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Ramiz Abu SaeedMay Allah SWT Bless you All!I have been listening to you brothers since day one.. I look forward weekly to your new podcast.. I love you all for the sake of Allah.
ex-listener fortunatelyEpisode 250 & the wife on this podcast needs to go.I’ve listened to your podcast for this long because there are always several great points made. I always set my ego aside with intention learn from different perspectives. But Episode 250 was disgusting. Men are “better committers” than women? How? They stay “committed” until there’s another woman in the picture ready to take care of them. They’ll cheat before communicating their unhappiness to their wives bc overall, they’re still benefiting from this marriage with someone taking care of them. What woman WANTS to divorce in this climate unless she absolutely had to? Why would she desire to start over especially if her “value” decrease with age?? When her placement in the economic hierarchy immediately PLUMMETS as a single mother?? Another ridiculous point, if the wife communicates better, he won’t be tempted to DRINK and stay out with his friends and seek out other woman and basically commit haram? Really? Where’s the accountability on the man? The leader of the household? If she communicated properly and stopped nagging, he’d be a better person for her and a better Muslim? Are y’all serious? This mentality is why woman stay in toxic and abusive marriages are way too long bc they’re taught to believe and it’s their fault that they’re not treated with kindness and love and shown proper care and affection. That maybe if she did better as a wife, he’d treat her better. This thought process was sickening. Also, being assaulted is “trendy?”. Unbelievable. How dare you try to dismiss another person’s trauma by claiming you know abuse and they must not? Claiming YOU know abuse better than them? Does Allah not burden someone with more than what they can handle? How dare you dismiss others pain so flippantly as if you know exactly what they went through? I’m tired of this “pick me” woman you have on this podcast. Her failure to understand nuance in several areas and what she says is disgusting and problematic. It’s telling what her true thoughts are on women. Women “love” to complain about their husbands? Wow. This comical. I don’t know what type of women she hangs out with, but she needs to find better girlfriends. Life will teach you all though. May Allah protect your daughters.
jajxbwjndFascinating and funnySo informative and entertaining! This podcast invites the most interesting guests, the hosts ask the questions we all want to ask. A must listen for any Muslim in the northern hemisphere.
Dominique-2Always looking for when this podcast drops.I love listening to these guys. Not only funny but, as a new Muslim, I learn all sorts of stuff not found in books.
M Ali AyazAwesome funny peopleHands down best podcast ever!!
bofhbofhListened to e91 on ertugrulI am a world history teacher who serves a community with a large Muslim population. I started watching this show for entertainment as I have visited Turkey and have a fascination with the Ottomans to a certain extent. The show made me want to further my understanding of Islam and this podcast was fantastic in that regard. I think i learned more in this 2 hours than in the middle eastern history class I took in college. ;) Thank you.
Osman RSCringeworthyThese guys are really cringeworthy. They don’t have the depth to discuss most of the topics they take on. Instead they come across as highly ignorant. Their conversation on race issues was particularly cringeworthy. They also mainly cover “masala” topics. I suggest you listen to Yasir Qadhi or other scholars if you’re looking for a more nuanced and intellectually stimulating discussion on Islam or theology in general.
abdul1561Fefe2564SIM, Mahin, and Mort are annoying as hell. Only one worth listening to is Shaykh Amir. Rest of them need to take a hint and stop talking.
omari0n.1Started off good, then dropped offStarted off listening to this regularly. It started off really good. Loved the guests. Then I realized these guys are amateurs and don’t really make interesting conversation. Someone else pointed out they’re not always well prepared. Also, you need to be pleasant to listen to in order to host a podcast people want to hear for hours, and sometimes they’re just cringey. IA they’ll be rewarded for their effort. It could’ve gotten a lot better though with plenty of time to make improvements.
studentofdeenMuch to be desired.Under prepared for interviews with guests and so the interviews are wasted opportunities. Just not well read enough to host a show.
U rashidGreat TopicsLuv this podcast! These guys ask all the right questions. With good humor and insight.
Jahaanara ImranStarted off as an avid listenerI’ve been an avid listener of this podcast since late 2017. I was referred to this podcast via Facebook after major news about a prominent person in the Muslim community was brought to my attention. Afterwards, I was impressed by the variety of guests, and the humor of the hosts on the show. As someone who regularly commutes for hours, this kept me well entertained and informed. Even though I enjoyed this podcast initially, the current content (to each their own) discussed just didn’t interest me. I think that there’s been many improvements, but as a young millennial, I wished they would also interview Muslims with unique talents/start-ups again. Just my personal opinion, as I’ve seen many comments that rightfully applaud your guys’ efforts with 5+ stars. Peace!
Listner101Well balancedI am a regular listener and greatly benefit from these intellectuals and balanced discussion. Keep up the great work!
GoraBoyGreat medium to discover other scholars5 star podcast, mostly great. My only suggestion is to keep a distance from allowing hosts to opine more than the guests, and roundtables and debates among average laypeople who are not directly involved in situations may do more harm than good.
Raisaroni2293Such interesting guests!I thought I was in the know about the Muslim sphere but there’s so much more out there I had no idea about! It’s cool to learn about all the Muslims out there. The only downside is that every episode is sooooooo long and I get a little bored. I wish the episodes were a little shorter and structured.
Batwoman ;)Bringing the Ummah TogetherAbsolutely LOOOOOVE the podcast! Keep up the great work and may Allah swt reward you guys immensely! SubhanAllah I relate so much to the content and views presented by the hosts and every podcast just feels like a family reunion of sorts where I just get to be my usual quiet self and listen to the lively conversation. ☺️ The effort being put forth to bring the various viewpoints and perspectives that exist amongst our ummah is such a great way of helping people develop a better understanding of each other and being merciful to one another. It’s literally the first step towards practicing Husn Adh Dhann. Reviving the Sunnah mA ☺️ اللهم زد فزد و بارك لكم! Also, I can’t help but love and respect Naureen for putting in the effort she does into SEEMA and this podcast. Goals! P.S. yeah I’m female so I can say “I love Naureen” y’all
ZehraWFragile MasculinityI listened to the episode unfortunately named “Bad Reputation”. First of all, instead of a conversation based on developing understanding of women perspective, the discourse was completely defensive on men’s part. Mort, especially seemed hurt by women experiences and constantly talking at the speaker instead of talking to them. This episode has not added anything to the much needed conversation and wasted a wonderful opportunity to really develop an understanding of Muslim women’s lives experiences and to address their frustrations. I will not be wasting my time on this podcast anymore.
Noor524#1 Muslim PodcastRefreshing and relatable—real Muslims having honest conversations about a variety of topics that most Muslims are too afraid to discuss on a public platform. Keep up the great work! May Allah bless you all!
Jakedasnake510Love itOnly bad thing can’t go back n listen to the real old podcasts would love to listen to those. Before 39 aren’t available
Female2Decent but could be betterI’ve learnt a lot and really enjoyed some of the podcasts but I honestly think this could be so much more engaging and attract a wider audience if it didn’t give off such a ‘old boys club’ vibe. Your general views are fine but you really need more [opinionated] women as anchors. That would actually be amazing and take the podcast to whole other level (and yes, it would probably require a bit more work on your part). That’s said, I appreciate the effort and y’all starting to grow on me a little. Anyway, maybe you can aim for an “old Muslim’s club” vibe and make it a comfortable experience for all Muslims.
moorish broSo much potentialI really enjoy the guests. They do a better job than I could do. They are a little too salafi for my preference. It would be challenge them to really delve more into the problems of salafism. I look forward to hearing more podcasts.
junglebabuGreatGreat stuff but would be better if you decrease the continuous breaking off the guest.
Abdul Basit CA USABest Muslim Podcast EverAs salaam alaikum. Mad Mamluks is the best Muslim podcast out there. Period.
IbnSinaDoing Hasanat (Good deeds)I am hopeful that in broadcasting this podcast, the team at The Mad Mamluks are doing hasanat (good deeds), or getting the reward of hasanat. I listened to an episode where a guest discussed mental health in the Muslim community. This is an important issue and I was pleased to hear the hosts treat it with respect. Today I heard a quite sophisticated episode where the hosts discussed schools of thought. Listening to these hosts, I sense that they care profoundly for the Muslim ummah (community) and the struggles of individual Muslims. By shedding light on these problems and looking for solutions, I believe they are benefitting the world. I find them knowledgeable without being condescending and funny without being disrespectful. It's an enthusiastic five-star review from me.
FsrgcdeBest podcast out thereThis is my favorite podcast. The hosts are really funny, the guests are always interesting, and there are always lively and intelligent discussions in each episode. I really love the fact that the hosts make it a point to be diverse in who they invite as guests. Doesn’t matter if you’re Sufi, Salafi, whatever. They try their best to make sure everyone feels welcome. I definitely recommend this show to others!
LadyJade2A much needed voice!Great work! You represent the majority of us, the modern American Muslims, who are ethical, moderate and centered on the true tradition of Islam. It's a breath of fresh air, honestly. Wishing you more success. Can't wait to see how far you guys will go. Good luck, TMM!
ademcuI had high hopes that weren’t metA few friends recommended this podcast as one representative of contemporary American Muslims. I’m offended that they thought this is a podcast I would enjoy. It’s out of touch with the Muslim community that I know. They place themselves in direct opposition to current liberal thought and seem quite defensive against an invisible specter. At times they also seem to ignore both Islamic tradition (in their lack of empathy and general understanding) and current science. I’m left wondering where they get their information from.
ArafKGreat PodcastReally enjoy listening to The Mad Mamluks and appreciate them bringing new episodes every week. Looking forward to great success for TMM.
Egg rulesMuch needed podcastThe stories on this podcast will have you laughing, in tears and learning.
FaddahFreshMakes the commute enjoyableThis is definitely my favorite podcast! The Mad Mamluks creates a balanced approach for the everyday Muslim who is going through the grind, working, studying and trying to do better. They open the listeners ears to many personalities, specialists, Imams, du’at, etc who are out their on the Islamic circuit who many people may not be aware of.
14REI wish you put out more episodes more oftenI like it because it is entertaining, relevant, and not a complete waist of time.
JinobiA breath of fresh airDespite the clichéd title I gave this review, everyone should know that these guys have open, honest discussions with a variety of leaders and thinkers from the Muslim community. They are thoughtful, entertaining, and seekers of truth no matter where it may be. May Allah accept their effort, and make it a means of good in this world!
General JibsCheck it out !Best podcast for modern topics and great convos in an entertaining format
Salahuddin15Been looking for something like thisFinally found a Muslim American podcast that brings on interesting and qualified guests, has chill hosts, and touches on important issues while somehow remaining entertaining. If the hosts were lame, it'd get dry real quick. They're chill enough to bring on academics and still make it easy to listen to. Good stuff.
Niccolo broccoliOpened a whole new world to me.Discovered this podcast when it was linked on /r/Islam subreddit. Since then, it’s been a gateway for me to explore Islam intellectually and spiritually. I love the variety of guests you have on your show. (More sisters on it would help me sell this podcast to my wife though!) You guys are amazing mashaAllah. Please never stop.
em1917653Disappointing and out of touchAn echo chamber of the worst kind which pretends to present intellectual critiques of liberalism but recycles lazy ill-informed perspectives that seek to uphold the status quo.
s khogaBest Islamic PodcastSo glad there is an excellent Islamic themed podcast. The hosts do a great job of discussing relevant topics with knowledgeable guests. The varying viewpoints between the hosts creates an engaging discussion and fun and beneficial to listen to. They do need to invest in providing higher audio quality; it is obvious when a guest is calling in remotely. Especially if they are asking for financial support for equipment, I would expect better quality. But keep it up, and I will be a long time listener!
PaliluckAwesome PodcastThis Podcast is on point and amazing. The host keep it real. They are not afraid of asking hard questions that people want answers for. They are not afraid of being politically incorrect, but in a respectful way. These Guys are True Trailblazers of the new Muslim media.
NihatuGreat PodcastExcellent lineup of guests, ideas are discussed at great length/depth. What I would change to make it better? Would have the hosts speak "proper English" not in a the sort of Sports Radio style, it's not elevated speech where as the subject matter is important and elevated. Sometimes the hosts do not let the guest finish an idea and will take them off on a tangent by interjecting at the wrong moment.
Mu'adhAwesome podcast masha'AllahSee title
BbmhmmadBest Islamic podcast outBest Islamic podcast out
Drew NeekBest podcast of all timeI'm not even Muslim but this podcast is dope
Chicago_DefenseGreat topicsGreat topics especially in the Chicago Muslim community and very thought engaging
Yusuf ZubayerInteresting learning experienceBest part is the drawing room sort of environment in which the pod is done. Also, the diversity of guests! Awesome. And Mahin, I tune in from Dhaka:)
ykk001Great podcastEye opening podcast with lots of relevant content, speakers, topics. I started listening to this podcast last month and now know I have learned so much about issues in places around the us which I am completely islated from in my bubble here in the bay area. Great for the gym or commute. Literally learnt something new in every podcast! Keep up the good work guys.
BeggarofEverGenerousI have listened to every podcast!Refreshing conversation... blazing a new path forward for American Muslims defining their own narrative.
BigmeenLove it ! MashalahI have been listening to podcasts for about a year now and I have listened to podcasts for the Joe Rogan experience to the myth and legends podcast. I would listen to lectures from amazing scholars of the faith, but nothing keeps my attention like you guys. Being a American born son of Muslim immigrants, you agrees issues that o deal with everyday. Thank you and keep up the good work!!! Mashallah
khanfahadVery informativeRelevant to Muslim Americans
H.P.87Will not bore youCan't wait to hear more every week. Love the variety of topics and guests. Keep it up!
TakeByStormGreat Podcasts For Contemporary IslamI love listening to these guys - they keep it real yet intellectually stimulating
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