Off the Cuffs: a kink and BDSM podcast

Sexuality #90

Welcome to Off the Cuffs: a Kink and BDSM podcast, for those in the lifestyle and those who are curious. Each week, hosts Dick Wound and minimus maximus, sit down for a discussion with a new guest, covering topics such as their journey into kink, scenes they’ve been involved in, and the importance of consent and communication. Episodes tackle the entire spectrum of kink, from the sensual to the sadistic, and the bizarre to the vanilla.

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Recent Reviews
  • Nsjebkb😛✌️
    So slay but make sure you know what you’re getting into lol
  • mrvlfan95
    love this show
    great kink podcast
  • Sirboi bramble
    ;) jokes
    “What I don't understand is why is everything you two associate with sex have to be either disgusting or sinister? Why do you equal sex as having to be dark or gross to be enjoyable? Sex can be such a beautiful, loving, tranquil, and peaceful experience. Have you ever heard of tantric sex or sacred sex? Why do you explore none of these but only things that are debauchery. I feel you should both explore why you regard sex as positive only when it's negative. That seems like some phycological damage that needs to be healed and explored. Like you're trying too hard to prove something.” 😂😂😂😂 not actually my words Actually one of the best kink podcast and I recommend it to everyone! They always have awesome guests and aren’t ashamed to talk about the weird “gross” stuff. This isn’t vanilla ice cream with cinnamon on top kind of kink, it’s a celebration of all types of kink (including the gross stuff🥰)
  • Tulsagal14
    I explored this podcast thinking maybe kink was something to look at, but after listening, I am pretty sure the host and most of his guests need years of therapy and I wonder what happened to them as children to create these mindsets I was literally ill listening
  • Bryan675
    “Like like like like like”
    I liked it initially, but I can’t get past Dickwound’s CONSTAAAAANT use of the word “like”; some info is good, but the delivery kills it for me
  • Chicago-Bill
    Like, it’s like, when you like do something like...
    Do you think you could speak without saying like every two seconds? Like it was so like distracting, that I couldn’t like concentrate. ‘You’re like going deeper and like feeling like really like relaxed and stuff... “
  • William (Bill) Jenkins
    The gold standard for Kink Podcasts…
    Both entertaining and informative, very highly recommended!
  • Crc38868
    Love this
    I found this podcast from listening to “is this really happening” and I’m so happy I did! Though I’m just starting it I’m already in love! So well put together and informative. Coming from Portland which had a thriving BDSM community and moving to Utah which has just a small community this podcast is so fun and playful to listen to while I’m missing home! and helps the imagination come up with new interests, scenes and get some good laughs while still getting important information.
  • Kingpain13
    Try to count how many times the word “like” is used.
  • Robynlenee
    I wanted to like this podcast but when I heard the beginning of an episode where two people were talking about how scary it was with Donald Trump being the president I immediately turned off and WILL NEVER LISTEN TO THIS PODCAST. This is how social media turns people against each other. You won’t hear a conservative say things like that. You should not have bigots on your show.
  • MacDracor
    Ridiculously informative
    These guys are ridiculous. And informative! It’s been fascinating learning about kinks and orientations that I might otherwise not know about. They’ve inspired me to check my privilege and me prejudices more than a couple times. I think I am a more open minded person because of this podcast, tbh.
  • Elleemmjayyyy13
    My fav podcast!!!
    I am an OTR truck driver and this podcast is my jammmmmm!!! I love all of you so much! I haven’t listened to an episode that I haven’t loved. All the guests and topics are so informative and just wow. I want to thank you so much for your time and dedication. Keep on rocking it!
  • pupspace
  • Pinkasong
    Awesome. Like listening to old friends
    So much Information in a great format. I’ve binge listened to all the episodes and I’ve learned so much. Also their ongoing interactions with guests and each other are very welcoming and you feel like you’re listening to old friends have a chat.
  • Dark_Aiden87
    A great educational podcast
    If you’re looking to get into the bdsm scene and looking for information regarding different fetishes I highly recommend you start here. The hosts, minimus_maximus, an insightful and calm educator sits alongside Dick_Wound (who has a laugh that sounds like a mix of Bevis and Mark Hammils joker) as they interview the guest of the week and dive into a different fetish or a new look at a fetish already discussed. They go beyond the casual and go deeper into some of the more obscure kinks. After each episode you walk away with a new point of bdsm knowledge and maybe a laugh or two along the way.
  • minimorticia
    All I listen to at work
    I cannot say enough how happy I am that I found this podcast, so entertaining and informative and I just love it. Literally all I listen to while I work now, binge mode commenced, it’s great walking around a hospital having people wonder what the hell you're giggling about randomly or why you maybe look a bit turned on...
  • Sissy joy
    Awesome podcast!
    I just recently found this podcast! I love listening to your interviews, I’ve learned a lot about kink and bdsm since I’ve started listening. Don’t stop making this podcast, you guys rock!! p.s. - I think Max needs more spanks per episode..... (insert Uncle Dicks menacing laugh here)
  • Betty1Yeti
    The Silent Dog Whistle
    Not for everyone. But for some it will be an oasis in the desert! Kasimirs_Muire
  • burnierthanthou
    The “record store clerks” of kink!
    Back in the day we had to buy our music at a store like groceries. You had to brows and search out new and interesting music. You had to take your time. This podcast is like browsing a store looking for new and interesting kinks. You don’t have to buy every record in the store, just like you don’t have to be into every kink. The hosts are like the guys at the counter playing that record over the speakers while you tap your feet until you ask “what’s that playing?”...every week I look forward to what record these guys are spinning. You may or may not walk out with fresh vinyl but you will have heard something new.
  • Simple!! 😃
    Finally found something!
    Hey! I have identified myself as a kinkster since I found out what it was, though I had never found somewhere to talk about it or explore it. I did have partners and went on fetlife though found fetlife hard to manage and wanted to talk to someone other than my partner about certain things. When I found your podcast I was amazed and filled with joy that I finally found a place where even though I do not talk to someone directly I do get to hear different kinks and others peoples perspective. You have motivated me to find out if there is a munch near me and to see if I can find kinksters like me (other than my past or current partners) near my area. Thank you so much and please continue doing such an amazing work!
  • Lauren Crabtree
    A very good podcast indeed
    This is one of my favorite kink podcasts! The hosts do a good job, there’s a great variety of guests, and as someone who is into darker/more niche kinks, I’m glad that this podcast isn’t afraid to discuss them regularly while a lot of other BDSM podcasts tend to cover more common/lighter kinks. I definitely recommend it.
  • Hidari Dexter
    I hate the word serendipity, but...
    I started with the episode with Ms Petra Hunter and was thrilled to find something recent and relevant-to-my-immediate-interests. Podcast checks all the boxes for me. I like the overall structure of interview playing off casual conversation, and appreciate everyone’s ability to prevent commentary from completely derailing All The Things. Sound quality is spot on. Thanks y’all!!!
  • KCarusi
    Great for Newbs
    Just started dipping my toes into the BDSM world and this podcast has been a big part of my learning. I’ll listen and then find myself researching kinks I never even heard of before just learning more about the lifestyle. Love it so far!
  • Synfuldaemon
    I’m a relatively new listener. With that said each cast I listen to brings me joy, laughter, and new insights into myself and the world of kink. You guys absolutely take a wonderful approach to the discussion and teachings that you share with your audience. I regularly recommend your podcast to my friends and have started having my slavegirl listen in. I even follow you two on fet, instagram, and Twitter. Cheers, Jasyn / Synful P.S. If you choose to read this review on air you’re welcome to use my name or if you’re more comfortable my online handle is Synful Daemon (pronounced like Matt’s last name).
  • CaliCat03
    Breath of Fresh Air
    UPDATE: still loving this podcast! Still awaiting my special guest spot lol! 💁🏻‍♀️👙! Original review: I can't even begin to tell you how much I love this podcast! It is so refreshing to listen to them discuss kink and BDSM lifestyles. I love that they have guests on the show to share their thoughts and experiences in the world of kink and BDSM...and I love that it can teach you things about yourself! The thing I love most is the fact that they are bringing this out to the light and proving that there is NOTHING WRONG with it. So many people are ashamed because of what society deems as "normal"'s your life; express yourself! Love the show, guys! Keep up the awesome work! -Heather Wright (Nature vs Narcissism & Status Pending Podcasts)
  • Newark Knight
    Great new journey
    I heard about these guys for a while and finally got a chance to listen to them, and I will be listening to them for a while.
  • HE123457690888
    Great fun!
    I am an aural learner and I am truly grateful to have this podcast to listen to and learn!
  • knotmycupoftea
    Fantastic Podcast!
    I have been a listener for about 6 months now. I enjoyed the recent episodes so much I decided to start listening from the beginning, which I highly recommend doing. The hosts are open-minded and engaging. They're open about their own journeys, kinks, and fantasies, which makes them very relatable. Their wide variety of guests all have very interesting stories to tell. This podcast has made my commute so much more tolerable. The guys have been a major source of inspiration, leading me to explore a bit more in my own personal life.
  • Alk05a
    Thanks for keeping me alive
    I started listening to this podcast when driving (I do a seven hour round trip drive about once a week). The guys are very entertaining and keep me awake during the most boring drive ever. So hey, thanks for keeping me from falling asleep and crashing on the highway. Also, Dick’s chuckle is worth listening to all on its own.
  • CryaoticAngel
    Generic Title
    Insert positive review here 👍🏻
  • 1Badsam
    Works as expected
    My sub is a pain slut and loves it! Only time she ever used her safe word was during episode 42. Max can get to be too much so be aware. Being forced to listen can slap the brat out of anyone.
  • cattydonuts
    (Insert Dick’s creepy chuckle)
    I’m just here for the music and the wrestling jokes.
  • Popsickle Lipstick
    I wish I had a podcast like this as a teenager and still trying to figure things out for myself BDSM-wise. Amazing podcast with amazing hosts ❤️
  • Missarriss
    So good and easy to listen to
    Like listening to Josh and Chuck of Stuff You Should Know, Off the Cuffs is like hanging out with friends. Comfortable, dorky conversation. One of the bests!
  • 2queerforthis
    Everything is awesome
    As a young college student relatively new to the lifestyle, this podcast has helped me swim my way through the kink river. It’s been an amazing guidebook and I owe so much to it. Also, one of my professors this semester looks (and sounds) quite a lot like Max, so there goes my concentration for the rest of the semester. 😍 love you guys!
  • SadaBear
    Kink-tasticly Amazing!
    I have been an avid listener for a long time a just NOW realized how to finally rate and review (sorry) I think this is a wonderful, amazing, funny and informative podcast! People at work always want to know what I’m listening ti because of my gigglefits ... Guilty pleasure maybe?? Keep up the good work guys!
  • Suziicake
    This is my go to podcast. I love the hosts and have learned so much. The realness makes it easy to follow and enjoy. Thanks for all you do!
  • Sissy isabell
    I can’t believe I slept so long on this!
    From the 1st episode I was hooked! I almost dropped my phone on the side of the road I laughed so hard but could relate to so much they were saying! From my teenage years to adult life whether I felt like an outsider or when finally getting into the lifestyle, every episode I feel such a connection to! Now I can’t see my daily routine without listening to at least 1 - 2 episodes through out my day! It’s a great podcast for folks that are “vanilla” and curious about the lifestyle, the community, exploring themselves & more! Keep up the great work!
  • Jesszula
    Now shuddup
    There I gave you stars. Now shuddup. Love you! - LadyJ
  • JustEnoughGuilt
    Kinky and fun
    Even if this podcast wasn’t as fantastic as it is, Dick’s maniacal laughter makes this show worth your time.
  • Ratat_kay
    5 Stars
    I’m just here for the theme song and obscure movie references.
  • goththot
    I don’t know what to title this?
    I absolutely love this podcast. I have been listening for a few months now. I’m so glad I found it. It is so interesting to hear all different types of people bond over kink. This show has introduced me into a whole new world of kinks. I hope you guys continue to grow as a podcast and people. I would love to see y’all being more active on social media like Instagram.
  • aranda.schroeder
    I listen while ignoring my responsibilities
    I’ve tried to rate/review this goddamn podcast like 8 times but apple hates me and never actually submits them??? Anyway I’ve been binge listening and am kind of sad because I’m almost caught up which means I’ll have to wait a whole week to hear Dick’s maniacal laugh.
  • Mr.Blacque
    Awesome show
    I’m new to kink and found your show about a month ago while gathering resources for my journey. My interests are pretty diverse I love that I can look forward to learning something new every time I listen to a new episode. Keep it up and best wishes.
  • Phoenixfeathersnifht
    You guys are hilarious and Im so glad you guys exist!
  • Knotty4Teacher
    You’ll want to brag about it
    Listening to Off the Cuffs is like taking an exceptionally large poop. It’s simultaneously gross and slightly painful, it’ll make you sweat a little, but you’ll giggle more than once, and by the end you’ll find yourself satisfied, looking forward to the next one and racking your brain for who to tell about it.
  • Nikiki815
    Super informative, fun and interesting to listen to!
  • Chelsea_BasedOnATrueCrime
    Awesome dudes, awesome show!
  • Fyxsius
    Podcast helps ease into the lifestyle
    I am in absolute love with this podcast. I am new to joining this lifestyle and I have not had a chance to attend my first munch as of yet. But much of the anxiety I was feeling has been lifted as I binge listen to this series. Already 30 episodes in and still going strong. Well delivered content and a wide array of topics covered while being highly amusing and enlightening. Keep it up!
  • bondgurl
    It grows on you
    As some reviewers have said, the giggling was a little much at first listen. However, after a few episodes, the giggling became tolerable, and after a few more, it became endearing. I appreciate the show's diversity of guests and the hosts' openness to beliefs, attitudes, and interests that differ from their own. These are not two arrogant, bloviating dudebros. These are two thoughtful men who are genuinely interested and interesting. This show has made my commute infinitely more bearable and I look forward to every new episode.
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