Rolling Stone Music Now
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SampfordAndSunOver editedInteresting content rendered unlistenable by the overzealous dialogue editing. Good god, please back off with all the cuts.
PresNateTFanClubDuoHiatt & Greene need to do more episodes together. Witty, entertaining, and interesting, especially as a duo.
jewelsStar358A complete unknownGreat interview but terrible editing. You literally cut out words at the end of his sentences and phrases and don’t create enough beats or pauses don’t overdo it. Please. Takes away the flow of listening.
chucksucksforevaI love this podcastI love Brian Hiatt and company (especially Brittany). Even though I’m not a fan of Taylor Swift and her contemporaries, I always find something of interest in each episode. Brian’s and Rob’s and Brittany’s deep love of music and their insightful commentary make this one of my favorite podcasts.
pig_troubleLet’s be real..I respect all of the journalists at Rolling Stone, but I listened to the first 5 on Taylor Swift an bailed out. We are 40somethings…when I heard “Fortnight” I had my first stroke and sent it to my husband and asked him to just listen and tell me his thoughts. He thought it was Lana, I said no, thats Taylor Swift now. We were appalled to say the least at the blatant rip off and poor job she did of stealing Lana’s entire style and getting a Grammy nod for a steaming pile of garbage.
FormarigoldcharmsI am torn.I have been listening to this podcast for many years. The interviews (generally) go deep in the weeds and provide great insights about artists I love and admire. However, like most things in America The Rolling Stones Music Now ignores the contributions of black women in music. In the last episode (which how many episodes are we gonna get about Taylor and I say this as a Taylor fan) you ignored the myriad of black women carrying a guitar to protect themselves from the dominant gaze. Women like Corraine Bailey Rae, Lauren Hill, Indie Arie and so many others. Taylor is undeniably an important artist but why not shine a light on other women who are doing the hard work but getting sidelined. I do love this podcast and appreciate Brian and Brittany’s knowledge. However, I just cannot continue to support work that routinely ignores the contributions of black people and more specifically black women.
J&SLAds5 minutes; 2 minutes of ads; rinse; repeat. No, thank you.
Bunny CubThe Taylor swift podcastBecause she’s the only thing going on in music and if you don’t talk about her you’ll get cancelled
JRHassan59Brian HiattHis voice is not suited for podcasts and he loves every song and band he has ever heard. Of limited value when assessing music and pop culture.
RonnieNeeleyOveredited to the point of being unlistenableThis is the first negative podcast review I've ever left. Normally if I don't like a podcast, I just don't listen and move on. The thing is, I WANT to listen to this podcast, but I can't because of how grossly overedited this is. I jumped in on the Steve Howe episode, and while the content of the conversation was great, I swear there was ZERO space between words. Like the editer just deleted everything that wasn't a word. Breath? Gone! Brief second of silence while talking like a normal human being? GONE! It'slikemetypingwithoutanyspacesorpunctuationjustwordswordswords. Just a torrent of non-stop voice thrown at the listener without a second to even think about what is being said. It was a super jarring experience, and I've been a heavy podcast listener for 7 years & produce/edit my own moderately successful niche podcast. Afterwards I tried listening to a Prince episode incase the Howe interview was a one-off, but it was the same thing! The content here is really great but I just can't listen to this.
MKiTunesGlossy DrossAn astounding knowledge they of contemporary pop…musicians? I just don’t think it’s information I need to know. Back in the day RS was for the olds now it’s for duh brats. For me it’s a cringe-fest like reading someone diary. Ick!
evianasuperboLove this Pod!I come here all the time just to hear their takes on what’s going on in pop music, but the Taylor Swift episodes with Brian, Brittany, and Rob are my favorite! They have such an extensive knowledge of Taylor lore it makes the deep dive really informative and funny!
Blue27birdBest Taylor Swift commentary everPlease never ever stop making episodes about Taylor—Brian, Brittany, and Rob are the ultimate Taylor authorities to me and no one else is able to place her as well in the greater context of music history. Love love love the Taylor episodes, it is not possible to make too many of them!
Loud hannahMusic critics who know their historyLove the depth of knowledge the hosts and guests bring to every conversation. It’s more than just surface level commentary but truly putting each song or album in context of music history that makes me appreciate the work even more.
Sweet Lou 1970You know where your bread is butteredHow many podcasts do we have to listen to about people taking Taylor Swift seriously? It’s a fart in a dust storm. Anytime you’re dissecting lyrics to learn about which guy the song is about, then it’s time to reevaluate.
melodie-cRolling Stone peddles racism under a veneer of “fake woke”If you don’t notice a few key episodes of this podcast, you might be impressed. The main host Brian Hiatt is a skilled, well researched interviewer who, while he favors the softball question, also has an unusual level of ability to appear sincere and thoughtful rather than merely buttering up the guests. Reading the magazine/website version of Rolling Stone, it is often impossible to take seriously due to a sense that the writers don’t truly BELIEVE what they’re saying (like saying U2’s new music in the 2010s is a masterpiece, that kinda thing), but Brian Hiatt almost fixes that issue with the podcast— he really makes you believe he loves music. Instead of the magazine’s tendency to hype up anything involving (in nearly all cases, long past prime) “classic rock” figureheads, with an added bit of insincere and desperate, chart-hopping poptimism, the podcast’s mix of poptimism and classic rock worship feels more earnest because it tends to concentrate on music in both categories that is actually good, and not merely lucrative. There are of course exceptions to this— sometimes mediocre albums or songs simply have so much commercial success that they will get the royal treatment— but the podcast attempts to make up for it with lists covering lesser known artists in many genres, and often brings in younger critics who aren’t afraid to contradict Hiatt. (Though, we do also get graced with the frequent presence of the insufferable guest Rob Sheffield, a writer who loves the sound of his own voice but rarely uses it to say anything an AI couldn’t.) Unfortunately, the racism for which the magazine’s founder Jann Wenner is famous does make appearances. The podcast chooses to dedicate an entire episode to hyping up the “innovations” of Grimes in the field of AI, despite the fact Grimes did not even bother to make herself available for an interview (sending her manager instead). Grimes is of course, an indie pop artist who was influential about a decade ago, but her recent work has been more in the field of white-nationalist politics than music (she had not released any music for years at the time of her episode) and she’s been vocal in explaining that her embrace of AI is connected to her belief in the ideas of far-right accelerationism. Grimes has used her twitter/x and instagram to promote the racist philosopher Curtis Yarvin aka Moldbug (who endorses a return to feudalism and slavery) and several scientists and activists involved in the eugenics movement (such as Simone and Malcolm Collins, and Richard Spencer associate Razib Khan). This is not even scratching the surface— she has also lent her support to a neo fascist magazine, Palladium, founded by an actual holocaust denier (attending fundraising galas for them two years in a row, even doing a cover story). And much, much more. She has even “jokingly” made fun of the Holocaust herself. (Note, Grimes is not, in any way, Jewish.) Now, you can argue maybe Rolling Stone is just taking an “apolitical” interest in Grimes, disregarding her history of white-power hate speech and even outright anti-Semitism because of the “importance” of her recent AI experiments (despite having been beaten to the punch a decade ago on AI by the work of Holly Herndon). This becomes untenable though, when you notice another episode from not long before the Grimes one— a hit piece against Pink Floyd’s Roger Waters, in which the hack Andy Greene (like Sheffield, one of RS’s least talented contributors) concocts a ridiculous narrative that Waters is anti-Semitic simply because he opposes the war in Ukraine (opposed by 99% of the world), and the brutal occupation of Palestinians by the Israeli military (also opposed by 99% of the world— including by nearly all American Jews under age 50). By attempting to silence or even “cancel” the anti-racist, pro-peace activist Waters (who only seems “radical” because all the rest of his boomer generation sold out those ‘60s ideals long ago, proving their peace-and-love was just a get-rich-quick scheme), Rolling Stone podcast proves their lack of editorial independence from Penske Media Corporation, the huge company who owns them. Penske also owns Hollywood Reporter, Variety, Indiewire, even Artforum. They’ve gone mask off over the past year, using these publications to advance a far right political dogma about the evils of unions (Hollywood Reporter and Variety were full of pro-corporate, scab propaganda during the writers/actors strikes). Another key plank in their ideology is fealty to the Likud Party of Israel. Any attempt, no matter how timid, to express dissent with the ideology of genocide toward Palestinians, can result in firing from a Penske publication (as seen when they fired the editor of Artforum for merely calling for a ceasefire). No amount of interviewing skill or even surprisingly decent taste can make up for this podcast’s cowardice in going along with Penske’s genocidal political requirements. It is unconscionable to pretend Roger Waters is antisemitic because of his support of human rights, while then elevating a literal open fascist and anti-Semite such as Grimes.
ninecaseyExcellent!!!I just listened to the episode regarding the four new Beatles movies. Great show and just like one of the hosts expressed, I hated the film “Yesterday” too!!!
San Juan mountainsexcellent podcastI stumbled across this podcast & thoroughly enjoyed the Nirvana episode- makes me want to read the books! Thank you for such a thoughtful review of this band, their impact & band members. Fantastic!
lgavsNever miss. Loved Latest episode on 30th Anniversary of Nirvana’s “In Utero”.Look forward to this pod like I used to anticipate the next Rolling Stone magazine to hit my door step. Latest episodes on 30th Anniversary of Nirvana’s “In Utero” so good! Three terrific interviews. Thanks.
JaredSch10A bit too politicalI appreciate music discussion but i can’t stand the recent diatribes for sections of the Jason Aldean and Oliver Anthony discussions. Americans love Americana music from time to time and they shouldn’t be mocked for it.
Moderate MomThat Jimmy Buffett Interview…Such insightful questions! I cried at the end.
Spiz GabimboRich Men Left of RichmondListening to these liberal city nerds try to break down Oliver Anthony’s song “Rich Men North of Richmond” is excruciating.
Conservative Texas MarineJust say the Oliver Anthony has a good songDefinitely not feeling the episode on Rich Men North of Richmond. Y’all are trying so hard to say that MAGA is behind the song’s popularity without owning the fact that you’re saying it. Give the man, and his song the deserved props. It’s a populist anthem that resonates across demographics for a reason, the elite, the establishment, the men behind the curtain and their puppets in DC have been screwing us over for years and the People are tired of it! This song articulates what almost everyone is feeling.
Salwa SaysSinéad Episode Half RightThe first interview with Shirley Manson was engrossing. Her respect , love, and adoration for Sinéad was expressed with such unfiltered eloquence and honesty. As much as I was captivated about the truths of Sinead’s life and art, I marveled at Manson’s expression. Brilliant. But then, to bring a male music writer to the discussion with no real personal connection other than an interview over 30 years ago? To bring him to the mic with no insights and to simply conjecture about Sinead’s mental illness he may or may not have witnessed?! Shame on allowing a distant male voice interpret Sinead’s experiences.
Bostonfans5Loved the episode on Sinéad O’Connor!I’m listening to everything I can about Sinéad as I still am reeling from her death. Thank you for the interviews you did that added perspectives!
LostListensMaybe stick to music you understand?I wish I could unlisten to Brian Hiatt mansplaining Boygenius lyrics, but all I can do is leave this one star review.
Nick BastianThese hosts really want to be trendy.Great guests…. Sometimes. A whole lot of pandering opinion sharing.
P_dc95Not the TS x Ice Spice collab predicted 3 months agoI was just listening to the Eras tour episode and y’all legit make a joke about her featuring Ice Spice on tour 😭 I can’t
Noplacia123Pure JoyWhat a fantastic, eclectic, deep discussion of music culture. Feeds my soul and mind.
AnyManWithaMicMTV NewsGreat episode. It’s cool to catch up with the giants of MTV News - Kurt, Tabitha, and John. Good behind the scenes information revisiting the 80s and 90s heyday.
MandyLou0806Consistently Good Podcast!Enjoy Brian’s work on this podcast….helps to keep this old-timer “in the loop” with today’s music scene!
Zed_55Fascinating show on songwriting copyright.Excellent podcast with experts with authentic experience and insights. Highly recommended.
Paul RichieGreat episode about Lana Del ReyCan’t wait for more!
5280DaveProduction values need workFor a show about music, from Rolling Stone, your production values need some work. Music excerpts are short and abrupt, with no fading in or under the conversation. Volume levels are all over the place. I enjoyed the current episode, More Terrible Albums by Great Artists, but I could barely hear the music excerpts. I’ve worked in public radio, and it isn’t difficult to edit voice and music in post-production. Hire someone with some audio experience and your podcast will sound 100 percent better.
NickTDiamondsHire an editor, Jann WennerThis podcast is a lot of fun, and the content is right up my alley, but good god, please hire an editor. It sounds like you’re using an AI program like Descript to edit automatically and as a result, there are tons of glitches, cutting off lines mid sentence every few minutes, and even a bit about Pantera repeating minutes later. Get it together!
fashnblLeft Turn albumsThe pod today covering left turn albums for artists was so fun! There were a couple I thought you would bring up for sure, but overall a lot I had forgotten! They were quite spot on. I hope you guys do a part two and include John Mayer and his Born and Raised/Paradise Valley turn.
mindcentricBeatles Revolver breakdown show was utterly fascinating!Beatles Revolver breakdown show was utterly fascinating! The very best!
Terry212amone of the great music podcastsYes, this a one of the great music podcasts. No, not every host is equal. I have my favorites and less-favorites. But they cover so many genres--all with enthusiasm--and yet occasionally slag someone so you know they aren't fake and pretending to like every single artist and song. Who has better access to talent than RS? The big artists are willing to sit down with them. They do a real service particularly when it comes to the interviews.
popeyedoyle76What’s up with the editing?Man, are they using some kind of software to cut pauses or gaps or a noise gate of some kind? It’s really jarring. Overlaps and cutoffs make it really hard to listen to. It’s great info but really tough to listen to. Smooth it out please.
CBogushRevolverI had to stop listening to episode on Revolver too much misinformation terrible show
ydbchrisSome content decent, constantly hearing bad editsI just really wish this podcast utilized someone adept in natural sounding editing, it’s really annoying to be taken out of the conversation with quick robotic level changes and weird speech transitions. Higher a good mixer/engineer, don’t just use descript.
Called himself DanRevolverI enjoyed your podcast and review but some corrections. Paul is playing bass on She Said She Said. It’s in the book that accompanies the box set and is specifically addressed. And on the song You’re Gonna Lose that Girl, Paul sings harmony with George while John sings lead. It’s even in the movie. Finally, in the book Paul says he was thinking of Pet Sounds when he wrote Here, There and Everywhere, and thinking of Marianne Faithful’s vocal style when he sang it.
itsmejeremywmMariah’s Butterfly Episode is Epic!!!One of the best Mariah interviews to date! I’ve been a fan since 1990 and heard most of the stories, but this interview had sooo much substance! Understanding her writing process and the stories behind the songs and lyrics - amazing! The breakdown story! This is a gem. Thank you.
FrankokirbyDavid BowieI really enjoyed this episode and finding out a little bit about the final days of his life and how eager he was to complete his art, before his passing. I’ve always enjoyed Bowie’s music. The segment with Nile Rodgers was epic, he’s a great producer. For some reason artists seem to work with him only once, get a hit single and/or album and then they move on. Bowie did it as well, then there’s Madonna, Jeff Beck, Duran, Duran, Diana Ross and a few others. I never understood that. Anyway, great show.
mrclaytonxNoReally wanted to like this. But Rob wants to be/tries to be Malcolm Gladwell so bad it’s unlistenable.
tm732Not goodWhile the conversation is interesting, the jerky editing makes the whole podcast feel like two paranoids coming down from aderall yelling at each other from two separate rooms. Not a pleasant listening experience.
gigisurfsMusical honestySo grateful for this podcast.
Srconroy77Mostly awesome podcastReally wonderful podcast, I just wish they’d make a bit more effort on the production side. Too often these remind me of awful Zoom meetings at work where you have bad connections, too much background noise, people not speaking clearly, etc.
Mary GladstoneRolling Stone MusicI’ve enjoyed listening to Rolling Stone music as someone who dabbles in song writing it often provokes new ideas for creativity. How thinking outside our comfort zone brings about satisfying magic 😜
Megane 0572immature gossipprograms and commentary with the likes of andy green and brian h, are inane. pathetic, brain clog yapp.
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