The Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast

Nutrition #183

Healing your relationship with food, your body and your SelfThe Eating Disorder Recovery Podcast is a show about the recovery process from eating disorders including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, as well as disordered eating, emotional eating, dieting, and exercise addiction. The show is for anyone who would like to learn more about the psychology of eating disorders, make peace with food, improve their body image, and live authentically. The podcast explores how eating disorders work psychologically, what the recovery process looks like, and the cultural context of eating disorders. The show blends solo episodes with the host, Dr. Janean Anderson, and experts in the field including authors, speakers, dietitians, and treatment professionals. The Eating Disorder Recovery podcast balances providing information, education, and outreach with personal stories of hope for recovery.Dr. Janean Anderson is a licensed psychologist in private practice who specializes in treating eating disorders. She is an author who writes about eating disorder recovery. Her first book, Recover Your Perspective, will be available in fall 2016. Dr. Anderson keeps a blog about eating disorder recovery at Anderson is recovered from anorexia herself and believes full recovery is possible for all people. Using compassion and humor along the way, Dr. Anderson reviews the latest information about eating disorder recovery while sharing pieces of her own recovery story to help others create their own recovery. More information can be found at and

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Recent Reviews
  • Eeomi
    The best podcast on eating disorders
    I am so thankful for this podcast. Having been in recovery for several months, this podcast has been a tremendous resource for not only education, but for connection as well. I highly recommend this podcast for anyone interested in learning about ED. Dr. Anderson interviews experts in the field with grace and thoughtful, insightful questions.
  • MECroc
    The best resource I have found
    I am the mother of a 15 year old daughter with anorexia nervosa with a history of purging. She is working so hard through all of her treatment levels, but one of the things that all of them fall short with is educating the parents in a meaningful way. This is where you come in, Dr. Anderson. You and your guests have made me feel empowered, and capable of quietly assessing my child in a compassionate way that has already resulted in more timely care when she needed it. I can’t thank you enough, and it’s gotten to the point where I really can’t listen to you without a notebook at hand to write down things I don’t want to forget. When my daughter relapsed, we had no residential programs with openings nearby, and she was either going to go to Florida or to your program in Denver. Either one was a plane trip for me, so I was really kind of hoping she’d go to Denver, lol. Anyway, she did successfully complete her program in Florida, and she seems to be progressing. but because of your podcast, I understand, there will be relapses in the future. But like you say, the goal is minimizing the amplitude and frequency of those relapses. Thank you so much, you have made a real difference in our lives.
  • robinshark
    The best eating disorder recovery podcast
    This is my favorite Ed recovery podcast <3 I hope it comes back
  • Samuel_the_Pro
    Ever talked with someone who has brumotachtillophobia? Fear of foods touching? Also has ocd. Teenage boy. Any help would be great.
  • Emma Mango;)
    Relatable and informative
    Having recently decided to start on my own recovery, I’ve been finding this podcast very helpful. Dr. Anderson and all her guests have given me hope and helped me to understand so much about the psychology around EDs! Very interesting!
  • EricaBushwell
    Awesome podcast!
    Dr. Anderson, host of the Eating Disorder Recovery podcast, highlights all aspects of nutrition and more in this can’t miss podcast! The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!
  • peggy spanish
    Mother of daughter with an ED
    I listened to the entire podcast from the most recent to the first episode. My daughter was recently diagnosed with an ED and it was impossible for me to grasp the different concepts. I cannot tell you how helpful this podcast has been to help our family understand ED’s. The best part is you get to hear all of the different experts in ED’s speak. I know the language to use and how to address issues that arise. I am eternally grateful to Dr Janean Anderson for helping me help my daughter. I was able to reinforce hope to her that she could beat this and I got the strength from this podcast! She is now in recovery and I know that she will soon be recovered! Thank you!
  • trust the path
    The eating disorder podcast
    This podcast has been so helpful for me and my journey to recovery! Helpful tools to navigate difficult situations and great resources. So helpful to know I’m not alone. Thank you thank you
  • gwen5280
    Incredibly helpful
    This podcast has been so helpful to me and really helped me to grow and progress in my recovery. I can’t thank you enough for the work you do. The guests on the show are knowledgeable and passionate about the work. It’s humanizing and kind, and helps to dissolve some of the shame I have had for having struggled for the majority of my life with this. As a therapist, it is inspiring to hear others in the mental health field who are recovered and how much of a difference you all are making. This podcast makes me not feel so alone in it and helps to fill my thoughts with the knowledge and hope I want to focus on.
  • Christina Athena Reyes Garcia
    An extremely helpful podcast. Give it a chance.
    I have tried many styles of therapy and therapists. I have had an eating disorder for as long as I can remember and lately it’s gotten worse. I stumbled upon this podcast at just the right time. It is not intrusive or judgmental, I don’t feel shame after listening, I feel hopeful, like I can change. There are so many great episodes, I always learn a new tactic to improve my process. Thank you so much for creating and sharing this life changing podcast. Is there a way to support the show other than subscribing and rating?
  • srolfe
    The very best
    I’ve lived with an eating disorder for 31 years. This podcast is an inspiration and eye opener. Thank you for these podcasts.
  • Seattle Scott
    Excellent resource
    This is super helpful for both helpers and people dealing and recovering with ED.
  • crdxlvm
    Amazing, inspiring podcast
    I’m working through recovery from anorexia, which I’ve struggled with for about 15 years. This podcast has been very helpful and inspiring to me as I work on my recovery journey. Dr. Anderson is very well-spoken, gentle and I really appreciate the evidence-based approach she uses. While it’s not a substitute for therapy or a dietitian, it is so amazing for daily inspiration. My husband, who does not have an eating disorder, often listens with me and gains valuable insight and it starts some really great conversations. I truly recommend for anyone with an ED, or even someone with difficult eating behaviors. Also for support people. Thank you so so much, Dr. Anderson for bringing us this podcast.
  • 84Eats
    Awesome supplement to treatment
    I have been in treatment for just about 2 years, which means I can go longer in between treatment sessions. However, I was looking for a way to get support in little spurts each day to help me keep my eyes on the prize - recovery. This podcast has absolutely been the answer! Expert advice from truly qualified sources presented with passion and empathy, plus plenty of additional outlets and resources for every level of engagement. I can truthfully say that I am closer to my goals from tuning in, using the topics discussed here to bolster my own learning in treatment. This podcast is an absolute gift!
  • SKross104
    I Can’t Believe it’s Free
    This is such an amazing, loving, accepting, non-judgmental resource for anyone struggling with or recovering from an ED. I was in therapy for a few years, trying to heal from BED, but finances have made that impossible to continue. I need to keep healing/recovery at the forefront of my mind, and this helps. Most notably, this podcast is a source of hope for me. Thank you, Dr. Anderson and all guests!
    Invalidation cycle
    Fantastic resource for mental health professionals! Thank you for sharing!
  • Killing Frost Farm
    A recovery essential
    Such a valuable resource. Thank you!
  • Goofball89
    Thank You!
    I am just starting to listen to this podcast and I am absolutely loving it. It is so easy to listen to and has been very interesting and every encouraging so far. I’m so glad I found this! I look forward to listening every day.
  • JH419
    Life changing
    This podcast is getting me through a rough patch of my recovery. I’m so thankful and so glad Dr. Anderson is back to doing this podcast!
  • ceparis23
    thank you!
    as a parent of a 15 year old girl struggling with an eating disorder I have been trying to understand what has been going on. your podcast has been so educational and has given me hope that she can recover and go on to live her life. she is going to inpatient hospitalization any day now and there are days when I’m questioning everything. I’m so worried that she may have to deal with her anorexia/purging for the rest of her life. I had to write this after listening to Dr. Norman Kim~ my daughter’s anxiety, depression, & lack of self worth are at the heart of her illness- spot on. thank you for all of the insight and Janean thank you for this podcast! most of all thank for the hope!
  • HVY MTL HTHR -v|v-
    Undeniably Helpful
    I’ve begun listening to this podcast as a first step toward recovery, and it is proving undeniably helpful to me. Not only is it introducing me to key recovery concepts in a gentle and easily-understandable way, but it is also providing many additional resources and is giving me hope that recovery is possible — even for someone at my age. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for Dr. Anderson and all her expert guest contributors for their service to the ED community. I am forever indebted to you all.
  • Jane M Beesley
    Very helpful
    This podcast has been extremely helpful in my recovery.
  • Lanie Black
    Essential Recovery Tool
    This podcast is a great place to start if you’re concerned with ED. It’s educational and informative, but encouraging and full of hope and compassion.
  • jinx98
    Amazing podcast
    This podcast is informative, positive, educational and full of hope. It has been so helpful in recovery.
  • burnettebutterbomb
    Super Helpful!
    Love this podcast and the topics she covers. Super helpful for my own individual recovery!
  • Brayden716
    So glad I found this
    I have been struggling with anorexia for 30 years. I have found these podcasts beneficial to listen to between therapy sessions. Sometimes it is difficult to maintain focus toward finding a fulfilling life without my eating disorder. Listening to suggestions, strategies from professional is helpful and reinforces ideas discussed during my individual sessions. Especially from professionals who have successfully recovered from their own eating disorder. Thank you for taking the time to spread information of hope.
  • amymariemom23
    Excellent resource
    This is such an informative and compassionate approach to eating disorder recovery.
  • luvinlife1
    Awesome podcast
    Almost my entire life I’ve been struggling with EDs, and have sought help from various therapists, etc throughout the years. I can’t tell you how much this podcast has helped me in my recovery. I’m so grateful to have discovered this critical recovery tool. Highly highly recommend!
  • Bgf112
    Best eating disorder podcast I’ve found
    This is the best Ed podcast I’ve found. She is professional and has great guests who know how to speak about this topic with authority. Highly recommend.
  • JamieMag1989
    This podcast is a go to for me with the work I do. It is such a fantastic tool in the reovery porcess and I love referring clients to it. In addition, this is a go to podcast for loved ones of those stuggling and any practioners who work with EDs. LOVE IT!
  • kgxlife
    Incredible Podcast
    This podcast has made the biggest positive impact in my recovery. I recommend it to anyone who is easy to get REAL about recovery
  • wmsapril2
    Amazing Resource
    I have learned so much from listening to this podcast, and also from reading Dr. Anderson's book! I highly recommend both resources to anyone struggling with an eating disorder.
  • SusieHair
    A Must listen podcast for our diet obsessed culture and for the ED Community!
    I am so excited I stumbled upon this podcast when I was looking up a resource for a client! It’s a goldmine and a much needed resource for the ED community!
  • Erinulli
    Grateful listener
    I’ve listened to this podcast since its inception. It’s the only podcast I listen to that I save all the episodes on my phone, and listen and re-listen to them frequently - whenever a particular issue rears its head I can find an episode to help explain and combat that issue. So grateful that I found it — thank you for the time and thought you put into it, Dr. Anderson!!!
  • LuckyinBoston
    Highly recommend
    Finding this podcast has changed my perspective on recovery and has kept me on the right track. I feel more grounded and healthy every time I listen to an episode. Dr Anderson is down to earth and incredibly insightful and helpful. I can’t recommend this podcast enough!
  • elirat0706
    Excellent podcast in so many ways
    This is a wonderful podcast and resource for Eating Disorder professionals and people struggling with Eating Disorders. Dr. Janean Anderson is an eloquent and knowledgeable psychologist yet warm and authentic and it comes through in the episodes. She is clearly an expert in the field and her interviews are stellar - she talks with the best in the field! This is really one of the best podcasts out there!
  • Critical-ConsumerGold
    Gentle and compassionate
    Love this podcast! Helps so much to have an on demand voice of support for my ED recovery. Janean is so inspired and looking at recovery from all the different perspectives that she brings to the show via interviewees and her own research and studies is more helpful that I can say in one post. If you're on the fence about this podcast subscribe. Give yourself the support you need to succeed.
  • DrMZe
    Practical, Useful & Smart
    Thank you so much for the time you put into creating a podcast about eating disorders that is actually very useful and educational. Keep it up!!
  • First Stage of Recovery
    Huge help!! Listen to this podcast!!
    These podcasts have helped me more than my therapy sessions. So glad I found this!
  • VothNation
    Wonderful Resource for ED recovery!
    So thankful to have found this gem! Such a fantastic resource! Definitely will be recommending to my clients ❤️
  • M_A_Cross1997
    Keep it up
  • H. Elise
    Inspiring and Helpful Podcast
    I have been in recovery from my eating disorder for 10 years now, and when I listen to this podcast, I hear positive messages about recovery that I have never heard before. I find myself re-listening to past episodes because they help me to realize that I'm not alone in this, that full recovery is possible, and that fully recovered people lead productive and inspiring lives free from the constraints of an eating disorder. Thank you so much, Dr. Anderson! I look forward to new episodes!
  • LMcKel
    It Kept Me From Behaviors
    Tonight, this podcast saved me from engaging in behaviors after several months without any. I was anxious and ready to jump right into the behaviors with both feet when I decided to listen to the podcast instead. It reminded me recovery is a fight worth having.
  • Lulu in lulu
    Extremely helpful
    I found about this podcast from my daughter’s Nutrition Therapist. I have found each episode to be helpful in my understanding about Eating Disorders. I will definitely share this podcast with others.
  • Finplanner2005
    Excellent podcast
    Dr. Anderson hits home in every podcast! Having struggled with an eating disorder (onset in midlife) I continue to work on being free from the grip of the disorder. I’ve learned through the years that what works for one, may not for another. Dr. Anderson has great guests on varied topics related to recovery. Knowing that you’re not in the battle alone is encouraging. I would strongly recommend the podcast to recoveries, recovered and anyone that has been impacted by an eating disorder.
  • Whit291
    Wonderful recovery resource
    Dr. Janean always has excellent content and great guests with other doctors and experts in the field of eating disorder recovery. It has been a great resource in my journey. Perfect mix of scientific/factual logic and information about why eating disorders develop, how they manifest and how to treat them, as well as the more human/emotional side that is equally crucial. Dr. Janean and her guests treat the topics with the appropriate levels of gentleness and care while still providing great information and actionable steps. This is the best ED recovery podcast I’ve heard.
  • American_Dream
    Great resource!
    As the spouse of a person in treatment for an eating disorder, this has been an incredible resource to help educate me and help me to be more supportive in her recovery. I am thankful for the wisdom, guidance, and hope that Dr. Janean Anderson and her guests provide.
  • lifelongstruggke
    Thank You!
    Thank you for addressing a topic that is hard to find resources on. I’ve had an ED since childhood and am in my 40s now. I gave up on treatment when the system gave up on me. I hope that more resources become available
  • Reader 2018
    invaluable resource...
    I am just starting on my journey toward acceptance and recovery... meaning I am brand new to the whole disordered eating/eating disorder world. I have RED-S (formerly Female Athlete Triad) with tendencies toward Orthorexia and Restrictive eating... basically I now know I have an eating disorder but have not formally been diagnosed. So.... finding a resource that I feel comfortable with, something I can count on to walk with me through all that is going on inside my head is a HUGE first step. I say information is power and I feel that this podcast is going to be a great source of comfort, knowledge and hope for me!
  • Whoisrose
    This Podcast Got Me into Recovery!
    Thanks to this truly informative podcast I learned about recovery options and recovery processes. It inspired me to seek help and got me started.
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