2 Keto Dudes

Fitness #247

2 Keto Dudes is all about the Ketogenic lifestyle. Science. Recipes. Stories. Join Carl Franklin and Richard Morris on their continuing journey from metabolic syndrome and type 2 diabetes to wellness.

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Recent Reviews
  • deckert123
    Constantly interrupting guests
  • mobeers
    What a breath of fresh air!
    I’ve been listening to keto/low carb podcasts for years now and just discovered yours a couple of weeks ago. I just listened to the “airing of grievances” podcast and found myself tearing up. I’ve found myself so frustrated with some in the keto community not supporting getting the CV19 vaccine. That somehow I’m ‘stupid’ for being metabolically sick. I’m working on it but one doesn’t just lose 50 lbs and reverse diabetes overnight!!!! So I got the vaccine x4 (also I’m an RN and am around lots of sick people.) I’m slowly healing my metabolic health and dropping pounds. I hope you decide to come back to podcasting because you are funny AND steeped in the science. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Melissa
  • jhutfcbnj
    This podcast offers nothing, look elsewhere for sure. These guys can’t get there own weight under control let alone help you with yours. Spending too much time salvaging over food and waxing political.
  • CraigfromTampa
    Life Changing
    Richard and Carl have a whimsical way of sharing life changing information, making it relatable and educating about nutrition and the science of how our bodies work. As I’ve been on a journey of finding a healthy way to live — these guys were the most important voices in helping me to understand what my body is doing, giving practical advice in how to live a low carb life, and sharing their own stories, weekly, including road bumps — so important to those of us who need to hear that perfection cannot be enemy good. Thank you, guys. You’ve literally changed my life. I’m grateful for your voices and my hope is to hear you again with new episodes if and when the business model of podcasting makes sense.
  • KAR1234
    Get reliable Keto science and warmth & caring all at once
    Update: After creating a fabulous informative terrific show for years, in January 2022 Carl and Richard couldn’t resist getting political and predictably equated “science” with nothing more than their own politics and their own unproven point of view. I can’t recommend them anymore as I would prefer tolerance and all points of view rather than bias that they displayed. Carl Franklin is amazing. He supplies up-to-date science — a wealth of information that every Ketonian needs and is such a great person that you can’t help but like him and want to learn more. He is an outstanding example of self education and health improvement with a touch of humor. He has terrific interviewing skills and provides excellent music but his people skills are the biggest draw to the podcast. Carrie has been a good substitute for the loss of Richard Morris who was outstanding in every way. Carrie is charming, very personable and is a good addition. I am, however, disappointed in her recipes as Carl Franklin and Richard Morris’s recipes were OUTSTANDING - They really taught me how to cook and develop flavors and make clever Ketogenic meals. Carrie’s recipes (other than her ice cream) are a bit of fluff and not desirable at all. Carl — take over the recipe section again please!!
  • Not on the rug
    Good riddance.
    Good riddance.
  • cessnaguy247
    Great show!
    Love everything about this show. Especially the science explained by Richard. Keep it up Dudes!
  • NYTreview
    Baby got back!
    Thank you so much for returning to your ppl! I would forlornly check every once in a while to see if there was any activity, and was thrilled to see that schedules have opened up, and new activity on the horizon. 🥩
  • LReddick1
    So glad they are back
    I started my Keto journey in 2017 and binge listened to carl and Richard. The information was very informative plus they never made it too hard understand.
  • KSgirlRN
    The best!
    You all are like a breath of fresh air! Why? You all understand and try to educate others on why keto is healthy and why the standard American diet is making us fatter, more unhealthy and depressed! You are truly my inspiration to continue the keto diet since I have no keto friends or family. Thank you for your knowledge and helpful tips and all things keto!
  • Stix35575675
    So Happy You’re Back!
    I recommend you to everybody!
  • SarahLynnSD
    Welcome back!!
    You were really missed. It made my day to see you back. Carl, you nailed it when you said some of us need the podcast. You dudes are really the best support group and I’m thankful you’ve decided to get back into podcasting. So again welcome back and thank you for all you do!!
  • marriedamusician
    Thanks for standing up!
    I am just catching your August 2020 “what you’ve been up to” episode. (Almost a year later.). I’m so grateful for what you three said. I have been Carnivore for 3 years, Keto before that since 2015 and Paleo prior to that. Through all the years and dietary evolutions, I have looked forward to my favorite podcasts!!! Last year, I had to remove them all from my library so as not to be tempted to listen, as I found them to be very triggering. I could not believe some of the stances that were not only being taken, but becoming dogma. I’m just top toeing back in, to see what the temperature is…you and Nutrition with Judy are restoring my confidence in the community and I don’t feel so alone. Thank you! I hope to hear more from you in 2021! -Cecile Elias
  • LSUChappy
    I love this podcast!
    I got back on Keto after a 2 year break. I had put on the COVID-19 (lbs). I decided to find a Keto podcast to listen to while I workout for motivation. Crazy enough, the day I searched for a podcast 2KD returned!! The new picture and name were a big draw. Im now listening to the original shows. Welcome back 2KD!!!!
  • Kj3qs
    This is a horrible podcast. Used to really enjoy these guys but now it’s become very sophomoric. Get to the point and stop dragging everything out. This is really bad.
  • DeniseJW
    Catching up on Corona Virus
    Richard, thank you for your rational and analytic view of the virus and low Carb. I’ve been missing the deep science tangents! I share a SW background and the real life struggle with metabolic issues as you and Carl and miss you as a team. And now, ice cream of the month! Is it Keto? Checking out Carrie’s blog.
  • tldriver
    Enjoyable and motivating
    I started at the beginning and am now about 20 shows in. The dudes are clearly having a good time and that comes through to the audience. I’m using this show like a virtual support group to keep me inspired on my keto journey. I appreciate the science focus and that I’m learning new things each week.
  • Les Ann M
    Keep politics out of it
    Just started listening and 3rd episode in they are talking about how great socialism is. What a huge disappointment!
  • cad, grateful listener
    So sad to see you all go!!
    I just want to say THANK YOU!! To all 3 of you keto “dudes”. I always knew there was a better way to heal ourselves from within but never found any support from the medical community to help me. Thank you for your knowledge, your humor, your inspiration, and your honesty with every podcast. But, most of all thank you for the science and the recipes!! These were the best tools for me. I will forever be grateful to all 3 of you for your sharing, insight, and wisdom as we all strive to be the best versions of ourselves! I will miss listening to you all!! Good luck to you in your futures! And, Richard, Carl, and Carrie I will keep calm and keto on dudes!!
  • dpr063
    I saw this coming
    Best wishes Keto Dudes. I stopped listening a while ago, the show did change and I found other podcasts to fill the science void left when Richard left. I will say that, the 2 Keto Dudes podcast earlier episodes is what got me started in my new WOL. Thank you for those episodes, best wishes for your respective futures and Keto On!
  • Grace swanson
    Used to be a faithful listener
    I miss Richard Carl you are amazing and funny but there is no chemistry between you and Carrie might be time to try something different I am now listening to old episodes again Shannon
  • goldie757
    Makes my 3 hour drive enjoyable
    I've been doing the keto lifestyle for 9 months, basically alone so I count on my support through podcasts. I love this one. I suggest them to all my friends considering keto.. I do like Richard MUCH better than Carrie however. Keep up the great work. Down 52 lbs in 8 months thanks to the support of this podcast!
  • bigassdada
    I Listen to them everyday!
    I love these guys! I share the podcast to all of my friends. I look forward to my morning drive to work! I love the content, the format, the pace, the atmosphere! I love the ultimate mission these guys have. I am paying it forward too in my own circle of friends. Saving lives one bacon at a time!
  • TheSpearMaster
    Thanks Doods!
    I’m up to my one year OMAD (one meal a day)/ ketoversary, and I’ve never felt better or more in control of my diet! So much of that thanks goes to Carl, Carrie, and Richard for giving me the info I needed and radicalizing me (in a good way!) to keep up with it! Carl, there’s definitely a correlation here with me starting to listen to your podcast about a year ago, but I’ll leave the causation to the experts ;-) Sorry for taking a year to write you all a review! Much Gratitude, Rob
  • 55KetoGal
    Good but missing something
    This podcast use to be great. Not sure of the chemistry between the hosts is working. Might rethink the format a bit. I find I don't listen as much.
  • tthckystcks
    The info in these podcasts is legit but I have the hardest time listening. I understand explaining what keto is and introducing yourselves but 10 plus minutes before you get to what the podcast is about and I usually stop listening. I only listen to the episodes my girl friend finds interesting. If there was less chit chat in the beginning I would listen more.
  • sassy_cassie_2
    Very Good
    Juts started listening. About 15 episodes in. I’m hooked.
  • pdb2655
    Listen a lot love there stuff
    Thanks for all you do love your show
  • Stephanie from Alabama
    Fun and full of science & guidance
    I found 2 Keto Dudes in late January of this year. I was hooked right away and began listening, from the beginning, to all their podcasts. I learned so much about keto lifestyle and it’s many incredible health benefits that I barely use any other sources to guide my own personal journey. 2 Keto Dudes have wonderful interviews with amazing scientists and regular people who have completely turned their health around. I’ve turned many friends onto 2 Keto Dudes and they have thanked me afterwards.
  • thankswill
    Cross talk
    Please take care to respect what the other person has to say.
  • Oldvbr
    No sound but podcast is playing???
    No sound but podcast is playing???
  • Cluffy88
    I can’t really rate these guys
    I don’t know what the problem is, but I can’t play any of your episodes It says they’re playing when I click on them but there is no sound. I have checked all of my settings, my sound is up. I just listened to another podcast to make sure it wasn’t my phone. Any suggestions? I really want to listen!!
  • UPhikers
    My husband and I blindly started a keto lifestyle January 2019. We spend a lot of time driving and listening to podcasts. I found yours and we were hooked! The information is so straightforward and helpfu! My husband has nearly reversed his diabetes in 3 short months and is down 40 pounds! I do not have diabetes but am losing weight and feeling much better after spending the last few years under a very high stress situation. We can’t thank you enough!
  • Dixieredhead
    Was great, now not so much.
    In the beginning, this was an excellent podcast. Full of information. Now it’s getting annoying with so much begging for money. Buy buy buy. Why? Carl, you had a good thing till $ signs took over. I miss Richard. He’s the science talk and real Understanding behind the podcast. While I like Carrie and her recipes, it’s choppy and not good format. Just my opinion, I know. The First two seasons are great. Panhandling takes over the third season. And, the fourth is just hard to keep up with.
  • RANoMore!
    Thank you!
    Your content has been a total game changer! Because I’ve used what I’ve learned from the Keto Dudes, not only have I been able to loose weight when I had been unsuccessful since adolescence, the number of NSVs almost overshadow the weight loss! I developed Rheumatoid Arthritis in the 90s. No one could tell me why. Even back then,I asked whether sugar played and role and was told unequivocally no. Well we know so much more today than then. Because of this programming, I am in the midst of coming off my last medication! No one will ever be able to convince me otherwise. I just wished I knew about The Dudes years ago! Keep up the good work, you’re absolutely making a difference!
  • nttx
    Lots of helpful info and entertaining too!
    I have listened to the podcast and even met Carl and Richard in person. The information provided has been very useful in my transition to the Keto lifestyle!
  • DMRrrrr
    This is by far the best podcast out there. The format is perfect. There is very little filler. The content is SO relevant. These guys are just normal people who want to live the ketogenic lifestyle and help the rest of us. They give great suggestions about how to navigate life and stay in ketosis. They are big on showing the science.
  • Proxy nuckles
    British Invasion
    Welcome Carrie! I love the 2 Keto Dudes and I am also a fan of Carrie from her other podcast. Having Carrie on the 2 Keto Dudes is like listening to a dream mashup of my favorite keto sources. All the keto goodness in one place.
  • LRPete
    Best Keto Podcast Evah!
    2KetoDudes has always been one of my favorite keto podcasts because of the excellent mix of science, interviews with knowledgeable people, interesting dialogue, and recipes. Richard Morris and Carl Franklin have been instrumental in teaching and motivating me in my keto journey, and it’s sad that Richard is stepping back. However.... as much as I will miss Richard, with the addition to the show of a “Dudette,” in the form of Ms Carrie Brown, the show is totally over the top! As a classically trained chef, and a Brit, Carrie brings a whole host of new food and food science information (not to mention her witty, British sense of humor), to the show. Carrie is also a veteran podcaster with a wealth of knowledge about the healing effects of the ketogenic diet and is on a crusade to help heal others with BiPolar Disorder and myriad other diseases such as Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity, Diabetes, heart disease, and more. I expect some tweaks to an already excellent show and it’s going to be exciting to see where it goes. If you can only listen to ONE keto podcast, this should be it! Get ready to throw on an apron and your nerdy science hat and burrow down into lots of keto science, cooking, and good old fashioned banter! 2KetoDudes (and A Dudette), ROCK! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
  • Daonii
    Not 2 dudes
    Sorry dont like the new host, nothing personal just me. I will listen when Richard is on.
  • Keto For Life
    Carl & Carrie
    As a Ketogenic lifestyle coach, I have the opportunity to watch and listen to countless “experts.” For time purposes I have had to narrow my “experts” down to just a few. Every time I listen to Carrie Brown I learn something. Her information and constant encouragement for my group members is invaluable! I consider Carrie a friend. 2KetoDudes (dudette) will always be in my arsenal ❤️
  • rl perdue NW
    I am so happy that my favorite peeps are together
    % stars and Happy dance! I was overjoyed to find that the infamous Carrie Brown had joined my favorite podcast! The first episode with Carl and Carey was informative and a delight to listen to. I'm looking forward to the new episodes so much so that I became a patreon. Partaking of Ms. Brown's famous chive and sour biscuits whilst I type. Keep calm and Keto on.
  • Bigyogi
    The dynamic jet duo
    Carl and Carrie put on a great podcast! They are very informative, fun to listen to and often bring perspectives to the Keto lifestyle that most other shows don’t often cover. Most podcasts focus on fat loss, but Carrie and Carl bring so much more. The two discuss the effects Keto has on whole health, including mental health and the information presented is done in such a way that it is easy to follow and understand even if you don’t have a medical or science background. Plus Carrie’s food recipes are out of sight, totally knocks the socks off that doily broad Martha Stewart!
  • BlowTheRoofOffTheDoor
    Not the same, not as good
    I liked what Richard brought to the table: a lot of science. I didn’t care much about the recipes. The science of Richard has been replaced with a new host with lots of recipes. Sorry, but that’s not why I was listening. Switching out one host for another completely changes the podcast; while I’m sure there are many people for whom this new version is better, I am not one of those people. Will still go back and listen to some old episodes from before I subscribed.
  • Sagael
    I really love these guys
    Especially Richard who does all the scientific testing - I love the science and I love how he tests on his body and shares the results. They are upbeat and fun to listen to - thanks guys!
  • Cordybrown
    Early episodes awesome , now meh
    Over three years, this show has changed a lot. IMHO not for the better. Now going into year 4 ,i am walking away from what was formerly my favorite podcast. If you , like me, you don’t like the new episodes , go back and try the older ones. Definitely worth it eSpecially for a keto newbie. Everything you need to get started With a balance of beginners mind from Carl and science from Richard I’m keeping the older episodes. I like to listen over and over like rereading fav old books. Year one - episodes are chock full of good well organized keto science and motivation. It’s everything you need to get motivated and started on keto. Super good banter between the dudes. Carl has his role As the beginner and enthusiast and broadcaster. Richard’s contribution was the science and his Aussie humor . great shows! Year two also good and brings a more polished flow and better editing ,more guests and a more deep science from Richard. Carl brings his fresh outlook, good interview skills, and facilitates the technical broadcasting parts of the podcasts. Richard starts branching out into the science and bringing it on to the show. Quite awesome. Some really good guests. A happy year . Year three it got commercial . Sell sell What happened to all that talk about not having advertisers?. Half the show seemed like a pitch for product or money or for other keto dudes productions. , At the end-of-the-year Carl starts begging for money as they lose their major funding.A bit whiny. The information is still good . But maybe the podcast has run its course. All the basic info is already out there. They’ve interviewed practically everybody in the keto world - and those they haven’t have been interviewed on several other podcasts What’s next? Richard’s really busy with more academic endeavors and real life. the show suffers not enough Richard influence .I find myself fast forwarding through episodes. Going into year 4 , theyve brought in Carrie Brown the ditzy blonde pastry chef and cook book author to replace the Australian Richard 😱. Richard is going off to pursue more academic things. Please take me with you Richard!!! ,i I came to this podcast to get away from podcasts like the keto evangelist. I’m out. This is no longer the 2 kerodudes Carrie is not my cup of tea as a podcaster. she does have the best easiest Porkchop recipe anywhere. I admire her passion to bring keto to those who are not overweight or not fighting diabetes but who do need it for other health reasons including mental health. Bit Carl’s ability to teach science is not great. I like his contribution when he didn’t try that role. He’s a decent interviewer and when he and Richard interviewed people together, it was great . Maybe carl and Carrie bring in some good doctors and researchers on mental health and not let Carrie Brown just tell her life story over and over. But other shows already do that. it Looks like they’re headed toward more and more food and recipes. there are plenty of shows like that out there. Or buy Carrie Brown cookbooks for that matter. They are good One of the things I liked about 2 keto dudes was the focus on keeping keto food simple but good and the way of life uncomplicated. Carries food is not simple. I wasn’t looking for a food podcast anyway. Your results /needs may differ. I wish them well on the new show. I’m out.
  • Lunenburg
    A must-listen
    The Dudes put together an impeccably-produced postcast each week with a great mix of talk/opinion, recipes, and one of the most impressive guest rosters out there. How they manage to keep bringing such high-value content is a mystery, but I'm glad they do it. From beginner to expert, this is the Keto podcast that you need to listen to. I'ma patron on Patreon as well, to help keep the podcasts going!
  • mdbdallasgirl
    Informative and Entertaining
    I’m so grateful my code-crazy husband heard about this on a coding podcast and recommended to me. When I was considering adopting a keto lifestyle I binged on past episodes. Richard and Carl provide such thorough information and explain the science in such a way that anyone can understand. I really enjoy the recipes, too. They have inspired me to ask for a sous vide cooker for Christmas!
  • Camera Mam
    Must Listen if you are serious abut your health.
    I've lost 60# and at my last physical my lab's are right ware thy are suppose to be. "Making Keto easy and fun" Carl and Richard take time to explain things in a way normal people can understand. They look deep into current reports and studies and explain how often the data doesn't support the calms made by ones publishing the study. It's great because most of us just don't have time to do the research
  • NaClKayaker
    Great Content
    Likable guys. Good format. Informative guests. KCKO!
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