Literature and History

Arts #237Books #84

With millions of downloads, hundreds of hours of soundtracked content, and an overall emphasis on the cultural history behind famous works of literature, Literature and History is one of the most popular independent podcasts on its subject. Starting with Sumerian cuneiform in 3,100 BCE, Literature and History moves forward in chronological order through Assyriology, Egyptology, the Old Testament, Ancient Greece and Rome, and the birth of Christianity. The show's current season is on Late Antiquity (or 200-700 CE) and the dawn of the Middle Ages.

A typical episode (they average about two hours) features a general introduction to a work of literature, then a full summary of that work that expects no prior knowledge, and finally, an analysis of the cultural, biographical, and historical forces that gave rise to the work in question. Original symphonic and ambient background music is woven throughout each show, and all episodes offer free full, illustrated, footnoted transcriptions as well as quizzes for purposes of review. The show has no advertisements, and its host takes pride in a professional approach that avoids chitchat and ephemera and gets straight to the educational content. You can listen to the episodes in any order, although most listeners begin at the beginning and proceed from there, as the podcast itself is chronologically organized.

Doug Metzger finished his Ph.D. in literature in 2011. His chief scholarly interest, following his dissertation work, continues to be 19th-century realism and postbellum American philosophy.

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Recent Reviews
  • Sandi O'Brien
    Just bought all the bonus content
    I just finished all the episodes on the Old Testament. Everything has been so interesting, that I just can’t pass up the bonus content, and I’m buying all of it far into the future episodes. This man is so very knowledgeable and entertaining.
  • Hummingbird 7
    The best!
    Thank you, Doug! Thank you for your advance organizer on City of God!
  • TrueCrimeAllTheTime9
    Literature + History = Epic Combination
    This is one of the most entertaining and interesting podcasts I’ve ever listened to! Plus I’m learning so much!
  • Kir333333
    Original perspective on history
    Great podcast! I consider myself quite knowledgeable in history but this podcast showed me many historical events under a different angle.
  • JWojSki
    Great Poscast
    Just recently found this Podcast, enjoying the depth of detail provided on each topic.
  • Toadfather
    I’m addicted
    I have listened to hours and hours, and I love every nerdy minute of it.
  • MLGU Fan
    Doesn’t Get Better
    I only recently stumbled onto this show and have utterly devoured the content; already through the first 40 episodes and get wait to get into the Roman writers/see what’s in store for the next season. My only fear is that like so many niche educational podcasts this one will fizzle out for lack of time and resource. So give this man all your money!! He never asks for any and it’s add free. I have been frustrated with my education and lack of context for anything historical and felt like even after my bachelores degree from a liberal arts college there was hardly anything liberal about the education in the traditional sense. I came out feeling confused and illiterate. Maybe that’s the point of your undergrad. In the years since I’ve tried to give myself a liberal education with a library card and have been slowly working my way through the classics and great books but struggled with feeling siloed and on my own. The whole idea was Socratic discussing after all but I didn’t know anyone with a similar interest in these texts, let alone placing them in their historical context. This podcast has scratched that itch more meaningfully than I know how to articulate and anyone else out there lacking a community of readers to engage with on this topic the warmth and accessibility you’ll find here will be like coming home. I am so glad that this exists.
  • —::;)$&@“
    Does everything right
    Skillfully blends providing the context and summarizing the text. Always makes me want to read the book for myself. Thanks!
  • sussoper
    Literature and History made my cry about the death of Cicero
    Love this show.
  • Bigdogchillfrog
    Insightful and exciting
    My man Metzger really does it up! Brilliant analysis giving you the background knowledge to understand literature in a comprehensive manner! Appreciate all the hard work!!! (Songs at the end are kinda goofy though)
  • Robert957395
    Perhaps my favorite podcast
    Doug does a tremendous job of presenting each work of literature in a balanced fashion within historical context. Also, I really appreciate the balanced biblical coverage. So much biblical discussion is taken from either a Christian or anti-Christian stance and I really appreciate hearing a balanced perspective that presents it within historical context.
  • Marissakaysongs
    The best literature AND history podcast
    Literature and History does what any educational podcast should do: it analyzes dense, historically significant text and makes it accessible to modern listeners. I work as an English teacher and I listen to this podcast every day on my way to work. I’ve learned a lot from this podcast, which gives me interesting material for my lessons and helps me feel more comfortable in my own brain. The musical accompaniment is great too!
  • MonsieurBooyah
    Doug continues to create excellent material
    Follow along the journey, it's worth every moment. Doug keeps a consistent and digestible pace at material that is not typically considered easy. He frequently inspires me to go back and read materials I might not have actually read on my own.
  • RWRyburn
    a great storyteller
    Doug connects history and literature in a clear and entertaining way! I’ve learned A LOT and look forward to upcoming shows.
  • Solly Ismail
    I came across this thread by chance and have just listened to one episode on Seneca. It was very well presented, clear, at a good pace, and wonderful for listening. Also gave me a new perspective. In my reading ( although I have not read much) Seneca was presented as a saintly Stoic. Thank you.
  • Saganthony
    Incredible in Many Ways
    I can’t believe this guy does this incredible work and offers it to the rest of the world absolutely free of charge. Dude, whoever you are, you really are a very talented and, more importantly, a wonderful human being. This podcast is incredible and I don’t even want to know how many hours this takes away from your life. If I knew, I’d probably feel guilty for even listening. Keep up the fantastic work!!!
  • Ddang1257436
    Absolutely amazing podcast, I’ve learned so much and it’s done in both a comprehensive yet entertaining way. Thank you!!
  • GeneFRG
    An extremely entertaining take on literature and history. The length can be a bit daunting but the payoff is worth it. These long episodes are broken down with little intermissions that provide a welcome rest to your brain. I’m curious as to why Doug didn’t break up these longer episodes into smaller podcasts but that is only a mild complaint. It’s well worth a listen and don’t skip the song at the end of each episode.
  • Cpommersheim
    Amazing and informative and addicting
    I have never reviewed anything in my life but this podcast is THAT good and I can only hope more episodes come out!!!
  • MGP Terps
    Excellent Podcast
    What an awesome podcast. professional and informative. Entertaining The endings are a treat
  • DMBAddict
    I’m obsessed
    I could not love this podcast more. I’ve purchased all the bonus content and am hundreds of hours of listening in. It’s riveting honestly. Doug is an amazing host, author, researcher and podcaster. I’m at episode 76 and dreading the fact that it seems like this will not go on forever . Seriously- listen to this podcast!
  • CurlsintheSquatRack
    Great educational resource
    I searched for St. Jerome and came across this podcast and wow, it’s like stepping into a well run seminar. Really well researched and presented.
  • Ann211
    The best
    One of the best podcast I have listened to. I am so lucky to have found it and I intend to spend a good deal of my remaining time on this earth listening, studying, relistening and enjoying this very thoughtful and insightful course. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and insight.
  • RobBr
    College Course in Classics
    The latest review prompted this one from me because I too move at a glacial pace as I read all the works as well, including making my way through the Old Testament. I even read some of the additional reading books. Right now I have finished Aeschylus and am moving on to Sophocles. It is a College Course and boy was that a help over this past year and a half with the Covid lockdown. There is something very reassuring about reading 2500 year old texts while the world goes crazy. I can’t wait to get to the Romans but at my pace that will be 2022. I can’t recommend this podcast enough
  • Thesquirmy1
    Best podcast
    I have personally listened to this podcast 3 times all the way through. You learn so much and get a unique perspective on the great works of literature framed by the historical context in which they were written.
  • anthony louis burns
    The Word
    It’s pure truth. Beyond good, didn’t want to but felt compelled to become a patreon support to this amazing beautiful work of art. Just to good
  • Solo Solo Solo
    Where is he?
    I’m bereft! Only recently - like 6 months ago - discovered this wonderful podcast. Learned soo much! Have listened to numerous episodes over and over - signed up on Patreon. Face it - listening to Doug Metzer discuss and present ancient history and tales - you start to feel guilty - at least I did - felt like I was getting something, something very valuable for nothing! Like I was cheating somehow! The podcast is so good, so edifying. And now … nothing since March. The beginning of March! Just hoping he’s ok. Have come to love him. Oh … and yeah … his work!
  • ReciporKATE
    My new favorite
    Ex english majors- you’ve found your new home! This podcast is incredible. It gives you an excellent summary of the work, surprisingly well performed, with in depth analysis and historical context. And then a song about it all. I’ve only listened to a few so far but I will be binge listening to them ALL. Such a wonderful podcast: content, production, host all 10/10!
  • colinthewolf
    Superbly produced, expertly narrated, thoughtfully researched
    Some of the best educational content on the internet - engaging, thoughtful, well produced, fun, and not too gimmicky (except for the songs, those are kitsch in the best way possible). Just became a Patreon subscriber and couldn’t be more willing to part with my $3/episode.
  • Crowbar Man
    A unique gem in the podcast world
    Dr. Metzger’s podcast is a singular and most important contribution to literature and history. In a world where academic knowledge is conspicuously silent and people get most of their information from uneducated bloggers, it is a breath of fresh air to get an actual PhD to teach about literature and history. I have come across other podcasts run by historians. However, the information has sadly been biased by personal beliefs, and processed to coddle our modern sensibilities. Dr. Metgzer does what a true historian should: tell us what happened, guide us with an informed perspective, and otherwise let us make sense of it all. His through and entertaining review of the literature and robust resources on the website help me develop my own reading list. He doesn’t stop there. Instead of unrehearsed rants, he gives us very well-produced shows with professional-quality audio. Just when I thought young people no longer cared about classic literature or history, here is Dr. Metzger, making learning fun without watering down the content. I have already donated to his podcast, and will continue to do so.
  • Circa45
    Wow. Thank you
    I stumbled across your podcast and had never explored literature in a historical context thanks to your podcast. I am now ravenous for more information and contact you make learning about history and literature, entertaining and crave worthy. Thank you, thank you thank you I am binging every single episode.
  • Golan Trevize
    The best
    WHO IS GIVING ANYTHING LESS THAN A 5/5 - SERIOUSLY WHAT ARE YOU EXPECTING?!? Nothing better for anyone who has any interest in literature with historical context. HIGHLY recommended. And Iliad rap battle. I mean, c’MON. Simply the best
  • suj Alexandria
    So Good
    This is so good! Will spend probably a year getting through what is posted so far. It is free BUT when you finish an episode you want to find the check-out --this is something I would want to pay for! Worth a donation.
  • justbeaperson
    My most engaging listen
    Few things make me spontaneously smile like hearing the intro music of this podcast come up unexpectedly in my queue. Doug is rigorous, accessible, and comfortable to listen to, and he’s the first creator whose patreon was an immediate yes for me. I’ve listened to most of the episodes more than once (that’s a lot of delightful hours). It makes me feel at home in my own brain.
  • Acktually
    Welcome back!
    So glad you are back, and so excited for the new content. The amount of work put into everything, from the music and soundtrack to the transcription and website really sets this podcast aside as a passion project and labor of love.
  • Daveypoo@KW
    Illuminating and Profound
    Loving every minute of this show . Our host couldn't be more engaging and entertaining . The perfect complement to my ritual of watching the sunrise each day here in the Florida Keys . I wish there were as many episodes as sunrises . 😂
  • Big old fish
    Such a Good Companion
    This is a great podcast—engaging, painstakingly researched, and Metzger is not afraid to be earnest, goofy, funny, whatever. The little songs are good fun, and Metzger has an unerring sense of when to emphasize continuities between us and the ancients and when to emphasize our differences.
  • JoshHistory
    Learning so much history and literature! Don’t forget to take breaks and read some times!
  • bros4HeyZeus
    Can’t recommend enough
    Such a great podcast. Worth the listen and definitely worth looking at the website quizzes and bonus content.
  • Janetellenirwin
    Thank you
    I am always looking for sources of intellectual stimulation as I am retired, living alone, and bored by pop culture. “Literature and History“ is a gift from the gods, females I am sure and, of course, Doug. Thank you for sharing your gifts with me.
  • abigail.hillman
    Literally amazing
    We call Doug my new boyfriend in my house because I’m obsessed. He’s brilliant beyond measure and these podcasts are the best.
  • Maude The Third
    Music too
    The song “Rollin’ into Canaan” is genius. Bloody superb. Scholarly exegesis of ancient texts is good, but spitting bars about war donkeys is great (on YouTube.)
  • Pip & Pepsi
    Literature & History: best podcast ever!
    Doug is a national treasure! Fascinating material and discussion - complete with humor and music. Who du thunk it would be possible? May Doug find the energy and time to continue for years to come. And may he find a supportive audience for his labors!
  • codyHTX93
    I’m so thankful
    All I can think as I’m listening along to these episodes is “wow we live in an amazing time”. It’s just a huge delight to listen to someone so intelligent and well educated share what they’ve learned. And learnings history through literature is such a great way to understand our past.
  • nikau
    I'm addicted
    Like having a really great, intelligent, approachable, witty dinner guest for 97 hours. Oh, and he sings for his supper. I am addicted to this podcast.
  • neabinorb
    These are excellent lectures on ancient literature in its historical context. Impressive scholarship and presentation.
  • TozGraecus
    Better than University
    I have a literature degree and this podcast beats most of the classes I took. Informative, entertaining, intellectually stimulating- what else do you need?
  • Suc_ker
    For free!
    I can't believe the outstanding quality of this podcast. People pay thousands in tuition to get a much more boring version of literature and history. Thank you so much for this!
  • Pelogic
    Can’t say enough good things about this podcast. The best! Deep and wide, impeccably researched, VERY well-told and immensely entertaining. Sober and comedic at the same time. Don’t skip the songs - some of them, such as the epic rap battle between Greek luminaries, are brilliant literature (the lyrics, that is) in their own right, and hilarious. If you’re interested in the history of western literature, or in theology, philosophy, music theory, cultural development or any of a number of other related humanities topics, this is your podcast. University degrees should be handed out to anyone who listens to the whole thing and passes the accompanying quizzes.
  • caconk
    Indescribably Good
    THE most well-presented, thorough, enlightening, and entertaining podcast you'll find anywhere.
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