommend this podcast highly enough!
  • MusicLuva.
    Game changer!
    Laura and her guests are skilled, compassionate researchers and educators. I wish all education was as accessible, encouraging and freeing as this podcast!
  • psusteiny
    Thank you!
    Wonderful information. Insightful. Thorough. Thank you for explaining intuitive eating to a newbie to this concept. I’ve been struggling with this idea and admit to still being a bit stuck in diet culture, although not nearly to the extent I had been for so long. Thanks so much!
  • машенка11
    Most Necessary
    DSMG is consistently brilliant. Laura and her guests unravel diet myths with science, common sense and empathy. Her podcast is an easy, enjoyable listen while also being a most necessary re-education for those of us stuck in diet culture. Thanks Laura!!
  • Mamabirdatx
    This podcast is the most popular one in our family!
    I don’t remember how I found this podcast but once I listened to Laura and the empowering way she discusses nutrition, science and body image I was hooked. I listen to this in the car and eventually my kids got in on it too, and it sparked conversation between my son and myself. THANK YOU Laura for helping me learn about the actual SCIENCE AND TRUTH about nutrition and body image. Also, Laura is hilarious so that a nice bonus to the pod! Keep up the good work!
  • livvpivv
    Thank you
    This is my favorite podcast right now. I love Laura’s commitment to evidence based practice and research and her genuine passion for helping people escape the hell that is diet culture. I hope her podcast continues helps others as it has helped me. Thank you Laura!
  • Bradygrimes
    Taking the stress out of health!
    Finally a podcast that helps take the stress out of the holidays! The last episodes were such great advice about getting rid of diet rules and living a healthy life with a compassionate view of yourself. This is a fantastic podcast.
  • crystalfields
    Enjoyable and informative!
    Laura does a wonderful job bringing interesting guests onto the podcast! She asks good conversation-prompting questions, although she does occasionally talk over the guests or ask questions that only she rather than the entire audience can benefit from. Other than the horrible intro music (which I can't stand and have to skip through every episode) this is a very enjoyable and entertaining show that's also quite informative and thought-provoking. Well done, Laura! Thanks for making my commute both entertaining and educational. 😊
  • Mtrr30
    Need a new intro!
    I really want to like this podcast but the intro song is SO BAD that I immediately turn it off when it comes up in my queue.
  • Blueyes7777
    Can't thank Laura enough for being her and sharing with us!!! So thankful!! Love her topics, her style and her vibe!
  • Jujuhoopa
    Loving the real nutrition talk
    As a graduate student studying nutritional science, I've been loving listening Laura's interviews with game changers, and her efforts to dispel all the pseudoscience nonsense in the nutrition world. Listen in for some hilarious interviews and real talk on your commute.
  • Kirstyn:)
    Breath of fresh air!
    I absolutely love this podcast! In a time where pseudoscience is everywhere you look on social media it's so nice to listen to some evidence based nutrition! Love all your guests on your show and I appreciate that there's a lot of focus on body positivity! Keep it up 😊
  • bwxavi
    Like the pod, and everything Laura is doing in the nutrition field. Just as a word of advice, as an interviewer myself, I notice Laura gets very passionate and excited which sometimes leads to interrupting the guests. Love the passion though!
  • mkocain
    I am so happy that I found Laura's podcast! She talks to super interesting people in the nutrition and wellness world. It's great for nutrition students as well!
  • MagentaCrayon
    10/10 would recommend to a friend/client
    Just started following/listening to Laura's podcast in 2017 and I am a huge fan! I'm a graduate nutrition student in the US (working towards my PhD as well) and highly recommend this podcast to anyone who is confused about current trends in nutrition, needs tips on how to treat their body better with good food, and wants to cut the BS and get to the point! Dr. Thomas provides a fresh and pointed perspective on popular nutrition trends and advancements and encourages realistic and healthy eating behaviors. And she is funny too! So thanks Laura for giving the world your insights on nutrition in this awesome podcast. We appreciate it! 👌🏻
  • TTrudeau
    Nutritional science student here and new subscriber! I have just found this fantastic podcast and I am hooked. Laura and her guests discuss so many topics I am passionate about and each time I learn a bit more. I can only hope to bring attention to issues and provide evidence based knowledge to others once I am a professional. Please keep up the great work!
  • virginia_otherplaces
    Fab show
    Keep bringing on the science and interesting interviews!
  • Brittanie W.
    Love it!
    I love listening to each episode! Laura Thomas does an excellent job of choosing guests with a variety of experiences and expertise. They are easy to listen to, always have me laughing at some point and provide a great source of information. Definitely look forward to each new episode!
  • atxred
    Check it out!
    Laura does a great job of asking interesting questions and engaging her guests. I like the variety of topics that have been covered so far, and I'm looking forward to new episodes each week!
  • ThankTankCr8
    I knew her when ...
    Have been lucky enough to have gluten-free, vegan, macrobiotic dinner with Laura and I can say she knows her stuff! You won't find a more informed, educated, to the point, potty-mouthed nutritionist anywhere. Listen and get schooled.
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