Nutrition #98

The most interesting people in the world of science and technology

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Recent Reviews
  • AJ farmer
    Love it
    In an effort to get off of YouTube, I began listening to podcasts and really enjoyed Ben Bikman. In searching for Ben Bikman and uric acid, I found your podcast. I enjoyed your interview with Ben so very much. Was the best I’ve heard from him of all that’s out there. I loved hearing about his growing up years and all the most important things I’ve been wanting to learn from him in one interview. I loved hearing the questions you all asked, and I love how professional you all are. So many podcasts are so hard to listen to with the loose and valley girl type talking. But not with you all. I looked over all the other episodes. I’m excited to listen to them and get so much motivation for taking care of my health each day. Thank you!
  • JazzyJudah
    So great
    Keep it up. What a wonderful dissemination of important science.
  • Norsksoul
    STEM talk - the best science podcast out there
    I have been a long time listener to STEM talk and it just keeps getting better with age. Not only do Ken, Dawn and Marcus do an excellent job of presenting interesting and thought provoking topics but they also delve into the personal stories of the though leaders they inteview. Your recent interview with Dr Nicholas Norwitz was so packed with ground breaking revelations, I had to keep skipping back to relisten to those segments. As a physician, I am impressed and encouraged by the energy and curiosity that Dr. Norwitz brings to his research. Thinking outside of the “accepted science” and constantly investigating the outliers and exceptions is how progress is made in science. Knowing the cognitive benefits of a Ketogenic diet, I wonder how his journey from Ulcerative Colitis to Brilliant researcher and physician may have been assisted by his landing in the Metabolic Valhalla of Ketosis. I am certain I willl be hearing Dr. Norwitz again on STEM talk in the future. From the marvels of Roman Concrete to Next Gen spacesuits and everything about optimizing Human Nutrition, I will be coming back to STEM talk on a weekly basis.
  • Splash888
    Newest Superfan!!
    I am SO excited to have finally discovered this incredible podcast!! I love learning about cutting edge science. As an ER doc, I most often listen to field specific podcasts. Broadening my awareness of research across other fields through this show is so enjoyable, especially learning the fascinating biographies of the researchers. As a mother of older school age kids, I’m always telling my kids that most people follow a nonlinear path to their careers so keep an open mind about career options! I love the skillful way Dawn interviews these amazing scientists to describe the unique path that brought them to their interesting areas of work. Keep up the good work!! I’m binge listening to catch up!
  • E J E
    Stimulating and clear
    I appreciate the diversity of topics that you cover in STEM-Talk, and I always find myself learning new and interesting things. A suggestion: it would be great if you could get Missy Cummings on STEM-Talk to discuss autonomous vehicles.
  • LifeLongLearner-1
    Its getting better all the time... updated
    STEM-Talk are indepth interviews with really interesting scientists and engineers working right at the front edge. These episodes are in-depth discussions with really fascinating scientists and engineers. The health related episodes are particularly interesting as the hosts and the guests go pretty far down some deep rabbit holes.
  • Slitherylilsnaaaake
    Exactly what I wanted
    Recently, I began looking for a podcast that talks about STEM topics. I found this one, and for obvious reasons. This show is high quality. The hosts have clearly great knowledge of the topics they are discussing based on their quality and in-depth questions. In addition, they show a chemistry between themselves and their guests that feels authentic and fun. I have found something to listen to over music or the news during my commute.
  • carlrunner
    One Pod to rule them all
    This is a high quality podcast in that bright curious hosts interview the top minds in science and research regarding human performance and making a brighter future. They find ways to make STEM interesting to everyone and you see the personal side of the researcher. I am always impressed w the top level science that is underway and how much it applies to every aspect of our lives. The multidisciplinary nature of this high end work often provides consilience to much of my studies in medicine and wellness, but could serve to better inform any professional. Listening is like grand rounds for the sciences.
  • emwatz
    Great podcast even for science dummies
    I have an MFA in glass sculpture, in other words zero science background. This podcast is amazing even for lay person without an iota of science or math like me. The interviews on cutting edge research is refreshingly knowledge based and listening to the nuanced discussions give me an opening to comprehend these important topics, like how exercise really does affect aging. No gimmicks, no sales, im not prompted to think the presenters are attractive, (not that they arent, lol!). Ok n depth discussion of what people who work incredibly hard can discover, and the implications for the rest of us who are concerned about living a long healthy life, or just curious.
  • Mr152
    Life Changing
    I've learned so much from Stem-Talk. I especially appreciate how nutrition science is presented as a science and not as a religion. After listening to the episodes on exogenous ketone esters, your guests so piqued my interest that I am now in a human trial investigating their safety in subjects over 65 years old.
  • STEM-Talk
    Give it a listen!
    This podcast is very informative and interesting to listen to. I do not normally listen to podcasts like this but I recommend listening to this and giving it a try! As a student in STEM, I have gained a lot of knowledge about the field I am studying in. The interviews are really good and so interesting to listen to.
  • writer3765
    Very interesting
    I love listening to educational podcasts but I also get bored easily. This podcast kept me interested, engaged, and I learned information that is actually relevant to my life!
  • Elizabeth Royappa
    Important concepts explained perfectly!
    The hosts of and team behind STEM-Talk do an incredible job at picking relevant topics and then explaining those complex topics thoroughly! As a college student studying communications, I love knowing I can always turn to STEM-Talk for some exciting, but most importantly, *accessible* science info on the side. Here’s to many more awesome episodes!
  • VoxRomana_7.83
    Of Ketones and Philosopher Kings
    This robust library of podcasts produced by Ken and Dawn is a tremendous trove of wisdom, inspiration, and knowledge. Within each interview, listeners are granted a unique glimpse into some of the most brilliant minds of science and, by extension, the inner workings of the universe and its marvels and mysteries. I particularly enjoy hearing guests speak about what led them to careers in science, as well as the practical and innovative information offered to help us all live healthier and more resilient lives. Thank you, Ken, Dawn, and IHMC!
  • Conser666
    STEM-Talk is great
    Many podcast interviews are full of blather and padding. Not STEM-Talk. The hosts have always done their homework and the interviews are informative as well as entertaining.
  • Ruffdog113
    Fantastic Science Podcast!
    I absolutely love STEM-Talk! Dr. Ford and Dawn are incredible guests and ask unbiased questions, that really help the listener understand both the science and the storyline of their guests. As a podcaster myself, I try to emulate what they do, as they always create amazing and unique episodes!
  • madisonfun
    Loved it
    Intermittent fasting fascinating interview. I’m hooked after listening! Thank you for a smart intriguing podcast.
  • KC Karl
    Really timely
    Just wanted to thank you for the really timely episodes you’ve had recently. The Mark Mattson, Martin Kulldorff and Mike Griffin interviews were all such timely topics that dealt with topics that are on everyone’s minds because of current events and trends. Keep up the good work.
  • Engineer_In_MA
    Super Learning -
    One of the best Science and nutrition podcasts in the universe. Ken and Dawn dig deep into what makes the scientists’ interviewed tick, what they like to study and why. It has changed the way I think about what goes in my body. Latest interview with Dr. Kulldorff breaks new ground in a logical discussion of Covid Anti-Science and what is real. I am glad you could bring the exposure and credibility to the Brownstone Institute doctors.
  • Ted V A
    Renewed love of science
    My love of science started in High School when I dated the Chemistry/Physics teacher’s daughter. My love of science has been renewed by the very high quality of credible, current, interesting science-related topics on Stem Talk. Love this podcast! Thank You. Ted J. Van Anne
  • Ski A6
    Just like school-only different
    I should say —‘only much better’. It is wonderful listen to people, Ken, Dawn, and guests, that can make a complex topic understandable and something you want to keep learning about. You’ll use your brain so watch out!
  • Liz_E.
    “STEM Smart”
    I feel so smart when I listen to Stemtalk. The topics open up a whole new world for me. One that I can share with my elementary school students. I especially love when I can follow along (and understand)certain topics because of the Science-y background I’m building with each episode…thank you for the variety of topics and guests you bring on your show. Sincerely, Miss Liz
  • doctorpew
    Informative, actionable information
    I am a primary care physician, and this podcast is full of informative, valuable information. It is a wealth of recent, scientific findings and data, that can lead to actionable change for all of us. Art Delaney is especially fantastic!
  • Autophagy Cells Itself
    Bridging the Gap between Science and Health
    Currently a senior in college, I am a biochemistry major and a health enthusiast. Listening to STEM-Talks has given me many ideas as to how I could potentially utilize my science degree in the fight on public health. Listening to a wide range of individuals disucss their views on the current health epidemic and providing useful insight into protential frame of thought for future research and solutions has given me hope. Well curated, insightful, and entertaining. Highly recommend this podcast for anyone interested in optimizing their own health!
  • Kiana likes you
    My Favorite Podcast (I really want a t-shirt)
    Dawn and Ken introduce listeners to such a range of scientists and studies that remind me why I need to always be in pursuit of knowledge. As a young woman in STEM ,and practicing bootleg science: itʻs inspiring to hear all the detail of the scientists lives and their findings. It is frustrating when I hear facts and figures without a reliable source but on this podcast I can hear information straight from the horses mouth! I love how the podcast production allows for the speakers to continue on their subjects no matter how dense. Thank you for making information available to the public. With aloha from Hawaiʻi
  • Hamed Aduddi
    Awesomely awesome
    Even Buddha would be enlightened by listening to your guest speakers. Informative and educational. I await with bated breath each episode. Kudos to you all.
  • R manutd
    Love this stimulus package
    Love the stimulus package than Ken, Dawn and their guest deliver, only wish they could do this weekly, but that would detract from their amazing work.
  • Rob12!
    Is it love? (Submitted by Robski123)
    Our brains are teeming with neurons stored with life’s great perspicacity Dawn and Ken’s musings add to the great store Their guests are, without fail, intellects with immense sagacity. And present information that is anything but a bore. I tune in with considerable anticipation And wait for the next nugget of gold And can only describe my enjoyment as infatuation (with Dawn). Stemtalk is truly a marvel to behold.
  • Shaw3253
    A genius does not know the capacity of his knowledge on a subject! He/She is too busy to solve the next? The role Dawn/Ken are playing in our era is to siphon the key points and preserve them for the generations to come!!! I am fascinated to see the passion both Dawn & Ken have towards this task they have undertaken!
  • WacoDriver
    Music to Ears.
    Stem-talk reminds me of listening to a great orchestra that breaths new life into music we thought was familiar. With Ken as the conductor and Dawn as first violin they invite the best guests to play the role of soloist and stimulate our thoughts out to the new frontier for discovery of new perspectives to ponder making for a very enriching experience. A very addicting experience indeed.
  • DSEichinger
    Good show
    I think its a good show.
  • Stem-fan 53
    Exceptional, unique and eclectic
    As a non scientist, I relish both the content and form in how topics are presented. Both Ken and Dawn are super prepared, curious, and knowledgeable in interweaving the science and biographical aspects of their guests. Truly a favorite. Thanks
  • dg12309748394)2926
    Fantastimic podcastery
    Learning without all the strain About science including the brain For podcasts this is my main For learning that will not refrain!
  • H.Coach.Jo
    This show really does explore the outer edges of science. They do so with such excellence that I wish I had more time to listen to each and every show. Dawn always seems to bring out the best stories of the wonderful scientists that she interviews. Ken always has great tie in questions that make you think deeper about subjects you thought you just learned so much about.
  • AKBP14
    Wait, what?
    Dawn and Ken ask vaguely precise questions that engage the guest and allows their passion to flow out. The occasional witty asides are welcomed undertones to a rich and complex discussion. Whether I’m familiar with the topic or not I find myself pausing or rewinding the show to wrap my head around the knowledge barrage I’ve just experienced.
  • Insulinsensitive
    Awesome Podcast
    Two great hosts interviewing some of the brightest people in science and nutrition. As good as, if not better than, Peter Attia’s The Drive. I love it.
  • J. Barshop
    Deeply substantial and amazingly practical
    It’s obvious that Dawn
  • jampau
    Great Show
    Just found this show, great information on all aspects of health and wellness and how you can use and protect our minds thru lifestyle modification. Really enjoyed Dr Tommy Woods take plus I love his accent. Keep up the good work.
  • backwardhead
    It will make you want to join the circus
    I’m not sure how I found this podcast but now that I have my life has been turned upside down. I thought I knew everything that I needed to know about anything and now I sit humbled in a valley of my own ignorance. O brave new world. All hyperbole aside, Ken and Dawn’s guests are working at the edge of knowledge and each episode leaves me wanting more. Thank you
  • Regialc
    Bigger fan now
    Have been a fan for some months, and now an even bigger fan after the Rob Wolf episode. Thank you!
  • casey.mon
    For the learner fascinated by so much in life and finds difficulty in the pursuit of one discipline, this podcast is a wonderful antidote. Phenomenal content and conversations, high-quality production, and no hidden agenda. Just science. And some humor. But mostly science. Love it.
  • Robin OS
    Compelling and Concise
    I listen to dozens of health & fitness podcasts, and some of them are tedious or wacky. STEM-Talk, however, is engaging and sensible. Dawn and Ken have pleasant rapport. They press their guests for relevant information without being confrontational. I feel smarter every time I listen to a new episode!
  • AceRoush
    Excellent all the way around
    Thanks for the wonderful guests and talks. From STEM talks and a very small list of others, I've come in contact with great minds and turned normal things like a bike ride in to a great learning opportunity. Today I was listening to Dr. Gonzalez-Lima talking about metablic mapping and Alzheimers, which caught my attention. I'm a transplant to Texas like Dr. Gonzalez-Lima; I moved here from Pensacola. Right around the corner from the IHMC on Florida Blanca Street is the house my Dad built in 2005 and where he and my mother lived for the next 10 years. They both died recently and he had advanced dementia when he passed which was so sad. He was a wonderful man who passed in his mind before in his body. His death certificate says he died of Alzheimers, but that's just nonsense. No one knows what killed him. His final years in darkness ending in death are not fully understood and I'm glad people like Dr. Gonzalez-Lima are working to more fully understand how and why dementia happens, how it kills eventually, and how to stop it. Thanks again for the great interviews and talks. - Tom Roush
  • 詹姆斯3。noway
    I am only a few episodes in but know I am hooked. I get the impression that Dawn is a skilled ai marionettist, will have to keep listening to know for sure. Great podcast, keep it up.
  • Winsur4
    Brain Candy for Science Junkies
    I first ran across STEM-Talk when I was checking to see what was up with Dr. Peter Attia. I ran across the very first podcast by STEM-Talk. I immediately subscribed and took a deep dive into the archives, a who's who of names I could not wait to hear. I was suddenly lost to my wife for several days as I binge listened to many if not most of the episodes while doing my yard work. This kept me from being accused as antisocial by my wife, and made my property look better than ever. For those who complain Dawn and Ken are scripting, to me, it shows preparation, and for that I am grateful.
  • Cheerful Flathead
    Best podcast in the universe!!!
    I try to never miss a episode. I am a male of fairly advanced years and still learning cool things I can practice in my life.. Thank you Stem Talk. What a great podcast!! I am a retired man nearing 70. So many of your guests are fascinating and educational.. But Abe Morgontaler was special!!! I listened to the long podcast twice. I am requesting a referral to a endocrinologist as soon as I return home. I need T! G. T. PS I would wear that coot t shirt with pride!
  • Pro-prokaryote
    Goldilocks Zone of Science Podcasts
    This is the Goldilocks Zone of science podcasts. For those of you who want lively interviews that don't skip over scientific detail, your ears will find this podcast "just right". The hosts conduct interviews that are both insightful and delightful with their brilliant guests. STEM-talk really does interview the most fascinating people in STEM, some you may have heard before on other podcasts. But what sets this podcast apart are the hosts (who have incredible resumes themselves) that are able to ask questions many other podcast hosts would not think of. Because of that, I always learn new information even if I have heard that guest interviewed before on other podcasts. The health and metabolism episodes have really helped me make informed lifestyle decisions, thank you.
  • JJT 12
    We are from another universe and use Stemtalk to stay up to date on how earth is evolving. This saves us from the cost and dangers of interplanetary travel. Thanks
  • N7965w
    Value beyond price
    This podcast gives the incredible opportunity to listen as some of the greatest minds in fields that matter are in probed in a format that is completely accessible. And it is free for the taking.WOW
  • Galenus Metabolic
    Orders of Magnitude more info than most science podcasts
    I have been dreaming of a podcast like StemTalk for a long time!  Scientists interviewing scientists for no other reason than the sharing of science is ideal for those of us with above average science knowledge. In other podcasts featuring interviews with influencers, performance enhancers and celebrity doctors, the desire to reach a common denominator audience forces the interviewee to spend the first hour of the podcast "reinventing the wheel" for the listener.  For some of us, this means that in 90 minutes of podcast, we get barely a trickle of information that is new or useful, but mostly a waste of time.  StemTalk is more like a firehose of information including chats about the formative years of scientists which is fun as well. I it realised that only so much detail can be covered and anyone listening to this subject matter is smart enough to look up anything needed to fill in the gaps. Though I have no interest in AI or robotics, I listen to those interviews as well because I know Ken will eventually find a way to slip in a question about ketones. This could also be the basis of a great drinking game.  Watching the arc of Dawn and Ken grow as podcasters over the past 100 episodes has been a hoot, too.  Dawn rarely lapses into vocal fry these days, you can barely tell when they are reading now and though Ken still sounds like Disney's animatronic Al Gore imitating John Wayne, it has become an endearing quality. I thank them both for so much!
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