The Ringer NBA Show

Sports #63

The Ringer NBA squad provides the insight, reporting, and analysis that you need in your life right here on The Ringer NBA Show. On Sundays and Wednesdays, check out 'Group Chat' with Justin Verrier, Wosny Lambre and Rob Mahoney. Tap in on Mondays and Thursdays for 'Real Ones' with Logan Murdock and Raja Bell.

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Recent Reviews
  • fried Chicken over Pizza
    Get rid of Logan
    Logan ruins the whole feed. He tries to hard. Curses to much and sounds corny doing it. We get it Logan, you’re black. You’re way to smart to speak that way and you make the other hosts uncomfortable. Get it together
  • NBAfan1880
    Come on man
    Wos is just awful. Can’t listen to this.
  • SunDevils901
    Logan seems like a poser, everyone else is cool.
  • 42worthy
    Breaking continue-ity
    Thank you Kerm!! Logan has been killing me with this since this podcast began. Killa Kerm!! Ahhhh!!!
  • Just another mol Eliza
    worth it
    the continuinty / CONTinuity scandal was the first time a podcast has made me actually full gut laugh out loud so completely worth it.
  • BigDscotty
    Wos needs to go
    Please stop putting Wos on this show…this dude knows nothing about hoops and laughs at all his terrible jokes. Brutal to listen to
  • Max RF
    RIP Jonathan Tjarks
    Group chat is great. The dynamic/chemistry between those three is in a great place. I want to enjoy Real ones but Logan... Raja is solid. I gotta admit i just skip all the real ones and listen to group chat religiously these days. Been a listener since the Ringer started. RIP Tjarks miss your insights and the enthusiastic/joyful curiosity you approached the game with. Will not be forgotten 💔
  • JayFSUSeminole
    I love Group Chat. I am not a fan of Logan tbh. If I see a group chat episode I’m in…but real ones will be skipped
  • Raj Fan
    Real Ones - Mailbag
    Love the show. Beck is a fantastic addition. Please stop the mailbag. The questions are terrible.
  • shake milton
    Verrier is not good 👎
    Boy is bad on the mic
  • H Liggs
    Like Raja much more than I would have imagined, as a Lakers fan. If Logan could stop going overboard whenever he says the word partners, and learn how to say the word continuity, I’d have no complaints.
  • Visc@B@rc@1
    Mid at Best
    Enjoy the instant pods. Need more substance in your analysis. The rotating cast of bloviators leads to a lot of inconsistency in quality. The cheesy potty mouth man-child with the early aughts takes needs to grow up. Only Bill would consider some of this culturally relevant.
  • JackGio11
    First take 2.0
    They just spew hot takes with nothing to back it up, starting to question if these even watch basketball. They don’t even cover what’s topical because they want to feel unique and it just ends up being a garbage product.
  • Chris8383$$$
    SMH Wos
    Group chat is great but Logan and Raj I just can’t listen to them. Group Chat could make this a 5 by themselves and I love the show but Wos ruined it by complimenting Stephen Smith who never deserves praise from anyone. Wos I still love to listen to you but no longer respect you after bringing Stephen into a sports conversation
  • Pahrka
    Wos so negative and overly critical
    Really only enjoy the Rob takes lately. Wos is so extra with his hateful criticisms. Doesn’t provide anything constructive just rips on players and teams. Begs the question if he even enjoys basketball. Rob is thoughtful and provides well balanced analysis and insight. Would be so much better without Wos
  • Lewah33
    She’s back!!!
    @seeratsohi is back! You were missed!
  • Chase Skaff
    Not a fan
    I get the sense when I listen to this show that it’s just some fans sharing surface level opinions. I can get the same info and insights from my friends. It’s a no for me.
  • puladki
    A five star if Howard Beck is on all the time
    Real ones this past week with Howard Beck and Raja Bell was definitely great. If they were the only two on I would definitely rate them 5 stars.
  • mister m foster the 1st
    Some good some bad
    Raja is by far the standout. Logan is a good addition, but they don’t need Beck. I feel as if his placement is forced. I will still listen for Raja, I feel as if he is a quality analyst. The other show with Wos and those two super nerds is bad. Wos has too many garbage takes, which is annoying because his primary debate strategy is just to laugh really loud and say “Come on now guys”. And the two nerds are too effeminate to push back, so they just serve as Wos’ yes men. Example: The fact that he went on and on laughing off Sabonis as a third team candidat….but put Haliburton on second team for having two and a half good months is the nail in the coffin for me as far as this show goes.
  • Toby McG.
    Group Chat and Real Ones opinion
    Group Chat: I really only listen to the podcast to hear Rob Mahoney and his opinions. He does a good job breaking down the games and provides great insight into players strengths and weaknesses. Wos is ok, I think he is pretty good in doses and can provide some good insight at times. He tends to be pretty negative and bashes players quite a bit. It feels like he goes through the different options to responding to a question in his head, and always will go for the hottest take. Justin is sadly dragging the show down in my opinion. Compared to Wos and especially Rob you can just tell he doesn’t watch enough basketball. He delivers opinions and thoughts that are pretty weak. He prioritizes creating conflict to make the podcast “interesting” but that makes him come a across as an idiot sometimes. Real Ones: I haven’t listened since 2022 because Logan Murdock gets on my nerves. I love listening to Raja breakdown his thoughts about players and matchups. I think Raja is great on that podcast. Logan’s questions are mediocre at best most of the time, but his opinions are just irritating and lazy. It feels like Logan is just looking for approval from Raja most of the time, even though he’s the host! The dynamic is backwards.
  • Jacoby Remington
    Raja is the best part of the show
    Logan and Howard are solid and they have great insights and chemistry with Raja. But man I think Raja is hands down the best part of the show. Every time he is not in an episode I am let down. Raja just has such good stories and perspectives and is super funny too. Group chat is good too but Real Ones when Raja is on is my favorite by far.
  • K-187
    One of my favorites
    I love Group Chat and have liked the addition of Howard Beck to Real Ones.
  • Hawthorneheightsfan90
    Fire him
  • Patrick122010
    Mixed Bag
    Thought this show was objectively really quality but I feel like some personalities (wosny lambre) will attempt to draw attention by giving overly critical takes or simply demonstrates a lack of knowledge about smaller market teams in particular. Leads to lower quality product
  • Plsdobetter97
    Just listened to the most recent episode about Giannis’ place in history, and they just rambled about rumors about him leaving… no stats, no background, no analyzing his growth, this show is basically first take. No intelligent insight
  • 🤣🎆🎆🎆🎆🦃
    Great show
    I like how they really get into detail about the stories they are talking about,also they have some pretty good people running the show.
  • macdon763
    Dripping with racism
    Boy do they have fun being racist. I have lived my life hearing ‘we are only kidding.’ Not funny.
  • FreezyPOP
    wow every single one of these shows is not great. particularly real ones. howard beck is the only redeeming quality. Logan and raja holy moly. 0 insight. group chat is not great either. its either faux-nerds who think they are smart. or wos lazily saying nothing. whatcha doing bill simmons?
  • jrayner23
    Replace Wos
    He ruins a decent show
  • sprite spite
    Great pod!
    Real ones is dope! Love the vibe fellas!
  • Jwalkny3
    Real ones should be better.. but it’s mid
    it’s a bit a of a mess.. lots of unneeded skits where they try to bring the producer in for air time.. yes you can just fast forward buts it’s annoying I’m forced to do so.. hope someone finds them funny. Can I just get basketball and bball adjacent chat?
  • Ritmonegro
    Real Ones
    Love the pod but there’s too much superfluous profanity
  • Rick Schricter
    Good, could be better
    I like Wos on group chat. The other two sound like AIs. Real Ones is good. Like Raj. Beck great. Host trying too hard. Too much superfluous cursing. Sounds like teenagers trying to be edgy.
  • treeeyyssoonnggzzz
    Not good
  • bearscohen29
    Wos Wilbon
    Wos loooooooves to name crap. We get it u know some people
  • Maklar77
    Group chat is great
    See above
  • EllisRedding$$
    Pretty unbearable listen
    There are many way better NBA pods out there. These guys are just full of hot takes and lame opinions. First time Ive ever rated a podcast one star.
  • Lutchen
    Raja’s Draymond Defense
    You can caveat all you want you defended a 30+ year old man by comparing to your like 12 old kids and then said it’s a bad precedent because it shows what the NBA can do? If the precedent is that an adult player who’s had countless infractions follows up a choke hold incident by round housing punching a player mid play then that seems fair to anyone unless you wanna defend in the abstract which just shows how poor your defense of Draymond is…the shows better than weak stuff like that
  • Joooohhhhhnnnnnnn
    I’ve followed the NBA Ringer podcast feed since its inception, but the past couple years it’s fallen off a cliff in terms of quality and nuance. The hosts seem wildly unprepared and have no insights that I can’t glean for myself by watching highlights, reading box scores and following NBA Twitter - which is all I think that they actually do. Is it that hard for them to watch the games in totality? Or talk to beat reporters or their sources on teams before they give their opinions/takes? I don’t get the impression that these guys, especially Group Chat, love the game either. If anything they seem like they resent having to watch the vast majority of the league, especially Justin Verrier, who I don’t think likes any player, team or coach. And on top of being unprepared and overly negative, they just spout the same groupthink that I see on Reddit and Twitter. How many times do I have to listen to J Kyle Mann, Tyler Parker and Seerat Sohi wax poetic about the Thunder and Wemby? And Howard Beck? I don’t know what kind of spell he’s put on y’all but he’s boring and wholly unoriginal. Bill Simmons revolutionized the industry and love him or hate him (which I toggle back and forth with), you can’t say he doesn’t watch the games or has unique insights. I wish that would trickle down to this feed. In the past there was a solid mix of intel, analysis and entertainment and also general positivity that Ringer NBA hosts had. Of course there was some haterade too. Now it’s all haterade or CJs for obvious young players. What else do you guys do? I’m not sticking around anymore to find out.
  • Acuña Jr.
    Real Ones
    Give Real Ones their own feed!
  • sjsjndhdhhhfhr
    It used to be good every Wednesday and Friday I would tune In to The Answer or Weekend with Wos but especially Wos but now that is over these clowns on real ones are taking over everything on this show I would skip at least Wos is on in Group Chat
  • blingking88
    Rill Onez
    Beck is the perfect addition to the show.
  • NBA-Fan0101
    Can we please remove him?
  • pat09538
    I love Group Chat
    I love the Group Chat podcast. I like Woz, and I think he is the best personality/ takegiver on the show. However, all the other white guys on the podcast are just into him and try to be woke/signal to him that they are on his side socially/politically. It’s just kind of annoying when Woz is giving basketball takes, and the other dudes are like oh yes, Woz, you are so bright and then go out of their way to virtue signal to show they are on his perceived side. So Woz is great; maybe everyone else should just stick to basketball? Idk🤷🏻‍♀️
  • BeeBarrows63
  • jacearmi
    Group Chat!
    Mostly just speaking about Group Chat here because they’re the ones I listen to most. But their show is a very very good mix of knowledge, humor, and personality/chemistry. Love Just Rob and Wos!
  • RFMadrid
    Best NBA episode!!
    The October 19, 2023 episode was one of the best basketball podcast episodes I’ve heard. Their insight in leadership was so complex and well articulated. Leadership is a topic I value dearly and sports is the most important forum to understand and develop it in our society -especially since war has been monetized.
  • jelly5899
    Logan and Raja!!
    Don’t ruin “the real ones” with Howard Beck. Totally kills the vibe. Logan and Raja should have a show to themselves!
  • Schtick-name
    New group chat please
    The Wos and Verrier minutes are painful. Get Mahoney some worthy cohosts, like Beck and Pina.
  • Bronx ok
    Big Wos
    Big Wos talks a lot but he’s dope. Long live Wos
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